The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 189 Big Sun Star Beast Third Level Ancient Demon

The clouds are misty and the mountains are covered with valleys.

Over the Feitian Gate, a huge beast appeared, with two huge wings and huge plum blossoms and silver spots on the edges of its flat body.

The two long bone whiskers have turned golden color, and the back is golden, shining with a faint luster in the sun.

It is the flying silver-spotted piggyback ray in the Feitian Gate.

It's just that the flying silver-spotted pack ray is not in good condition at the moment. His whole body is exuding an evil light and he is roaring in pain.

The sound, like the roar of a whale, or the roar of a tiger or leopard, spread louder and louder in the Feitian Gate.

Immediately afterwards, it trembled for a while, and slowly shed its skin while roaring. The shed skin was silver, and the new skin was golden.

Its entire body shines brightly, emitting countless rays of light, like the purest gold in the world.

It flew slowly into the sky, surrounded by smoke and mist. Under the dusk light, it seemed as if a layer of flame was lit on the horizon.

Just halfway through its molting, something unexpected happened. The bones of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray's body were shattered, and its skin withered. It was stuck on the edge of a breakthrough, unable to go any further.

"It's the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray. It's finally about to be promoted to a third-level monster!"

"This pack ray has been at the top of the second-level monster for a long time, and now it has gone straight into Qingming. It is full of majestic momentum. I don't know if it can successfully break through."

"I find it difficult to see it. After all, it has reached the twilight of its life and it is difficult to break through."

Not as expected.

At this time, cold light burst out on the huge body of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray, and the first half of its body covered with golden light actually cracked layer by layer, exposing the bones and internal organs inside.

This is due to Feitianmen's forcible infusion of various spiritual things, which makes the foundation unstable and difficult to break through.

The aura of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray has dried up and decayed. Its vitality has reached its extreme, but its aura is still rising.

Suddenly, countless blood flowers burst out from its body.

I don’t know how many people shed tears when they saw this scene.

This piggyback ray is an ancient beast, and it is the treasure of Feitianmen. It has great strength and extremely fast flight. It can be said to be a strategic asset, which is difficult for the outside world to see.

Even the Feitian Sect was an old beast purchased from the Shuntian Chamber of Commerce after much planning.

After Feitianmen purchased it, it helped Feitianmen open trade routes, carry goods and transport goods, and participated in many battles, making great achievements in battle.

However, even with its unparalleled splendor, the body of the ancient demon cannot withstand the power of time.

It is too old and has finally fulfilled its destiny.

Even after many attempts by the Feitian Sect, he still had not broken through to the third level monster.

That's when.

A thin figure flew into the air, and then took out a fist-sized demon pill from his arms.

The demon elixir is green all over, as if it was taken from some kind of demonic beast in the sea. There is a huge shadow like a long whale in the demon elixir.

"It turns out to be a fourth-level demon pill!"

"The sect really spent a lot of money on this pack ray!"

"I heard that I bought a third-level demon elixir at a high price some time ago, but I didn't expect that I actually bought a fourth-level demon elixir."

"No, this is a strategic material. How can it be measured by spiritual stones?"

"This Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray is close to the limit of its lifespan. Even if it succeeds in breaking through, it won't live long. Why should we spend huge energy to help it break through?"

The third-level demon elixir is no bigger than an egg, and only the fourth-level demon elixir can grow to the size of a fist.

Not every demonic beast can condense demonic elixirs. Even ordinary warriors with late-stage cultivation cannot resist the fourth-level demonic beasts, so they are extremely precious.

As soon as the fourth-level demon pill appeared, the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray immediately showed an excited expression.

He quickly opened his huge mouth and came towards Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan threw the demon pill into the mouth of the flying silver-spotted pack ray. The pack ray hurriedly swallowed it, and its aura rose again.

But, it's not enough!

Gu Xuan waved his hand and sprinkled hundreds of drops of Yuanqi Spiritual Liquid. This Yuanqi Spiritual Liquid was produced by the Feitian Sect's spiritual veins, and only a hundred drops could be condensed every ten years.

The spiritual liquid that was poured down just now took twenty years of accumulation.

This flying silver-spotted piggyback ray is already old, so it has overcome difficulties.

Even under the influence of various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he still encountered great difficulties.

Fortunately, at this moment, hundreds of drops of spiritual liquid emitted pure white and flawless vitality fluctuations, and the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray swallowed them all in its mouth.

Countless vigorous demonic energies suddenly rushed out from it.

Gu Xuan showed a trace of nervousness.

In order to help Feitian Silver-spotted Pigeon Ray advance to the third level of monster, Feitian Clan spent a huge price.

If this Feitian Silver-spotted Pack Ray fails to break through, all Feitian Sect's plans will be in vain.


The flying silver-spotted pack ray showed its body in the golden light, and the air around it became unstable, like waves rising darkly, and the ripples in the air extended to the horizon.

Then, an eternal picture fell in front of everyone's eyes.

