The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 197 Blood and Bone Cult and Red Lantern Notice

The moment he approached the Huang family.

Ye Yang suddenly heard a scream coming from all around, followed by the croaking of crows.

A group of dormant black crows flew over the sky, and the smell of blood filled the air.

The practitioner who was driving the demon horse was a little scared. He quickly grabbed the reins and tried to stop the horse's hooves, but the horse's eyes had been swallowed by a crow in the air.

Then, the horse fell to the ground and its internal organs were eaten out by crows. After a while, only the bones were left.

"Who dares to come to my Huang family to act wild?"

In the motorcade, a powerful female voice spoke, and the sound shocked the stars.

Then, in the middle of the motorcade, a bright yellow figure flashed out, and she turned out to be an old lady.

Although she is short and fat and has an old face, she is holding a dragon head crutch and has an extraordinary momentum. She is clearly the old lady of the Huang family.

The old lady of the Huang family was very powerful. As soon as she appeared, countless fireballs popped out of her hands, driving the crows away.

After a while, a sound came from the sky.

"Huang family! Hum, the one who will be extinguished by my red light will be the Huang family."

A stern female voice came out, and then a woman in a white dress descended from the sky.

She has a withered face and is about forty years old. She is holding a bamboo basket in her left arm. The bamboo basket is hooped with a red silk rope, but inside is a basket of pitch-black crows.

Those crows were as big as fists, croaking, jumping out, and rushing toward everyone crazily.

After a while, several people were cut into pieces by dark crows.

Ye Yang frowned, it turned out to be the person receiving the red light.

Previously, the Red Lantern Notice was expelled from the headquarters by Feitianmen and Fengyulou.

I never thought that it would resurrect and reappear in Shanhai City.

However, they promoted equal resources and eliminated families and sects. There were many casual cultivators in Shanhai City, which was just suitable for development.

This was also expected by Ye Yang.

The old lady of the Huang family snorted coldly and rushed into the sky, using a dragon-headed walking stick to fight with the woman in the sky.

The dragon's head spewed out unparalleled fire, forcing the man back dozens of feet away.

Another long shout came from the sky.

"Mrs. Huang, my Blood and Bone Divine Cult is here, why don't we just surrender quickly?"

After he finished speaking, a person swooped down from the sky.

His body was withered and thin, like a bat that had been drained of blood. His bones were clearly visible. He was holding a big stick made of human bone legs in his hand, and his breath was overwhelming.

The servants were suppressed by him with great force, and they all knelt on the ground. Many of them were paralyzed on the ground, unable to move.

"The Blood and Bone Cult and the Red Light Society appear again. It seems things are not simple."

These two organizations were brutal, bloodthirsty, vicious and cunning, and they destroyed countless sects and families.

The most important thing is that under the banner of equal resources, the other party has aroused the response of countless low-level casual cultivators. Even though it has been surrounded and suppressed by many sects in recent years, it has not been extinct. On the contrary, it has a tendency to become more and more ignited.

Ye Yang was not prepared to take action. He had no hobby of showing off his holiness in front of others.

In addition, the Feitian Sect, the Blood and Bone Cult, and the Red Lantern Society had a life-and-death feud. He and these people were just acquaintances for the first time, and he could not afford to expose himself to danger.

What's more, this place is close to the Huang family's boundary, and the Huang family has many experts. I'm afraid someone will come to support them soon.

As Ye Yang expected, in less than half a stick of incense, a giant sword soaring into the sky suddenly flashed across the sky in the distance.

This sword was executed just right and was very sharp. The sword whistled and hit two white lines that were about ten feet long. It was extremely sharp.

The sword light appeared out of the sky and struck out like lightning, quickly piercing the batman.

It was obviously the masters of the Huang family who took action.

The old bat man was still not dead the moment the sword light penetrated his chest.

His whole body was twitching constantly, revealing his extremely strong vitality.

However, the sudden attack frightened the two of them. After dodging the old lady Huang's dragon head, the two of them gave a weird laugh and disappeared into the horizon.

Seeing the two fleeing, the Huang family did not pursue them.

Mrs. Huang had a bodhisattva-like heart. She walked among the crowd, distributed elixirs, and treated seriously injured servants.

Then, he walked to the corpses of the horses that had been pecked by crows with only white bones left, and silently recited the Purana Sutra.

A quarter of an hour later, the Huang family's reinforcements followed this group of people and returned to the clan's territory.

Seeing this, Ye Yang quietly left everyone and arrived at a hidden valley.

Seeing that there was no one around, Ye Yang took a long breath. The demonic energy was everywhere in his body, and there was a sound of bones cracking.

His figure moved for a while, and then quickly grew in size. In a short while, he turned into a tall man with strong muscles, a fierce aura, and eyes shining with cold starlight.

Ye Yang has had contact with people from the Huang family before.

After Ye Yang sent the message, a response soon came from within the Huang family.

After a while, two figures walked over from the courtyard, one of them was dressed in yellow and had a beautiful face.

A pair of big eyes, but a small mouth and a cold face, adding a touch of coldness and nobility.

