At this moment, a shrill roar suddenly came from the sky.

Wang Lei looked up and found that a small black spot had appeared in the sky.

The little black dot got closer and closer, and he realized what kind of black dot it was.

It was clearly a flying spirit boat, and there were seven or eight powerful practitioners standing on top of the spirit boat.

"The people sent by the sect to receive the Flower of the Moon have not arrived yet. Who are these people?"

He frowned slightly.

At this moment, I had some unusual premonitions, but I didn't expect it to be an enemy attack.

After all, this is located in the belly of the Five Poison Sect.

Let alone being attacked, except for the monster insects in the medicine field, it is rare to see even a few monster beasts on weekdays.

Moreover, there is a large formation carefully prepared by Wu Du Sect. It is located on a high valley and is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

"What is that man doing?"

He raised his head to look at the sky and couldn't help but frown when he noticed that a person was suddenly flying in the flying boat above the sky.

The man held a formation talisman.

The formation talisman immediately turned into a cone-shaped spiritual light, carrying countless chills, and emitting light that reached the sky as it rotated. A gap of about ten feet wide was drilled directly above the guardian formation of the medicine garden.

"This, is this the fourth level formation breaking talisman?"

He couldn't believe that there were actually thieves who dared to come here to plot evil.

"The fourth-level formation-breaking talisman is rare to see. The method of making it has long been lost. Where did these people get it?"

next moment.

The sound of rumble came.

A roar like thunder came from the flying boat, and the flying boat descended on the top of the Five Poison Sect Mountain Guard Formation.

Then, seven or eight men in black jumped out of the flying boat.

The flying boat also turned into the size of a palm and fell into the leader's pocket.

"The formation-breaking talisman presented by Taixu Taoist Sect is really useful, but there are too few."

Gu Qingshu curled her lips, put away the master's flying boat, and flew downwards.

At this moment, within Wang Lei's perspective, these men in black were extremely powerful, flying into the air one by one at extremely fast speeds.

As soon as he appeared, he went straight to the ground and killed several disciples guarding the medicine garden.

"Damn it, he's from the Feitian Sect."

The Feitian Sect and the Five Poison Sect are enemies of life and death, so Wang Lei naturally knows a lot about the Feitian Sect.

Although the flying boat was not big, it was extremely light and flew extremely fast. It was obviously the flying boat of the Feitian Sect.

It has always been the leader's token of the Feitian Sect.

It's only in recent years that the Feitian Sect has bred two flying pack rays, so the frequency of the leader's flying boats has gradually become less frequent.

The leader swung his long whip, and suddenly a hundred miles away, the whip and thunder exploded, directly turning up the dust on the top of a mountain.

In this turbulence of dust, various spiritual herbs were pulled up and turned into powder.

Among them, a long whip struck quickly.

In an instant, she was in front of him.

"It's Gu Qingshu from Feitianmen."

Gu Qingshu is a strong person in the perfect realm of martial arts, and many people know her.

Wang Lei has just broken through to the warrior realm.

At this moment, facing the huge flying whip coming from the strong warriors in the perfection realm, even if they try to block it with all their strength.

But he was still whipped to the side by the whistling sound of the long whip, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

He held back the blood surging in his abdomen,

"Quick, go and ask Elder You, tell me that the Feitian Sect is attacking."

Along with Wang Lei's roar, a cold light suddenly appeared in the sky.

The cold light roared towards Gu Qingshu, and a violent sound came.

"Feitianmen, you are so brave!"

The roaring sound caused the mountains to collapse and the sea to crack, and then an old man wearing a white robe appeared.

He has a gray beard and eyebrows that are equally white, hanging almost to his waist.

This person is the right protector of the Five Poison Sect, known as the weird man with long eyebrows. He is tied with the left elder and is known as the left and right protector.

He is the elder of the Five Poison Sect.

The long-browed weirdo usually sits in the mountains behind the medicine garden.

As soon as it appeared at this moment, it immediately transformed into a poisonous toad four to five feet long, with white bumps covering its back and body.

The poisonous toad roared angrily and swallowed the smoke, but the next moment, it jumped and fled to the side.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the long-browed weirdo didn't choose to fight, but fled directly.

Ye Yang looked at the right protector escaping, but secretly screamed cleverly.

