The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 319: It’s really not my wish to appear holy in front of others

Liu Zongming, a sword from Heaven and Earth, ranks 205th on the Hidden Dragon List, and is from the Gujian Sect of Heaven and Earth.

This sect emphasizes killing with one strike, falling from the sky, and is known as "the sword of the world, which should be struck wonderfully."

With a sword, the wind and clouds move.

What is important is to use unexpected moves to strike a sure-killing sword.

In short, it's a sneak attack.

Therefore, he is not liked by his colleagues.

In addition, most of the people in this sect behaved eccentrically, so no one went out to greet him when he arrived.

Liu Zongming is ranked on the Qianlong Ranking, and he is one of the few strong men in the realm of warriors under the age of sixty in Jiazi.

But at this moment, "Eye of Blood and Tears" Die Wuhou and "Bloodthirsty Wolf" Wang Dong are here.

He suppressed his reputation abruptly.

Liu Zongming looked towards the main hall and did not find Ye Yang, so he said.

"Why can't I see the master of swords and swords when I arrive at Feitian Sect?"

There was a slight silence before Wang Dong said.

"Senior Brother Ye has important matters to attend to during this period and has not come here."

At this time, a voice sounded in the field, it was Yu Min from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

He spoke.

"This is the boundary of the sects of my Yalong Ridge. We didn't invite the Universiade Dynasty here, so why would the lackeys of the Immortal Catcher come here?"

"well said!"

"I am a cultivator of immortality in Yalongling. I don't want to get mixed up with the ungrateful people in this world, so stay away as soon as possible!"

Liu Zongming, a sword from the sky, does not take everyone's words to heart.

"You have neither invited nor refused, which means you have agreed by default. The host, Feitian Clan, has not spoken yet. What's wrong? My friend, do you want to make the decision for Feitian Clan?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Dong in the sky with burning eyes.

Yu Min was blocked by him and couldn't help but become speechless.

Wang Dong was in a dilemma at this moment, and he couldn't offend both sides, so he smiled lightly, cupped his hands and said.

"Everyone who has come from afar is a guest. Today is my Feitian Sect's happy day. There is no need to be aggressive and cause another conflict."

At this time, Die Wuhou on the side, holding Zhu Han's sword, also came over to smooth things over and said.

"Fellow Taoists, this is a place for trading, not a place for fighting. I hope you will be careful what you say."

Nowadays, Taiyi Qingmen closely follows the footsteps of Feitianmen.

Die Wuhou, he is also not interested in the Heavenly Sword Liu Zongming and Red Sin Qinji.

Many years ago, he went to challenge Qishaizi Zhang Feng, but unexpectedly he met Liu Zongming on the road.

Being forced into danger by the opponent's Tianwai move, as soon as the words came out at this moment, they started to compete with each other.

Liu Zongming chuckled, and now he knew that he was not the opponent of Die Wuhou who had awakened the Eyes of Blood and Tears, and pointed at the Red Sin Qin Ji next to him.

"Little brother without a queen, Fairy Scarlet Sin is here today, so don't be so arrogant."

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

After a while, in order to break the awkward atmosphere.

Wang Dong took out a golden-red fruit from his storage bag and said.

"Everyone, the Golden Yang Jade Date in my hand contains great medicinal power. It can stop bleeding and remove blood stasis, and speed up the recovery of mana. If you need it, please feel free to bid."

"I came here with all my Taoist friends recently. It is a rare and happy day. The starting price for this item is only one hundred spiritual stones."

With one sentence said, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Everyone can see that this Jinyang Jade Jujube is big and plump, the fruit is round, and the magic power it contains is extraordinary.

The market price requires at least five hundred spirit stones.

Wang Dong offered a hundred spiritual stones, which was a big leak deliberately released, so soon someone shouted:

"I want two hundred spirit stones."

"Two hundred and eighty spiritual stones."

"Seven hundred spirit stones."

As soon as the man called out the price, another person suddenly announced an astonishing price. Everyone looked at each other angrily and looked up to find that it was Liu Zongming.

Liu Zongming said: "No matter how much you offer, don't take me seriously."

Having said that, his sudden price increase had broken the rules of the place, so he didn't take it seriously.

How could Wang Dong care about those hundreds of spiritual stones?

However, this person deliberately caused trouble, which made him feel quite uncomfortable.

When many people in the venue saw this scene, they had the mentality of watching a good show.

At this time, Wang Dong raised his fists and said to the disciples.

"Everyone, since Brother Liu Dao bought this Golden Yang Jade Date for eight hundred spirit stones, it belongs to Brother Liu Dao."

"I have another thing here. This is the red flame iron that I got by accident. Whether it is a body for cultivating the Zhiyang type or a forged magic weapon, it is the best of the best."

"Today's starting price is set at four thousand spirit stones."

Generally speaking, the price of the main material of a precious magical weapon like this is at least 6,000 spirit stones.

Wang Dong deliberately released it, just to warm up the show. Many casual cultivators were excited when they saw the missed opportunity.

"Four thousand two hundred spirit stones."

Someone just called out the price. I never thought that Liu Zongming would speak arrogantly again.

"Don't you think the price is a bit low? I will offer seven thousand spiritual stones."

There was just one bid, and everyone thought it could be treated as if they didn't know.

But the repeated bids at this moment were a clear provocation.

Wang Dong snorted coldly.

"What, how are you doing?"

Liu Zongming smiled slightly and then said.

