This upgrade of the sect's spiritual veins has brought unimaginable benefits.

On the one hand, many monks in the sect took advantage of this opportunity to break through the realm.

On the other hand, Feitianmen's spiritual energy also became more abundant.

The mountain is so high that it reaches the clouds, the bells and bells are beautiful, the feng shui is excellent, and the spiritual spring water flows every day. It is truly a geomantic treasure land.

Practicing in such a privileged place can predict the cultivation potential and speed of Feitian Sect's new disciples.

He will also be much faster than the older generation of disciples.

Ye Yang took out three storage bags in the quiet room. All three storage bags were extraordinary.

He got it from killing the blood dragon Gui Ao, the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu and the monster with the body of the dragon tail.

Ye Yang took out the first storage bag. After reading it, he couldn't help but feel black lines on his face.

"Why are there some dried meat and spiritual wine in here? Could it be that all those demon clans are just wine bags and rice bags?"

Ye Yang was speechless for a while.

Both the blood dragon Gui Ao and the dragon man were extremely advanced, but the storage bags contained a large amount of flesh and blood.

Not even spiritual stones, let alone precious spiritual materials and elixirs.

He rummaged through the pile of flesh and blood for a long time before finding two third-level demon pills.

This made Ye Yang's face look better.

The flesh and blood contained a lot of essence and were of great use to monsters, so Ye Yang gave them to the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle and the Scaled Demon Elephant.

After the scaly demon elephant devoured the flesh and blood of blood dragon Gui Ao and other monsters last time, it refined a lot of dragon essence and blood, and was still in a coma without waking up.

Ye Yang set aside a part and kept it for it.

After Sun Flying Turtle was promoted to the second-level monster, the demand for these flesh and blood rich in spiritual energy increased a lot.

It was another monster from the sea, and it suited its appetite. After devouring it, it was still not satisfied, so it hugged the monster pill that Ye Yang gave him and gnawed it wildly.

It's just that the third-level demon pill cannot be refined and absorbed. It can only be held in saliva and slowly digested.

After putting away the two storage bags, Ye Yang took out the storage bag of Zhu Xingyu, a sick scholar.

This person is a disciple of the Purgatory Demon Palace of a large sect, and has obtained the inheritance of the Sword of Ignorance.

There should be a lot of good stuff.

As soon as Ye Yang opened his storage bag, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy.

I saw that there were seven or eight high-grade spiritual stones in the storage bag.

In addition to spiritual stones, there are also some precious spiritual materials and elixirs taken by martial monks.

"This is Red Flame Lihuo Iron."

Ye Yang took out an irregular stone the size of a fist and couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

He had obtained this Red Flame Lihuo Iron a long time ago, and it was an excellent spiritual material for forging fire-attribute magic weapons.

But later, in exchange for the Red Maple Sword, it was given to Wang Dong.

I didn't expect to get another piece here, and the quality was even better than the previous one.

After sorting these things, Ye Yang found another old slate. The slate was old and worn, and it still had a lot of time left.

Ye Yang placed a stone slab about the size of a foot in the palm of his hand and kept observing it.

After a long time, he seemed to be sure of something, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Could this be the inheritance slate of the Sword of Ignorance?"

Ye Yang touched it carefully with his fingers and traced his fingerprints. On the stone slab was a blindfolded swordsman, waving the sword in his hand.

Strangely enough, although the swordsman was blindfolded, the sword in his hand was very agile, moving left and right, forward and back.

Often it comes from an unimaginable angle and is unexpected.

The Sword of Ignorance was famous for a while.

It is the inheritance of the blind old man, the sword hero of the generation.

When he was old, he regretted using too many swords and delaying his practice, which led to his short life.

Therefore, he blinded his own eyes and no longer faced the enemy with sight, but only used his spiritual sense to deal with it, which had a miraculous effect.

"This thing is good."

Ye Yang couldn't help but feel slightly excited that Zhu Xingyu, a sick scholar, was able to improve his ranking on the Qianlong List.

The help of this Sword of Ignorance is absolutely indispensable.

Even when he dealt with it before, he suffered a big loss from this sword technique and almost got a sword through his head.

The practice of the Sword of Ignorance is quite demanding. During this period of time, Ye Yang has been practicing the Sword of Ignorance with concentration in the house, and at the same time he is familiar with the magic weapon "White Horse".

By the time he was thoroughly familiar with the White Horse Knife, it was already the spring season.

As winter turns to spring, the old persimmon trees in the courtyard also sprout new yellow buds.

The breeze blows, and the willow trees outside the door sway gently, and their soft posture makes people feel happy, as if the whole world is enveloped in the breath of spring.

What's surprising is that even the weird vines in the sky seem to have been stimulated by spring and are expanding at an alarming rate.

It hangs down to the ground, down to mountain streams, and everywhere in the mountains and plains.

Ye Yang looked up.

The huge vines in the sky are getting bigger and bigger, shining with red brilliance, and it can't be seen at a glance.

