The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 153 The door faces the sea and the water of the three rivers flows eastward

Seeing this, the leading warrior-level cultivator waved his hand and emitted a vibrant green light, and infinite vitality emerged from Ye Yang.

Ye Yang's injuries could not help but get better.

Ye Yang groaned, and the white-bearded cultivator finally sensed something and said, "I'm afraid he was seriously injured. Send him to the clan to recuperate first, and ask about his origins after his injuries are healed."

As soon as he gave the order, someone immediately rowed a small boat, lifted Ye Yang, and headed towards the land.


After an unknown amount of time, Ye Yang woke up slowly and opened his eyes slowly.

The first moment he opened his eyes, he checked the sword on his back.

Only then did he find that his back was already empty.

He touched the storage bag in his hand again, and a trace of comfort flashed through his heart. Fortunately, the storage bag was still there and was safe and sound.

He felt his mouth dry and his head hurt. He coughed a few times and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Someone outside had already known that he had woken up, and footsteps sounded, and he hurried out to report.

After a while, the door was slowly opened.

A bald old man with a three-inch white beard on his chin, leaning on a cane and wearing a green robe, walked slowly. He was old, with a haggard face and some age spots on his face.

"Daoyou, you are seriously injured. I wonder if you are feeling better now?"

After saying that, he handed over a cup of tea.

After waking up just now, Ye Yang secretly circulated the withered hand to heal himself.

At this time, he was much better.

He was not familiar with the other party, and was afraid that the tea was different, so he did not drink it, but struggled to get up from the head of the bed and clasped his fists slightly: "Thank you, Daoyou."

"I am seriously injured. Thank you for saving my life. I wonder where this place is?"

Hearing what Ye Yang said, the old man smiled and said, "This is the mouth of Baichan Mountain in Yalongling."

He had never heard of Baichan Mountain, but the mouth of Yalongling was not unfamiliar. It should be not far from Shanhai City.

Ye Yang continued to ask: "I wonder if you have ever heard of Shanhai City."

The old man nodded, and then said: I have heard of it. This is a big city, but it is quite far away from Baichan Mountain, more than 3,000 miles away. "

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief. For a cultivator, more than 3,000 miles is not a long distance.

The old man took out a knife and a sword and handed them to Ye Yang.

"These two weapons are extraordinary. After I picked them up, I sent them to you as soon as possible. "

Ye Yang hurriedly thanked him. This old man was really kind-hearted.

This weapon of his was extraordinary. He was unconscious at this time. Even if an outsider took it away, he would know nothing about it.

Now that the other party chose to return it, it means that he did not care about the value of this thing. Such people are rare in the current world of immortal cultivation.

Ye Yang thanked him repeatedly and put away the sword.

The old man saw that his injuries had recovered a lot, so he got up and said goodbye, walked out of the house, and let him rest quietly.

Lying on the bed, Ye Yang secretly recalled everything that had happened during this period. After a long time, he sighed.

"Since ancient times, it has been said that the tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, and the rafters that are exposed to the wind will rot first. This sentence is indeed true. "

He thought to himself that since he broke through to the realm of warriors, his performance has been a bit high-profile.

Especially when the group of people in the Changsheng barrier first killed the monsters in the northern border, and then forced Die Wuhou to retreat with a knife, he might have posed a threat in the eyes of some people, so there was this assassination.

Just like Die Wuhou who was found to have blood-tear eyes before, there are always some people who want to get rid of him as soon as possible.

"On the road of cultivation, one should be cautious and subtle, and hide in the abyss. Only in this way can one transcend the world."

Ye Yang stared at the beams and spoke slowly.

Getting up from the bed, the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle was still immersed in it, and a huge crack was cut into its tortoise shell by the knife energy.

And the injury of the demon elephant has recovered a lot. It crawled out of his sleeves and lay on his fingers, biting them gently.

"Fortunately, I met this kind-hearted old man this time. If I met a very vicious person, my life would be in danger. "

Ye Yang secretly rejoiced.


Baichan Mountain is next to the sea, and above the vast sea, a golden sun slowly rises.

The surging white waves surged from the horizon, and the waves gradually piled up from far to near, and it exploded like thunder.

Ye Yang walked barefoot on the edge of the waves. The next moment, his body was like a white fish, diving into the surging sea water, waving his fists vigorously.

The ancient, heavy, vast and ethereal fists were like the arrival of a demon elephant on the seabed, adding fuel to the fire, blocking the rivers, and even squeezed the sea around him into a vacuum.

Ye Yang was practicing boxing, and soon, a hideous and huge demon swam out from the deep seabed. The demon elephant held a huge white shark in its mouth.

It shook its head and threw the white shark on the beach, as if to let Ye Yang eat it quickly and not waste it.

Touching the head of the scaly demon elephant, a trace of heaviness flashed across Ye Yang's face.

During this period of time, the scaly demon elephant's injuries have improved a lot under his treatment.

However, the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle used its back to block the fierce blow of the Heavenly Sword for him at the critical moment, and is still seriously injured and unconscious.

