The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 174: Thousands of small prints on the open window, half-life old and idle

"I can feel that you have murderous intention towards Ye Yang, the sword double sword. If you are willing, I can kill him by force."

"If not, it will become a hindrance to us when it grows in the future."

Luo Changsheng did not speak, but thought of Ye Yang's earth-shattering sword.

That knife cut off time and aged his appearance.

He reached out and touched his gray hair, alerting himself to the passage of time.

He did have thoughts of killing, and he would not allow something so powerful that could threaten him to emerge.

But thinking of his previous agreement with Ye Yang, he felt soft-hearted and did not take action in the end.

"Young Master, you have been obsessed with swords all your life. This trip to test the sword in the world, the old master wants you to know that there are other things in this world besides swords."

"If you want to transcend the human world and reach the highest level of cultivation, in addition to having talent, you must also understand the ways of the world, use open and covert weapons, and know how to nip threats in the bud."

"After weighing the pros and cons, if you have thoughts of killing, feel free to do it. Even if I kill them on the spot, no one will dare to say anything."

Luo Changsheng nodded.

"Although there are thoughts of killing, I don't have many life-and-death conflicts with him. Even though his sword skills are powerful, I don't believe that my sword of nature is inferior to him."

After hearing this, the purple-faced master stopped talking.

After waiting for a while, Luo Changsheng asked again in confusion.

"Uncle Ta, why do you want to tell the Feitian Sect about your insights on breaking through to the realm of a real person? I don't think anyone in the Feitian Sect has the qualifications to break through to the realm of a real person."

"Young Master, we have come all the way. Do you think that you can defeat more than 300 sects in a row and travel in the Eastern Territory, Southern Border, Overseas, Yalong Ridge and many other places because of your father's reputation?"

Luo Changsheng nodded, and then said: "Of course, my father's cultivation is so great that no one should give him some face."

The purple-faced master shook his head slightly: "This is just one reason. There are more than 300 sects, big and small, but they have treated us as guests all the way."

"No matter what, we can get away with it intact, that is, we give them enough respect and what they want."

"I also understand these principles, but they are only for large sects."

"This Feitian Sect has neither a sky-reaching formation to cover it nor a real-person monk. In my opinion, the ancient master is just a perfect martial artist. How can he deserve such attention?"

"Don't underestimate the world's heroes. Although that person only has the cultivation level of a martial artist, he has both Taoism and Demonic Qi cultivation. He has great fighting power, and he has the ancient alien inner elixir in his hand."

"Within the protective sect formation, coupled with the pulse-suppressing treasure weapon and the help of fellow sects, even an ordinary real-person realm powerhouse can't defeat it. This is why I took you to leave quickly."

"But, did you just say that it would be okay even if you killed Ye Yang, the master of swordsmanship?"

"Young Master, there is no conflict. When you should be strong, you must be strong. When you should be weak, you must be weak."

"In this way, others will be played by us and applauded. This is also a wonderful way to control people."

When Luo Changsheng heard this, he felt it made sense.

Even if he is as strong as his father, he often has to compromise and do many things he is unwilling to do.

The art of controlling people is an indispensable skill for the children of rich families like them.

The earth wakes up and the spring breeze blows across the mountains and fields.

In the Feitian Gate, the spring breeze blows through the young bamboos, swaying and hiding sounds for thousands of miles. The wind blows in the evening pavilion, and the sky is filled with purple smoke.

Ye Yang was lying in the Shouzhuo Pavilion. When he broke through to the second level of swordsmanship and practiced the sword into silk, his sword energy exploded and he accidentally cut off the stone pillar of the Shouzhuo Pavilion.

This stone pillar was later replaced by someone from Tiangong Hall.

He carefully played with a red dragon bead in his hand.

The dragon bead was the size of an egg, but it was round and emitted a faint red light. Then he took out a small red knife from his body, and his luck extended like a wound from the sky.

The two things seemed to be connected. According to what the mysterious fortune-telling old man in the Immortal Barrier said, this red knife of good fortune was a piece of the set of good luck and time. It was speculated that the same was true for the dragon beads.

After pondering for a long time, Ye Yang couldn't use it.

According to what Na Luo Changsheng said, this dragon bead seems to be able to transform a person's aura and create some kind of illusion, otherwise the other party would not have said that this object can transform the shape of a person's veins and veins to be severed.

He tried to inject his own magic into it.

The Eight Transformation Qi of the Heavenly Toad rolled down, and the surrounding void was distorted. The hot breath came from the Fortune Dragon Pearl, burning the surrounding air into mist.

A special and mysterious aura spread between heaven and earth at the moment the dragon bead changed.

The lucky red knife in Ye Yang's hand kept trembling, and an invisible force enveloped his whole body.

Ye Yang mobilized his whole body's aura, imagining the miserable situation of his muscles and veins being severed and unable to progress in his practice. A weak and weak spiritual idea actually appeared in his body, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

This dragon bead is really magical. Just for a moment, he actually felt that his muscles and veins were broken, his body was seriously injured, and even his face turned pale.

In fact, the magic power in his body was rolling down like a river, without being affected at all.

He raised his right hand and gently placed it on the tendons of his left hand. He felt that his tendons were weak and discontinuous, and they were indeed broken.

