The Leopard Demon on the side looked at the powerful descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist in front of him and was already stunned.

He never imagined that the other party had the ability to bring the dead back to life.

The old man was besieged by the three of them and was seriously injured, even his heart was penetrated.

However, after a lot of effort, this person did not die and recovered with enough strength.

"The secret technique he used just now seems to still have some power of time."

The Leopard Demon groaned slightly. It was beyond his knowledge that such secret techniques could bring a dying person back to life.

He couldn't help but feel scared.

"This demon can't swallow the city, it's really frighteningly powerful."

"If I offend them, I won't be able to die even if I want to."

Looking at the mutilated limbs on the ground that had no eyes, he was even more frightened.

"Could it be that what this guy just performed was the Great Demon Peng Technique? This method has been lost for thousands of years. The Demon Peng Technique is a superior method, far superior to the ordinary Hundred Demon Fist."

"Even the crippled methods are often spread among the powerful people in the real world."

"This kid is very aggressive, so it's best not to offend him."

"A strong man like this who has condensed the evil spirit in the later stage of martial arts can be considered powerful anywhere, but in the end he never expected to die here."

Ye Yang glanced at the Leopard Demon vaguely, which made the Leopard Demon even more frightened.

The leopard demon smiled sarcastically and immediately flattered him:

"Just because this little brat wants to cause trouble with my Demon Swallowing City, let alone the Second Saint, even the envoy can crush him to death with one hand. He is really looking for death."

Ye Yang showed an expression of appreciation towards the Leopard Demon, walked over and took away Elder Zuo's storage bag.

This storage bag is quite sophisticated and warm to the touch, which is extraordinary.

Although Elder Zuo was already dead at the moment, the rich poisonous aura around his body still lingered, covering the sky.

The Yin Yang Mother Goddess on the side looked at the corpse of Elder Zuo and licked her lips. Even though she was holding the baby in her arms, she was still drooling.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, and the Yin Yang Mother Goddess immediately thought that she had sensed something.

Walking to the corpse of Elder Zuo, the baby in her arms jumped on top of the corpse and swallowed it in one gulp.

Ye Yang, on the other hand, looked at the huge Yanming Mountain and didn't know what he was thinking.

The huge Yanming Mountain ushered in a battle today.

The mountain wind was harsh, the rocks were bent upside down, and the purple clouds and soil were destroyed in a mess.

Mrs. Mei has been camped on Yanming Mountain for decades and has stored a lot of spiritual materials and elixirs.

Ye Yang and Leopard Demon searched for a while and found a lot of spiritual stones and minerals.

He looked up and saw that Yanming Mountain was soaring into the sky. Baoqishan Mountain was supported by three parts of the water, and its periphery was connected to the huge Chijiang River.

It's an excellent location.

"This place is far away in the mountains, often in the big swamp and few people know about it."

"Why don't we move the Leopard Demon and the Yin-Yang Mother Goddess to this mountain for the time being? This will be an extra secret move."

Ye Yang groaned slightly, after all, Wangyue Mountain is too close to the human race boundary.

If we continue to live like this for a long time, there will be no trouble.

Furthermore, the Leopard Demon is a wanted criminal in the Universiade Dynasty, so it would be unwise to sneak there.

And the other side.

The Yin-Yang Son Mother Goddess already had a strong aura, and she was on the verge of breaking through.

At this moment, the body of the monk in the late martial arts realm was not only tempered with strong evil energy, but also the body was tempered with spiritual energy, which was a great tonic for her.

After swallowing the corpse, Ye Yang suddenly felt the aura of the Yin Yang Mother Goddess rising around him, and some inexplicable and strange changes occurred on his body.

Ye Yang was overjoyed when he saw this, and then said to the Leopard Demon: "Quickly, find a quiet room quickly."

Just now through the induction of the corpse-wrapped red wedding dress, Ye Yang has already felt the huge changes coming from the body of the Yin-Yang Son Mother Goddess, and it seems that there is a faint breakthrough.

When the Leopard Demon saw what was happening to the Yin Yang Son Mother Goddess, he seemed to understand something. He quickly turned around and went back, finding a quiet space.

The two men carried the Yin and Yang Mother Goddess to a quiet room.

When Ye Yang touched it, he discovered that the Yin-Yang Mother Goddess was as cold as ice and not the body temperature of an ordinary person.

He couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

I don’t know what kind of living state this strange state is, it’s so strange.

After settling down the Yin Yang Son Mother Goddess.

Ye Yang asked Leopard Demon to find all the witches and witches in Yanming Mountain, hoping to find out some information from them.

"Master, let me talk first."

"Great Immortal, it's like this. After the old man arrived, he went straight to Mrs. Mei's boudoir."

"Great Immortal, I have something important to report, please listen to me."

For a while, the room was extremely noisy and noisy.

Looking at the witch and enchantress who fell to their knees at their feet.

After a long time, Ye Yang's brows slightly relaxed, taking into account what these witches were having sex with Elder Zuo and the information they found out.

Ye Yang found something.

Elder Zuo of the Five Poison Sect had arrived here two months ago.

By staying here for such a long time, he may secretly be acting as a go-between for the Wudu Sect and the Qinglian Mo Family.

"Logically speaking, the size of the Five Poison Sect is far inferior to that of the Qinglian Mo Family."

"And when making connections here, there are many things that cannot be explained."

"Now the Five Poison Sect is short of people. It is impossible to send such powerful monks here and waste time in vain."


"Unless, the two have reached an alliance and are plotting something, so they put this famous elder here as a contact person." Ye Yang frowned slightly, but he couldn't find out more information for a while. Therefore, he dispersed all the demon women and demon men and concentrated on checking the storage bag of Elder Zuo. What made Ye Yang most curious was Elder Zuo's bone whistle. This bone whistle was not big and was green and yellow. It seemed to be made of the bones of some unknown monster. It was only the size of a fingernail and could be held in the mouth on weekdays. When needed, it could be secretly activated and spit out to turn into a bone shield formation with amazing defense. Even his blood orange treasure tree sword energy couldn't break it. Ye Yang injected a touch of mana into it, and the bone whistle swelled in the wind, and soon turned into dozens of white bone shields. Ye Yang punched, and the bone whistle clanged, but there was no change. The defense of this bone whistle is even stronger than that of the Yin-Yang Heart Mirror in his hand.

But then, Ye Yang felt normal again.

After all, the Yin-Yang Heart Mirror is just a low-grade magic weapon.

Elder Zuo has been in the Five Poison Sect for many years, and the treasures in his collection must not be too bad.

In addition to this strange bone whistle, Ye Yang also found a purple smoke divine haze cover in Elder Zuo's storage bag.

Although the name of this purple smoke divine haze cover is very nice, it is actually a special magic weapon made from the miasma in the mountain area.

It can attack and defend, and the rotten fog is pervasive. Ordinary people will soon be melted into dry bones. It is also a rare low-grade magic weapon.

At this time, Ye Yang suddenly seemed to feel something, and his brows could not help but frown slightly.

On the huge Yanming Mountain, there was no wind at this time, and a strong and desolate roar came out.

Ye Yang walked out of the room.

Thank you for the 500 Starting Point Coins reward from Riding a Scalper to Travel, thank you!

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