At this moment, Huo Bingshuang was holding an icy long sword tightly in her hand, as if she wanted to merge with it.

Her posture is as tall and straight as a pine tree, and every movement she makes is exceptionally skillful and confident.

Under the moonlight, as she waved the sword in her hand, countless rays of cold light filled her body, dancing with the moonlight.

The cold light dances like a silver snake, sometimes intertwining into a web, sometimes speeding like a rain of arrows.

Every time he waved, there was a hint of coolness that made people shudder.

Wherever the cold light passed, the air seemed to be frozen, forming strange ice marks.

Ye Yang stood quietly, he could feel Huo Bingshuang's persistence and obsession with the way of swordsmanship.

Every move she makes contains her understanding of the sword versus the moon versus the cold.

In this quiet atmosphere.

Ye Yang seemed to be able to hear Huo Bingshuang's inner voice.

"I want to achieve the highest level of swordsmanship, and I want to make my mother no longer cold."

"I want Mrs. Wang to apologize for my mother, and I want those who bullied me to never dare to talk nonsense again."

"I want the sword! I want the bright moon, I want the cold sky, and I want to win the title of first place in the Feitian Sect disciple competition."

Seeing Huo Bingshuang's focused look, Ye Yang couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

At this time, Huo Bingshuang really looked like a fairy in the moon, dancing gracefully in the moonlight.

I do not know how long it has been.

Huo Bingshuang's training has just ended.

She gently put away her sword, breathed a long sigh of relief, and showed a satisfied smile on her face.

Ye Yang came back to his senses, walked forward, and smiled at her.

"Your swordsmanship has improved a lot."

Huo Bingshuang turned around quickly after hearing this.

When she saw it was Ye Yang, a trace of imperceptible joy flashed in her eyes.

"This is all thanks to your encouragement and teaching, Master Ye."

The two stood side by side, Ye Yang said.

"But the position of the sword just now is slightly wrong. It should be three points lower. Although it seems to be only a small distance, it can increase the power of the sword in your hand by three points."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang started to teach Huo Bingshuang how to practice sword step by step.

Over the years, Huo Bingshuang has gained a lot of knowledge about swords.

The foundation is also quite solid.

After some teaching, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel quite satisfied.

It's just that the sword in Huo Bingshuang's hand is a little more elegant and sharp.

What is missing is the softness of the yin and yang.

This resulted in her sword being sharp and fierce, but lacking a hint of softness, making it difficult to change her moves, and it was also difficult to advance to a higher level.

"You must know that the sword is like a human being. It is strong and easy to break. It can destroy one's body. The right way is to be strong and regretful."

After Ye Yang guided him.

Huo Bingshuang suddenly felt that her swordsmanship cultivation, which had been stuck for many years, had made some progress.

The magic power was transported out, and the shadow of the sword light turned into three.

Huo Bingshuang was able to divide the sword shadow with one sword before, but was unable to reveal the true appearance of the sword shadow.

The first stage of sword training is the differentiation of sword light.

At this time, after Ye Yang had finished giving instructions and channeling Qi and blood throughout his body.

Huo Bingshuang pulled out the ice-cold sword.

A sonorous sound.

Take a spin!

The long sword actually changed again.

Under the bright moon, seven dazzling sword shadows have been revealed.

She was horrified and thought to herself.

"Master Ye is worthy of the title of Master of Swordsmanship."

"With just a little guidance, my cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds."

On this day, Ye Yang finished handling all the matters.

Taking advantage of the thick darkness of night, a person walked out of Feitian Gate.

In order to avoid attracting attention, he did not ride the Sun Flying Turtle this time.

But even so.

Now that he has the speed of Dapeng, he is also extremely fast, climbing over mountains and ridges as if he were walking on flat ground.

In the haze of smoke and dust, he stayed away from the Feitian Clan's influence.

After walking for two consecutive days, the surrounding rocks were steep, the cliffs were towering, and the majestic peaks were shrouded in drifting clouds.

Green pines and ancient trees form one after another, tangled vines are covered with barbs, and it is a wild scene.

Seeing that he had reached the depths of the mountain range, Ye Yang no longer hid, roared and dispersed the surrounding smoke.

Demonic energy lingered around his body, and his body suddenly rose to a height of 1.45 feet.

Then there was the sound of crunching bones and muscles exploding all over him, and his whole body suddenly swelled.

After a while, it transformed into a huge demon body that was three to four feet tall.

There was a stream flowing slowly around, and Ye Yang walked to the water bank.

Ye Yang lowered his head, glanced secretly at the river, and suddenly noticed something different.

