"Kill as you please."

"You have such a strong tone, and I am not afraid of using my tongue. I am a powerful person in the real world, but I want to see how you people can kill me!"

"I ask you again, do you want to hand over this purple electric silver peach tree or not? If you hand it over, I will spare your life. If you don't hand it over, everyone will die today!"


Lord Qing Ming was despised by a group of people in the warrior realm and was filled with hatred.

He flew from the sky, with countless silver threads flying in his hair, as vast and elusive as the sky. Although he was old, he was mighty.


Green flames erupted from Lord Qingming's body, and his whole body alternated between green and red lights. The infinite blue sky and the Milky Way flashed by, extremely hot.

Seeing that the strong man in the real world was about to take action, everyone around them retreated for fear of harming innocent people.

There are also people with burning eyes who want to see what the strength of the Feitian Sect is and how they dare to confront a strong person in the real world here.

"Master, there is news that Xiao Jianzi seems to have died in the Immortal Barrier."

Just when Feitianmen and Qingming Lord were facing each other tit for tat, about to strike.

On the top of a mountain, a skinny old man with a sword whispered softly to a hunchbacked old man in front of him.

"What? How did you die?"

The hunchbacked old man was wiping the sword in his hand. When he heard the news, he couldn't help but swayed slightly and was shocked: "My Qinglian Mo family is also a famous family, and the little sword is protected by the white snake sword. How can it be like this?"

"I heard that they were attacked and killed when they were looking for the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit with Baigu Huadan, Bailian Mingfei and others, but this is only their one-sided statement, and the true situation is unknown."

"Damn it!"

The hunchbacked old man stood up, with a sword gleam in his eyes. He glanced at White Bone Hua Dan, but the opponent was on the giant wings of the Yitian Demon, and he did not dare to provoke her.

"If I remember correctly, Concubine White Lotus is a disciple of the Bodhisattva Great Joy. The death of our swordsman is inseparable from her. Please capture her quickly and kill her."

"As for Bai Gu Hua Dan...well, let's wait for now."

The Mo family also made a big move. Several clan elders with astonishing auras stepped forward, splitting mountains and rocks, transforming into giant green lotus swords, and headed towards the camp of the Great Joyful Bodhisattva.

During this siege of the Immortality Barrier, the Mo Family Master was defeated by the Xuehe Master and the Yitian Demon together to crush the golden elixir and capture the soul.

But the Mo family is still powerful. The Qinglian Sword Technique passed down by the family is still a presence that no one can ignore.

At the same time, scenes similar to the one in the Mo family appeared one after another throughout Wangyue Mountain, and for a while, Wangyue Mountain fell into the quagmire of bloody war.

Lord Qing Ming's aura was overwhelming, and two cloud-white long sleeves carried the Zhou Tiangang Wind whirling around him. The sound of wind was heard as he waved, and it seemed as if cracks had been cut in the sky.

Gu Xuan and a group of others sat on the flying silver-spotted pack ray, their bodies suddenly grew larger, and countless demonic energies intertwined behind them.

A huge stone tablet flew out from his body. The stone tablet spun out countless wind and sand, trying to destroy the world, but it was broken immediately by Yunbai's long sleeves waved.

But at this moment, Ge Canhong's black sun sword went straight up to the sky, turned into countless sword lights, and stabbed Qingming Lord's body directly from the side.

But that was all. Although the sword light was sharp, it did not break through the cloud and wind shield on his body.

In the sky, a huge three-legged golden crow came across from the sky.

Wang Xijing activated the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd and turned it into a shocking blow, directly submerging Lord Qingming. The pulse-suppressing weapon was so powerful that Lord Qingming screamed.

This scene moved everyone around.

No one had ever thought that Feitian Clan, which had no real person to suppress the sect, would actually launch an attack on Lord Qing Ming, and even have a pulse-suppressing treasure as a trump card.

But a real strong person is no trivial matter after all. Lord Qing Ming is very powerful. Waving his cloud-white long sleeves, he walked out of the flames and dispersed all the flames and sword energy.

Everyone cooperated to strike.

But it didn't work wonders.

"You are looking for death."

Lord Qing Ming pinched his sword finger, and all the white clouds around him were pulled away, turning into a giant sword, which was directly inserted into Feitianmen's silver-spotted pack ray.

