When several people heard the name of Qilinzi, their faces showed miraculous confidence.

Feihu said again.

"By the way, Brother Crocodile. I heard that you recently obtained a strange blood orange tree in the East China Sea. Could it be that you want to refine it into a treasure?"

After hearing this, Crocodile Immortal nodded with satisfaction.

He carefully took out a potted plant over two feet tall from behind his back.

There is a small tree above the potted plant, which is blood red all over and surrounded by green leaves. From top to bottom, there are thirty-six diagonal crosses, large and small, and at the top of each diagonal cross is a kumquat the size of a pigeon egg.

At this moment, there was a glittering golden light, emitting three inches of light, like a golden cornucopia.

Crocodile Immortal showed off to the two of them.

"This is the blood orange treasure tree that I have practiced for hundreds of years. There are thirty-six branches in this treasure tree, and there is a natural kumquat growing on the top of each branch. When activated with magic power, it is a sword energy. "

"In addition, these thirty-six sword qi also contain the power of qi and blood. Every time you kill an enemy, you can take back their blood and soul and use them to nourish my treasure tree. It is very magical."

Seeing this, the two people quickly took it over and looked at it carefully. After reading it, they were amazed.

"This exotic blood orange is said to be the treasure of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. It usually has seven or eight branches, which is rare. More than twelve branches are extremely valuable. Thirty-six branches are rare even in a hundred years."

The two people could not help but reveal a hint of wonder in their eyes, and looked at each other with greed.

This object can be regarded as a special treasure of swordsmanship, although it is not as sharp as the flying sword trained by the monk with a mouthful of blood essence.

However, it does not need to be nourished by essence and blood. If you want to activate it at ordinary times, you only need to use mana to activate it, and you can shoot out thirty-six sword energy.

While being able to form a sword formation, you don't have to worry about the risk of the sword breaking.

This thing is a first-class treasure even in Xuexia City.

After taking out the Blood Orange Treasure Tree and showing it off for a while, the old crocodile monster carefully put it away and said.

"You have finally come to my place. You have to eat and drink well. I have just collected some boys and girls from the shore, but they are not fresh. I will go up and capture some more."

"Those babies, boys and girls, are full of spiritual energy. I soaked them in the sauce jar for a few days, and my heart and lungs are filled with deliciousness and fragrance."

"Normally I can't bear to eat these little snacks. My dear, come here and let's have a great meal together."

When the two heard this, they drooled all over the floor. They didn't know whether they were greedy for the snacks that the old crocodile monster said, or for the exotic blood orange treasure tree in his hand.

At this time, the Crocodile Great Immortal roared, already swung his huge body, rushed out of the water, flew forward, and walked towards the shore.

Ye Yang and the others have been waiting in the mountains for many days.

At this moment, a huge figure six to seven feet long diverted the water and dived out of the waves of the river.

Ye Yang knew that the target had appeared, so he held his breath and concentrated, waiting for the opportunity to kill with one strike.

After a while, blue waves surged out, and three figures suddenly emerged.

"How come there are three people!"

Ye Yang looked at it, slightly surprised.

According to previous information, this old crocodile monster is a different kind of crocodile monster, with half human blood and high intelligence.

It is also a big-bellied man. In order to prevent others from entering its territory and competing with it for food, it has eliminated the demons in the surrounding area early.

A man arrived in this deep pool of water.

Ye Yang looked there. One of them was holding a magical detective weapon and seemed to have discovered his existence.

"But Brother Yao is here, please come out and see him."

Before Ye Yang spoke, the Leopard Demon patted his head.

"Why are you shouting so loudly? It's just disturbing the gentleman's enjoyment."

The leopard demon jumped out from the side, and Ye Yang had no choice but to walk out when he saw it.

The three of them were slightly shocked when they saw that he was huge and seemed to have the power of a vajra.

Then he said: "That demon brother is so tall and tall, but he has a trace of demon elephant blood."

"The demon elephant has a body like a diamond and is extremely powerful. It is really enviable."

"It is said that deep in the Shiwan Mountains, there is a Grand Master Xiang who is so powerful that he can lift mountains. He once broke a river with one foot."

Ye Yang was about a hundred meters away from them, so he stopped moving forward and kept the best distance at all times.

He took a look and saw that the old crocodile monster was in the form of a demon, covered in green scales and seven or eight feet long, easily identifiable.

As for the other two, they were thin and lean, both had the body of a demon and had the head of a demon. One had the head of a tiger and the other had the head of a snake and the tail of a dragon.

Ye Yang cupped his fists and said.

"I dare to ask, but the Crocodile Immortal is here."

The crocodile monster with green scales and ferocious fur shook the scales on his body when he heard Ye Yang speak.