This was the first time he saw the appearance of his demonic body after practicing the Great Demon Peng method. In the waves of the Qingqing River, he suddenly felt that many changes had taken place.

Before, the body of the demon elephant was fierce and domineering, thick and desolate, like a giant holding up the sky.

But now because I have practiced the Great Demon Peng method.

There was an indescribable air of lightness all over his body, his face was handsome, his bones were self-made, his face was like a knife, and his eyes were like stars.

There is a different kind of sophistication and grace.

The whole body also became like a streamline, becoming more slender and handsome.

A few days ago, he got the hiding place of the elder of the Five Poison Sect from the mouths of the Leopard Demon and the Yin-Yang Son Mother Goddess.

It was just that the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit was in serious trouble at that time, so Ye Yang just hurried back to the door to report it step by step.

Now that the major incident in the sect has been resolved, he still has some loose ends to deal with, so he returns to this place.

Crossing the vast Qishui River, we traveled eastward for two or three days.


Ye Yang suddenly heard the sound of a giant tree bending in front of him.

Before he could speak, he saw rocks flying and trees collapsing on the mound in front of him.

Then there was a rumbling scream.

Then a voice suddenly came out, the voice was furious.

"Wang Sandao, you dare to attack me, the elder of the Mo family, and you will definitely die without a burial today."

Hear this voice.

Ye Yang frowned slightly. He knew that the top leaders of the sect had come to Xuexia City to search for news about the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit.

Now why Wang Sandao is fighting against the Qinglian Mo family, he must have discovered something.

He looked up and saw the ancient green trees in the distance.

With his sword on his back, Wang San stepped into the primeval forest.

He tapped the branches lightly with his feet. Every time he jumped, he was hundreds of feet away from the ground and flew quickly.

Behind Wang Sandao, there was a person holding a soaring sword energy, which was extremely sharp and as fast as lightning.

Like a swift green lotus that had just bloomed, it accelerated and was in front of this person in an instant.

The moment the two came into contact, they started fighting.

Wang Sandao was already seriously injured.

At this moment, during the fight with the Qinglian Mo family, he received another sword strike from the Mo family elder.

There were several more sword wounds on his body. It seemed that he had suffered serious injuries. He staggered and almost fell.

The people from the Qinglian Mo family were quite powerful. Ye Yang jumped up and was about to think of some way to rescue them.

But he never thought that at this time, he would sense something carefully and frown slightly.

"Why is there anyone else?"

Ye Yang groaned slightly in his heart, turned around, stepped to the side, and squatted behind a giant tree, hiding carefully.

Before Ye Yang could hide, Ye Yang saw a tall and handsome figure wearing black clothes descending from the sky.

He didn't see any movement. With a flick of his finger, countless silver spears like raindrops fell from the sky and landed on the ground one after another.

It was getting late at this time, so I couldn't see the person clearly.

Ye Yang only saw that he was dressed in black, his hair was disheveled, and he revealed two blood-red eyes, which were ruthless.

This man is extremely powerful. He does not use any magic weapon. Instead, he shoots countless gun shadows with one finger of one hand. He is unparalleled in strength. The wind is strong and fast as lightning.

Kill directly towards the back of the Qinglian Mo family member.

"So brave."

Seeing another opponent appear in the field, the elder of the Mo family hurriedly swung his sword horizontally and blocked the man's spear.

But he never thought that the spear was extremely powerful.

In the air, he turned left and right, flickering on and off, and then transformed into a lightning bolt, directly forcing him back more than three feet.

The elder of the Mo family screamed, his arms were dislocated, and he flew away.

Seeing this, the man in black hurriedly chased after him.

Ye Yang looked familiar at the black figure, frowned slightly, and followed closely.

For some reason, he always felt that the man was a bit familiar, but Ye Yang was sure that he had never seen the man in black.

Thinking of this, Ye Yang hurriedly chased away.

But that man was extremely fast.

After calmly taking the big head of the Mo family elder, he disappeared.

On the other side, Wang Sandao cried bitterly.

He spit out a mouthful of blood and screamed.

"His grandma, this person from the Mo family is really ruthless."

He saw the black shadow go away, and another strong and powerful aura appeared in the field. He couldn't help but touch his face and cursed secretly.

"It's a blessing to be alive today."

"Why did so many strong men show up in just one night?"

On the other side, Ye Yang searched for a long time and came to a huge cliff.

The fog was thick and the miasma was so thick that it was difficult to see the whole picture.

Ye Yang couldn't find the figure of the man in black, so he had to give up the chase.

He looked back at Wang Sandao and found that he was fine, so he didn't take it seriously.

He stepped forward and continued to move forward.

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