The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 154 Bao Chan Chamber of Commerce Toad King Pill

So, Ye Yang adjusted his clothes and said.

"Senior Jiang came here specially, but I don't know what he has ordered."

Jiang Ling laughed loudly: "I don't dare to give you any instructions. I just haven't seen fellow Taoist for a while, so I wanted to come and see how the injury is recovering."

After finishing speaking, he straightened his expression again, then looked at Ye Yang and said: "I heard from the juniors in the clan. Fellow Taoist seems to have always wanted to go to Shanhai City."

Ye Yang heard Jiang Lingzhong's strong intention to stay, trembled slightly, and said: "Senior Jiang, to be honest, I am a disciple of the sect. I was intercepted and killed by a traitor and was seriously injured before I drifted to Baidu. The boundary of Toad Mountain.”

"The sect is in the process of employing people. This place is not far from the sect, so I wanted to go back as soon as possible to report that I am safe."

"That's the truth, that's the truth."

Jiang Ling agreed with Ye Yang very much, and then said: "I wonder what fellow Taoist Ye thinks of me, the daughter of the Jiang family?"

Ye Yang followed his words: "Of course she is Zhong Lingyuxiu, extremely handsome."

Jiang Ling said again: "To be honest, Fellow Daoist Ye, our Baichanshan Jiang clan is not a big clan, especially on the border of Jianghai, where there are many bandit cultivators and demons, but the clan also has quite a lot of assets and a scattered spiritual vein. Available for practice.”

"I know that the women in the clan are not worthy of Brother Ye's identity and status. If Brother Ye is willing, he can leave his heirs here. It is okay to use the women of the Jiang clan as slaves and maids. All subsequent raising will not be done by Brother Ye. worry."

Jiang Ling spoke slowly, with a compelling look in his eyes, and then said: "If fellow Taoist is willing, after my death, fellow Taoist will be the master of the Jiang clan in Baichan Mountain, with tens of thousands of people under his control."

He is very old. If he dies, there will be only one early warrior practitioner left in the clan, and the Jiang clan will be in even more difficult circumstances.

Therefore, he wanted to do everything possible to retain Ye Yang and stay in the Jiang clan.

The Jiang family has been able to stand for hundreds of years, which is naturally a bit impressive, but Ye Yang knows that he is an outsider to the Jiang family, and he is not a direct bloodline. Even if he is in a high position, it is difficult for him to be like a fish in water.

As for the issue of heirs, you need to be more cautious. Once you have heirs, you will have worries.

There are even many demons in southern Xinjiang who can extract the blood of the descendants of monks, echo them from afar, and use them to curse, so that the monks can neither survive nor die.

"Senior Jiang, I know what you mean. Don't worry. No matter when, the Jiang clan's life-saving grace will be unforgettable."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang took out a green bamboo sword from his storage bag.

This green bamboo sword is made of steel bamboo and is extremely hard, not even comparable to ordinary fine iron.

It was the weapon he used to practice his swordsmanship at the beginning of his practice.

But since Ye Yang got the Red Maple Sword, he rarely used it.

This green bamboo sword is as hard as steel.

After Ye Yang took it out, he secretly held the red maple sword in his hand and lightly wrote a few words on the back of the sword.

Bamboo chips are flying, and on the green bamboo sword, there are a few small regular characters like plum blossoms, flying dragons and phoenixes, iron paintings and silver hooks, and the writing is powerful.

"On the third day of July, Ye Yang stayed with the Jiang clan."

Ye Yang gently placed the green bamboo sword in Jiang Ling's hand and said, "Senior Jiang, this sword is left by me. If anything happens in the future, feel free to take this sword and go to Feitianmen to find me. Holding this sword is like seeing Yang himself." ”

Putting away the green bamboo sword, Jiang Ling showed a hint of joy.

The person in front of me is still young, and there is still the possibility of soaring into the sky in the future. Not to mention breaking through to real power, even if he advances to the late martial arts stage, it can help the Jiang clan reach a higher level.

And to be able to cultivate such an outstanding disciple, the sect behind him must be of great importance.

What he was afraid of was that there would be no news from the other party once he left, and he spent a lot of effort to rescue him in vain.

This is what is said when people leave and the tea is cool.

"Friend Dao Jiang, please rest assured that we are not far from each other, and Feitianmen is currently exploring trade routes. Maybe we will be able to meet each other again after a while."

Ye Yang had a few more conversations with Jiang Ling, dispelling his doubts.

Hearing this, Jiang Ling was even more excited.

Trade routes represent astonishing profits. If the two parties can really exchange their needs, the strength of the Bai Chan Mountain Jiang Clan will definitely rise to another level.

the next day.

The morning sun has not yet risen, and the sea breeze is rippling, bringing warm and humid moisture.

Seagulls flew by, and palm leaves and coconut trees rustled.

Ye Yang picked up a glass of coconut water and used it to soothe his throat.

This green coconut is a spiritual plant specially cultivated by the Jiang people. It has an excellent taste, slightly sour and sweet, light as water, and has a special aroma.

He walked out of the house, the sky and the earth turned white, the sun was rising, the sea breeze was blowing, and the clouds were misty.

There was an endless stream of people, and many strange foreign monks appeared in the territory of the Baichan Mountain Jiang Clan.

The once-a-month event in Wuyang Town finally started again.

