"If I had such a mind back then, why would I have to worry about not being favored by Master, and why would I have to be always outclassed."

Ye Yang didn't know about Master Huolian's psychological activities, and sent Master Huolian back to the Blood Demon Sect.

He returned to the courtyard and continued to practice with his white horse sword.

This sword has spirituality since birth.

He has been practicing from winter to spring.

Ye Yang exhaled a breath of turbid air. The moment he held the knife in his hand, his body felt extremely light, as if he was integrated with the whole world.

Ye Yang looked at his own body, and he could clearly feel the changes inside his body.

His meridians are broad and powerful, and his spiritual energy surges like a rushing river.

Every drop of blood is full of vitality and vitality.

Even the mana in his body, taking advantage of the breakthrough of the sect's spiritual veins, has been compressed and become more intense and purer.

This not only means that he has taken another solid step on the road of cultivation, but also means that he is one step closer to his goal.

The road to cultivation is long, and every breakthrough requires tremendous effort and sweat.

He thought of his persistence and hard work, those days and nights of practice.

Now, those efforts are finally paying off.

Ye Yang stood up, his eyes firm, full of determination and confidence.

His body moved slowly, and the large vermilion toad floating out from behind looked like a tiger covering the sky, watching quietly.

The next moment, the toad screamed and the wind moved, turning into a bloody light and shadow and quickly rushed forward.

Zhu Chan swallows the moon spiritual method

Current state: Getting started

Progress: 68%

Next level: Xiaocheng

[Perseverance, exercise nine times every day, and persist for one year. 〕

Seeing this panel, Ye Yang couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy.

He had not been practicing the Zhu Chan Moon Swallowing Spiritual Technique for long, and it would have taken him nearly a year to break through.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to upgrade his spiritual veins, he absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy to activate the Zhu Chan's Moon Swallowing Spiritual Technique.

Now Zhu Chan's Moon-Swallowing Spiritual Technique is about to reach the stage of small success.

Once you reach the realm of Xiaocheng.

Ye Yang estimated that he would be able to break through to the fourth level of martial arts and enter the middle martial arts level as he wished.

After putting away the Red Toad Swallowing the Moon Spiritual Technique.

Ye Yang took out a worn-out slate, which was the Sword of Ignorance inheritance slate he had obtained before.

Ye Yang sensed this inheritance slate several times, but he never realized the power of ignoring.

Even the perseverance character did not remind you to get started.

Ye Yang guessed that his current state of mind was not suitable for the introduction of the Sword of Ignorance.

This is just like when he first practiced Shaoyang Sword Art, it was also difficult to get started.

However, Ye Yang didn't take it seriously. With the help of perseverance, it probably wouldn't take long.

Then you can understand the seconds of the Sword of Ignorance.

Putting away the inheritance slate, Ye Yang bowed slightly and began to practice the Elephant Demon Fist in the courtyard.

His body is like a taut bowstring, with strong muscles, as if he has the power of a vajra, and can release powerful power at any time.

If you think about it carefully, Xiang Mo Fist has been following him for ten years.

In the past ten years, Ye Yang's understanding of the magic fist has become more and more profound.

He knew very well that this set of boxing techniques was not just simple moves and techniques, but also contained a profound artistic conception of spiritual practice.

As practice deepens.

Ye Yang's body gradually integrated with the boxing technique.

His boxing skills are like a ferocious demonic elephant, galloping wildly and with majestic momentum.

Every punch contains endless power, as if it can break mountains and rivers.

Ye Yang's fist roared past, setting off a strong wind and moving as fast as a phantom.

The boxing skills are as unpredictable as flowing clouds.

"The elephant treads the ground."

With one punch, a demonic elephant appeared under his feet, and then he stepped hard, causing the ground to vibrate.

But he didn't stop and continued the drill.

ten years.

Thanks to the help of the white elephant beads Ye Yang wore around his neck and the scaled elephant demon after breaking the precept.

Ye Yang's practice of the Elephant Demon Fist is also far superior to that of ordinary people.

As night fell, Ye Yang ended today's practice.

