The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 164 The current situation of the Great Elder Mo Niansheng

After Tao'anfang City was opened, although it had not yet formed a large scale, there were many casual cultivators during this period.

The monk had already become accustomed to the strange situation, and after a slight reminder, he was ready to re-enter the dock.

After the man finished shouting, he saw that Ye Yang was not going far away no matter what. He looked at the Sun Flying Turtle where Ye Yang sat down, which seemed familiar to him.

Reminiscing that there seems to be a protector in the sect who is riding a turtle, and that person is carrying a sword and has a great reputation.

He looked up and sure enough, the person in front of him was standing on a flying turtle and carrying a sword. Who else could it be if it wasn't the famous Protector Ye?

So he quickly clasped his fists and said: "There is Protector Ye in front of me. Forgive Liu Qing for not having eyesight. Only then did he recognize Protector Ye."

"It's okay. I heard that peach blossoms are in full bloom ten miles away, so I came here to see the beauty of the world."

When Liu Qing heard Ye Yang's words, he immediately showed a hint of excitement and said: "Please come in quickly. Protector Ye came at the right time. A bunch of early peaches have just grown in the dock. I will bring them to Protector right away."

Ye Yang followed Liu Qing into the valley.

Spring is blooming all around, and there is a small Shazhu Island in Taohuawu. The river is not deep, but it is as green as jade, and under the refraction of the sun, it is extremely transparent.

There is a large group of horses with thin bodies and exposed ribs. They are not tall but very energetic. They are galloping and chasing water and grass on the river bank. They are running like flames.

There were three or five barbarians beside him, wearing animal skins, either riding on horses or accompanying them, herding horses.

When Feitian Sect was recruiting disciples a few years ago, a barbarian tribe came to participate.

That tribe was quite good at animal husbandry, so the Feitian Sect placed them in Taohuawu and raised fire centipedes for the sect.

Later, Feitianmen had close contact with the Barbarian Dragon tribe, and exchanged some secrets of beast control from the Barbarian dragon tribe. These barbarian tribes called themselves the herdsmen and raised precious colts for Feitianmen.

Over the years, with the support of the sect's resources, the number of fire centipedes raised by the Feitian Sect has become larger and larger, and there are already more than a hundred of them.

The man in animal skins herding the horses whistled softly, and immediately the horses galloped with overwhelming momentum, like waves of silver snow, walking on the waves in the river, causing a wave of spray.

Ye Yang actually saw three or four cloud-carrying horses with golden horns on their heads, white cloud hooves and shining golden patterns in the sky above this group of fire centipedes.

This cloud-carrying horse is a specialty of the Feitian Sect. When he first went out on missions, he rode on this horse.

The cloud-carrying horses are so fast that even monks in the warrior realm may not be able to catch up with them. However, it is difficult to breed them. In the past hundred years, the Feitian Sect has only had eighteen of them.

This time, in order to crossbreed the cloud-carrying horses with the fire centipede horses to facilitate the breeding of offspring, the sect also released three or four cloud-carrying horses in Taohuawu, but with little effect.

The cloud-packing horse looks down on the fire centipede, and often bites and kicks it. Fire centipedes are often trampled to death by the cloud-packing horse.

When the snow-white tall cloud-carrying horse at the head saw Ye Yang coming, he twitched his nose, ran quickly beside him, and kept rubbing against Ye Yang's sleeves.

Ye Yang looked very familiar when he saw the horse carrying the clouds. He stretched out his hand to caress the horse's back. The horse immediately raised its head and gave a cry of Herod. Its hair relaxed and it felt very comfortable. It kept raising its hooves.

This cloud-carrying horse was the one he rode on when he was on his mission at the beginning. Ye Yang took out a pill and fed it into the mouth of the cloud-carrying horse.

As soon as the elixir entered the mouth, the horse carrying the cloud immediately screamed excitedly. When the remaining horses saw something in the mouth of the horse carrying the cloud, they also hurriedly came over to grab the food.

Ye Yang fired three or four bullets, and the horses scrambled for the pills and flew away at low altitude.

Liu Qing smiled and flattered him and said: "Hufa Ye is really kind-hearted. It is really good luck for these horses to meet Hufa Ye. They say that horses with thousands of miles of horses often exist, but bole does not always exist. In my opinion, Hufa Ye is the one among them." Bole.”

This sentence was a pun, Ye Yang did not answer, and Deacon Liu Qing wasted no time.

He approached Ye Yang and said flatteringly: "These are the early peaches produced in Taohuawu this year. Liu Qing picked some specially and asked Protector Ye to have a taste."

He used a silver tray and filled it with seven or eight pink fruits, the size of a fist, with some silver sparks on them.

Ye Yang was quite surprised. He took out one and took a bite. It tasted good, but it was sour in the mouth.

At the same time, there is a slight numbness in the mouth. Ye Yang said: "Why are there silver sparks on this peach?"

Liu Qing said: "Thanks to the purple electric silver peach that Protector Ye brought from the Immortal Barrier. When the elder came back, he took some branches, cut them, and grafted them."

"But I never thought that I would survive last year and produce these strange early peaches.