Ye Yang carried a sword and walked slowly in the market, but he saw that most of the items being traded were full of exotic and unique flavors.

After a while, more and more people came to trade, and Ye Yang looked around with interest.

Although there are a lot of things here, most of them are primitive items or low-level elixirs.

The main ones correspond to the monks in the realm of ventilation. Next to Ye Yang are two brothers and sisters, Jiang An and Jiang Lan. The two push a cart, and on the cart is a huge white shark bone.

Previously at the beach, Ye Yang ordered the scaled demon elephant to capture a white shark for the two of them to enjoy.

During this period of time, the two used the white shark's flesh and blood to sacrifice the Kun bird's soul-refining technique. The remaining white shark bones were useless, so they were prepared to sell them at this event.

Several people walked to an open space.

Jiang Lan said: "Uncle Ye, I think this place is good. If you have anything, you can also put it out and sell it."

Ye Yang currently has few fragments on him. Most of them are treasures used by warriors. He has no intention of selling them.

So, he shook his head and said: "You set up the stall here, I'll look around."

Others saw that he was dressed in luxurious clothes and carried a sword. After a careful sense, they only felt that his aura was as vast as the sea of ​​smoke. He was a warrior. They hurriedly stood up and greeted him.

Ye Yang walked around, but there was nothing attractive.

He walked to a casual cultivator who was selling pills.

The man looked quite respectful: "Senior, is there anything you need?"

Ye Yang looked at the things on the stall. Most of them were ordinary items.

Only a few pills were unique.

"What kind of elixir is this?"

He picked up one of them. This elixir was shaped like a toad, the size of a fingertip, with a red line on the toad's head, and the shape was quite unique.

The man smiled slightly, with an extremely respectful look.

"Senior, this is the Toad Spirit Pill, made from the rare toad spirit blood in Baichan Mountain, which is very useful for cultivation."

This elixir is really special. Ye Yang felt that the toad energy in his body became more active after contacting this elixir.

So Ye Yang stretched out his hand and said, "Give me two bottles."

The man hurriedly took out two bottles of jade boxes, handed them to Ye Yang, and said respectfully, "Please taste it, senior."

Ye Yang nodded, picked up one and put it in his mouth, carefully sensing it, and felt a stream of special spiritual energy entering his body.

But this elixir may be of a lower grade. Although the special spiritual energy is effective, it is not very useful, and it does not significantly improve his cultivation.

"But there is a higher level."

The man nodded, and then took out a black pill from his treasure house.

The pill was black in appearance, but the surface was shining with golden light. As soon as he took it out, Ye Yang felt the breath around him tremble, and the magic power of the Eight Changes of the Heavenly Toad actually began to work slowly.

It was much better than the effect of the previous pill.

"How many spiritual stones does this thing cost?"

"Senior, this pill is precious. It is made from the spiritual blood of the Toad King. One pill costs fifty spiritual stones."

Ye Yang nodded and said, "Bring me four."

The man showed a trace of regret: "Report to the senior, this thing is not easy to come by. I only have two here."

Ye Yang asked again: "Where can I buy the Toad King Pill?"

"I heard that the Baochan Chamber of Commerce will be here soon. They have a lot of spiritual objects, maybe they have stock."

This Toad King Pill has obvious benefits for the practice of the Eight Changes of the Heavenly Toad.

Since Ye Yang broke through to the realm of warriors, he has received the help of many spiritual medicines in the Changsheng barrier, and now he has broken through to the seventh change of the Eight Changes of the Heavenly Toad.

This Toad King Pill can speed up the practice of the Eight Changes of the Heavenly Toad, and it cannot be lost.

Once the Heavenly Toad Qi can reach the realm of the Eight Changes, he can exchange it for the general outline to practice the Red Toad Swallowing Moon Method, and the whole body's magic power will be further refined and sublimated.

After a long walk, there are not many new objects around. He came to Jiang Lan and Jiang An. Most of the huge white shark skeletons in front of the two have been sold.

The two looked excited, obviously making a lot of money.

Seeing Ye Yang coming, the two showed a hint of excitement on their faces.

"Uncle Ye, the Baochan Chamber of Commerce is coming. This opportunity cannot be missed. They are all half-demons. They usually live in deep mountains and swamps. They are good at identifying treasures and searching for treasures. This is their first time to come to Wuyang Town in half a year."

"A chamber of commerce composed of half-demons?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised. Half-demons are the descendants of humans and demons. They are not tolerated by the two races. It is rare to see them. There is a caravan composed of half-demons here.

Jiang Lan spoke gently: "Yes, the person in charge of the Baochan Chamber of Commerce is a half-demon with the blood of the three-legged golden toad. They are very good at searching for treasures. They wander around the mountains and rivers, experience many tribes, and make a living by trading. They travel outside in spring every year and return to the mountains to sleep in winter."

"Yes, look."

Jiang Lan pointed behind her, and Ye Yang looked in the direction of her finger.

A caravan slowly came in the distance. These people were huge in number, forming a long dragon. They were all in yellow clothes and yellow armor, with three eyes on their foreheads.

Leading the way was a golden toad, about two feet tall, with huge four legs, webbed claws and toes, covered with copper coins, and a huge ruby ​​hanging on its forehead.

On its back, there were thick hemp ropes tied with a pile of goods, like a huge bag.

After the big toad in front came, there were some other beetles or giant lizards behind it. The originally spacious street was occupied by these people and became much more crowded.

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