Ye Yang thought to himself.

"Although there are no masters coming to the Purangsheng Zen Temple, the juniors have also arrived. Now that the three holy places are here, I am very determined."

After walking for a while, several people reached the top of the mountain.

At this time, a huge boundary has been drawn on Lihuo Peak.

The middle was filled with wine, drinks and fruits, and there were many maids walking back and forth like butterflies in flowers, pouring tea and water for everyone.

The mountain is full of people, lights and colorful decorations, and the scene is very lively.

He and Bai Zhi found a seat at the edge and sat down.

At this time, a fat monk wearing cassocks and holding a Zen staff and a high-level cultivator holding a Taoist sword, who seemed to be familiar with Yu Min and Chi Meier, came over.

Chi Mei'er introduced: "This one is the little meditation master of the Purangsheng Zen Temple, and that one is the Seven Stars of Zhenqing Mountain. Zhenqing Mountain is similar in strength to your Feitian Sect."

"It's just that they are from pure Taoist sects and are good at refining qi. Although their overall strength is not as good as your Feitian sect, their methods of collecting qi are quite magical."

“It is also one of my Taixu Dao Sect’s alliances.

Ye Yang knew what he meant by alliance.

It must be the new force supported by Taixu Taoist Sect.

At this time, the two people had reached the side and pointed at Ye Yang and Bai Zhi.

"I don't know what to call this fairy and fellow Taoist?"

Bai Zhi stood up and straightened her plump chest, but she didn't sign up.

"I am a disciple of Fengyu Tower. As for the senior brother next to me, he is, he is."

Ye Yang signaled Bai Zhi not to say anything, and he spoke himself.

"I am the Little Sword King Wuqi among the swords."

"Wu Qi, the Little Sword King among Swordsmen?"

This name is quite unfamiliar, and no one has heard of it.

Those few people said "oh" and stopped talking.

He went to chat with the two people from the Splitting Heaven Sword Sect and the Taixu Dao Sect while he was minding his own business.

After a while, Ye Yang heard the clanging sound suddenly stop.

The last strong monk walked down the stage, holding a huge nine-ring Zen staff. I think he was the monk Youtan whom Chi Meier mentioned just now.

This man holds a staff in one hand and plays with two bluestone beads in his hand. They are both made of fine mutton-fat white jade, delicate and round.

There was another person beside him holding a long sword. He was dripping with blood at this moment, and he was obviously defeated.

Ye Yang was quite familiar with that man. He was one of the most outstanding disciples of this generation in Taiyi Qingmen, and he was called White Jade Sword Tang Shun.

Although his strength is far inferior to that of Die Wuhou, he is still a martial artist and should not be underestimated.

"It seems that although these holy places have declined, they still have a strong foundation."

Ye Yang thought to himself.

At this moment, a loud voice came out.

"Fellow Taoists, thank you for coming to support us. This small trading meeting is specially held on the occasion of Feitian Sect's grand ceremony."

"The purpose is to make friends and barter. I am Wang Dong, who is known as the Bloodthirsty Wolf."

"Just now it was just a little warm-up. Don't take it seriously. Then we will start to formally give things for things, and we will start on our own."

"There is a cold wind sword in my hand. It is a low-grade magic weapon obtained from the enemy."

"As long as the ritual training is successful, you will be able to breathe out the nine-day cold wind. I wonder if any Taoist friends need it?"

As soon as he said this, someone in the audience immediately shouted the price.

"I am willing to pay 12,000 spiritual stones in exchange for this magic weapon."

Before he could finish his sentence, someone spoke hurriedly.

"I will give you eighteen thousand spiritual stones."

Soon this magic weapon was sold to 25,000 spirit stones, and then slowly stopped.

No one bid again, so it was taken away by a disciple of Taiyi Qingmen.

After a while, several more disciples came to the stage to sell treasures, but none of them were taken by Ye Yang.

At this time, the monk Youtan, who was holding a nine-ring Zen staff, walked slowly to the middle and said.

"Dear friends, I accidentally got a strange stone in my hands, with colorful brilliance flowing around it, but I still can't figure out what it is."

"All the distinguished officials are here at this time, so we might as well study it together."

After Monk Youtan said this, he immediately aroused the interest of many people.

He took out a piece of red silk cloth the size of a human head from his storage bag and slowly opened it.

"All colleagues are invited to watch this together."

After the red silk was opened, colorful rays of light bloomed on the strange rock.

Just for a moment, almost everyone couldn't help but hold their breath.

The light dissipated, revealing a stone the size of a baby's head, in an irregular hexagonal shape.

"This is a strange stone from heaven."

The sky is mysterious.

There are nine stars in the sky, and there are countless powerful species.

For example, the sand of time at that time was a piece of gravel that fell from the stars in the nine heavens and then changed over millions of years.

This colorful stone is probably the same.

In fact, there have long been rumors in the world of immortality cultivation that someone once cracked the supreme cultivation method from a strange stone outside the sky.

It was precisely because of this that a group of people gasped and had greed in their eyes.

Ye Yang looked up, he secretly turned his sword eyes, and his eyes immediately turned into a golden red color.

