The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 335 The promotion of the Yin Yang Mother Goddess

When I looked up, I saw that it was the Yin-Yang Son Mother Goddess.

That weirdo had known Ye Yang for a long time.

Before he could break through to the warrior realm, he almost died at the mouth of this monster.

Later, he accidentally encountered this monster and subdued it by using the properties of the shrouded red wedding dress.

Unexpectedly, the Yin-Yang Mother Goddess would mutate again after devouring Elder Zuo's horse and body.

Just listening to this strange and painful roar, it seemed that something went wrong during the breakthrough.

Ye Yang couldn't help but frown slightly, walked out of the door, and quickly arrived at a remote quiet room.

Opening the door, Ye Yang saw the Yin Yang Mother Goddess sitting quietly on the ground.

The long hair on the body is automatic without wind.

The baby in her arms seemed to have grown a lot.

His body, which was originally a foot long, now became more than two feet long, lying quietly in her arms.

At this time, a violent aura kept coming from her body.

The momentum then grew stronger and stronger, as if he was about to explode and die.

And the Yin and Yang Son Mother Goddess also had a look of pain on her face.

Ye Yang knew very little about strange things like weirdness.

But at this moment, it is obvious that there seems to be some problem when the Yin Yang Son Mother Goddess made a breakthrough.

As if sensing Ye Yang's approach, the Yin Yang Zi Mu opened her eyes.

A pair of eyes reveal many complex expressions such as hope and survival.

Seeing this, Ye Yang sighed secretly.

Seeing no one around him, he pointed with one hand and took out a red wedding dress with mottled red.

This red wedding dress is quite old, with body oil stains on it, and it is extremely worn and worn.

The moment Ye Yang took out the corpse-wrapped red wedding dress.

The aura of the Yin-Yang Mother Goddess suddenly condensed, and there was another strange movement, and the expression on her face seemed to feel much better.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang couldn't help but groan slightly.

This red wedding dress that shrouded the body was obtained by him in the catacombs of Huxian Temple many years ago.

This thing is ominous and strange, and he rarely uses it.

But it is also the characteristic of the demon-swallowing immovable city on this thing.

Allowing him to control the Yin and Yang Mother Goddess.

The red wedding dress has ominous properties.

Thanks to the suppression of the Lucky Red Knife and the Lucky Dragon Pearl in Ye Yang's hands, he was able to advance without fear.

But the moment he took out the corpse-shrouding red wedding dress, he felt his body become cold again.

The infinite circulation of the elephant demon's power destroyed all the cold and gloomy air.

My body felt warm again.

At this time, Ye Yang was wearing a red wedding dress and transformed into a red-dressed ghost.

Point it out with a finger and gently caress it on the Yin and Yang Son Mother Goddess.

Infinite, inexplicable and strange power poured into the body of the Yin-Yang Son Mother Goddess.

With this help, the eyes of the Yin Yang Mother Goddess immediately glowed with blood red luster.

After a while, the luster faded.

Ye Yang could already feel the aura of the Yin Yang Mother Goddess getting stronger and stronger.

The next moment, infinite breath rushed out.

The Yin and Yang Mother Goddess suddenly stood up, as fast as a ghost, and a strong wind came from her movements.

And the moment she stood up, heavy rain poured down and strong winds blew around her.

The mountains and fields were blown by the strong wind, and the houses creaked.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

After the Yin-Yang Mother Goddess broke through, she was able to cause clouds and rain in a short period of time, causing changes in the celestial phenomena.

The weird and ugly baby in her arms had also changed greatly at this moment.

It shrank again from two feet to only the size of a palm.

White hair on top of her head, a mouth full of sharp teeth, dancing back and forth on her shoulders.

The baby smiled at Ye Yang, revealing black teeth as sharp as toothpicks.

The Yin Yang Son Mother Goddess also changed her appearance greatly. Her body with white hair and white clothes looked a little happy.

I don't know when a white soul-killing stick grew out of his left hand.

She waved the soul-destroying stick gently, and several wild spiders climbing on the beams were killed immediately.

Ye Yang secretly guessed that the soul-destroying stick of the Yin-Yang Mother Goddess seemed to have special magical powers.

Able to absorb souls.

Seeing that the Yin Yang Goddess had successfully broken through, Ye Yang put away the corpse-wrapped red wedding dress.

"Who? Who."

"What's wrong? Something happened."

At this moment, a violent explosion sounded.

Then a figure opened the door and flew over. It turned out to be the Leopard Demon.

Leopard Demon said after seeing Ye Yang.

"Envoy, I wonder what happened just now?"

"I felt extremely frightened, as if something indescribable and terrifying was coming."

