The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 203 The Embryo Hidden in the Ten Directions The Six-Armed Mahakala

The bidder was none other than Bai Zizhen.

After making the bid, Bai Zizhen gave him a fierce look, full of malice.

A beautifully decorated private room.

Two people were equally shocked when they saw the Time Sand appear.

"Master, that traitor He De has indeed arrived in Shanhai City."

The speaker was a bald old man with a white beard.

He has a dark complexion and a few age spots on his forehead. He carries a wind and thunder gourd on his back to contain the wind and thunder energy around him.

There are cyan cyclones flying on the surface of the gourd, and the electric light is flowing, flashing with crackling arcs.

Next to him stood a young man with a sallow face, half of his lip missing, and two big buck teeth.

The boy was not very old, just over ten years old.

But the old man was respectful and like a slave, while the young man was more like a superior.

"It seems that the traitor stole the sand of time."

A hint of murderous intent flashed in the young man's eyes, and he turned around and said, "Zhuang'er, now that the second and third oldest people on the island are united, what do you think?"

The white-bearded old man said quickly: "What Master sees, that's how I see it."

The young man was quite happy and raised his two big fangs: "You have been following me for so many years and you still haven't changed at all. It doesn't matter, just tell the truth."

The white-bearded old man took a breath and then said.

"From my point of view, it is natural to arrest them and kill them all."

On the other side, after Ye Yang reported five thousand spirit stones.

But he never expected a female voice to be heard.

"Six thousand spiritual stones, we, Jiaotan Forest, want this sand of time."

"Jiaotan Forest?"

This name was quite familiar, and Ye Yang forgot where he had heard it before.

But he continued: "Six thousand five hundred spirit stones."

Bai Zizhen saw the two fighting at the side and joined the battlefield, intending to cause some trouble to the successor of Demon Elephant Fist.

"Six thousand eight hundred spirit stones."

But he never thought that the woman in Jiaotanlin had a louder voice.

"Seven thousand spirit stones."

Ye Yang frowned slightly. This time sand had increased by three thousand spirit stones in a short period of time, which was a bit beyond his expectations.

At this time, he remembered that he had sold two eggs of the giant crocodile in Wangyue Mountain, and they were obtained by a young monk.

The young monk claimed to be from Jiaotan Forest.

He also said that if he had any difficulty, he could go find it.

However, Ye Yang only regarded it as a joke and didn't take it to heart.

At this moment, Ye Yang pretended to smile boldly, conveying the sound of vicissitudes of life.

"A certain family wants this thing just to make a toy and give it to the beautiful lady. I will add a thousand spiritual stones. If anyone still needs it, I will not bid even if the price is increased."

"Eight thousand spirit stones!"

Ye Yang called out the price, and there was a slight silence in the place.

The woman from Jiaotanlin still wanted to speak, but she seemed to have insufficient financial resources.

After all, there was no bid.

Bai Zi was really afraid that this person would stop bidding or speaking.

After all, he just couldn't stand it and wanted to disgust this Demon Elephant Fist successor and vent his bad breath on Ye Yang.

The sand of time didn't have much effect on him at that time.

"If no one bids again, this sand of time will belong to this fellow Taoist."

After a pause of three seconds, Meitao struck the hammer and announced the ownership of this grain of time sand.

Seeing this, Ye Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that he finally got the treasure he dreamed of, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel very happy, feeling that a big stone that had been hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.

After the Time Sand was auctioned, Meitao took out another set of spiritual stones and said.

"Fellow Taoists, this is a rare high-grade spiritual stone. There are as many as twelve. If you are in need, don't miss it. The starting price is twelve thousand spiritual stones."

High-grade spiritual stones can be used to restore monks' mana and as the eyes of special formations.

Most of the ones circulating on the market are ordinary spirit stones, and high-grade spirit stones are hard to find.

Most powerful people in the real world use this as their main currency of exchange.

In Feitianmen, this is a strategic material.

For example, the Great Sun Star Beast Puppet made from the Flying Piggyback Ray requires the activation of high-grade spiritual stones.

"Thirteen thousand spirit stones."

"Thirteen thousand five hundred spirit stones"

"Fourteen thousand spirit stones."

The price of high-grade spiritual stones rises very slowly. After all, although this object is rare, the price on the market is one thousand for one.

It costs too much and is not worth it.

In the end, these twelve high-grade spiritual stones were auctioned for a price of 14,500 spiritual stones.

Several more items followed, but after auctioning the sand of time, Ye Yang was too shy and did not continue to bid.

After a while, the auction came to an end.

Mei Tao waved the red silk cloth on it, her eyes full of charm.

"Fellow Taoists, there are three fine treasures coming next, and many people must be rushing towards them."

"The first item is the Chinese Magical Artifact Spirit Snake Bead."

"This bead was taken from the body of the Xiaoyue Silver Snake. It took seven years, seven days, seven days, seven o'clock, three main materials, and eighteen auxiliary spiritual materials to refine it. It can swallow ten feet of poisonous fire, and has the ability to enter water. It has a non-sinking function and can also summon a group of snakes.”

"The starting price is twenty-five thousand spirit stones."

It is difficult to refine the magic weapon, which requires both main materials and auxiliary materials.

