"The starting price is four thousand spirit stones."

Ye Yang groaned, this is just the starting price, no one can say what the final transaction price will be.

Ye Yang called the maid, and then said: "I need a lot of time sand. I wonder if you can recommend the seller information to me?"

The maid shook her head and said: "Senior, there are rules in the auction that the information of the seller and buyer must not be leaked."

Ye Yang nodded, and then said: "That's all, just help me pay attention to the news about Time Sand."

Even so, he did not give up easily, but took the lady to a hidden space.

"I won't embarrass you. You just need to help me pay attention to who brought the Time Sand, and then report it to me. This spiritual stone will be yours."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang pushed out a small bag of spiritual stones and placed it in front of the maid.

This bag of spiritual stones was numerous and very precious. When the maid saw these spiritual stones, she couldn't open her eyes.

She has worked hard at auctions for many years, but she may not be able to save such a small bag.

Ye Yang had figured out what she was thinking and made this move.

The moment he saw her heartbeat, Ye Yang knew that the maid had an impure mind and that there was something to be done.

"Why do you still want to refuse?"

The maid was moved, but she didn't dare to take action.

Seeing her hesitate, Ye Yang suddenly released a coercion that belonged to a warrior-level monk. The billowing demonic aura was like substance, and the murderous aura frightened the maid's heart.

The maid was so frightened by Ye Yang that her body softened and she almost fell to her knees on the ground. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and did not dare to refuse.

She quickly accepted the spirit stone: "Senior, please rest assured, I will definitely bring the news as promised."

Hearing this, Ye Yangzhong showed a hint of appreciation: "If there is any progress, please pass on the news quickly. If you are ineffective, don't blame me..."

Ye Yang's cold eyes flashed, and a surge of murderous intent surged out. The maid immediately knelt and crawled on the ground: "Senior, don't worry, I will do my best, junior."

"If you do it well, there will be rewards."

Ye Yang walked out of the door and faint words came out.

The maid hurriedly nodded, and after confirming that Ye Yang had really walked out, she secretly picked up the spirit stones and started counting them one by one, her face full of excitement.

"There are actually as many as a hundred!"

She couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, and then quickly covered her mouth. Her annual salary was less than a hundred spirit stones.

What happened at the nine-day auction was just an episode.

After walking out of the nine-day auction, Ye Yang was still thinking about the news about the grain of time.

The starting price of more than 4,000 spirit stones is actually not low.

He doesn't have many spiritual stones in hand, and he must liquidate some of them before he can prepare for the next auction.

More than a year ago, he bought a shop in Tao'anfang City for 5,000 spirit stones, and spent most of the spirit stones in his hand.

He took a careful inventory and found that there were more than 4,000 spirit stones in his hand. Adding the gifts from the Huang family, there were 5,000 spirit stones.

Although it is enough, it is not very generous.

At this time, Ye Yang thought of his shop in Tao'anfang City. According to Bai Zizhen, many people were interested in the shop during this period.

Thinking of this, he changed his body shape, returned to Ye Yang's appearance, and drove the Sun Flying Turtle to Tao'anfang City.

The sky was dark, it was early morning, the autumn frost was white, and the wheels rolled over, revealing two marks.

In a dense forest.

There were seven or eight monks driving two strong bull-like monster horses, moving slowly.

Behind the demon horse is a giant carriage with bags of spiritual food piled on it.

Following closely behind, there were more than ten giant horses, carrying bags of spiritual food towards the court at a very slow speed.

Although these horses are not monsters, they are all red-eyed, strong and extraordinary.

Walking at the front was an old man in his sixties or seventies. He glanced behind him.

"Everyone, work harder and hurry up, otherwise we won't be able to reach Tao'anfang City before dark."

Everyone protected the spiritual food harvested by the family in autumn, and moved step by step towards the market ahead.

In the old man's hand was a fist-sized mouse with two pupils, a forked tail and golden fur all over its body.

As he was walking, he was teasing the mouse in his hand. Suddenly, a figure quickly appeared in the dense forest behind him. The figure hurriedly shouted:

"Uncle Ninth, the clan leader has sent an order for you to go back. We have important matters to discuss."

"What? We have just delivered the spiritual food halfway. How can we leave? If we go back, these journeys will be in vain."

He frowned briefly, and then said, "Clan leader, do you have anything to tell me?"

The young man running from the sky looked extremely excited.

"According to the clan leader, the store we have been planning in Tao'anfang City seems to have come to fruition, so we would like to convene a family elders meeting and invite you to come back to discuss it."

"This is a letter from the patriarch."

After finishing speaking, the young man came over and handed over a letter.

The old man's face changed, and the mouse he was playing with quickly entered his arms.

He took the letter, read it quickly and said, "Everyone followed me back the same way and returned home again."

The person behind him was very puzzled and said: "We have walked for so long and escaped waves of bandit cultivators. Are we going to go back again?"

The old man known as Uncle Jiu laughed loudly and looked excited.

"What else can we give? If this matter can be successful, we will have a foundation in Tao'anfang City. There will be no need to work so hard to escort food."

The young people behind him were very excited after hearing this. The Wang family was just a small family nearby, and Tao'anfang City was a newly opened Dafang City in recent years.

It is said that the Feitian Sect, together with several sects such as Fengyu Tower, has opened up a barter area there. There are a large number of monks coming and going, and the exchanges are prosperous. They have long wanted to settle in it.

"Uncle Jiu, I heard that the Feitian Sect is extremely powerful. They unite several sects and are not afraid of even the strong ones in the real-life realm. Is this true?"

"Yes, that's why they can build a city in this vast wilderness without fear of monster attacks or banditry."

The man called Uncle Jiu thought for a moment and then spoke again.

"The Feitian Sect is no small matter, especially since there are several spiritual veins extending out of this city. It is a good place for many casual cultivators and family disciples to practice."

He looked excited, stretched out a long whip, and hit the two monster horses with a swipe.

The two demon horses immediately turned their heads and quickly returned to the family with a shout from Herod.

And on another hilltop.

The head of the Chen family also looked excited when he received the news that the huge shop in Tao'anfang City was up for lease.

He quickly summoned the elders of the family and held a meeting.

Patriarch Chen said: "Everyone, the high cultivator from the Feitian Sect has released news that he will rent out his shop at a price of one thousand pieces of spiritual stones per year.

“However, five years of rent need to be paid in one lump sum.”

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