The flying silver-spotted pack ray was originally more than twenty feet tall. At this moment, its body suddenly doubled in size, becoming thirty or forty feet tall, like a mountain peak.

But then, its skin quickly withered and rotted, revealing the deep white bones inside, as well as a huge heart that could be seen through the bones.

"Did it succeed or fail?"

Everyone couldn't help but open their eyes and watch carefully.

But the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray roared loudly, and at the moment of breakthrough, its huge body dropped from the sky.


It stirred up a cloud of smoke and created a large crater on the ground.

Half of the body is golden and brilliant, while the other half has exposed bones, withered and decayed flesh and blood, and the whole body is rotten.

At this moment, under the Lihuofeng cave, all the weapon refiners looked up to the sky and felt something instantly.

Master Lu gave a long shout, and the pattern of a water-walking unicorn playing with beads on his chest suddenly grew in size and flew in the air.

His already tall body grew to more than ten feet tall again, a unicorn mask appeared on his head, and a pair of forked long horns pointed obliquely at the sky.

He held a giant hammer and hammered the last giant steel scale.

"At this moment, what are you waiting for?"

As soon as he shouted, the weapon refiners immediately sensed this and hurriedly threw the tools they forged into the sky.

There are giant steel armors, bones, wings, and strips that resemble blood vessels and tendons, but they are as thick as a bucket.

At the moment when these instruments were flying in the sky, Ye Yang found that the brain-core jade guide he was holding in his hand also emitted a sacred light.

The next moment, the jade guide escaped from his hand and flew into the air. It quickly flew out of Lihuo Peak with countless iron pieces, blood vessels, giant scales, and wings around it.

"Hurry, let's catch up. The Great Sun Star Beast is finally refined. Whether it's success or failure depends on this moment!"

Master Lu quickly rushed out of Lihuo Peak, and Ye Yang followed him out of the cave.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, he saw huge iron-colored giant scales forming a long dragon in the sky, and then surged towards the flying silver-spotted pack ray.

And it quickly covered the huge body with a radius of thirty to forty feet.

In an instant, the flying silver-spotted ray turned into a giant iron-scaled beast, but it seemed to have reached the end of its lifespan and was dead, lying motionless on the ground.

Even if this iron piece like the sun is embedded in its body, it will not react at all.

Ye Yang used the sword pupil method, and his vision was clear and bright.

The brain core Yugui that he had been tempering for a long time actually sank directly into the brain of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray and disappeared.

At this moment, he seemed to see the body of the flying silver-spotted pack ray, which seemed to move.

"Is this thing alive or dead?"

A trace of doubt flashed through everyone's mind.

But he never thought that at this moment, the flying silver-spotted pack ray let out a vast roar, and roared like a dragon, a whale, or a tiger.

After the iron scales on his body trembled for a while, he slowly flew up from the ground and reached mid-air again.

It is covered in iron armor with giant scales, and its wings are huge. The iron scales are fluttering like feathers, and its back and abdomen are golden, with two bone whiskers hanging down, like giant golden pillars.

Only the internal organs in the abdomen were exposed, revealing a huge beating heart tied up with countless ropes as thick as buckets.

The eyes are green, and they look like two huge houses.

"The Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray is alive again?"

"How could this happen? What is happening!"

The flying silver-spotted pack ray is like a god descending to earth at this moment, with extraordinary power.

At this moment, the flying silver-spotted ray slowly landed in the sect hall, as if summoned by someone.

Gu Xuan stood under the purple electric silver peach tree and laughed happily when he saw the flying silver spot coming on his back.

The blue-black Dao Demon Qi held him up and flew to the head of the flying silver-spotted pack ray.

He stood on the head of the flying silver-spotted pack ray, took out several spiritual stones full of spiritual energy, and inserted them directly into the head of the pack ray.

After the pack ray was nourished by spiritual energy, it roared straight into the sky.

"It turns out to be a precious, high-grade spiritual stone!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang finally knew Gu Xuan's plan.

High-grade spiritual stones are originally an extremely precious cultivation resource.

It can not only maintain the operation of the formation, but also is a kind of genius treasure. It can be used as a magic weapon or the refining of the magic formation.

These four high-grade spiritual stones are valuable and full of spiritual energy, providing ample power for the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray.

The speed of the flying silver-spotted pack ray soared into the sky.

But after a while, as soon as the power of the spiritual stone was used up, the light on his body dimmed...

"This flying silver-spotted pack ray seems to have been refined into a huge star beast like a puppet."

Ye Yang finally understood why the sect kidnapped so many weapon refiners and spent a lot of effort to let the sect break through to the third level monster.

It turned out that after he succeeded in breaking through, he used the puppet magic weapon refining method to turn him into a giant puppet beast.

In this way, it will be tireless and will never die.

But the disadvantage is that the acuity has been reduced, and it requires high-grade spiritual stones to activate, which is expensive.

For this huge body with a radius of thirty to forty feet, even four high-grade spiritual stones may not be able to hold on for too long.

Thanks to the book friend whose tail number is 5656 for the 100-point reward, thank you again, man.

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