Anyone who can cultivate to this level is not a fool.

Now all the masters of Feitian Sect are gathered here.

No matter how powerful the Right Protector is, he has little chance of winning.

His transformation into a giant toad just now was just a feint, and the real purpose was to facilitate his subsequent escape.

However, before it could run away for long, his huge right leg was cut off by a roaring sword light.

Ge Canhong flew forward and smiled coldly.

"Wang You, if your methods stop here, then you will die today."

After saying that, a black sword light roared across the mountains and rivers, emptying the air to kill.

Seeing the roaring sword light, the giant poisonous toad wanted to escape, but unexpectedly, it was not far away.

A long whip appeared beside him at some unknown time.


It was like the sound of thunder and lightning exploding, whipping him to the ground.

Wang Yuyou transformed into a human form, extremely embarrassed, with a hateful look in his eyes.

"Do you know that doing this will cause an all-out war between the Five Poison Sect and the Feitian Sect?"

Gu Qingshu smiled coldly, and then said:

"If you want to fight, you Five Poison Sect must also have this qualification."

"Don't forget that our Five Poison Sect now has Beihai Shenni in charge."

"Don't forget that behind the Feitian Gate are the three holy lands."

After finishing speaking, Gu Qingshu spit out a cold fire light from her mouth, directly burning his big head to ashes.

With the death of the long-browed weirdo of the Right Protector, the medicine garden is now a one-sided massacre for the Feitian Sect.

Ye Yang glanced around and couldn't help but secretly screamed a pity.

This spiritual field is a spiritual land that the Five Poison Sect has cultivated for many years, and it can be said to be rich in spiritual energy.

The purpose of Feitianmen's coming this time is also very simple.

It is intended to damage the spiritual field and severely damage the vitality of the Five Poison Sects.

At the same time, capture the Flower of the Moon.

The flower of the moon is a strange poisonous flower that only grows in places with strong spiritual energy. It looks like a beautiful woman and is as cold as the moon.

It consumes a lot of spiritual energy. During the growth process, it will slowly absorb the spiritual energy and vitality of the earth's veins. In the end, there will be almost no grass growing in the place where it grows.

The reason why this medicinal field is rich in spiritual energy is to support the flower of the moon.

If it goes on for a long time, this place will become a desert.

Therefore, there are very few forces willing to plant it.

That is to say, Beihai Shenni has no feelings for the Five Poison Sect, and that's why she did such a thing.

But this thing has an effect that everyone dreams of, and it can have a miraculous effect on high-level monks.

Many monks who have reached their senior years often use these illusory objects to show their true selves in their dreams and sense higher realms of cultivation.

Take this to break through the realm.

Feitianmen failed to seize the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit this time, and now they seize the Flower of the Moon.

"Could it be that Gu Xuan sensed an opportunity to become a real person?"

Ye Yang groaned and had a guess in his mind.

The Flower of Ling Yue has Gu Qingshu to worry about, and it is not within his scope of consideration.

But there are a lot of good things in this medicinal field.

Taking advantage of the chaos, he could fish in troubled waters.

"Just like now."

Ye Yang looked excited, showed a smile, stepped hard on the ground, and an earth-yellow jade turtle appeared in front of him.

The jade turtle swelled up in the wind, and the soil particles were peeled off. A red flame crystal as big as a fist appeared at the end, with a fruit hanging on it.

This is an extremely rare third-level elixir called Turtle Root Fruit, which is produced by absorbing earth energy.

It just contains strong poisonous gas.

Poisonous gas entering the body can help monks fight poison with poison, stimulate life potential, achieve the magical effect of removing hidden wounds and regaining new life.

It plays an extremely important role in the cultivation breakthrough of practitioners.

At this time, hold the Turtle Root Fruit in your hand.

Ye Yang remembered that one of the third-level prescriptions in Bi Luo's Secret Scroll of Three Purities was the Golden Turtle Xiahai Dan.

The elixir can help the human body regain a new life and achieve the magical effect of transcending the world.

This turtle root fruit happens to be one of the main ingredients of the Golden Turtle Xiahai Dan.

Since the last time he obtained the medicinal power crystal sent by Bai Zhi, the art of alchemy has made great progress.

It's also time to try to refine the third-level elixir.

After a rough search, Ye Yang found some rare elixirs.

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