The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 150 The golden elixir of martial arts reappears

Xiu Ya took his hand, and soon the two of them arrived at the door.

Ye Yang saw that there was more than a minute of ground at the door. It was very different from before. The land was fertile, had an indescribable moist aura, and shone with a faint aura.


Ye Yang couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"It really is a spiritual field."

After hearing about the disaster caused by the heavy rain, spiritual phenomena have appeared in many places in Yalong Ridge, and the spiritual energy is much stronger than before.

Spiritual fields often appear in some wild swamps and deep mountains, and many unfounded monks often enter the mountains and forests to open up wasteland.

These few spiritual fields come just in time. If they can be developed, they can be used to plant some spiritual medicines and spiritual materials to aid cultivation.

He walked forward, bent down, grabbed some fine soil, put it in his mouth and tasted it. He felt that the spiritual energy was rich, which was better than the ordinary low-grade spiritual fields.

This house was originally located on the spiritual node, and there was a spiritual spring flowing through it, so the birth of the spiritual field was an accident.

But the bad thing is outside the courtyard, which is theoretically the public property of Feitianmen.

"It looks like we have to find a way to turn it into private property."

Ye Yang was thinking in his mind.

In the past few days, a big news broke out in Feitian Sect.

The sect asked someone to refine two martial arts elixirs, and the monks on the ninth floor were all agitated.

It is difficult to obtain the golden elixir of martial arts. The last time the sect had the golden elixir of martial arts was four or five years ago.

That time, the two golden elixirs of martial arts were exchanged by Yishi Dugu Qiang and Swordsman Ye Yang. Soon after, both of them broke through to the realm of warriors.

A few years later, the sect finally received news about the Golden Elixir of Martial Arts. Those who met the requirements were racking their brains and trying to accumulate contribution points.

Soon, another news was announced in the sect.

These two martial arts golden elixirs will be hung in the exchange hall with 2,500 contribution points.

However, it is required that the redeemer cannot be a high-level cultivator above the warrior realm, and must be under sixty years old.

There are many qualified people in the sect, especially the winners of the last battle for the Seven Flying True Realms, who have basically reached the eighth or ninth level of ventilation. The competition for the martial arts elixir this time is extremely fierce.

Fortunately, since the purple electric silver peach tree was transplanted, the two peaches on it have slowly turned from green to red. I am afraid that they will mature in another two years.

Ye Yang is practicing Qi in Shouzhuo Pavilion. His Qi is as white as white practice. The spiritual energy is floating around, gathering but not chaotic, and surrounding him three feet.

Yan Qingying knocked on the door and walked in. She looked at Ye Yang and said a little embarrassedly: "Senior Brother Ye, I don't know..."

Ye Yang already knew why the other party came.

He said, "Junior sister Yan, you don't have to be polite. Just tell me how much contribution you need."

Yan Qingying bit her lip, and then said: "I have borrowed from all the disciples in the sect during this period, but there is still a huge gap. I want to borrow 500 contribution points from my senior brother."

Ye Yang pondered for a moment: "This is 600 contribution points. You should keep it. Whether it succeeds or not, it is all senior brother's decision."

Yan Qingying bit her teeth secretly and was so moved that she even shed two lines of tears.

"Qingying has suffered from exile all her life, and has committed crimes against Huagai. No one has ever treated me like my senior brother..."

Ye Yang interrupted her.

"Junior sister Yan, what are you doing? Why do monks like us behave like children? After you have broken through to the warrior realm, you may need your help in the future."

After hearing what Ye Yang said, Yan Qingying's expression changed from sadness to joy.

She watched Ye Yang sit on the pavilion and said "Shou Zhuo", and sighed secretly.

"No wonder Senior Brother, his cultivation has progressed so fast. The words "Shou Zhuo" are concise and concise. Although he looks stupid, he actually possesses great wisdom."

She then looked at the couplet.

"Why should you sleep at the third watch and get up at the fifth watch if you have permanence?"

"The most useless thing is to be exposed to ten days of cold weather in one day."

She bit her lip lightly and thought for a moment. She felt enlightened and her mind suddenly became clear.

Thinking of her previous conversation with Ye Yang, she slowly exhaled.

"Qingying has learned and will definitely live up to senior brother's expectations."

Shortly after Yan Qingying exited, another person came, it was Li Bayuan.

Li Bayuan gained a lot from the Immortality Barrier.

Ye Yang carefully sensed that with the blessing of Xuanjie's destiny, the aura on his body was so frightening that he had faintly broken through to the warrior realm.

Ye Yang was not surprised at all when he saw Li Bayuan coming.

"Junior Brother Ba Yuan, do you want to borrow some contribution points?"

Li Bayuan said: "To be honest with you, senior brother, although the family has prepared a lot of spiritual stones for me, the contribution points are extraordinary. If senior brother is willing, I am willing to use the spiritual stones to increase the price to exchange for contribution points."

Ye Yang carefully calculated the contribution points in his hand, and found that there were still more than 400, so he said, "Junior sister Yan came to borrow some from me just now, and I only have a surplus of 400 in my hand."

Li Bayuan expressed his understanding. After all, the suitable disciples in the sect are now preparing for the martial arts golden elixir.

The more than four hundred contribution points exceeded his expectations.

Li Bayuan is a nice person.

Ye Yang lacked spiritual stones in the early stages of his practice, and often gambled with Li Bayuan to obtain practice resources from him. Now he should borrow them from each other.

