The elephant demon incarnation of Ye Yang spoke in a muffled voice, like a King Kong descending to the world. He said, "This gentleman."

When the man heard what Ye Yang said, he knelt down immediately, trembling with fear, and then said.

"I dare not call you gentleman in front of the master. Call me a little reptile, a two-legged sheep. Whatever the master says is what I do."

Ye Yang said, "You have a crocodile monster here."

The old man waved his hands quickly, and then said, "No, no, it's not a monster, it's a great immortal, the crocodile great immortal."

Ye Yang snorted coldly and said.

"I heard that he lives in the center of the lake, in the deep stream, and comes to the village every month to eat the sacrifices. I wonder if it's true or not?"

The old man said quickly.

"Of course it's true, of course it's true. Could it be that the three of you are good friends with the great immortal?"

After saying that, he shouted to the side, and then shouted.

"Quickly tie up the son and daughter of Dong Laoer from the village, steam them and cook them for food, and make some meat sauce to make a dipping sauce for the gentlemen."

After saying this, three or four skinny men with yellow faces and bodies came over with a son and a daughter.

Both were three or four-year-old babies, and behind them was a crying villager.

The villager saw that the three men were wearing black robes, like demons, tall and weird, and he smiled hurriedly, but he shed tears.

"Three gentlemen, my son and daughter are still young, and they can't even fill their stomachs with one bite. Why don't you eat me? I still have some old meat on me."

Ye Yang glanced at the villager. He was yellow and skinny, and was already skinny and bones from hunger. Where was the old meat?

He glanced at the men and said.

"Every time the old crocodile monster comes, you offer him this kind of offering." The old village chief said, "Yes, yes, but the masters feel that it is not enough. This year, there is no harvest and there are not enough newborn babies." "Every time the old crocodile monster comes, he eats five or six boys and girls. If the three masters think it is not enough, I will ask someone to catch more." Ye Yang sighed, and there was always an indescribable oppressive atmosphere in his heart. It was fine within the sphere of influence of the human race, but now in this chaotic area of ​​​​the demons. Those demons completely regarded these people as imprisoned livestock, and killed them at will when they wanted to eat. This village looks quite large, but there are only three or four hundred people. I think it has something to do with the devouring of the old crocodile monster. Ye Yang said. "You are here, it is so dangerous, why don't you move away, cross this mountain, walk more than 3,000 miles, there are countless human cultivation forces outside the mountains, enough to protect you to live in peace." The old man heard what Ye Yang said, and hurriedly knelt down and said. "Don't worry, sir. We will never escape. There are countless poisonous insects, beasts, and monsters in this 3,000-li territory. Let alone walking out, even if we fly out, we can't fly a few hundred miles." Ye Yang was stunned, and then he realized something. These people did not accept the fate of being treated as livestock, but because this area is too vast. There are countless miles as far as the eye can see. For them, it may take several years or even more than ten years to walk these thousands of miles. It is extremely dangerous along the way, and it is unknown how many people will die on the way. Moreover, the old crocodile monster is extraordinary and has long regarded this place as his territory. I am afraid that he will be caught up before he goes out for a long time, and bites one by one to death. Ye Yang said: "The crocodile immortal is a friend of us. I don't know when he will come ashore next time." He got the news from Tao'an Market that the old crocodile monster is the force closest to Xuexia City, and there is a cold sun gem in his body. It is the key to entering Xuexia City. That's why he brought the Yin Yang Mother Goddess and the Leopard Demon to take it. The village chief said.

"The crocodile fairy can only come ashore once every one or two months in winter. He just came ashore half a month ago. I'm afraid he will have to wait another half a month."

Ye Yang nodded, and then said: "Tell me all the stories of the fairy."

The old man only realized something was wrong now, and then said: "Masters, do you think..."

Ye Yang said.

"This is not something you should consider. I ask you questions, and you answer them. The crocodile fairy..."

After some questioning, Ye Yang just found out some useful information for himself.

The old crocodile monster is huge, with fangs and sharp teeth, and surrounded by evil spirits. He should have a cultivation level of more than the fourth level of a warrior. ?, he has already started to contact evil spirits.

I just don't know which level of the middle stage of a warrior is.

But now his elephant demon fist has reached the great perfection realm, and he is suppressed by the leopard demon and the Yin-Yang mother and son witch, so he has a good chance.

After finding out the news, Ye Yang hid himself.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, they didn't even live in the village, but just hid quietly in a mountain forest.

This mountain forest is quiet and mysterious, with towering trees and lush grass.

They chose a huge old tree as a temporary habitat.

The terrain here is hidden, so they can observe the movements of the mountain village and avoid being discovered.

When thirsty, Ye Yang leaned over to drink the cool mountain spring.

When hungry, they took out the dry food they prepared in advance. Although simple, it can fill their stomachs.

However, the leopard demon kept calling for a bird in his mouth.


In the forest, mountain clouds filled the air.

Under this huge rock, there is a golden water palace, filled with demonic clouds and demonic energy.

At this moment, in the Shui Mansion, besides the old crocodile monster, there were two other people sitting at a stone table, drinking.

Countless bones were piled next to the stone table.

The fishy smell permeated the air, but in the eyes of these monsters, they found it fragrant and unusually fragrant.

"Brother Crocodile, I'm here to trouble you again this time."

In the water veins, the two looked at each other and sat down.

The leader of the old crocodile monster clapped his hands, and immediately water monkeys brought plates of flesh and blood.

"Brother Feilong, Brother Feihu, you are both well-known strong men in our demon clan. Who is chasing you in such a panic?"

The two looked at each other and then said.

"Brother Crocodile, to be honest, we and I heard that a force has emerged recently, called Feitian Clan."

"There is a man in the Feitian Sect who is good at swordsmanship. He happens to have a pair of good weapons in his hands. We are good at swordsmanship, but we have never had good weapons, so we thought of taking his swords so that we could use them for our own purposes. body."

"Unexpectedly, I met the Blood Demon Holy Son before I saw him. Luohualiushui, who was beaten by that fight, fled all the way here. I heard that Brother Crocodile is very powerful, so I came to stay for a few days."

Hearing this, the old crocodile monster changed his expression and laughed arrogantly.

"Don't worry, I'm currently refining a fine weapon. You can come over and help me right now."

"As for the Blood Demon Saint Son of Nalushi, I have heard some names, but he is just a junior, nothing more. How can I allow him to be rampant in my realm?"


Feilong Feihu said: "Not to mention a little blood demon saint, so what if he is the little immortal master of Jiutian Sect."

"Ranked as high as fifth on the Hidden Dragon Ranking, he is not defeated by the Qilinzi from our demon country at this moment. It is said that his human blood was taken and his human skin was taken off for auction."

Thanks to Mr. Sun Liansheng for the 1,500 starting coin reward! ! !

It’s you again, thanks.

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