The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 190 Heaven and Earth are in sorrow, mysterious letter

The body of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray is unusually large, especially when it is covered with iron-scaled giant armor. It shines golden and bright in the sun, which is extraordinary.

This is a truly giant thing, with a radius of thirty to forty feet, covered in iron armor, with trembling iron scales, straddling the sky and the earth, covering a large area of ​​the sky above the Feitian Gate.

The giant ray failed to break through, and then successfully advanced with the help of Feitianmen's fourth-level demon elixir and vitality spirit liquid, and then died directly at the end of its lifespan.

After death, he was resurrected, and then turned into a huge puppet monster. The twists and turns are amazing.

And the astonishing fluctuations came, the armor shook, like scales all over the sky fluttering and flying together. Under the sun, it was even more frightening, and everyone couldn't help but marvel.

As the person in charge of this casting, Master Lu stood on the head of the star beast the size of a house and building, and bowed his hands to Gu Xuan.

"Congratulations, the ancient leader. From now on, the Feitian Sect will have a large flying beast that will never die. From my point of view, no spiritual ship or spirit boat can compare to it."

Gu Xuan was excited, his eyes and brows were filled with pride, and a smile appeared on his old and dry face.

"The treasure of suppressing the pulse is the foundation of a sect, and it is also the prerequisite for being strong. Otherwise, what is the difference between those aristocratic families and ordinary practicing sects."

He smiled happily and said: "Thank you Master Lu for your help. If it hadn't been for your help this time, the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray would not have survived even if it was designed."

Master Lu shook his head: "The reason why I was able to refine it into a puppet body this time was mainly due to the strong support of the Feitian Clan. The vitality and spiritual liquid are precious, and the fourth-level monster inner elixir is even more difficult to find. Even I rarely have it." See.”

Although there are many monsters, it is difficult to see monsters above the fourth level. They are either in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the vast sea, or in the monster country on the ground, where they are rarely seen.

This time, Feitianmen paid a huge price for the promotion of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray to a third-level monster, and three-tenths of this year's profits have been spent.

However, this war beast is huge, extremely powerful, fast, and can land, water or air. It is a strategic item, far beyond the ordinary third-level flying spirit ship.

Therefore, Gu Xuan couldn't help but shout happily in his heart: "Today, the disciples of the sect will drink and have fun. On the third day of the celebration, the weapon refiners who came will each be given another five hundred spiritual stones. As for the promise to Master Lu, please don't worry. Feitianmen will definitely fulfill its promise.”

After the Feitian Silver-spotted Pack Ray was successfully promoted, the entire Feitian Sect suddenly fell into great joy.

Even Ye Yang's face couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy.

Ye Yang was practicing cross-legged under the purple electric silver peach tree in the head hall.

The purple electric silver peach tree is extraordinary, with purple light blooming all over its body, and countless spiritual energy slowly condensing.

While the light was shining brightly, it caused lightning to burst out all around, crackling and flashing continuously.

The three characters "Xinhuo Lord" on the huge stone next to it are like golden hooks and iron strokes. The energy of Tao Demon flows, and the iron bones are clanking, and it is extremely huge.

This purple electric silver peach tree is extremely precious, and I don’t know how many people have put their efforts into it.

Looking at the scarlet-blooded characters on the boulder, Ye Yang couldn't help but be reminded of the fierce body of Hall Master Helian, and also thought of the people on the back of the flying silver-spotted pack ray heading straight up to Qingming, through the clouds and mist, to fight against Lord Qingming. figure.

At this time, a lot of astragalus, ginseng, and Ganoderma lucidum were already growing next to the purple electric silver peach tree.

On the one hand, it is because the wild elixir seeds in the mountains are blown by the wind or picked up by birds and animals. They are hidden in the roots of trees and grow prosperously.

The other part was deliberately spread by the Feitian Sect, and it has now prospered.

The two purple electric silver peach fruits above turn from green to red, exuding a rich aroma.

Ye Yang secretly guessed that it wouldn't be long before the purple electric silver peach would mature.