"I have no shortage of spiritual stones at the moment. When you have enough money, you can return them to me."

After receiving the four hundred contribution points, Li Bayuan quickly walked out of the courtyard to prepare for the next competition for the martial arts golden elixir.

The Golden Pill of Martial Arts is a major event in Feitian Sect.

For several days in a row, the Feitian Sect’s focus was on the martial arts elixir.

On this day, the battle for the martial arts elixir finally came to an end.

Among the two people who redeemed, one was Zhang Xing, the corpse trainer, and the other was Li Bayuan.

As for Yan Qingying, I heard that she borrowed a lot, but still didn't get enough 2,500 contribution points.

Shou Zhuo Pavilion.

The autumn breeze was blowing, and Han Bao and his wife were sitting in front of Ye Yang.

Ye Yang poured a cup of tea for the two of them, and Han Bao and his wife looked at each other.

"Guardian Ye, I don't know why you summoned us and two of us."

Ye Yang said: "At present, the teaching theory in the sect is sufficient, but the actual practice is insufficient. Most of the sect's disciples are like flowers in the greenhouse. If they are not killed, they will be easily withered by the winter wind."

"I'm going to recommend you two to go to the Chuanxi Hall to teach the disciples, but I don't know if it's okay."

Ye Yang is now the guardian of the Official Affairs Hall, and Chuanxi Hall is a subordinate of the Official Affairs Hall, so it naturally has the right to recommend and employ people.

When the two heard this, they couldn't help but feel quite excited. Although they had been recruited by the Feitian Sect, they had not yet had a specific division of labor.

The two of them have not yet reached the realm of warriors, so it is almost impossible for them to go out and become the person in charge of a party. The position of sect teacher is quite respected, and there is an additional teaching spirit stone subsidy, which is considered a good position.

So the two of them quickly handed over.

"The two of us will go now. We will definitely live up to the protector's expectations and cultivate the mainstay of the sect."

Since Wangyue Mountain was destroyed by demons, the sect has discussed several times and prepared to cooperate with Fengyu Tower to build another market.

Originally, Wangyue Mountain was the middle point for monks to barter for thousands of miles around, but something unexpected happened.

Since the birth of the Immortal Barrier, the spiritual veins have ceased to exist, and many practitioners have run away or run away.

There just happened to be a vacancy in the trading place, but the market was very important, and the initial investment was very large, and sufficient spiritual veins were needed for the formation.

After several discussions between Feitianmen and Fengyulou, no good site was chosen.

On this day, Zhang Li found Ye Yang.

When Ye Yang saw Zhang Li coming, he knew that he had something to arrange, so he asked: "Hall Master Zhang hasn't been seen for many days. You are here this time. Do you have any instructions?"

Zhang Li smiled slightly and took a sip of tea: "I have something to entrust to you when I come here this time."

"I wonder if Hall Master Zhang can make it clear."

Zhang Ligui adjusted her clothes and looked serious.

"The remaining guardian of the second mine has been locked up for cultivation. You and Guardian Chen will go together and bring him back for trial."

Hearing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but frown, and then said, "But Yu Hu from Yuanyang Mine?"

Yuanyang Mine is the second mine of the sect, so most of the old people are regarded as the second mine.

Zhang Li nodded: "The sect has already found out that since Yu Hu served as the chief protector of the second mine, he embezzled a huge amount of sect assets, used power for personal gain, built eight courtyards, and at least tens of thousands of spiritual stones. "

Ye Yang sighed slightly.

In fact, he had known for a long time that Yu Hu's hands and feet were dirty. After all, the chief protector of the mine was a wealthy man.

Yu Hu was caught by the sect and had to be punished. It was obvious that the people behind him had treated him as an abandoned son.

In fact, Ye Yang had very little interaction with this nominal uncle.

Zhang Li glanced at him meaningfully, and then said: "He should not die. After all, the fifth level of martial arts cultivation is not easy to come by. Once he dies, it will be a loss to Feitian Clan."

This was not what Ye Yang had expected. Unless the person committed the crime was someone like Long Gang, he would not lose his life for this, but the end would not be good.

Zhang Li had already known about Yu Hu's relationship with him, and she was deliberately trying to sell it well. Ye Yang didn't ask any more questions.

After he summoned the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle, another protector, Yang Xing, walked out of the Feitian Gate.

This protector's name is Yang Xing. He looks to be in his forties, with a well-built body and a round belly, but he is actually over a hundred years old.

He was riding on a withered and thin fire centipede horse. The fire centipede horse walked on the mountain and ran on the stone cliffs.

Ye Yang was sitting leisurely on the turtle's back, looking at the surrounding scenery.

Yang Xing was quite envious and joked: "This turtle of yours is really magical. It would be great if you could be a little bigger, so that you and I can travel together and avoid the pain of traveling by boat."

Ye Yang chuckled: "If you want it to grow up, it will inevitably require a supply of spiritual stones. I can't afford to support it."

"Who doesn't know that Protector Ye made a fortune in the Immortality Barrier."

"Where there is any windfall, it has been handed over to the sect long ago, and the bag is empty."

The two talked and laughed all the way, and soon arrived at the Yuanyang Mine.

When Ye Yang first came, there were many people in Yuanyang Mine. In fact, after years of harvesting, the veins in Yuanyang Mine have dried up.

He could clearly feel that the popularity had dropped a lot, and Yu Mansion, which was once prosperous before, now seemed a bit desolate and dilapidated.

Many servants came in and out, but their faces were flustered.

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