"To those giants, all living things in the world are like cattle and horses. I only saw them from a distance, but I didn't even see their true form."

Gu Xuan sighed secretly, with infinite yearning in his heart.

"Today, how do we balance the relationship between the three major sects and the Universiade Dynasty?"

Gu Xuan pondered for a moment, and then said.

"Of course you can't offend both sides."

Ye Yang said.

"The Universiade Dynasty has always been domineering and arrogant. I'm afraid they may not listen to what we say."

"The Universiade Dynasty is indeed powerful, but Yalong Ridge is extremely wide and blocked by the huge Tongtian River. After all, there are only a few practitioners who can come over."

"Moreover, even outside Yalong Ridge, poisonous insects are densely populated here. There are countless savages, wild monsters, and strange creatures in the hundreds of thousands of mountains. There are also demon kingdoms on the ground eyeing them. They may not be able to get a good deal."

"The three major holy places are willing to support the Feitian Clan. What do you think?"

Ye Yang thought for a while and found that he and Gu Xuan had the same view on this matter. He did not want to be tied to the positions of the three major sects.

At the same time, he did not want to face the threat of the Universiade Dynasty directly.

After all, compared to the two forces, the Feitian Sect today is nothing more than a small chess piece.

He thought for a moment and said.

"What the leader said is quite clever. If you accumulate enough food, you can slowly become king. Although the fence-sitting faction is unpleasant, it is difficult to get to the core."

"But being in between the two, if you grasp it well, you can reap all kinds of benefits and slowly develop and grow."

"What a good man with a high accumulation of grain, and he will soon become the king!"

"I have entrusted people to get in touch with several heavenly officials of the Universiade Dynasty. Now what we need to do is to use the resources from both sides to quickly become stronger."

After finishing speaking, he sighed.

"I once read a story in a fantasy novel."

"A mortal chess player has a humble life as an ant, but he is not willing to let his destiny be controlled by others, so he uses his life as a bet and plays a game of chess with an immortal using himself as a chess piece."

"He used himself as a sunspot, knelt down and died in the corner of the chessboard, and sealed the victory. In the end, he won the half piece of the fairy."

"Faced with two major forces, my Feitian Sect is now just like that mortal chess player. Every step is in danger, trembling with fear, walking on thin ice. I don't know if I can defeat Tian Banzi."

“However, there are only a few people who can defeat half the world.

"Most chess pieces spend their entire lives betting on their own lives and cannot move even half a step. This is the situation of most people."

Then he said to himself again.

"Considering all this, that's a bit far."

"Today, the biggest threat to the sect is still the Five Poison Sect. The Beihai Shenni forcefully settled in the Five Poison Sect. Wu Qing used secret methods and paid the price of his lifelong cultivation to make no progress, and he broke through to the martial arts perfection."

"However, fortunately, our chess pieces have entered the upper echelons of the Five Poison Sect."

Ye Yang was quite surprised to hear what Gu Xuan said.

He couldn't help but think of the time when he had just awakened his destiny many years ago, and was invited to a secret room by the then head of the law enforcement hall, Hall Helian, to discuss the matter of being an undercover agent.

He did not participate at that time, but there were many people in the sect who were willing to go.

More than ten years have passed, and the Feitian Sect has invested a lot of energy in those disciples.

Come to think of it, it should be time to pay back.

"Okay, please step back for now. If you have nothing important to do during this period, please don't disturb me."

Ye Yang walked out of the main hall and suddenly saw a beautiful figure in front of him, who seemed to be waiting for him.

Ye Yang looked up and realized it was Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi now carries a long sword of cold bamboo color on her back, and is covered in a tight-fitting green silk and white silk robe. Her chest is full and plump, and her hips are plump.

The fair and slender jade legs are exposed on both sides of the skirt, which is quite attractive.

She must have dressed up carefully, and she was quite excited after seeing Ye Yang.

"Senior Brother Ye, I'm here to say goodbye to you this time."

"Why, I have to leave within a few days, but something happened."

Bai Zhi bit her lip, but still didn't choose to say it. She spoke after a long time.

"This time, I came here mainly to deliver the two medicinal crystals that had been condensed for many years to my senior brother. At this time, the things were given to my senior brother, and it was time for me to leave."

"I haven't seen you for many years, and I miss you dearly, senior brother."

"Why don't you go to the humble house and have a cup of warm tea? It won't be too late before you leave."

Bai Zhi was very happy when she heard Ye Yang's invitation, and then said.

"I have long heard that Senior Brother Ye is good at making and brewing tea."

"Especially the Bitan Piaohua, which can not only moisturize the flesh and blood, but also remove impurities. Nowadays, the imitation peach blossom tea in Tao'anfang City is sold at a sky-high price."

"Junior sister is in a good mood today."

"It's all nonsense. Don't count it out. If junior sister likes to leave, take two packets and taste them carefully."

Ye Yang took Bai Zhi into the courtyard.

As soon as Bai Zhi walked in, she saw the couplets on the Shouzhuo Pavilion. She lowered her head and thought for a moment.

"The most useless thing is to be exposed to the cold for ten days in one day."

"Why should you sleep at the third watch and wake up at the fifth watch if you have permanence?"

