Ye Yang just came over.

Respectful greetings rang out in the villages along the river.

"It's the old immortal who's back."

"Greetings, old immortal. Thank you very much, old immortal. We are living a very stable life during this period."

Ye Yang looked up and found that the small village when he left had now become much larger.

Since this time.

Although these people are still good-looking, they are thin and thin.

But fortunately, he is no longer so thin and sallow, and even his body is much stronger.

Take another look.

He found that many animal skins and dried meat were placed outside many village houses.

Ye Yang knew that the leopard demon must have followed his instructions and found a lot of food for the village.

It’s just that the name Lao Xian is really not pleasant to hear. It smells like a villain and a short-lived person.

At this time, the Leopard Demon and the Yin-Yang Son Mother Goddess also sensed his aura.

He quickly walked out of a hidden mountain forest.

Just looking at the appearance of the two of them, Ye Yang couldn't help but be shocked.

Then he said.

"Why is it like this?"

Ye Yang looked up and saw that the Leopard Demon, who was originally a divine horse, was now covered in green and red.

Even the pretty patches all over the body of his moxa-leafed leopard.

At this time, it was already covered in blood and looked like it was seriously injured.

"This is what happened."

Before Ye Yang could speak.

The mugwort-leafed leopard demon cried out in pain, and then said.

"Master, you are finally back. I wonder if you can see the Second Saint and say a few kind words for me."

"Remember what I told you about the old monk in Yanming Mountain?"

Ye Yang nodded, knowing that it was Elder Zuo of the Five Poison Sect, who spoke at this moment.

"What, what happened again?"

Leopard Demon said: "The old cultivator is so evil that he found a foxy and beautiful lady in Yanming Mountain as his concubine."

"Now, you and I are chatting with each other over there, enjoying ourselves and not thinking about Shu. We haven't come out for many days."

"You asked me to pay close attention to him. I dare not neglect him and keep watching him every day."

"But after he saw me that day, he fell in love with my fine fur and wanted to take it off and give it to his concubine."

"The Goddess and I fought with him one after another, and we just forced him back, but he was seriously injured."

"Elder Zuo of the Five Poison Sect is very powerful. He has been a strong man in the late martial arts realm for many years."

It's just that he felt that this mugwort-leafed leopard was not very honest, and there was something wrong with his words.

Ye Yang couldn't help but groan slightly.

This leopard demon is an old demon, so his thoughts are naturally not simple.

"When he left that time, this person made many insinuations and tried to find the Second Saint several times. I'm afraid he was trying to evade me."

"I have to give him a beating so that he won't get too far and can be used by me honestly."

So Ye Yang snorted coldly and shouted.

"Leopard Demon, how brave are you?"

"Did you know that the Second Saint was extremely angry this time?"

The Leopard Demon covered his blue face and then said.

"Master, what's wrong? But what happened?"

Ye Yang said.

"I have already reported the news about the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit that you heard from Qinglian Mo's house to the Second Saint."

"As a result, after the Second Sage used the Heaven-reaching method to search for it, they found that the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit was not in the hands of the Qinglian Mo family."

"The Second Saint is extremely angry and says that I lied about the news. Can you bear this crime?"

"This this!"

The news that Leopard Demon heard from Qinglian Mo's family was absolutely foolproof.

I thought it was a great achievement, but I never thought that reporting it directly did not achieve great success. Instead, it made others angry, and almost flattered me.

He spoke.

"Master, the news I received from the Qinglian Mo family is absolutely true."

Ye Yang smiled coldly: "It's my fault to say this. Are you doubting the Second Saint, or are you doubting this messenger?"

The leopard demon didn't dare to speak anymore.

But his eyes are still a little unconvinced

Ye Yang saw that the time was almost up, and if he went too far, it might have the opposite effect, so he spoke.

"I'm not blaming you, but when you encounter something like this, you must confirm that the information is correct before reporting it to the Second Sage."

"If not, no one can bear it if the Second Saint blames him."

"I can't escape accountability, and you can't escape responsibility either."

Hearing Ye Yang say this, he looked a little better.

I couldn't help but feel a little more grateful to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang had already felt the changes in Leopard Demon's heart at this time.

In fact, he had no idea whether the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit was in the hands of the Qinglian Mo family.

