The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 175 The Mysterious Monk in the Hall of Transmission

Huo Bingshuang sheathed her sword and stood up, wiping the sweat from her forehead. The scent of sweat made Yang Zhen's heart pound, causing his blood to surge.

He looked at the corner and saw a dull young man holding a pot of grass and giggling. He flashed a playful smile, brought Huo Bingshuang a glass of cold water, and deliberately struck up a conversation.

"Zhang Zhe doesn't know how to practice or speak. He just hugs a piece of grass and giggles. He doesn't know how he got into the Feitian Gate."

"It is said that he has a close relationship with the Zhang family, a subordinate of the Feitian Sect."

Zhang Zhe is stupid and honest. Even if others say that he heard it, he doesn't take it seriously. He just puts all his thoughts in the grass pot in his hand and giggles.

The two of them watched for a long time before they realized that he was deworming the pot of grass, and then burying the dead bugs in the roots to add nutrients to the grass.

The two of them didn't take it seriously, and Yang Zhen continued: "By the way, junior sister, do you know that according to Professor Han Bao, there will be a distinguished guest coming to teach tomorrow, do you know who it is?"

Huo Bingshuang shook her head: "I don't know about this yet."

Nowadays, Feitian Sect has many disciples, and this group of new disciples alone has more than 200 people. Later, Feitian Sect recruited a group of guest ministers with special skills. The children and direct disciples of these guest ministers were also trained in Feitian Sect.

Most of the disciples of the previous generation have left the cabinet and served as deacons or general managers in various places under the Feitian Sect.

However, there are also some people who still stay in the sect because their cultivation is not up to standard or their strength is not enough.

The total number of these people was three to four hundred.

Therefore, competition among Feitian Sect's disciples is also fierce.

Hearing that Huo Bingshuang didn't know, Yang Zhen's eyes showed a hint of pride, and he spoke in a rather showy manner: "I know that the one who will give the lecture tomorrow is most likely to be Protector Ye Yang, who is the master of swords and swords."


Huo Bingshuang's heart moved slightly and she was shocked.

This Protector Ye is a famous figure in the Feitian Sect. His swordsmanship and swordsmanship skills are unparalleled.

And what she practices is swordsmanship, so she will have to ask for advice when the time comes.

She knew that the Yang Zhen in front of her was the son of a warrior-level protector of the sect, and had a close relationship with several disciples in the sect.

His news must not be false.

The conversation between the two was loud. Yu Qingshan, who was practicing sword skills on the other side, paused slightly when he heard the word "Ye Yang" and accepted the two fine steel swords.

"They only know that my nominal cousin practices hard, but they don't know how much this person has paid for his goals."

"Sophisticated, mellow and sophisticated, this is what these people can imagine. If they only know how to practice hard, it may be difficult to break through to this level."

Yu Qingshan shook his head. He and Ye Yang were nominal cousins. Thinking of how Ye Yang came to the Yu family to borrow spiritual stones and was treated coldly by the Yu family, the older he became, the more he could understand how difficult it was for Ye Yang at that time.

In the Yu family before, he was a noble son with a distinguished status. No one dared to disobey him. He had all the resources for cultivation and was respected by everyone everywhere.

However, since Yu Hu was put under house arrest by the sect and his family was sealed off, the supply of training resources has been dwindling. Only with the support of Ye Mu, he has learned how difficult it is to be a human being.

Putting away his sword, Yu Qingshan took out a precious elixir from the secret compartment of his backpack, and then drank it with warm water.

Lying on the bed, while refining the power of the elixir, he stared at the bright moon outside the window and refused to fall asleep for a long time.

I actually felt a little homesick.

There is not enough spiritual energy in the Tongfang where this disciple lives. If he wants to practice quickly, he must take pills.

For most disciples, it is a huge sacrifice.

"If not, I'll go to my cousin tomorrow and borrow some more spiritual stones. My mother has been working hard for a long time, so we can't let her worry."

With this thought in mind, he slowly fell asleep under the moonlight in front of the window.

the next day.

Evening drums and morning bells rang, and the sound was thunderous.

The early morning sun shone in the sect's main hall. A group of disciples had already prepared in advance and were waiting patiently in the sect's main hall.

I heard that a distinguished guest was coming to teach today, so the disciples got up early to get ready, washed up, and waited for the distinguished guest to arrive.

Since entering the warrior realm, Ye Yang has not been to the sect's training hall for a long time.

He walked in and saw that the main hall had been expanded a lot. The palace was brilliant, the green bricks were solid, and it was much more spacious than before.

As soon as Ye Yang came over, Han Bao and his wife came to greet him, and then said: "Guardian Ye, your coming here today really makes the Chuanxi Hall shine. My husband and I came here specially to wait for you."