After figuring out how to use the dragon beads, Ye Yang was quite excited. This meant that no one would be able to detect his disguise in a short time.

Several volumes of old books were placed on the stone table, and a small bronze lamp was burning. Xiuya picked up a piece of dried pear incense with a wooden clip and lit it quietly. The fragrance lingered, green smoke rose, and the whole courtyard was sweet.

In this comfortable environment, he didn't have anything to worry about. He just shook his feather fan gently, felt the spring breeze, closed his eyes and rested.

Seeing that he was asleep, Xiu Ya couldn't bear to disturb him, so she quickly found a snow-white fox fur coat from the house and put it on him.

One person slowly retreated.

The dried pear incense slowly ignited, the smoke subsided and the fire cooled. Ye Yang slowly opened his eyes, his mind was clear, and a sentence suddenly came to his mind.

"Thousands of small prints on the bright windows, the eyes are dazzled only by spots, a column of smoke quenches the coldness of the fire, half a lifetime old and the mind is idle."

"When there is nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world."

He stood up, feeling this hard-earned moment of relaxation, realizing that the spring breeze was natural, and slowly walked out of the courtyard alone.

On the other side, in the open-air bluestone field, a group of newly recruited disciples from Feitian Sect were practicing hard.

Yu Qingshan holds a knife in his right hand and a sword in his left hand, waving them in the moonlight.

He targeted his cousin, who he had little contact with but was powerful, so at the beginning of his training, he immediately chose to practice swordsmanship.

He ran wildly, his body galloping up and down like a spiritual ape. While avoiding the obstacles of wooden figures and stone walls around him, he could also continuously display his sword and sword skills. For a moment, the wind and sand stirred around him, making it extremely colorful.

"Junior Brother Qingshan is really hard-working. After hearing that he came from the top of Feitian Sect, although his understanding is a bit lacking, his persistence is really admirable."

Not far behind Yu Qingshan was a female cultivator. She looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. Although she had not yet grown out, she was beautiful. She was wearing a moon-white dress. Her hair was loose and tied into a simple bun.

She is as cold as ice, and the whole body is like a silver-white sword, shining faintly in the moonlight, and behind her back is a broken sword, which is inexplicably fierce, as if it is a dormant beast, and she is quite admirable at this moment. .

"Junior sister Huo, practicing diligently is certainly useful, but you need to know that there are many things in this world that cannot be changed by hard work."

"Just like your Tongyue Sword Body, one day of practice is worth ten days of hard work for others. No matter how hard he works, how can he compare with you."

"Another example is my giant whale sword, which has unparalleled strength and is naturally good at using swords. How can those monks who have not awakened their destiny compare to it?"

Next to Huo Bingshuang was an older male cultivator, with a strong back and thick shoulders, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was wearing a short shirt, and he looked like a real bear.

He had a certain admiration for Huo Bingshuang and announced his family status.

"My father asked me to learn swordsmanship, and now I have gained some of the essence of swordsmanship, but I didn't expect that I would still be far behind in a battle with my junior sister."

Huo Bingshuang shook her head, "Senior Brother Yang, you are too polite. People say there is no end to learning. On the road of cultivation, no matter whether you are good or bad in talent, everyone is practicing diligently. Anyone who has the courage to pursue the immortal way should be respected." "

The man nodded: "That's it."

Huo Bingshuang waved her long sword, flashing with electric light, which could catch the moonlight. Her body had a faint brilliance, and she was worthy of the name of the Moon Sword Body.

After waving for a while, she continued: "People say that hard work cannot equal destiny, but that is not necessarily the case."

"Have you ever heard of the Swordsman Shuangye Dharma Protector? He is famous for his diligent cultivation. He practices in the summer and in the winter. I heard people say that his basic qualifications are not very good, and his understanding and talent are average. His cultivation is vocational. It’s just a high-quality yellow grade…”

"Among that group of disciples, he can only be considered an ordinary person, but he practices diligently and makes progress every day. Even many geniuses are no match for him."

"I even heard that he was in the Immortal Barrier, killing monsters in the Northern Territory with a sword, and he also beat him to the point where his eyes were full of blood and tears. He retreated for dozens of miles and left in fear."

The young man heard this sentence: "Hufa Ye's diligent practice and long-lasting practice are well known in the sect. But junior sister, do you think there are many people who can be as persistent as Hufa Ye."

The young man's name is Yang Zhen, and he is the son of a casual cultivator recruited from outside Feitian Sect some time ago. After entering Feitian Sect, he practiced together with the disciples of Feitian Sect.

He is older and has a higher level of cultivation. He has reached the fifth level of ventilation.

However, after a battle with Huo Bingshuang, he lost all the games. Only then did he realize that the other party was actually the owner of the Tongyue Sword Body, which had long been famous in the Feitian Sect. In addition, Huo Bingshuang was cold and beautiful, and he was quite attracted to him.

These days, he discovered that Huo Bingshuang paid a lot of attention to Yu Qingshan, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, and then he refuted.

Two poems about burning incense and Huang Luzhi

Su Shi

Four stanzas for burning incense fill the southeast with the incense.

It’s not something you can hear or think about, but let your nose observe it first.

Thousands of small characters are displayed on the bright windows, but the eyes are only dazzled by colorful spots.

A stick of smoke extinguishes the coldness of the fire, and I am old and carefree.

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