Like a long whale sucking water, Ye Yang took a deep breath, and the billowing spiritual energy and purple electricity essence around him quickly penetrated into his mouth.

And within his body, the sound of cuckoo toads kept coming out, and the rolling mana collided in his body like turbulent waves.

Almost in an instant, all the spiritual energy was absorbed.

Then Ye Yang started practicing sword practice again.

Under the morning sun, purple lightning bloomed, and the fragrance of spiritual peach was fragrant. This mysterious fragrance made him slightly stunned.

The copper ring on the Ghost Head Seven-ring Sword has not been repaired since it was destroyed by Luo Changsheng.

The broadsword was as light as nothing in his hand. He cut it down with one strike. The sword fell silently, and the air collapsed slightly, cutting into the surrounding air.

Cutting down in the sunshine, Ye Yang couldn't take his eyes away from the bright light.

The scattered wisps of sword light and the bright blade were moving faster and faster in his hand, like the gorgeous peacock tail feathers.

That is the inheritance that belongs exclusively to the Thirteen Swordsmen of Time.

Putting away the knife and standing, Ye Yang slowly walked down the purple electric silver peach tree.

But on Li Huofeng Mountain, Wang Dong was holding a yellow gourd with green and red mottled colors, exhaling and absorbing the mystery. Above the yellow gourd was a wolf-headed shadow, with poisonous smoke billowing and evil aura filling the air.

He sat cross-legged. Since the battle with Zhu Xingyu, a sick scholar ranked 268th on the Hidden Dragon List, he broke through the mental barriers, understood his thoughts, and made further progress.

The whole body was bursting with flames, and the flames filled the air. A pair of eyes kept spitting out brilliance, and under the sunlight, there was an aura of danger.

During this period of time, the Feitian Sect has been extremely peaceful, especially after Wang Dong defeated the sick scholar Zhu Xingyu, who was ranked 268th on the Qianlong List, it attracted the attention of countless people.

Although he did not win, he was able to trade injuries for injuries after a long stalemate with Zhu Xingyu. Even if he was seriously injured, one of Zhu Xingyu's arms was crippled. It was extremely shocking to people's eyes, and he was sealed with bloodthirsty. The name of the mad wolf.

Wang Dong opened his eyes lightly and saw Ye Yang practicing his sword.

The huge ghost-headed seven-ring sword was like a golden sun. The dazzling and grand light actually forced tears to flow from his eyes.

He looked at Ye Yangyang waving his sword in the sunlight, and he couldn't help but feel horrified in his heart.

I heard that the most powerful thing of Protector Ye is the Thirteen Swords of Time. With one sword, the power of thirteen swords swarms out, and the time passes with the wind.

Even the mysterious Die Wuhou with the Eyes of Blood and Tears was frightened away by this sword. Even Luo Changsheng, who came from a mysterious force and challenged 365 major powers, also lost several years of his life with this sword.

“It’s just a pity”

He shook his head sadly.

If Senior Brother Ye had been in his prime, he would have definitely been famous on the Hidden Dragon List of Yalong Ridge, but now his muscles are broken and he can no longer go any further, as everyone knows.

"Perhaps this is Feitianmen's real loss."

Wang Dong's heart was trembling, and he had an indescribable feeling.

On this day, Gu Xuan finished his morning practice and was slowly sipping a cup of fragrant tea in the main hall.

The huge flying silver-spotted piggyback ray surrounded by golden sunlight is flying up and down in the mountains.

Suddenly, a boy sent a letter.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan frowned and slowly opened the letter.

The content of the letter is very simple. It was written by a disciple who was away from home. It begins with a few polite greetings.

He didn't pay attention, and then Gu Xuan slowly unfolded the mysterious message on the back of the letter.

But the next moment, he couldn't help but frown. After all, this piece of information really made him feel unacceptable.

"You're so deceptive! It's no use to be a powerful person."

Brothers, I drank a pound of wine today. It’s the end of the year and there’s nothing I can do about it. After all, there are many things that I can’t help myself with, and I have to socialize with the world.

I’ll update it first. I only have 2,000 words. Please forgive me. I’ll put the update in the early hours tomorrow. Thank you.

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