He said with a smile: "The location of Tao'anfang City is good, with rivers and seas, and all the way is smooth. In recent years, there have been a lot of animistic phenomena in Yalongling, and many spiritual places have appeared in various places, and this is the one with the strongest spiritual power. ”

"Now the shops in Jinfang City are being prepared for sale. The thirty middle ones have already been divided up by the sect, so don't think about it. The area near the river in the south is still a suburb, but it has great potential for future development."

Fangshi is now just a prototype, and the specific development plan is kept secret.

Bai Zizhen is now the general person in charge of Fangshi, so he is well-informed.

"I heard that Taiyi Qingmen also wants to join? This city is quite big."

Ye Yang heard that after the destruction of Wangyue Mountain, many casual cultivators had nowhere to go. Although Tao'anfang City was just the beginning, the daily transaction volume was also huge.

Bai Zizhen nodded: "This is the sect's thousand-year plan. Taiyi Qingmen spent a lot of effort to join it. Several sects decided to build this city into the largest monk trading place within a thousand miles."

However, the construction of Fang City has always required a large investment. Even if several sects join forces, they are still stretched thin, and spiritual stones are urgently needed to restore blood.

That’s why we choose to sell this foundation that has been inherited for thousands of years.

"I wonder how much each room costs?"

Bai Zizhen said: "Shops naturally have different geographical locations and different prices."

"The thirty rooms in the middle have the richest spiritual energy and are located at the core. Even if you have spiritual stones, you can't buy them. But the prices for the outer circle are a little lower. Each room is hundreds of square meters and costs about ten thousand. Yu Lingshi.”

Ye Yang took a breath when he heard such a high price.

More than 10,000 spiritual stones are really expensive. But he also knew that if this market could operate normally, more than 10,000 spirit stones would be a sure profit.

After a pause, Bai Zizhen said again: "The price of the outer circle is too expensive, and I don't recommend you to buy it. According to the plan in the future, the development direction of Fang City is to go south, extending to the water veins. That boundary is now There are very few people who are interested in it. It has two floors, several hundred square meters, and about five thousand spiritual stones. "

This is the benefit of having inside information. Ye Yang pondered for a moment, feeling a little moved. He calculated it carefully.

He made a fortune in the Immortality Barrier, and some of the unused spiritual materials were sold to the sect and exchanged for contribution points.

In the past few years, after excluding the cultivation needs of him, the Scaled Demon Elephant, and the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle, there were only two to three thousand spirit stones left in his hand.

The rental of houses in the sect can also bring in profits of more than a thousand spiritual stones every year, but he still has a few good spiritual materials in his hand. If he can exchange them, it is not difficult to collect five to six thousand spiritual stones.

As for the century-old Zhu Guo, the martial arts elixir given to him by the sect, and the seven-emotion dream of evil spirits, they are all things that can be encountered but cannot be sought, and there is absolutely no need to sell them.

Seeing that Ye Yang had this idea, Bai Zizhen said: "This is the regional planning map for the south. You can take a look at it first and tell me which one you have chosen."

It would be absolutely impossible for an outsider to exchange five thousand spiritual stones for such a large shop and be able to choose freely.

This is Bai Zizhen, who is specifically responsible for this matter so that he can eat this bowl of rice.

There was a tacit understanding between the two of them, and Ye Yang didn't refuse.

Bai Zizhen slowly unfolded the jade slip and handed it over. Ye Yang felt it carefully with his spiritual consciousness. Inside the jade slip was a detailed map of the city. The middle one had been circled with a red pen, and it was obvious that it had been assigned.

The area in the southern suburbs, close to the Tongtian River, was marked with many dense black spots, but there was no red pen mark.

Ye Yang chose a store with the best address, the largest area and close to the river and mountains. Bai Zizhen marked it for him and drew a red circle.

Bai Zizhen smiled meaningfully: "You are not young anymore. It's time to find a Taoist companion. I heard that you have been hiding in the golden house during this period, but the girl can only be a concubine and a concubine. Taoist companions are extraordinary. , need to be considered again and again.”

Taoist couple, Taoist lovers, as the name suggests, are the partners of enlightenment, which are extremely difficult to find.

Hearing his joking words, Ye Yang smiled: "Is it so easy to find a Taoist companion?"

He was afraid that Bai Zizhen would make a long speech, so he quickly changed his words.

"Uncle Bai, I don't have enough spiritual stones here. I wonder if I can use spiritual materials to offset them."

The further he advanced in his training, the more Ye Yang felt the preciousness of spirit stones, especially since the scaled demon elephant and the sun-chasing flying turtle were both big-bellied men competing against each other, requiring a lot of various resources.

Fortunately, since the old house was built and rented out, it has been able to cover the two demons' cultivation needs every month.

Bai Zizhen nodded: "Of course. Now the sect is vigorously purchasing spiritual materials. If there are good spiritual materials, you can take them out. This is something you can only dream of."

Ye Yang took out a piece of ice stone. The ice was opaque and had an irregular diamond shape, about the size of a fist. As soon as it was taken out, it gave off a cold sheen.