Elephant Demon Fist

Practice progress: Dacheng

Current progress: 1.5%

Next state: Grandmaster state

﹝Perseverance, practice boxing a hundred times a day, and it will take fifteen years. ﹞

The Elephant Demon Fist comes from the inheritance of hundreds of ancient demons. It is extremely powerful and can overturn mountains and seas.

But in comparison, the progress of Elephant Demon Fist is really slow.

He remembered that he had already entered the realm of Xiaocheng as early as the time of the Immortality Barrier.

Now after so many years, I have just made a difficult breakthrough in the realm of Xiaocheng.

But this technique is indeed powerful.

His body is now as strong as a diamond. In the previous battle, he used the third level of martial arts to kill the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu and the dragon saint son who were at the fourth level of martial arts.

Among them, the indestructible and indestructible power brought by the Elephant Demon Fist gave him great help.

At this moment, after Xiang Mo Fist broke through, Ye Yang felt that his strength had further increased.

With a movement of his body, he transformed into a giant demonic elephant measuring four to five feet tall, with muscles all over his body like a high-arching tomb on a hill.

Covered in black demonic energy, he is extremely powerful.

"The strength has increased by 30%."

Ye Yang took a moment and showed a hint of joy.

He took out a sharp knife and stabbed his arm with all his strength. As soon as it pierced the skin, it was clamped by the strong muscles, making it difficult to get in.

Ye Yang changed from stabbing to slashing, and only left a white mark on the surface of the skin.

After removing the body of the demon elephant and standing up, Ye Yang slowly walked out of the door.

Only then did he see a huge iron-scaled star beast in the sky in the distance, slowly approaching.

Since Feitianmen defeated Qingming Island, they have been cultivating spiritual mines there.

The broken gold and cracked jade mines are extremely hard and are excellent materials for refining magic tools.

Several sects secretly cultivated them, and then pulled them back for sacrifice and purification.

Among them, the big sun star beast played an important role in transportation.

At this moment, he looked around.

There were also three or four huge camel caravans on land, slowly moving forward on the winding mountain road under Feitianmen, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Halfway up the mountain.

Wang Huan was commanding this caravan and slowly walked into the gate of Feitianmen.

Since the spiritual vein was promoted to the intermediate level, the mountain of Feitianmen has risen more than one level.

The mountain road has also become steeper.

Although Feitianmen has been repaired, it has not been completed yet.

At this time, many strong men and disciples are mining stone strips and leveling the road surface.

At this time, a voice sounded.

"But Wang Huan is the guardian in front, we are the clansmen of the Zhang family of Chazi, and we come here to offer this year's offerings..."

"I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it, I meet the head of the Zhang family."

"Head of the Zhang family, this time the sect's spiritual vein has just been upgraded, and you came here, but you are here to report good news, this speed is really not slow."

Wang Huan praised.

The person who came was Zhang Liaoyuan, the head of the Zhang family of Chazi.

Zhang Liaoyuan clasped his fists to Wang Huan, and then said.

"Wang, the guardian, I came to Feitianmen this time, firstly to offer sacrifices."

"Secondly, I heard that after the spiritual veins in the sect were promoted, a lot of gravel and soil were leveled out. Although these things are not valuable to the sect, they contain a lot of spiritual energy, which is quite useful for my Zhang family."

Wang Huan stood there, his eyes fell on the convoy of several sturdy rhinos in front of him.

This convoy is magnificent and gives people a strong sense of shock.

These rhinos are huge, with a thick horn on their heads, knotty muscles, and rough and tough skin, as if they are wearing a thick layer of armor.

Each rhinoceros exudes a strong breath, and its steps are steady and powerful, obviously in their prime.

Each rhinoceros pulls a huge plate armored car.

The plate armored car is huge and solid, made of heavy wood and iron sheets, and inlaid with strong copper nails.

Wang Huan smiled and said.

"It is said that the Zhang family has made a fortune in the past few years with the help of the sect, and now it is indeed true."

"Each of these giant-horned rhinos is extremely powerful, and it doesn't cost much money to raise them."

Zhang Liaoyuan smiled, and then said: "It is all thanks to the sect that there has been a slight surplus in the past few years, a slight surplus."

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