But he knew that what he had to do at this moment was to deliberately wrong him and give him some punishment.

Attack the arrogance of this leopard demon and slowly subdue him.

Only then can the Leopard Demon be used by him.

Otherwise, this person's thoughts are too complex and his purpose is always too strong, making it difficult to conquer.

Ye Yang then spoke: "Honestly, how could that old man from the Five Poison Sect meet you? Don't lie to me."

The Leopard Demon was shocked by Ye Yang just now. He didn't dare to say anything anymore and told everything honestly.

After listening, Ye Yang groaned slightly.

In fact, the result was not bad as he said. The two fought against Elder Zuo, but they did not gain an advantage. On the contrary, they suffered losses.

But the reason is quite the opposite.

The reason was that the leopard demon was so lustful that when he saw that the beautiful lady in Yanming Mountain was unusually beautiful and smelly, he stepped forward to tease her.

Unexpectedly, after being discovered by Elder Zuo, he fought with the two of them.

He alone was no match for Elder Zuo, so he came back to find the Yin-Yang Alphabet Goddess.

But even so, he was still beaten to pieces.

Elder Zuo here has a grudge against the Yin Yang Goddess.

Several years ago, he and Heavenly Sword Song Que attacked him together, and he almost died at that time.

Zhuri Feigui was seriously injured and was on the verge of death. If not for the help of the Purple Lightning Silver Peach Essence, he would have died long ago.

Now the other party is hidden in this forest.

Even though Wudu Sect was so short of manpower, he still stayed here for several months, which made Ye Yang feel that there seemed to be some problems.

"Tonight, you will come with me to Yanming Mountain."

Ye Yang calmed down and gave the order.

Soon it was evening.

With the bright moon hanging high, Ye Yang and others walked up to Yanming Mountain.

Here there are many rocks and mountains, and a huge mountain peak hugs the side peaks on both sides, looking like a giant bird in flight.

The mountains rise and fall like giant geese standing in the sky.

Ye Yang walked side by side with the Yin Yang Son Mother Goddess and the Leopard Demon.

Both of them are powerful, and now he not only has the cultivation level of a mid-level martial artist.

Moreover, he also practiced the Great Demonic Peng Technique and the Zhongyang Sword Technique.

His own strength has made extraordinary progress.

Yanming Mountain is filled with palaces and palaces.

Ye Yang looked up. Under the bright moon, he could still see the crimson palace and mountain peaks above.

At the outermost edge of the palace, there is a mature woman who practices the foxy magic method.

Long and plump and juicy, with fat buttocks and breasts, warm and fragrant nephrite.

She has lived in Shiwan Mountain Forest for a long time and has a good reputation.

After Elder Zuo came here some time ago, he got involved with this beautiful lady.

Ye Yang guessed that this beautiful lady might have had an affair with Elder Zuo a long time ago.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible for them to get entangled so quickly.

As soon as Ye Yang and the others arrived, a demon with disheveled hair and a beast suit said.

"Who are you?"

He glanced at Ye Yang and then said.

"He's so big, he's really covered in black muscles, and he's unparalleled in strength. He's the one my wife loves. He could be my wife's new face."

"You are so strong and strong, so you should be your favorite man, but why do I feel so unfamiliar with you?"

After a while, he saw the leopard demon and said.

"Why is it you, an old leopard again? My wife has already said that she doesn't like skinny old men like you, so why do you come here to bother me?"

Ye Yang glanced at the Leopard Demon and smiled coldly.

The leopard demon showed a shy smile, and then said.

"Why are you so lenient? I just want to ask if your beautiful lady is in the mountains?"

He pointed at the Cloud Piercing Gun in his hand, with a threatening tone evident in his words.

The little demon was uneasy and knew how powerful the leopard demon was, so he spoke.

"Mrs. Mei is currently on the top of the mountain, enjoying herself with the great elder. Please wait for the two of you."

"Madam just finished having fun, I'm afraid she's not interested in you."

Ye Yang had already learned from the Leopard Demon that Madam Naru was a middle-level martial artist.

It's just that she has long sleeves, is good at dancing, and has the warm fragrance of soft jade, so she has many servants under her skirt.

Several people came here just for Elder Zuo of the Five Poison Sect, but they didn't take him seriously.

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