It was the ice bow stone he searched for in the Immortality Barrier.

Bai Zizhen was shocked: "This thing is the essence of ice. The coldness is amazing. Putting a small piece into the magic weapon can greatly increase the power of the ice attribute magic. It is extremely popular in Fengyu Tower. This piece alone is Worth eight hundred spirit stones.”

Then Ye Yang took out a few more Jingxiang Snow Lotuses. The Jingxiang Snow Lotus Ice Core Ice Petals can refine the inner demon pill and help monks expel the inner demons. It is a necessity for breaking through the realm.

Each flower was priced at four hundred spirit stones, and Ye Yang named five to deliver.

Bai Zizhen accepted the things: "This is the rule of the sect. You must accept it and give it to the sect in the future. As for the remaining spirit stones, don't be in a hurry. You can take them when you have enough money." yes."

After the transaction was completed, Bai Zizhen took Ye Yang out of the hall and arrived at a river to the south.

The location of his shop is excellent, just beside the Tongtian River.

At this moment, the river wind is blowing, the waves are endless, and the surging river is rolling eastward. Looking into the distance, it is especially magnificent.

A bright sun shines in the sky, dyeing the entire river a golden color.

Internally, this shop is located at the intersection of a triangle, at the interface of Central Market, South Market, and North Market. It is indeed in an excellent location.

Bai Zizhen said: "Your shop happens to be located on the landmark. I will run it for you and add two floors to make it a commercial building. This is your chance to establish a legacy."

After finishing speaking, he tugged on his sleeves and gave Ye Yang a meaningful look.

Ye Yang cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Uncle Bai."

Bai Zizhen waved his hand: "Why do you and I say such lies? I never refused when you gave me the flesh and blood divine fetus."

"Besides, you, my uncle and my nephew, if I don't give this good thing to you, why don't I give it to someone else?"

Ye Yang nodded and said nothing more. He was quite satisfied with the location. It was connected to the river and the land. Once the market was put into operation, the monthly rent would probably be hundreds of spiritual stones.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Bai Zi is really busy with things, and now everything is waiting to be done. He was transferred here and is working hard to build the market.

After the two talked for a while, Bai Zizhen said goodbye to Ye Yang and went back to take charge of the work.

Ye Yang walked to Fangshi alone.

The city has just been established and is not yet on the right track, so most of them are monks in the ventilation realm, and occasionally some warrior realm monks can be seen.

But the quantity is very small.

Ye Yang walked into a shop. The shopkeeper saw him coming and felt the aura on his body, which was unfathomable. He quickly handed over his hands respectfully: "Senior, I don't know if you need anything."

Ye Yang pondered for a moment and said, "There are spiritual materials like time."

Time-type spiritual materials are rare and there is no stock in the sect, so he can only go out and try his luck.

Since breaking through to the warrior realm, he felt more and more that the ghost-headed seven-ring sword in his hand was not suitable for use, so he thought about refining another magical weapon based on the characteristics of the thirteen swords of time.

Hearing Ye Yang's words, the man wiped the sweat from his face and showed a smile that was not offensive but smooth: "Senior, I'm joking. Time-type spiritual materials condense the changes of heaven and earth. They are colorless and odorless. They are extremely rare. They are not available on the market. Hardly seen."

"We still have a lot of other spiritual materials, senior, would you like to see them?"

Ye Yang shook his head. Without time-like spiritual materials, it was useless for him to ask for them.

Ye Yang said: "You have collected information about time-related spiritual materials for me. If you find anything, report it to Feitian Sect as soon as possible."

After saying that, Ye Yang pointed to the most conspicuous hall in the middle of the city. When the young man heard that Ye Yang was a member of the Feitian Sect, he immediately showed more respect and said quickly: "Senior, don't worry, if there is any news, I will report it as soon as possible."

Ye Yang walked out of the store and looked for a few more inquiries, but time spiritual materials were rare and there were none on the market. He could only leave his contact information and have someone collect the information and send it to him.

Ye Yang walked out of the last shop, looked around, and was about to return to Feitianmen. At this moment, he heard a voice.

"Fellow Taoist, this thing is Biyun Chensha. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Ye Yang looked up and saw an old man in a white shirt holding a scarred huanghuali wood tray in front of a tall and muscular man.

The man was dressed in black robes, wearing a blue blood and bone mask, holding a snake-headed cane, and looked gloomy.

The man wiped the gauze away, and there were more than a dozen gravels filled with the air of clear water hidden in the tray. This clear water sand was the first meteorite that fell from the sky, and was formed by thousands of years of water pulse brushing on the riverside.

This place is just beside the Tongtian River. The river is rolling and the waves are surging, so the quality of the clear water and sedimentation is also excellent.

The man in black robe holding the snake staff sneered: "Yes, this item is of high quality, I will accept it."

He put the blue water cinnabar into his bag, and the shopkeeper rubbed his hands: "Chenghui has three hundred spirit stones, and please pay the bill, senior."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

The man sneered and touched the snake staff in his hand. A black snake's light shot out and penetrated directly through the shopkeeper's heart.

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