Ye Yang knew that what he was talking about was the red wedding dress that shrouded the corpse, and he pondered slightly.

"It doesn't matter, the Yin-Yang Son Mother Goddess almost failed to break through just now. I used the treasure given by Master Mo Guanyin to help the Goddess successfully break through."

"It turns out to be Lord Mo Guanyin's."

When the Leopard Demon heard this, his heart trembled slightly.

In his induction, the aura just now was like a god or a demon, unshakable.

"No matter what, I have to hug this thigh tightly. Maybe I will have a chance to make a profit when Master Mo Guanyin is happy."

Soon the thought of infection arose in the Leopard Demon's mind.

Mo Guanyin and the dragon-elephant Ksitigarbha have not been born for a long time, and there has been no big movement.

There was a hint of doubt in his mind.

But now that I sensed the huge aura that was like a god and a demon, I no longer had half-hearted thoughts.

He had seen many strong men in his life.

But it was unheard of to have such a strong aura.

At this time, he looked at the Yin-Yang Goddess and found that the aura of the Goddess had changed greatly, and she had an unusual look.

Especially after sensing the increasingly strong wild and ancient aura on the Yin-Yang Goddess, the Leopard Demon could not help but be happy.

Many years ago, he was captured by the Dayun Dynasty and fled to the territory of Yalongling.

Thanks to the help of the Yin-Yang Goddess, he was able to escape.

But the Yin-Yang Goddess had no intelligence. At first, she treated him as a toy in her hands and led him with a dog chain.

Later, the two formed a strange symbiotic relationship. The wild and ancient aura exuded from the Yin-Yang Goddess was extremely beneficial to the breakthrough of his leopard blood true body.

Now, feeling the changes of the Yin-Yang Goddess, the feeling of breakthrough became stronger and stronger.

"My opportunity to break through the sky is coming."

Ye Yang glanced at the Leopard Demon and threw something at him.

The leopard demon took it and took a closer look, only to find that it was actually a small cover with colorful smoke and haze flowing.

The colors were gorgeous, the light was brilliant, and it was extraordinary.

Ye Yang said, "This is the Purple Smoke God Cover. It contains countless miasma and poisonous gases, which can turn people into pus and blood."

"You performed well this time, so I will reward you with this item."

The moment the treasure appeared, the leopard demon chattered and was quite surprised.

For a moment, his impression of Ye Yang also improved a little.

Although this person was a little eccentric and domineering, he also had some good points.

Ye Yang carefully sensed the psychological changes of the leopard demon.

The principle of giving a sweet date after a stick.

He naturally understood.

Especially at this time, the name of the two evil saints was involved in the background.

This leopard demon obeyed Ye Yang's words even more.

Then, Ye Yang told the leopard demon again.

"Continue to pay attention to the breath of the Nine-Leaf Heavenly Fragrance Fruit."

The leopard demon nodded in panic and immediately ran out of Yanming Mountain.

For several days, the Leopard Demon relied on his speed to travel outside and did not go far.

With the protection of the Purple Smoke God Mist Cover, his strength has been improved.

On this day, Ye Yang was practicing.

But he did not see the Leopard Demon rushing over in a hurry, as if he had shocking news to report.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency, big news, big news."

Seeing the Leopard Demon's expression, Ye Yang slowly opened his eyes. Then he said.

"What's the matter, what big thing happened?"

The Leopard Demon nodded quickly.

"Fighting, fighting."

"Who fought with whom?"

"It was Chongxiao Zhenren from the Qinglian Mo family. He was really hot-tempered. After fighting with the Yitian Great Demon, he actually went straight to the Earthly Demon Country."

"He broke the wings of the Yitian Great Demon, but he never expected to lead the old demon king of the Earthly Demon Country."

"He had reached the limit of his lifespan, so he was even more radical. He was determined to fight for a good future for the Qinglian Mo family and fought with the old demon king. As a result, both of them died."


Ye Yang was shocked when he heard the news.

Chongxiao Zhenren was extremely powerful and was a strong man in the Jindan Zhenren realm.

I don't know how many battles he had, which shocked the world.

It was really unbelievable that he suddenly died at this moment.

He still remembers it.

When many cultivators of Feitianmen faced the Qinglian Mo family, when they mentioned this person, everyone's face was full of anxiety and fear.

I thought of the Jiutian Auction again.

Even if everyone raised the price, they still wanted to snatch the longevity elixir.

Because they were afraid that this sword cultivator who was about to reach the end of his life would extend his life and dominate the world.

However, I am afraid no one would have thought that the other party would die in a fight one day.


"The demon country on earth is such a huge force, and the Chongxiao ancestor is not a three-year-old child."

"Why did you insist on grabbing the other party to fight."

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