"Not really, I just want the bloodthirsty wolf Wang Dong to fight me for a few moves."

"You are about to reach the 170th position on the Hidden Dragon Ranking. Zongming is not very talented, but he also wants to seize this incredible wealth and improve his ranking."

Wang Dong's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Today, Liu Zongming is taking over the guests, which is quite disrespectful.

At this moment, she spoke out again and again, deliberately embarrassing him.

"In that case, let's give it a try."

Wang Dong snorted coldly, his body shining with lightning and red flames.

The scorching heat rose into the sky, and the next moment he turned around and rushed towards him.

But he never thought that at this time, Liu Zongming would not oppose him, but turned slightly to the side and said.

"Brother Wang, if you want to fight me, I naturally have nothing to say, but my subordinates are also very important."

"Let me introduce you. This is Ah Da, and these are Ah Er, Ah San, and Ah Si. I wonder if the four of them join forces, you must be able to take it."

The four people bowed their heads at this moment, bowed slightly towards him and said, "The four of us have met Senior Brother Wang Dongwang."

Wang Dong ignored him and went straight towards Liu Zongming, but he never thought that by the time he was halfway through, the four men had already joined forces to capture him.

However, Wang Dongfei was no small matter. The brilliance of thunder and lightning flashed on his body and shook continuously.

In an instant, the four of them were pushed aside.

Thunder and lightning flashed in his hand, and flames flew. The four people were burned and screamed repeatedly without even using the strength of their hands.

Liu Zongming couldn't help but let out a surprised sound as the two faced each other.

The people of Tianwai Gujian Sect pay attention to surprise and kill with one move.

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone, he moved left and right, like a ghost, slashing away the thunder and fire in the flying sword light, and the thunder and fire shone.

The two of them fought fiercely, clashing with each other, and executed dozens or hundreds of moves in an instant.

"What a sinister swordsmanship.'

"What terrible thunder and lightning and fire."

Many people nearby expressed their admiration.

At this moment, Ye Yang was also watching the fight between several people in the corner with peace of mind. He was watching with great interest, his eyes constantly staring at the traces of sword light or flames.

Since breaking through to the middle stage of martial arts and practicing the Great Demonic Peng method, he has been able to find the changes in his opponents more accurately and keenly.

"There are two flaws there. If the sword can cut another three points, Wang Dong's situation will be in danger."

"No, if this move of the Flame Giant Spirit Palm can be moved down an inch, I'm afraid this so-called solitary sword from the outside will not be able to be used at all."

Ye Yang thought silently in his heart, but the battle over there has already been divided into upper and lower.

At the critical moment, Wang Dong pinched a finger of his sword to send out thunder and lightning, and wielded fire in his palm, showing his great power.

At the moment when thunder and fire intertwined, Liu Zongming, a sword from the sky, was forced to fly aside.


Liu Zongming was defeated by one move, his eyes were still a little unbelievable, and then he said.

"I'm willing to accept the defeat, which is nothing more than the name of a bloodthirsty wolf."

This scene made everyone whisper involuntarily.

Wang Dong first forced back Liu Zongming's four powerful guards, and then quickly defeated them, showing his high strength.

Liu Zongming was defeated by Wang Dong, and there was a fierce look in his eyes, but there was nothing he could do. He looked at Chisou Qinji on the side.

Qin Ji's red hair was flying in the wind, and she spoke at this time.

"That's not bad. Let me learn the clever tricks of your bloodthirsty wolf."

After she finished speaking, she tapped the red sycamore guqin and twisted it with her index finger. The strings were like white silk threads, transparent and crisp, emitting chants like dragons and phoenixes.

Then, she put her fingers together, intertwined her little finger with her index finger, and pulled it gently, and the red phoenix tree suddenly emitted a set of clear phoenix sounds.

Then, a phoenix-shaped musical note knocked Wang Dong aside in an instant.

Ye Yang could see clearly that the sonic light was not a pure musical note, but contained countless killing moves in it.

Behind the notes, there were transparent silk strings hidden in the dark, which Wang Dong was able to defeat in one fell swoop. "

"As expected of Chisin Qinji."

Wang Dong cupped his hands and wiped a smear of blood from the corner of his mouth.

The attack that Chisui Qinji had just now couldn't be said to be a direct confrontation.

But even if it can knock him away in a sneak attack, it is still amazing.

After Wang Dong was defeated by Chisui Qinji with one move, the matter was over.

But he never thought that Chisui Qinji was still aggressive. At this moment, she played with two fingers continuously, and countless notes popped up on the huge red sycamore guqin in an instant.

Like dragons and phoenixes, they filled the surrounding space and headed towards Wang Dong.

The sword light shines brightly and the musical notes sound.

It was like an ambush from all sides, with clank and iron sounds everywhere.

Wang Dong was chased by the sword light. His steps faltered and he almost fell to the ground. He jumped up and dodged to the side.

Unexpectedly, he happened to land in front of Ye Yang and would fall to the ground in the next moment.

Seeing this, Ye Yang stretched out a hand to stop Wang Dong from falling to the ground. At the same time, he secretly used his skills to inject a touch of life essence into Wang Dong's body.

Wang Dong's mind surged, and he felt that his injured body couldn't help but relax a little at this moment.

He felt that the essence of life was quite familiar. He raised his head to look at Ye Yang and said quickly.

"Senior Brother Ye, why are you here?"

Ye Yang secretly sighed.

"It is really not my wish to appear holy in front of others."

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