The other man was about forty years old, holding a broken knife, with gray hair and a face full of vicissitudes of life.

It was the two masters and servants of the Huang family that he had rescued in the ancient evil temple.

Seeing Ye Yang coming, excitement flashed in their eyes.

"Senior, after we said goodbye a few months ago, I miss you often. I never thought I would finally see you again today."

The girls from the Huang family looked excited. They were grateful to Ye Yang for rescuing the two of them in the evil temple.

He even regarded Ye Yang as a worldly expert with outstanding combat capabilities, and wanted to leave a good impression in front of him at this moment.

Ye Yang said: "What, there is news?"

Upon hearing this, Huang Rui looked at Lin Wei beside him, and then showed a wry smile.

"To be honest with what senior said, since the last time we said goodbye, we have mobilized all the power in our hands and tried our best to find information on spiritual materials such as time, and we have really discovered something..."

"It's just that the thing is expensive and the quantity is very small. I don't know if it can meet the needs of the seniors."

Ye Yang's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he said: "Please elaborate."

Huang Rui said: "Senior, please come with me and report to you carefully."

After saying that, the master and servant took Ye Yang slowly into an attic of the Huang family.

After some conversation, Ye Yang found out that the woman in yellow shirt was the second young lady of the Huang family.

She is not weak. She has reached the eighth floor of ventilation. She is also very popular in the Huang family. In Shanhai City, she alone controls the business of a shop.

The two started searching for connections within Shanhai City, and found news about a grain of time sand some time ago.

At that time, the sand of time experienced nine days of gloomy death and the power of nine heavens' bright winds to form a single grain for thousands of years, containing rich changes in time.

It was regarded as the finale of the nine-day auction.

"Nine-day auction."

The name Ye Yang is not unfamiliar.

He had a lot of exposure to the Jiutian Auction, and Feitianmen's Flying Silver-spotted Piggyback Ray was obtained from the Jiutian Auction.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment. Being able to go to the nine-day auction means that this thing is genuine, but once it goes to the auction, it also means that its price is high.

But this sand of time is related to his chance of enlightenment and must not be ignored.

Ye Yang's expression was as calm as water. The two of them tried their best to look for any changes in Ye Yang's emotions, but they couldn't see anything.

After a long time, Huang Rui said: "Senior, in half a month, the six-month auction of the nine-day auction will be held. I was worried about how to find senior, but I never thought that senior would be found in advance."

Ye Yang nodded: "The time sand was mysterious and abnormal at that time. If it appears, there will definitely be more than one grain. Please help me continue to search for it."

A grain of time sand is not enough to refine a magic weapon. He actually wants to find the person behind the sand, but this method requires more careful planning.

The two looked at each other, and Huang Rui took out a storage bag.

"Here are a thousand spiritual stones. Senior rescued us two before, but I haven't had time to thank you. I have some yellow and white things. Please don't refuse, senior."

Huang Rui had an insight into people's hearts and knew that Ye Yang would participate in the auction, so he took out some spiritual stones in advance as a thank you.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment, and although he wanted to refuse, he still accepted it.

After all, he didn't know how many spirit stones were needed to capture the Time Sand at that time.

Naturally, the more complete spiritual stones you prepare in advance, the better.

After this happened, the two planned to leave Ye Yang to rest at home for a few days.

However, he was rejected by Ye Yang.

After leaving the Huang family, Ye Yang stayed away from the crowd and quickly arrived at the Shanhai City Jiutian Chamber of Commerce auction house.

Perhaps the semi-annual large-scale auction is coming, so there is an endless stream of people coming in and out of the Jiutian Auction House.

Ye Yang did not change his body shape and still maintained his body that was two feet tall. Many monks saw his tall stature and overpowering demonic aura, so they avoided a path for him to move forward.

Many people pointed fingers.

"Does this man have the blood of an ancient giant? Why is he so strong and huge?"

"The demonic aura is soaring to the sky, and the murderous intent is as real as the essence. He must be a ruthless and cruel person."

"Brother Zhang, be careful what you say."

Ye Yang glanced back. When those people were stared at by him, they immediately did not dare to speak any more.

But under his intense gaze, there were still a lot of beads of sweat dripping from his forehead.

As soon as Ye Yang walked in, a maid brought tea and placed it on the table.

“Senior, I don’t know if he’s here to deliver the photo or to participate in it.”

Ye Yang said: "Of course I'm participating in the auction. Get the auction manual for this time quickly."

When the maid heard what Ye Yang said, she quickly took out a jade auction book.

The book was green and smooth. Ye Yang poured his spiritual consciousness into it and slowly opened it. At the first glance, many rare treasures appeared.

The farther back you look, the higher the price of these treasures becomes.

After a while, Ye Yang finally found his target.

The sand of time is a star stone that has fallen from the Nine Heavens. It has been nurtured by the power of yin and yang of the Gangfeng, and has experienced thousands of changes in time before it can be condensed into one. The starting price is four thousand spiritual stones.

This thing is precious, so much manpower and material resources were used to find just this one in Shanhai City.

But even so, the price is extraordinary.

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