Ye Yang and Yang Xing looked at each other and did not go straight to the gate of Yu Mansion.

Yu Hu is a high-ranking cultivator at the fifth level of martial arts. He is very powerful, but he has been imprisoned for a long time and his cultivation has been locked away.

That's why the sect sent two people to escort him back.

The mine is in the middle of the mountains, with rugged rocks. Many miners are coming in and out, naked and dark-skinned.

Two people from Ye Yang arrived. One was riding on a sun-chasing flying turtle, while the other was riding a fire centipede, so they were very eye-catching.

Therefore, as soon as the two arrived at the boundary of the mine, someone got the news and went to report it.

Soon two men appeared from the mine, one was tall and muscular.

The other person is holding a feather fan, talking and laughing, and has a graceful demeanor. He does not look like a worker in the mine, but more like a handsome young man.

Seeing Ye Yang and the other two coming, they quickly clasped their fists and looked respectful.

"The guardian spirit of the sect's second mine, Chen Fengxuan, has met two sect envoys."

Ye Yang and Yang Xing nodded and looked at each other.

Yang Xing said: "We have received an order from the sect to escort Yu Hu to the sect. These are the relevant documents and tokens."

After saying that, Yang Xing took out the relevant information. It was obvious that these two people had obtained the information a long time ago. They took the tokens, authenticated them and said, "Two envoys, please follow me. Then Yu Hu In the mine prison."

"In order to prevent him from escaping, we and I guarded him day and night. Now that we can hand over this serious problem to the sect, my brothers can also sleep peacefully."

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

Yu Hu has been the chief protector of the second examination room for many years and has a lot of assets. More importantly, he occupies the position of chief protector of the second mine, making it difficult for them to get up.

Now that the Dongchuang incident has happened and the sun has set, a spot has naturally become vacant, and the two of them have a chance.

For example, Yu Hu, without the resources and convenience brought by the chief protector, would not have been able to break through to the fifth level of martial arts so quickly.

Sensing the emotional changes of the two of them, Ye Yang didn't say much. It was human nature to follow interests. He and Yang Xing followed the two of them and soon arrived at a dark mine water prison.

This mine water prison was obviously specially developed.

It was reinforced with fine steel and used a special formation. Otherwise, it would be difficult to trap such a strong man.

Yu Hu is tall, with a lion's nose and a tiger's mouth, and a face covered with black beard. However, he is quite embarrassed at the moment, his clothes are in tatters, and two large chains and iron hooks are pierced through his bones.

He looked weak. In this short period of time, his hair turned from black to white, and his eyes were dull. When he saw someone coming, he opened his sleepy eyes.

Seeing Ye Yang and Yang Xing, he sighed: "You two are going to take me back."

In order to avoid suspicion, Ye Yang took a step back slightly and said nothing. Yang Xing said, "In this case, I will be offended."

The two of them supported Yu Hu and walked towards the outside of the mine.

Yu Hu used to be tall and powerful, but now he was being carried by Ye Yang, but he felt that the other party was thin, as if he had no weight.

Great changes.

If I had known today, why would I do it in the beginning?

But when faced with huge greed and the help of cultivation resources to break through, a few monks were able to bear to stop.

He recognized Ye Yang, who was very weak, and coughed dryly: "Yang'er, I don't know how Qingshan is doing."

Since he was imprisoned, he has lost contact with the outside world.

"Qingshan has now worshiped in the Feitian Sect, and he is practicing hard and diligently."

Yang Xing on the side was quite eye-catching. He had also heard about the relationship between Ye Yang and Yu Hu. He gently leaned in front of Ye Yang and whispered a few words, trying to sell Ye Yang some face.

"Guardian Ye, I have something to do, so I'm going to do it for the time being."

Since Ye Yang broke through to the warrior realm, he has made many military exploits, and anyone with a discerning eye knows that he has entered the sight of the head Gu Xuan.

Coupled with his outstanding performance in the Immortality Barrier, many people know that his future future is limitless.

So even though there are strict rules and regulations, he still pretends to be a good guy.

Yang Xing is a smart man.

Ye Yang glanced at him, not wanting to be taken advantage of. Yu Hu's fifth-level cultivation was extremely powerful, far superior to the two of them. Once something happened, he could easily be dragged into it.

So Ye Yang shook his head and said, "There is no need for this."

Hearing Ye Yang's refusal, Yang Xing couldn't help showing a hint of embarrassment on his face, with an easy-going smile, and he said: "In that case, let's go."

The two put Yu Hu into the carriage and took him to Feitian Gate.

Carrying the crime in hand, the two of them did not dare to neglect at all, and walked forward. When passing by Yu Mansion, Yu Hu looked miserable. When he saw the huge Yu Mansion, he sighed secretly.

"I wonder how Ye Li is doing?"