After finishing speaking, he sighed: "These peaches do not have the magical effect of the purple electric silver peach, but the taste is quite special. According to speculation, it may take tens or hundreds of years to produce benign effects." Mutations."

Ye Yang said: "The Purple Lightning Silver Peach Tree is an ancient alien species. It has grown for countless years, absorbing the essence of the heaven, earth, sun and moon, and has undergone a slight change. This thing has just been transplanted and is a cutting. It can have such a miraculous effect." It’s pretty good.”

When he said this, Ye Yang suddenly thought of something, and then asked: "Is the Great Elder still there?"

After hearing the word Great Elder, Liu Qing sighed, with a trace of sadness on his wrinkled face: "Great Elder is too miserable."

"When Protector Dugu was there, the Great Elder would often smile and go out to walk around. Now that Protector Dugu has left, the Great Elder has locked himself in the house alone and refused to see guests."

"A few days ago, I went to deliver food to him, only to find that he was already very old."

"As a junior, I should naturally pay my respects as a courtesy."

Ye Yang spoke, and Liu Qing quickly shook his head: "Protector Ye, the great elder is alone in the cave and has not been seen for half a year. The last time the leader came to visit, he said he couldn't see him."

Ye Yang sighed: "In that case, I won't disturb the elder. This is some tea I kneaded myself. It has a miraculous effect on neutralizing the chaotic qi in the body and replenishing the vitality of life. After the elder comes out, Give it to me."

Liu Qing hurriedly accepted the gift.

"I also asked Protector Ye to find out that my name is Liu Qing."

He shouted and waved his arms, but Ye Yang had already mounted the Sun Flying Turtle and disappeared.

Liu Qing just pointed the direction of Tao'anfang City to Ye Yang. Ye Yang came all the way, but before he got close, he heard the sound of clanking.

He looked up and saw a high city rising out of the sky on an empty plain in front of him.

The golden and gorgeous sunlight shines on the city wall, losing half of its brilliance, making the entire huge city wall look even more majestic.

There are many warriors nearby who are using spiritual slurry to water the foundation, or planting formation flags to adjust the earth's energy.

It looks unfinished, but many monks have been coming in and out of the huge copper-gold-nailed door, forming a goods exchange gathering area inside.

Ye Yang rode in on the Sun Flying Turtle and saw many people inside picking and choosing.

"The best magical elixir can help Ventilation Realm monks break through the realm and replenish their energy."

"Yuanyang mineral powder can nourish the kidneys and produce sperm. Let's take a look at the authentic Yuanyang mineral powder produced by Feitianmen."

"The best riding horse is for sale. Don't miss this opportunity. If you lose it, you will never come back."

Ye Yang took a general look and found that most of these stalls were selling simple spiritual materials.

He looked at a lot of them, but none of them were to his liking, so he didn't take action.

When Tao'anfang City was first established, Feitianmen and Fengyulou each sent a monk in the late martial arts stage to guard the city.

It was Bai Zizhen who was sent by Feitian Sect. Since receiving the help of the flesh and blood divine fetus given by Ye Yang, his lameness has completely recovered.

After his body recovered, his clear energy rose and his dirty energy sank, and he broke through to the seventh level of martial arts in one go.

Therefore, he was sent by Feitian Sect to guard Fangshi.

When he saw Bai Zizhen, he was furious at a child in the store.

"I've said it many times before, we must send more manpower to this city, and we can't let those random cultivators do whatever they want."

"It has only been a short time before three murders occurred. If word spread, who would dare to come to this market to trade."

He was so angry that Tumoxing even touched the boy's hair and scolded him angrily. The boy did not dare to say anything and just stood aside.

After a long while, the boy said: "Elder, this is a strange matter. After many investigations, we still failed to catch the murderer. Instead, another robbery occurred. Is this the murderer of the Five Poison Sect?"

Bai Zizhen snorted coldly, patted the table and said angrily: "Whether it's the fault of the Five Poison Sect or not, the murderer must be caught."

At this moment, Bai Zizhen seemed to sense something. He looked to the side and spotted Ye Yang's figure.

A hint of joy could not help but appear on his angry face, and he waved his hand impatiently for the boy to retreat.

The boy immediately stepped aside, and Ye Yang said, "What's wrong with Uncle Bai? But he has encountered something difficult recently."

Bai Zi really sighed secretly. Then he said: "Forget it, many casual cultivators have died unexpectedly in the past few days, and we have never been able to find out who committed the murder. By the way, why are you here?"

Ye Yang said: "Recently, some real-life monks from the sect came to visit. The head asked me to inspect the market. I don't know if there are any other arrangements."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang elaborated on the arrival of a powerful person in the real world among the sect.

Bai Zizhen was also quite surprised: "These powerful men in the real world usually see the dragon without seeing its tail, but now they appear in the Feitian Sect. It is also a happy event. You came at the right time, but I still have something to discuss with you. ”

Hearing what Bai Zizhen said, Ye Yang couldn't help but said curiously: "Uncle Bai, please speak clearly."

Bai Zizhen coughed and leaned forward, with a hint of smile in his eyes.

Thanks to Brother Peng Yudan for the 600 starting coin reward! grateful

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