"Although the body I took over again is ugly, it contains the Yuan Physique of Ten Thousand Elements."

"You brought me back, and Master will definitely be indispensable for your contribution in the future."

The bald old man with a white beard quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Master, what are you talking about?"

"If it weren't for you, that little beggar named Zhuang Guyuan would have died of starvation on a snowy night when he was six years old. Now it's my duty to welcome you back."

"It's just the second junior sister, the junior junior brother and the others are trying to steal the inside and outside. It's really hateful to join forces with outsiders to seize the master's century-old inheritance."

The young man showed a hint of ruthlessness: "Don't worry, I will deal with these people one by one in the future, and none of them can escape."

At this time, someone in the Shifang Feizang Formation outside started bidding again.

"Seventy-five thousand spirit stones."

After hearing this, the old man quickly shouted: "Ninety thousand spiritual stones."

He is bound to win.

Seeing this, the slovenly boy with bad teeth couldn't help but have a flash of satisfaction in his eyes.

Suddenly, someone shouted out the high price of 90,000 spirit stones, which attracted a lot of side glances from the crowd.

Even Ye Yang couldn't help but be surprised. The other party actually increased the amount by fifteen thousand spirit stones.

But at the next moment, what Ye Yang didn't understand was that Bai Zizhen below had a mysterious smile on his lips.

"Ninety-five thousand spirit stones."

He actually increased the price by another five thousand spirit stones.

This Ten Directions Fetal Treasure Formation is extremely practical and precious, so naturally it cannot be obtained with tens of thousands of spirit stones.

But as soon as it appeared, it was priced at 95,000 spirit stones, which was too terrifying.

But some people continue to increase prices.

"One hundred thousand spirit stones."

"One hundred and two thousand."

The price increase gradually decreased and began to return to normal.

In the box, a dilemma flashed in the eyes of the old man with a white beard.

"It seems that many people are interested in the Shifang Feizang Formation this time."

The young man spoke.

"No matter how much it is, we are bound to win."

"But Master, it seems we don't have many spiritual stones prepared."

The young man thought for a moment, then took out a demon pill from his storage bag.

The demon elixir is about the size of a fist and contains the shadow of a demon wolf. It is very precious.

As soon as it came out, it seemed to fly away in the air, as if the inspiration was not lost.

"This is the demon elixir of the fourth-level Roaring Sun Demon Wolf. It is close to entering the elixir realm. It is worth tens of thousands of spirit stones."

The white-bearded old man couldn't help showing a hint of joy when he saw this huge demon pill.

This demon elixir is expensive and can be used to buy the formation. Once the Shifang Tibetan Formation is obtained, the entire Qingming Island will become impregnable.

Outside, the price of the Shifang Tibetan Formation has gradually climbed to 110,000 spirit stones.

A trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

"Fairy Mei Tao, I also have a fourth-level demon elixir from the Roaring Sun Demon Wolf. I wonder if it might be worth the price."

Fairy Mei Tao spoke.

"Sorry, although this item is precious, it cannot be discounted in the auction. You can directly transfer it to the auction house. We are willing to guarantee the price of 20,000 spiritual stones."

When the white-bearded old man heard this, he showed a hint of malice and anger.

"Master, the Jiutian Auction is really deceiving people. This fourth-level demon elixir costs at least 40,000 spirit stones on the market."

The young man coughed dryly: "It doesn't hurt to give it to them."

He clearly remembered that the previous nine-day auction could be resisted with precious spiritual materials. Maybe the rules had been changed.

Suddenly, he remembered.

He was a strong person in the real world before, so the Nine-Day Auction naturally wanted to sell him some face and win over him.

But now, he no longer has the cultivation level of a real person, so people will naturally not win over him or provide him with much convenience.

After receiving Fairy Meitao's reply, the white-bearded old man snorted coldly.

"In that case, let's pay for it with 20,000 spirit stones."

He pressed all the spirit stones directly.

"Fellow Taoists, I will directly offer another 20,000 spirit stones. If you need it, feel free to bid."

"If you are in need, feel free to bid. But let me tell you, we don't have many spiritual stones on Qingming Island, but there are countless treasures. I still have many good things here that can be used to offset the price."

"It turns out to be someone from Qingming Island."

"The true power, the fairy mountain in the sea!"

"You are out of date. Lord Qingming was besieged to death by the Feitian Sect. Now Qingming Island has been degraded by more than 10%."

"Could that person just now be Feng Lei Beast Zhuang Gu Yuan?"

"This man is very powerful. He was on the Hidden Dragon List when he was young. Now I don't know where he is. It's better not to provoke him easily."

But there are some people who are not afraid of them.

Bai Zizhen spoke.

"One hundred and forty thousand spiritual stones."

This price is quite unexpected.

He directly pressed on the opponent's barrier of 20,000 spirit stones, forcing the opponent's retreat to death.

"It seems to be Bai Zizhen from Feitian Sect."

"It's this human spirit, no wonder he wants to bid."

"Feitianmen really don't need to be afraid of Qingming Island, there is a good show to watch."

The atmosphere is tense and on the verge of breaking out!

In the box, the young man frowned.

"It turns out to be someone from the Feitian Clan. We really are enemies on a narrow road. I don't think that person is very strong. Since they want to be soft, we will be hard."