"No wonder my senior brother is so strong in cultivation. Just by looking at this couplet, you can see how much he has sacrificed."

Ye Yang smiled without saying anything, and invited her into the Shouzhuo Pavilion, boiled hot water and made her a cup of strong tea.

Bai Zhi took a sip and suddenly felt that her seven orifices were psychic. Especially the Sword Ancient Tea could neutralize impurities in the body, making her feel comfortable.

She took a slight breath, the huge breasts on her chest trembled slightly, and then said.

"Senior Brother Ye, I wonder if you have ever heard of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect?"

Ye Yang said.

"Of course I've heard of it. The Sky-Splitting Sword Sect is a holy place for cultivation. The masters in the sect are useless."

"It was only later that there was a conflict with the Universiade Dynasty, so the whole family moved to the depths of Shiwan Mountain in Yalongling. Why did my junior sister suddenly ask about this?"

Bai Zhi said, "An elder from the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect came to me and told me that I had the rare dragon destiny. He asked me to join their Sky-Splitting Sword Sect and practice a magical sword technique."

"It must be Yu Min who reported it to the seniors of their sect."

Ye Yang couldn't help but think of the black-robed man from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

"What do you think?"

Ye Yang knew that Bai Zhi was responsible for a shocking blood feud.

Bai Guyue sacrificed thousands of members of the Bai family to the White Bone Evil God.

This woman often thinks about revenge.

She was weak before and had not even awakened her life. She had no strength, so naturally she could only think about it in her heart.

But later in the Immortality Barrier, I met the Fortune Dragon Jiao and awakened the Medicine Dragon's original life, so I naturally had the idea to go further.

Even, thinking of the scene in the back mountain where she deliberately attracted the attention of Sky Splitting Sword Zong Yu Min.

Ye Yang secretly said.

"Perhaps, this girl deliberately sought out the Sky Splitting Sword Sect."

Bai Zhi sighed, and then said.

"Master treats me well. If it weren't for her, I would have died in the turmoil of the Bai family."

"But there is still blood on my body that has not been avenged."

After she finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something, and there was an indescribable pain in her eyes.

Ye Yang knew that after the Bai family was destroyed, Bai Zhi dreamed of revenge.

It's just that now Angelica dahurica has the Bai Yaolong natal life, and it is the favorite among countless people.

After entering the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, it was a disaster rather than a blessing for her.

"Senior Brother Ye, I once heard that there is a kind of aphid in the world. It lives and dies day and night. After hearing the Taoist message, I will never look back and leave no regrets."

"I am now the only remaining member of the Bai family. Although I have broken through to the martial arts realm now, in the future it will be like crossing the Flame Mountain in the dog days of summer. It will be even more difficult."

"There are very few opportunities that I can take advantage of."

Ye Yang spoke again.

"But have you ever heard that a gentleman waits for the times to change, and a rich man will not sit in danger. It is not worth putting himself in danger for this."

"Do you know how many people will covet your medicine dragon?"

After hearing what Ye Yang said, Bai Zhi hesitated for a moment, and then her eyes became firm again.

Ye Yang knew that the flame that had been ignited in her heart had not yet been extinguished.

Therefore, there is no more persuasion.

Bai Zhi said: "Senior Brother Ye, if one day in the future, I need to dedicate my life and die to get revenge, then I will be willing."

Bai Zhi said to herself again:

"It's a pity that I still have to leave a broken body to take revenge. Otherwise, when I die, I will condense my life as a medicine dragon into a pill and give it to my senior brother."

"It's also a good way to help senior brother to find the great road to the sky and the traces of immortals."

"When I encountered the Luck Dragon Jiao in the Immortality Barrier. The words that Senior Brother Ye said still echo in my heart."

"The road to immortality is difficult, but if you keep moving forward, you will have no regrets even if you die."

"Wherever my path is, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there."

"At that time, I didn't understand that those ants had to go through thousands of mountains and rivers and endure countless hardships and dangers in order to transform into dragons. Is it worth it to die?"

"Now, I can vaguely feel the mission and responsibility of those ants."

"I think it's worth it."

Holding the two medicinal crystals in his hands, Ye Yang sighed secretly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He had a lot of great things to say, but at the moment he was extremely clumsy.

"Junior sister Bai, I just hope... I just hope that I won't have any regrets in this life."

"Now that you've made up your mind, just wait a little longer."

"I remember that there is a Five Poison Heart-Sealing Pill among the Five Poison Sect, which can cover one's own aura. It is quite miraculous, but it is not easy to refine. It is a third-level elixir."

“Maybe after taking this pill, you can better hide your Baiyaolong destiny.

After hearing what Ye Yang said, Bai Zhi just breathed a sigh of relief.

But I still have some worries in my heart.

"The relationship between the Five Poison Sect and us has always been tense. I'm afraid it won't be easy to get anything done."

I don’t know if the amount of information in this chapter is a bit too much.

In the new January, I beg you all to vote for me. This chapter was written with great care.

I want 1,000 monthly tickets this month. The 1,000 monthly tickets can give me a reward of 100 yuan. I have never done this before. Please help me!

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