This spirit snake bead is not only a middle-grade magic weapon, but it can also summon a group of snakes. It has a high gold content and is a treasure among treasures.

It is difficult to refine magical weapons, and many monks in the early stage of martial arts only use Qiandan weapons.

Mei Tao stretched out her hand, and a blue spirit bead with green snake eyes inside slowly floated up from her hand and floated above the main hall.

The hissing sounds of snakes could be heard coming from the snake beads, which was full of spirituality.

She continued to speak.

"This spirit snake bead is not only a middle-grade magic weapon, but also has a trace of spirituality, which is quite rare."

"Although the spirituality is still very weak, if it is cultivated for a hundred years, it may be promoted to a top-grade magical weapon."

Twenty-five thousand spirit stones are not expensive for many people.

As soon as she finished speaking, many people rushed to bid.

"Twenty-eight thousand spirit stones."

The Qian family, a large family in Shanhai City, was the first to make an offer.

"Thirty-two thousand spirit stones."

There are also real disciples who have traveled and have taken a fancy to the value of this medium-grade magic weapon.

"Thirty-eight thousand spiritual stones

"Forty thousand spiritual stones."

Soon, the price of this spirit snake bead was raised to 40,000 spirit stones.

Ye Yang saw that Bai Zi next to him was really interested in making a bid, but in the end he did not bid.

Bai Zizhen shook his head and secretly said it was a pity.

"Although this product is good, the price is too high."

He has been a martial artist for many years, and the magic weapon in his hand is only of low quality.

This spirit snake bead can be used as a treasure for inheritance for many small families.

Finally, under fierce competition, it was acquired by a small family for 45,000 spirit stones.

Seeing the Spirit Snake Pearl being auctioned off, Mei Tao's eyes showed a trace of satisfaction, and she hit the hammer.

"Fellow Taoists, let us auction the second item now."

"This is the Ten Directions Fetal Treasure Formation. It comes from the hands of the famous Master Gyatso from the Western Regions. Four monks with the eighth level or above of the Warrior Mirror are inspired by the magic power of jade liquid. It can form the Fetal Treasure Mandala Formation in a short time. In addition to being able to resist it for a short time, In addition to the real person's attack, the six-armed Mahakala spirit can also be summoned to counterattack."

After a pause, Mei Tao continued to speak.

"After testing, the strength of the six-armed Mahakala is approximately equal to that of two monks who have reached the perfect realm of martial arts together. Therefore, the starting price is set at 60,000 spiritual stones, and each bid must not be less than 2,000 spiritual stones!"

"In addition, the monk who sent the auction said that he only accepts high-grade spiritual stone transactions this time. If there is not enough stock, please do not participate in the auction."

This thing is a Buddhist formation. Compared with the combat power of the six-armed Mahakala, its defensive power is obviously better.

However, the conditions for use are quite harsh, and it is not easy to recruit four warrior monks who are above the eighth level jade liquid realm.

Ye Yang thought about it carefully and realized that Mo Niansheng was now seriously injured.

Feitianmen currently only has Gu Xuan, Gu Qingshu, and Ge Canhong who are above the eighth level of martial arts.

Even today's Feitian Sect cannot meet the conditions for the use of this formation.

However, there are also many strong men with burning eyes. This formation is not like a mountain-protecting formation that cannot be easily moved.

In a sense, it is more precious than the Mountain Guard Formation.

"This is simply a treasure of inheritance, a weapon of vital importance to life and death."

So as soon as the hammer sound fell, it attracted a group of people to bid.

"Sixty-five thousand spirit stones."

Someone made the first bid.

Bai Zizhen on the side was holding the armrests of the seat tightly with both hands, feeling excited that his target finally appeared.

He quickly increased the price.

"Seventy thousand spiritual stones."

He does not have high-grade spiritual stones in his hand, but once the bid is successful, he can contact Feitian Sect and use the sect's inventory to urgently send high-grade spiritual stones.

At the moment when the ten directions womb formation appeared.

In the VIP hall on one side, the bald old man with white beard said respectfully.

"Master, the Shifang Feizang Formation has finally appeared. Do we want to take action?"

The ugly young man next to him was full of anger. He was closing his eyes and concentrating. As he hesitated, there was an astonishing flash of thunder and lightning.

"Zhuang'er, just auction it."

"This Ten Directions Embryo Hidden Formation is quite mysterious. Now that my skills have not been restored, many people are watching eagerly and taking pictures of this formation. The island will feel a little more stable."

The white-bearded old man hesitated for a moment: "But Master, we can't gather four practitioners above the warrior Yu Ye on the island."

"Why, are you doubting my words? Just bid, and I will transform it with real people when the time comes. There will be no problem."

The young man was quite displeased and glanced at him sideways. The surroundings were as cold as ice, and the air froze slightly.

The old man with the white beard seemed to have thought of something. He was frightened and knelt down quickly.

"Disciple doesn't dare. Master doesn't dare. Please forgive me."

After he finished speaking, he actually started to slap himself.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The sound is crisp and audible.

"Get up, now we, the master and the apprentice, are the only ones who are of the same mind, so there is no need to be so polite."

If in the outside world, such a powerful old man was so humble, it would definitely cause countless people to exclaim.

But the young man had long been accustomed to it.

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