After hearing this, Zhuang Guyuan suddenly realized.

"Master, you are still smart.

In the end, under Bai Zizhen's bidding, the Shifang Tibetan Formation was sold for 140,000 spirit stones.

Sensing that someone in the box was constantly watching him, Bai Zizhen smiled slightly.

"The fish has taken the bait!"

His goal was finally achieved.

On the other side.

Ye Yang was also surprised to see Bai Zizhen spend hundreds of thousands of spirit stones to buy a formation.

The expenditure of hundreds of thousands of spirit stones is not something that a sect guardian can decide.

Even though Bai Zizhen is now the general manager of Tao'an Market, he does not have this authority.

Thinking of Bai Zizhen's sudden appearance in Shanhai City, Ye Yang couldn't help but touch his chin, and an idea flashed through his mind.

"Could it be that the sect is going to make another move?"

However, the power of the Ten Directions Taizang formation is indeed powerful.

The four people work together to summon the spirit of the six-armed Mahakala, which is no less than the mountain protection formation of some small sects.

"The third treasure of the sect is the cub of the fourth-level monster bloodthirsty wolf. In addition, according to the identification, this monster has a trace of the blood of the great monster in the Dan realm."

Mei Tao continued to speak.

After a while, a calf-sized cub was carried over by the crowd.

Although it was huge, it could be seen that the cub had just been born and had not even opened its eyes.

"I don't need to say much about the value of this thing. Once it reaches adulthood, it will have the combat power of a late-stage warrior. The starting price is 40,000 spirit stones."

The method of taming beasts is also one of the ways of cultivation, but it consumes a lot of resources.

The bloodthirsty wolf is considered to be one of the well-known monsters in the world of cultivation. It is fearless and fierce.

Before, Wang Dong was not afraid of death and exchanged injuries for injuries. He seriously injured Zhu Xingyu, a sick scholar on the Hidden Dragon List, while fainting.

Later, it was named "bloodthirsty wolf" because of this monster.

The quality of this bloodthirsty wolf cub is good, but if you want to cultivate it to the late-stage warrior realm, you don't know how much spiritual materials it will cost.

The most important thing is that even if it grows up, it may not be able to break through to the fourth-level monster like its father.

So there are not many bidders.

In the end, it was sold at a price of 60,000 spirit stones.

This auction came and went quickly.

After the auction, Ye Yang quickly went to the private room of the auction.

After a while, a maid came and took out a glass bottle.

Inside was the time sand that Ye Yang had been thinking about. The time sand was the size of a sesame seed, silver-white in color, and shimmering with a transparent luster.

At this moment, it was stored in a small transparent glass bottle, surrounded by mist, making the white sand look fuller and smoother.

The maid handed the glass bottle to Ye Yang.

"Senior, this is the time sand, please accept it."

Ye Yang thanked him, took out eight thousand spirit stones, and then quickly returned to his residence with the time sand.

The next day.

Ye Yang packed up his things and was about to return to Feitianmen, but he never thought that there was a knock on the door outside the house.

Ye Yang walked over and opened the door, only to find that it was Bai Zizhen.

Bai Zizhen walked over with four formation flags in his hand.

The flag was embroidered with a six-armed Mahakala with a skull wrapped around his waist, a human head bowl in his hand, and his feet on the ground.

Seeing such a ostentatious scene, Ye Yang couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

"Uncle Bai, why didn't you put this thing in the storage bag in advance?"

He asked knowingly: "This thing looks quite precious, you must know that there are many people and eyes."

Bai Zizhen smiled mysteriously and deliberately spread the flag in his hand, and the power of the fierce Buddha was everywhere.

"I walked all the way with the flag, just to expose it outside on purpose, so that the fish can be hooked."

Ye Yang was slightly surprised to hear this, and didn't know what Bai Zizhen said.

Bai Zizhen explained.

"This time, I stole the limelight at the Jiutian Auction. The flag in my hand is called the Ten Directions Taizang Great Array, which is worth more than 100,000 spirit stones."

"Do you think those casual cultivators, strong men, and monstrous old demons will attack me?"

Ye Yang heard Bai Zizhen say this, and a guess suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Are you saying that we want to rob the thieves?"

Bai Zizhen shook his head.

"No, we are not shady. We are not shady. We want to eat him upside down."

After saying that, he threw the storage bag to Ye Yang and then transmitted his voice to the secret.

"Our conversation just now has been seen by people with ulterior motives. Now many people want to attack you and me."

"There are still forty high-grade spirit stones left in here. You can take them first and return them to the sect later."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and kept a distance from Ye Yang.

Ye Yang turned his head and saw a few men with shifty eyes outside the inn, looking at the two of them cautiously.

The moment he looked into Ye Yang's eyes, the man quickly hid in the crowd and disappeared.

Ye Yang understood Bai Zizhen's plan.

Bai Zizhen continued to speak.

"We spent a lot of money to buy the Ten Directions Taizang Formation this time. Although it is extremely powerful, it is not an urgent need for the sect."

"But Qingming Island attaches great importance to the Ten Directions Taizang Formation. Even Zhuang Guyuan came here in person. If they fail to get it, they will definitely come to rob it."

"All the masters in the sect have arrived. We will catch them all in one fell swoop and then find out the specific location of Qingming Island. This is our real purpose."

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