Ye Yang knew that what he said was meant for him. He hoped that he would remember the feelings of his aunt and nephew. If possible, he would try not to add insult to injury and help if he could.

Ye Yang pretended not to hear it, but sighed slightly in his heart.

My sister-in-law had a really bad fate in her life. She was half angry but couldn't argue with her, and half sad she was mourning.

We were on tenterhooks all the way, but fortunately, Ye Yang rode the Sun Flying Turtle in front to explore the road and was always on guard, so we were safe and sound.

Halfway through the journey, the wind blew, and Ye Yang rode on the turtle's back, watching the clouds rise and fall under the clear blue sky, with the sun shining down, which made him feel very comfortable.

At this moment, Ye Yang seemed to feel something, and his brows furrowed slightly.

He glanced at the flying turtle under him, and found that the flying turtle was trembling all over, and seemed to feel something.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Ye Yang felt chills stand on end, and an indescribable terror rushed straight into his heart.

Ever since he awakened his sword pupil, Ye Yang has been extremely sensitive to danger. At this moment, he shouted something bad, jumped up quickly, and controlled the Sun Flying Turtle to land.

But he never thought that a soaring magic sword suddenly appeared from the clouds, as big as the sky, surrounded by billowing evil aura.

As soon as it appeared, all his escape routes were blocked.

Fortunately, Ye Yang just reacted in time and hurriedly let the flying turtle land and arrived in a mountain forest.

This sharp and huge magic knife that covered the sky directly cut the hill where he was hiding in two like cutting tofu.

The trees collapsed, rocks flew, and turned into ashes. There was nothingness all around.

The moment he faced this terrifying magic knife, he actually felt a sense of life and death.

The person who wields this knife is anything but ordinary.

After cutting open the hill with one knife, the opponent stopped taking action, but Ye Yang was still cautious and alert.

He knew that the other party had definitely not left yet, and would seize the opportunity to slash out that terrifying magic knife again.

as expected.

The next moment, when he was lost in thought, a sword finger pierced out from the void, accompanied by a bright sound of a dragon's sword roaring into the sky, and pierced in front of him like lightning.

There was not only one person who took action, but two people!

"Who is he?"

Ye Yang was holding a sword, but he couldn't avoid it. The sword was extremely fierce and pierced directly into his left shoulder, causing blood to fly out.

Fortunately, he practiced the Elephant Demon Fist, and his body was like a diamond, indestructible, so he was only injured.

Otherwise, the body will be directly penetrated.

But, even so, the scattered sword energy was still swimming in his body, and a stinging pain came.

He held his breath and concentrated his mind, using the Eight Transformations of Heavenly Toad's magic power, and just now he forcibly suppressed the raging sword energy in his body.

The opponent's strength is too terrifying! And there are two more.

Although he didn't know who made the move, Ye Yang knew that the other party was aiming at him.

He originally thought that it was Yu Hu who had laid a backup for him, but he didn't expect that the man in the dark would abandon Yu Hu and insist on killing him.

This is the biggest life-and-death crisis he has encountered since he started practicing. Two unknown and terrifying powerful men want to kill him.

And without even seeing the other person's face, he was seriously injured.

"Damn, I've been so popular lately! They're here to intercept me."

Ye Yang suddenly thought of something, and the hairs all over his body stood up. He had no time to resist, and suddenly a sword finger and a sky-shielding magic knife rushed from the sky again.

If it hits, both the turtle and the human will be killed on the spot.

However, fortunately, the Sun Flying Turtle is extremely sensitive, chasing the strong wind and the strong sun, and is currently wandering in the wild forest.

Using the cover of the trees, he quickly rowed forward.

There are deep mountains and old forests in front of him. Only when the old mountains and dense forests block the other party's sight of spiritual thoughts can he have a chance to escape.

Ye Yang raised his head and found two criss-crossing figures hovering in the air, constantly patrolling, as if they were looking for his shadow.

"A strong person who controls the energy is a strong person who has driven away the evil energy and condensed the pure light."

Ye Yang's heart trembled. When he reached this state, he was already blessed by the evil energy, and the clear light of Xuantian was born in his body. They were all famous people. You know, even a few elders in the Feitian Sect were only in this state.

The two people discovered him and suddenly rushed down from the sky. In front of them was an ancient dense forest, and Ye Yang hurriedly fled into it.

The speed of the two men was far beyond that of Ye Yang. Seeing Ye Yang enter the dense forest, their speed became faster and faster. The rocks and strange trees along the way were all turned into powder when they approached.

Ye Yang moved his body slightly to the side. With a wave of his long sleeve, a three-inch long object the size of a white mouse emerged from his sleeve.

The object swelled in the wind, roared loudly, and instantly turned into a giant scaly elephant several feet long.

The giant elephant had a huge body and swung at those people, knocking them dozens of feet away.

But that was all. The two were very powerful. Although they were thrown out by the giant elephant with great force, they did not suffer any damage.

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