"Brother Xiang is very polite. I am the crocodile Dazhuang. I dare not call you great immortal. How should I call you brother Xiang?"

Ye Yang said: "I'm just a casual person, I don't have much reputation."

"I heard that Brother Crocodile is good at identifying treasures. I have something I don't know where it came from. I would like Brother Crocodile to take a look at it."

While speaking, Ye Yang pulled out an object the size of an embroidery needle from his ear.

Then the object grew longer in the wind, and in an instant it became as thick as the mouth of a bowl, six to seven feet long.

"What a good baby."

When the old crocodile monster heard about the exotic treasure, his eyes shone, and he was even more excited when he saw that the baby was as big and small as he wanted.

It's just that he was on guard and stayed a hundred feet away from Ye Yang and did not come over, fearing that there might be a scam.

"Brother Crocodile, look what's over there!"

Ye Yang opened his mouth and pointed, and the three people hurriedly looked in the direction he pointed.

But the next moment, Ye Yang came at lightning speed, holding the huge demon-subduing vajra, and fiercely hit him with a stick.

The speed suddenly increased, like thunder and lightning.

With just a step of his legs, countless cracks appeared on the ground, and he suddenly rushed to the front of the giant crocodile.

He was already tall, and after the Elephant Demon Fist broke through the great success, he was now 13 or 14 feet tall.

Holding such a huge stick, he rushed with all his strength, and the mountains and rivers really shook, and the world roared.

The tearing roar whistled past, and the old crocodile monster was horrified.

Looking back, he found that Ye Yang had already killed him.

But fortunately, he was strong. At this moment, the old crocodile monster shook his body, and the scales on his body bloomed out layer by layer, piercing out countless tiny sword lights.

With a swish!

The countless tiny sword lights formed sharp arrows and rushed towards Ye Yang.

Ye Yang smiled coldly and did not refuse.

He just spun the demon-subduing vajra in his hand, and it danced into a circle, drawing a clear light from the sky and the earth.

The demon-subduing vajra spun back and forth like a wheel, knocking away all the flying arrows.

The old crocodile was horrified, and then he rushed to the side and said, "This brother."

But before he finished his words, the demon-subduing vajra fell from top to bottom like a pillar supporting the sky.

After drawing an arc, it suddenly smashed countless cracks on the ground.

With a clang!

Dust flew and boulders shattered.

Before he could react, he saw the giant pillar suddenly grow several sizes and hit it hard on the forehead.

Even though he dodged in a hurry, he was hit, his back was shriveled, and blood was all over his body.

It laughed angrily, and a muffled sound came out.

"Little brat! You have a lot of ideas, but they are still not good enough. Let me tell you that I, Crocodile Dazhuang, am not easy to bully."

After saying that, it opened its mouth and spit out a small tree with twisted branches and green leaves from its half-crippled body.

The bonsai tree has thirty-six branches, and each branch is hung with kumquats the size of pigeon eggs.

The bonsai shook in the air, and countless sword beams stabbed at Ye Yang frantically.

Ye Yang spun the demon-suppressing vajra in his hand, and the demon-suppressing vajra was constantly pressed back.

The blood-colored sword light was so terrifying that it made Ye Yang's hands numb.

The man hadn't spoken yet.

Ye Yang suddenly felt that half of his blood was absorbed by the sword light.

The strange orange tree branch in the bonsai became more bright red after absorbing the blood.

The old crocodile monster had just been seriously injured by a stick, and now he saw that the baby succeeded, and laughed wildly.

"My blood orange tree, a rare treasure of the East China Sea, absorbs blood and releases sword energy. How can you resist it?" After saying that, he said to the two brothers Feilong and Feihu next to him. "Brother Long and Brother Hu, why don't you come with me to kill this villain." But the two were frightened by Ye Yang's attack just now. They didn't dare to do anything for a while. At this time, the leopard demon came with a cloud-piercing spear. "Hey! Junior, your opponent is me." The sword energy was sharp, and Ye Yang could only use the great power of the elephant demon again. He raised the demon-suppressing vajra in his hand high, like a giant hammering down the sword of Tianqing, and suddenly smashed forward. The old crocodile was hit by the giant pillar of the elephant demon, and staggered back dozens of feet again. Seeing that Ye Yang had no weapons in his hand, he laughed strangely and continued to urge the blood orange treasure tree to kill Ye Yang. But he never thought that at this moment, Ye Yang stepped on his feet, and a huge demon elephant phantom appeared behind him. The fangs are sharp, pointing obliquely to the earth, and the two wings are like Mount Kunlun, which can block the sun.

Thank you to the book friend Chang Xiaoxiao Mihu for the 100 starting coins reward!

Thank you thank you thank you

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