The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 323 Shaoyang has passed away Zhongyang Sword Jue

Ye Yang glanced at the burning orange sunset on the horizon, and then said.

"Just wait a little longer, the wind is going to pick up, and the weather is going to change."

"Maybe there will be new changes over time."

After settling down with Bai Zhi, Ye Yang walked out of the door alone and was about to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

But he never thought that as soon as he walked out of the small courtyard, he saw two figures walking slowly.

He took a closer look and saw that it was Chi Meier from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, Sky Splitting Sword Yu Min and Taixu Dao Sect.

The two of them came hand in hand and paid their respects one after another, which was quite polite.

"Brother Ye Dao, it turns out that we have met before. I never thought that you denied it, which made us miserable."

Ye Yang looked at the two of them without answering, and spoke after a while.

"I didn't mean to hide it. I just don't know your origins, so I have a lot of worries in my heart. I hope you can forgive me."

The two looked at each other and smiled, especially Sky Sword Yu Min, who had long wanted to compete with Ye Yang to rectify his reputation.

But just now I saw Ye Yang fighting against Chisui Qinji, and he knew that he was no match, so he had already stopped talking.

At this time, they had changed from the name Ye Yang just now, from Daoist Ye Ye to Brother Daoist Ye, and there were quite a lot of psychological changes.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, your sword skills are so powerful, why don't you go to our Sky Splitting Sword Sect for further study."

"Our Sky Splitting Sword Sect is short of people right now. We urgently need talented people from all walks of life, even though we can't see the Jianjian Stone."

"But our Sky Splitting Sword Sect also has a Ten Thousand Years Sword Ruins. Maybe we can find a good sword to protect ourselves."

Ye Yang shook his head, waved the red maple sword in his hand, and said.

"Although the sword in my hand is not of a very high grade, it is still a top-quality sword. It is very easy to use, so I won't bother you."

The Sky Splitting Sword Sect doesn’t know what they are thinking about.

Nowadays, everyone they value wants to sneak into their sect.

"This is the sect that has invited him several times."

Seeing Ye Yang's merciless rejection, Chi Meier and Yu Min stopped talking. Instead, they looked at Ye Yang and said: That's it.

"I heard that Brother Ye Dao is also good at blending pharmacology and practicing the water method of alchemy using mercury to cleanse the marrow."

"The two of us came here shamelessly. I wonder if you can refine some elixirs for the two of us?"

Nowadays, there are Angelica dahuricae in the courtyard.

Ye Yang didn't want Bai Zhi to have too much contact with them, but he still said so as not to offend others.

"This matter is normal, but this period has already been fully booked. I'm afraid it will be difficult to satisfy you two. You might as well wait for a while before coming back."

The Sky-Splitting Sword Yu Min wanted to say something more, but Chi Mei'er had already twisted her fat hips and spoke.

"In that case, we won't bother you."

The two of them were silent for a while, not knowing how to talk to the powerful master in front of them next.

"Two friends, I have to go to the Sutra Pavilion to practice swordsmanship. If nothing happens, let's say goodbye."

The two nodded, and at this moment, Splitting Kong Jianyu Min spoke.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I see that the sword in your hand and the sword in your hand are both extremely fast and far beyond ordinary swordsmanship. I wonder what method you practice?"

He recalled carefully the moment when Ye Yang used the Red Maple Sword.

Countless red sword threads are bright, as fast as lightning, and can directly break the notes of Red Sin Qin Ji. It is really shocking and has never been seen before.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment, and then said: "

"My swordsmanship is not very unique, it's just that my destiny is special, which gives my swordsmanship more amplification and speed."

Ye Yang deliberately spoke in order to avoid the leakage of the Great Demon Peng's magic.

After hearing what Ye Yang said, the two of them stopped talking.

After all, destiny is magical and is given by God. Everyone’s destiny is different, and the effects are incredible.

This is a unique gift.

No one else can envy you, it's God's reward.

Ye Yang spoke again: "I once heard that in the vast world of immortal cultivation, there is a senior named Dugu Sword Demon, who created his own swordsmanship."

"He can break swords, guns, swords, halberds, fists, feet, and sticks. He is said to be able to defeat all things with one sword. He can predict every move he makes. This is the role model for those of us who practice swordsmanship."

"What Dugu Sword Demon? He can claim to destroy all things and be so rampant."

Everyone looked horrified when they heard it. One sword could destroy all things. It was really a big deal. After a long time, Yu Min just spoke.

"We, the Splitting Sky Sword Sect, have gathered all the masters of swordsmanship in the world. We have never heard of this senior's name. I wonder where he is now?"

"Legend has it that this man has retired to the world of immortality for many years. Now he is in a garden of poetry and wine, retreating to nature. He has used four swords in his life. At the beginning, it was a sharp sword. It is said to be unrivaled in sharpness, fierce and fierce, and indestructible. Compete with the heroes, but don’t compete with them.”