Ye Yang used all his skills, but the effect was not ideal. He thought about recovering from his injuries and quickly returning to Feitianmen.

Gu Xuannai and Nanmingshanren are both second-level alchemists, and they are knowledgeable and may have a way to treat it.

The white shark caught by the scaly demon elephant was extremely majestic, three to four feet long, and could be described as a ferocious beast in the sea.

Ye Yang pressed the white shark on the beach, took out the red maple sword, quickly cut it open and cleaned it, and put away the red heart.

The heart of this monster in the sea is where all the blood energy gathers, which is most conducive to cultivation.

He swallowed the heart in one gulp and quickly circulated the Tian Toad Qi to quietly refine it. After a while, a trace of blush appeared on his face.

As for the huge body of the white shark, he abandoned it on the beach.

"Uncle Ye, you are such a powerful monster. The white shark in the sea has a trace of Kunpeng blood and is extremely difficult to catch. We searched several times but couldn't find it. We didn't expect it to be so easy to catch."

The speakers were a man and a woman, both seventeen or eighteen years old.

The young man was tall, holding a steel fork in his hand, and his clothes were flying. He looked very heroic.

Next to him is a young girl with bright sunshine, yellowish complexion, youthful and lively eyes, huge and extremely beautiful eyes.

This person is the descendant of the Jiang family who rescued him. The male is named Jiang An and the female is named Jiang Lan.

The two of them looked excited when they saw the huge white shark on the beach.

This white shark has the bloodline of Kunpeng, which is extremely rare to see on weekdays. It often grows in the deep sea, and is extremely useful for them to practice the Kunpeng Qi Training Technique passed down from their family.

For Ye Yang, this thing was of little use except to satisfy his desire to take it orally. After he collected the heart, he gave the white shark to the two of them.

At this time, the girl Jiang Lan said: "Uncle Ye, didn't you say you were going to Shanhai City? Tomorrow is the day of Wuyang Town's rally, and there may be some news about Shanhai City."

The Jiang family is a cultivating family at the mouth of Yalongling. There are two warrior realm monks in the family, thousands of disciples, and they have a good reputation nearby.

Therefore, on every first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, monks would come to the Jiang family to trade materials needed for cultivation.

Ye Yang returned to the courtyard, picked many mountain chrysanthemums and unknown seaweed flowers from the bottom of the sea, and secretly turned his hands around.

He kept absorbing the majestic spiritual liquid and vitality of the seaweed flowers and mountain chrysanthemums, and then transformed it into spiritual liquid to cover his body.

After a long time, Ye Yang just exhaled a breath of turbid air. He had now recovered more than half of his injuries, and these spiritual liquids greatly accelerated his recovery.

Fortunately, he has been diligently practicing the Elephant Demon Fist, and his body is like a treasure and extremely strong. Otherwise, if it were an ordinary warrior-level monk, he would have been blown to pieces in that fierce battle.

He poured the remaining ectoplasm onto the scaled demon elephant and sun-chasing turtle.

Especially the Sun Flying Turtle, there is a huge knife mark on the turtle's back, almost cutting off the entire body.

Although he was still in a coma, he was still slowly absorbing the majestic vitality brought by the spiritual liquid.

He met this tortoise after a rain. At that time, the flying tortoise was just an ordinary tortoise that was bitten by its own race and driven out of the forest. Its limbs were broken and it was disfigured.

Later, after this mountain tortoise followed him, it absorbed the life essence of the Tiangang Sun Chaser and turned into a demon by refining its energy.

What was a random act at that time has now saved his life.

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh deeply, it was indeed fate.

Just as he was sighing secretly, there was a knock on the door in the distance.

Ye Yang slowly opened the door, only to find that standing outside the door was Jiang Ling, the white-bearded old man who rescued him.

Jiang Ling was leaning on a cane, was weak and old.

Generally speaking, the lifespan of a strong martial artist is about two hundred years, but monks have to go through countless fights in their lives, and few can live to two hundred years.

For example, Jiangling was already at the end of his life when he was only 1,780 years old.

Although he only has the cultivation level of the early martial artist, he has great prestige in the neighborhood and has a warm heart. Ye Yang is deeply grateful for saving Ye Yang from fire and water this time.

"Fellow Daoist Ye is still practicing?"

Jiang Ling looked at Ye Yang and showed a smile: "No wonder you can break through to the martial arts realm at such a young age. Even after reaching such a realm, you are still working hard. This is a real person seeking immortality and asking questions."

Ye Yang smiled slightly, and then said: "Senior Jiang, you are too polite. It's just because I have been dull since I was a child. I also know that if you want to achieve something, you need to practice hard to be one step ahead of others. Isn't there a saying that says, the stupid bird flies first, and the stupid boat flies first? Are you leaving first?”

Ye Yang could tell that something was wrong in Jiangling, otherwise he wouldn't have come back.

According to Ye Yang's character, he usually won't take the initiative to speak, and will let the other party speak first, so that there is room for bargaining.

But Jiang Ling rescued him from danger, pulled him from the brink of death, and gave him many miraculous medicines and elixirs that could cure diseases and save lives.

It should not be dealt with with such a profit intention.

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