I don’t know how many miles of sky it has covered.

"This vine is so huge. When one hangs down, it looks like a tree in the sky. I don't know what kind of monster it is."

The fire master next to him pondered for a moment, and then said.

"According to legend, there is an ancient true spirit called the Heavenly Star Divine Vine. This vine was born from the ethereal sword in the void and fell into the world of heaven and earth."

"One vine can connect a planet, and it's so big that it can't even contain a world."

"Even though this vine is so huge, it is actually still a larvae, that's why you can see it here."

"It turns out to be the legendary ancient true spirit."

Ye Yang touched it.

I just felt that the touch was not like the metal or wood, but a combination of vines and tentacles of the sea demon seal.

Master Huo Lian said.

"The appearance of this thing may be a normal migration for it, but I don't know how many lives in the world will be crushed to death while walking."

Ye Yang sighed secretly.

True spirits are extremely powerful and often have mysterious and unpredictable power.

In the past few years, there was a legend that an immortal was swallowed by a true spirit, and the sky and the earth were torn apart, and there was a three-year rainstorm.

Now the true spirit has appeared in the world again.

I don't know how many variables will arise.

Just as Master Huo Lian said, for it is just a normal walk, but for many people, it is a disaster.

"One move of a hero drawing a sword, another ten years of disaster for the people!"

Suddenly, Ye Yang saw a figure falling from the sky, with a big hole on his chest, obviously dead and could not die anymore.

After the body fell from the sky, it fell to a place soon.

Ye Yang felt it and felt that the corpse was coming with countless pressures. He was shocked. It turned out to be a master in the realm of real people. I don't know what happened in the sky. He is dead and can't be deader. The clouds in the sky are faint, and no specific changes can be seen. At the moment when the corpse fell, a huge peacock appeared from the sky after a while. Its wings shone with black sin light, and its chest seemed to be pierced directly by something. It screamed and burned with countless brilliant lights, ready to escape, but it didn't expect that its wings had just fluttered and it hadn't escaped far. It was pulled into the clouds by a huge vine, entangled with feathery scaly wings. A fierce fight was heard inside. After a while, a gorgeous black sin peacock that covered the sky and the sun turned into a rainbow light and fled far away. "It's the Black Sin Peacock King." Ye Yang was shocked when he saw this. Even such a legendary master was seriously injured and forced to flee.

Ye Yang saw clearly that at the moment when the gorgeous peacock fled,

Ye Yang saw the huge vine slowly wriggled. Although the speed was extremely slow, it still passed a shadow in the sky.

Ye Yang said: "This world is really so powerful and terrifying. I don't know how many magical and strange secrets there are."

At the same time, he had a vague idea in his heart.

Unless you have the strength to deal with all these disasters, you must not go out and venture freely.

Otherwise, you won't live long.

Master Huo Lian was also quite shocked, and he said.

"Ye Protector, I have been a guest in Feitianmen for several months, and now you are familiar with the magic weapon. It's time for me to say goodbye to you."

Ye Yang said.

"Master, don't you stay in Feitianmen for a while? Are you going to leave so soon?"

Master Huo Lian said.

"It's time to go. I don't want to leave if I don't leave now."

Master Huo Lian looked back. It was almost evening.

As the sun sets, the golden clouds are dazzling.

The peak of Feitianmen Mountain is stained with rainbows, flashing purple-red clouds, and the three words Feitianmen are depicted with iron paintings and golden hooks at the mountain gate.

Countless auspicious clouds are flying, it is really like a fairyland on earth.

Master Huo Lian couldn't help but praise.

"It is said that the dusk red clouds of Feitianmen are one of the eight scenic spots of Yalongling. Now it seems that it is well-deserved."

The purple-red light is so magnificent that he was touched in an instant.

Ye Yang smiled.

"It's nothing more than some local customs. If you are interested, I will give orders to leave a room for you. No matter when you come, you can have a place to rest."

Master Huo Lian laughed.

"It is said that Ye Hufa has superb skills in his hands and even more amazing skills in his mouth. Today I have seen it."

"In that case, I will not refuse it."

After that, Ye Yang called the flying turtle to chase the sun and sent Master Huo Lian to the territory of the Blood Demon Sect.

After sending the other party to the Blood Demon Sect, Ye Yang just flew back slowly on the flying turtle.

As for the Blood Demon Saint, he had already driven the Dragon Tiger Golden Ring to find someone to compete a month ago.

Master Huo Lian stroked a few bottles of precious elixirs in his hands.

These bottles of elixirs were rare water elixirs, which were given by Ye Yang.

Among them, there are not only some that calm the mind and restrain anger, but also some that help remove fire poison, which complement each other and are quite considerate.

"You are so experienced in human relations! I have lived for so many years in vain and I am ashamed of not being as good as you." Master Huo Lian sighed.

The other party was so sincere and considerate, and for a moment, he really wanted to stay in Feitian Sect forever.

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