"The second sword is an epee, which is said to have no edge and is ingenious but not workmanlike. The third sword is a wooden sword. It is not limited to vegetation and all living things. Every breath and breath can be called a sword, and the last one is a sword without a sharp edge." Sword, there is no sword in the hand, and there is no sword in the heart, this is the highest state of sword."

Chi Meier hadn't felt it yet, but Yu Min had already realized the extraordinary change from these words.

At this time, he clapped his hands and shouted excitedly, and then said.

"The man of God is talking about the fourth level of realm. In fact, it is more like the fourth level of life. He is truly a role model for our generation."

"When I return to the sect next time, I will try my best to find the name of this Sword Immortal. I will devote myself to practice and learn this realm. If I can get a glimpse of it, it will be a unique skill that I can rely on for life."

After saying that, Ye Yang said goodbye to the two of them and walked to the Scripture Collection Pavilion.

He gasped slightly.

I saw that the Shaoyang Sword Jue had reached perfection unconsciously.

Shaoyang Sword Jue

Realm: Grandmaster Realm

Progress: 100%

Next level: None

[One of the Three Yang Sword Techniques, it is majestic and majestic, like the rising sun. It can be completed in 0 years by practicing the sword 200 times a day. ]

More than ten years have passed since I practiced Shaoyang Sword Art.

In fact, I had already reached the master state some time ago, but there were too many things going on during that time and I didn't make a breakthrough.

"Now it's time to practice the Zhongyang Sword Art."

Ye Yang groaned slightly.

The Sanyang Sword Technique is a sword secret passed down from the Wang family.

It is divided into three swords: Shaoyang, Zhongyang and Laoyang.

Among them, Shaoyang is a man with green eyes and a singing voice, and a white horse in the world.

Just like a young man who hears the rain and sleeps under the tent, looks unhappy at the spring breeze, does not feel sad when looking at the autumn wind, is too lazy to notice when he is surrounded by wealth, and does not dare to face injustice when he sees it.

Zhongyang is vast and prosperous, like the sun in the sky, wind and thunder are majestic, dragons and snakes are moving, and ink is splashing in the southern sky.

The three Yangs progress in sequence.

Ye Yang had a hard time getting started while practicing Shaoyang Sword Art.

Because he has been a man in two lifetimes, he has known how to plan step by step since he was a child, he is mature and mellow, and he plans hard.

Lost that touch of youthful sharpness and arrogance.

Later, with the help of perseverance, it took a long time to successfully practice this sword technique.

The Zhongyang Sword Technique requires that during practice, one should have the feeling of being vast and prosperous, covering the sky with one's hands, so that rapid progress can be made.

When Wang Sandao was young, he practiced the Shaoyang Sword Art but was unable to understand the meaning of Zhongyang, and he still failed to achieve a breakthrough.

Because she is currently on the Hidden Dragon List and is in the limelight, especially after Ye Yanggang pointed his sword at Chisui Qinji and easily defeated her in a battle.

I even felt that the depression that had been hidden in my heart for many years had disappeared, and there was a vague belief in victory.

Therefore, in the practice of Zhongyang Sword Jue, one can feel the difference even more.

At this time, he was sitting cross-legged, holding a simple jade slip in his hand. The countless sharp swords he had originally had disappeared into thin air.

Instead, the whole person seemed to be transformed into a radiant sun, extremely hot.

At this moment, the arrogance is soaring into the sky, it is really overwhelming, extremely powerful, and majestic.

Getting hotter and fiercer.

After a long time, Ye Yang slowly opened his eyes.

"Zheng" sound!

There was no wind on his body, and there were bursts of sword sounds.

At this moment, the sound of wind reached my ears.

Ye Yang suddenly felt that most of the irritability in his heart had gone away.

It was as if there was a blazing furnace burning in the entire body, burning away all the filthy air and negative emotions around him.

Two rays of sword light suddenly shot out from his eyes, and his pupils turned golden-red.

Singing and never growing old, white horse in the world, youthful spirit...

Each move of Shaoyang Sword Technique flashed in his mind.

And the countless sword moves were changing and gradually integrated into his own bones and flesh.

With the blessing of Sword Eyes, he could see far into the distance and felt that there was no obstruction for a hundred miles around.

At this moment, Ye Yang unconsciously gestured with his sword finger, dancing slightly, using the sword finger in his hand as a pen.

Every time he makes a move, he can shoot out wisps of sharp sword light.


The red maple sword placed next to Ye Yang suddenly moved something, and there was a vibrating buzz!

The red maple sword automatically flew in front of Ye Yang's chest. At this time, countless golden and red sword threads jumped out of the blood-red red maple sword.

Seeing this, Ye Yang's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

You have already started learning Zhongyang Sword Technique!

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