Ye Yang shook his head: "The Xian couple are also well-known figures among the disciples, why should they be so polite."

Han Bao shook his head: "As for other people, we can ignore each other, but Protector Ye is both the guide for me and my wife, and a meritorious minister of the sect. I and my wife should wait in advance to welcome them. "

A few people then exchanged a few words, and soon another voice came.

"I heard that Protector Ye is coming, and I came here to ask for help. Is it okay?"

Ye Yang looked up and discovered that it was Xiao Sheng. Xiao Sheng was a second-level Talisman Master. After being introduced to the sect, he also started teaching disciples in the Hall of Transmission.

It's just that he still has to make talismans and practice Qi on weekdays, and is busy with things. Although he is famous, it is rare to see him.

Seeing this person coming, Ye Yang raised his fists and praised him: "I would also like to ask fellow Daoist Xiao for more advice."

After a while, another old man came over. When he saw Ye Yang, he hurriedly greeted him, and Ye Yang grabbed his hand.

"Old Guardian Yang, why is it so?"

This person is Yang Xing, who went to capture Yu Hu when he went out with Ye Yang before.

Yang Xing has been in the martial realm for many years. Although he is old, he has reached the third level of martial cultivation.

"Protector Ye, we went to capture Yu Hu, but we didn't expect this to happen. I heard that Protector Ye was seriously injured, which really makes me feel guilty."

Ye Yang shook his head: "This matter has nothing to do with Protector Chen, don't think too much. Although my meridians are broken this time and I can't make any progress, it also makes me understand many truths. It's not certain whether it is a blessing or a disaster."

When he said this, Yang Xing sighed secretly: "God is jealous of talents."

Seeing this, Ye Yang slightly suppressed a trace of doubt in his heart.

He had suspected several times before that someone had leaked his information, so he was attacked.

He also suspected Yang Xing, but at present, it seems that the other party is not aware of it. Of course, it is also possible that the other party is too good at acting and concealed it from him.


Inside the teaching hall

Hundreds of disciples saw that the instructor who was going to teach today had not arrived yet, so they couldn't help but discuss.

A disciple said mysteriously, "I found something very magical. Do you want to know?"

"What is it? Lou Yu, tell me quickly."

"That's right, in front of my fellow disciples, Hu Xu is so mysterious!"

The young man said, "You don't know that just now, the instructors Han Bao and his wife actually stood at the door waiting for someone in advance, and the most important thing is that Xiao Sheng, the cold-faced fox, also showed up."

"And the guardian Yang Xing, who has never been seen often, actually stood at the door to greet them. Who is so big that they actually let these deacons and guardians who are rarely seen in normal times show up, so much effort."

A group of people were slightly surprised. The group of guardians were all people of noble status.

Many of them were warriors. The most important thing was that the people who welcomed them included the old guardians of the sect, and there were also newly recruited guest cultivators.

Who is he? It is worthy of such a grand welcome, eating up the old and the new.

It is indeed too abnormal.

A disciple next to the window said, "It's too far away, so I can't see clearly, but he is wearing a green robe and has a tall figure."

"If you can't see anything, don't talk nonsense."

"He is dressed in simple and ancient clothes, not gorgeous, I think he is a hard-working person."

Some disciples also guessed.

Yu Qingshan's eyes turned cold, as if he thought of something, waiting quietly, holding a piece of straw paper in his hand and practicing drawing talismans carefully.

Beside him, a young man stood up and walked outside.

"Brother Guo, where are you going?"

The cultivator called Brother Guo stood up and wanted to go out, and a disciple next to him noticed his abnormality.

The man smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm not feeling well so I'm going out for a while."

Soon he arrived at the courtyard, carefully observing the group of people outside, and then called a cleaning boy over and said, "Boy, which guardian is standing outside? Why hasn't he come in for so long?"

The cleaning boy swept a pile of fallen leaves to the corner, turned around, and leaned on the broom: "It seems to be Ye Yang, the guardian who is both a swordsman and a swordsman."

The young man frowned slightly, then said, "Didn't they say that Guardian Ye's meridians are broken and his behavior is difficult to improve? Could it be that he is coming to spread "He is the pension". It was the monk who led to the martial arts realm during the realm of ventilation. I am afraid that Feitianmen has been broken from the inside. Ye. "Ye Hufa is seriously injured now, but it is not you who can doubt at will." He snorted, and he was polite to the disciple, and hit him on his face. All the disciples looked at him curiously.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment, then said: "Today I am invited by all the teachers to come here, just to tell you how to use the sword."

The disciples in the field all knew that he was famous for his sword, so they were not surprised.

The sword occupied most of the lower-level cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation, and there were many followers.

So when they heard him talk about the sword, the disciples held their breath and waited quietly.

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