At this moment, in his eyes, the irregular stone in front of him slowly expanded.

Through the layers of colorful rays of light, he saw what seemed to be a six-armed baby sealed inside.

Its face was dark, and it seemed to be sleeping soundly at the moment. It spit out colorful rays of light with each breath, and then was exposed outside the stone, causing a strange phenomenon that made people tremble.

"This thing is indeed a strange stone from heaven."

Ye Yang felt the weird little man carefully.

At this moment, a mysterious pressure came from him, which made him murmur slightly.

Many people on the other side were also attracted by this strange stone.

Many people's eyes moved slightly, their hands were clenched, and their veins were exposed. They obviously saw the value of this extraordinary stone.

If we weren't in the Feitian Sect at this moment, I'm afraid many people would try to snatch it away.

At this time, Yu Min from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect walked forward and said.

"This strange stone from the sky is extremely hard and can emit colorful light. It should be a good material for refining weapons. I am about to refine the Splitting Wind Sword, so why don't you trade this strange stone to me?"

The two have known each other for many years. After hearing this, Youtan quickly waved his hand and said:

"Junior Brother Yu is joking, this is something I managed to touch on the sky vine true spirit after going through life and death. How can I trade it casually?"

Hearing that he seemed to have visited the strange vines that covered the sky, everyone was surprised and were about to speak.

At this moment, a voice came out.

"I am so late that I made everyone laugh. I have never seen the beautiful scenery of Danxia at dusk, so I stopped all the way and was wasted."

As soon as he finished speaking, a man with a bare upper body and a large iron sword on his back, revealing his strong steel muscles, walked over slowly.

In addition, there were four young men with Eguan Bo belt standing beside him, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, fair complexion, and long swords on their backs.

These people should be his personal bodyguards, but they are all very impressive.

As the four of them moved, they faintly formed a soaring sword formation, which was quite extraordinary.

"A sword from the sky, Liu Zongming."

Looking at the man walking slowly, many people's hearts trembled.

Even Ye Yang recited it softly.

Except for the well-known Tianwai Yijian Liu Zongming.

There is a woman next to him, wearing a red robe, red hair, and a red veil, making it difficult to see her specific face.

She held a red guqin in her arms. She flicked her fingers slightly at this moment, and a looming bright light came from the red guqin.

This woman was mysterious and unusual, shrouded in red, but Ye Yang had never heard of it before. He said, "I wonder who this is?"

Chi Meier next to her came from the Taixu Taoist sect and was well-informed, and then said.

"The commander of the Immortal Catching Division of the Universiade Dynasty—Chizui Qinji."

Ye Yang shook his head and said, "I don't know him."

Chi Meier smiled slightly and then said.

"You would like to know that someone who has subordinates from the Feitian Sect to the Universiade Dynasty may not necessarily like you."

"This witch is good at piano skills. She is the descendant of Hong Mian Jueyin City. Since her debut, she has killed countless masters."

"Did you know that there is a villain on the demon slaying list called the Leopard Demon Thousand Miles Crossing the Clouds?"

"The mugwort-leafed leopard was seriously injured and escaped after his body was broken by this person's piano skills."

"I see."

When Ye Yang heard this, his heart became slightly solemn.

He had been in contact with the leopard demon for the longest time, and at its peak, he was at least as good as the fourth or fifth level martial artist.

But he was still seriously injured by this woman, which shows that his cultivation level is extraordinary.

Chi Meier grinded her teeth, gnashing her teeth with hatred, wishing she could devour this person alive.

"So that you can know that Fairy Xiaoluo Shenmei, who is ranked 78th on the Hidden Dragon List, was defeated by this person not long ago. She destroyed the flowers with her razor-sharp hands and left no trace of her body."

"In Feitianmen's generation, no one should be able to win head-on against her."

After finishing speaking, she shook her head again.

"Even Ye Yang, the famous swordsman and swordsman, is probably no match for this person."

Before Ye Yang could speak, Bai Zhi on the side quickly spoke in defense.

"That's not necessarily the case. Senior Brother Ye is very powerful. Not only is he proficient in the art of swords, but he also has a scaly demon elephant in his hand. He has great and great magical powers. Most people are no match for him."

The woman in red smiled.

"That's because you don't know how terrifying Chisou Qinji is."

After she finished speaking, she shook her head and said no more.

Ye Yang didn't take it to heart about the quarrel between the two.

But at this moment, his brows couldn't help but frown slightly.

This time, he remembered that no one from the Universiade Dynasty was invited to the Feitian Sect's heaven-sacrifice ceremony.

Why did the other party come uninvited?

This is a sensitive moment.

Being in the Feitian Sect between the Three Holy Lands and the Universiade Dynasty, it is bound to become difficult.

At this time, Liu Zongming, a sword from the sky, had already walked among the crowd.

When he saw Qishi's eyes shining brightly, he slightly hugged the people around him and said.

"My lord, Liu Zongming, the person next to me is Commander Chisui Qinji, who must be familiar to all of you."

If you have any opinions, you can share them.

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