I want to split this pack ray in two.

At this moment, a misty golden light lit up on the flying pigeon ray, as if a special formation blocked this terrifying blow.

But the sword finger was too terrifying. After all, it was a strike from a real-person warrior. The huge sword light still passed through the formation and pierced the wings of the pack ray, directly turning a person into ashes.

The mango ray screamed sadly, but fortunately he was not seriously ill.

"The blow from a strong man in the real-life realm didn't seem to cause serious injuries to them?"

"It's the Immovable Vajra Formation."

Someone's eyes were glaring and they saw the secret behind this: "No wonder the Feitian Sect dares to challenge a strong man in the realm of real people. It turns out that he got the Immovable Vajra Formation refined by Xuanshan Shouhuang."

Xuanshan Shouhuang is only produced on the Black Mountain. In the early years, that land was occupied by a terrifying old demon, and the outside world was almost extinct.

"The Feitian Sect is really lucky. Not only did it get a piece, but the share is not small, and it was actually refined into a formation."

"No, the simple Immovable Vajra Formation is not so powerful. At least there is an formation master presiding over the formation."

When a discerning person saw this scene, his eyes moved, and he thought of something and said something.

On the back of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray, a thin, somewhat cowardly middle-aged man held an array plate and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Master Su, we need more strength. If we can survive this crisis, I will give you credit."

"Remember your mother's first merit, that's a strong man in the realm of real people! You guys from Feitianmen are really good at causing trouble."

Master Su Zhen was the formation master who was captured by Ye Yang and others at the center of the formation when the Five Poison Sect attacked Feitianmen last time.

This time, Gu Xuan and others had a premonition that something was going to happen, so they used the Xuanshan Shouhuang that they had robbed in the Red Lantern last time to refine the Immovable Vajra Formation, and also brought him to preside over the formation.

"Ah! If I had seen such a real person ancestor at other times, I would be willing to lick their toes, but today I actually fought with them."

Master Su Zhen sighed, and at the moment he lost consciousness, another Qingming thunder came from a distance, and he hurriedly deduced the formation to resist.

"Master Su Zhen, don't be distracted."

He looked back and found that it was the Helian Hall Master of the Law Enforcement Hall. He saw that the Helian Hall Master was holding the formation flag and resisting the thunder.

His panicked heart finally showed a trace of stability.

After all, there were four or five warriors holding the formation flags who had condensed their evil spirits. These people were the main combat force of the formation.

The Lord of Qingming held the thunder and the cloud wind blasted down. Although it had a miraculous effect, it did not cause any serious injuries to the people of Feitianmen.

Gu Xuan saw an opportunity and shouted loudly.

"The rest of you, what are you still waiting for? Hurry up and do it."

As soon as the voice fell, the second elder Gu Qingshu whipped out a snake whip dozens of feet long, which wrapped around the hands of the Lord of Qingming, but it was broken in an instant.

At this time, a huge green fox with nine tails flew from the sky and bit the shoulder of the Lord of Qingming fiercely.

Although it was blown away by the power of the real pill, it also cut the shoulder of the Lord of Qingming, forcing out a rolling blood.

"You are looking for death!"

The Lord of Qingming was extremely furious. As a real person, he naturally had the dignity of a real person. At this moment, he could not attack for a long time and was covered in blood, which made him feel very embarrassed.

With the help of the power of the real person, he flew into the sky, with endless lightning behind him.

Although these warriors can also fly, they are far inferior to the real real person in terms of height and distance.

At this time, a frost sword pierced through the sky and turned into a sword ball. The cold light of the thousand blades was so sharp that it froze the thunder for a short time.

The owner of Fengyu Tower launched an attack. The frost sword technique in her hand seemed to freeze everything, and it actually broke through a gap in the thunder.

And the two swords of the void dragon slashed out suddenly, cutting the corner of the clothes of the Qingming Lord.

"Everyone stand up, follow me to kill the real person!"

Seeing that Fengyu Tower and Taiyi Qingmen had both taken action, Gu Xuan shouted and commanded the flying silver-spotted ray to fly into the sky thunder and lightning, facing the Qingming Lord from a distance.

Not at all inferior.

The Qingming Lord was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and fell from the sky like waves, drowning all the silver-spotted ray of Feitianmen.

The Immovable Vajra Formation gave off a faint, unbreakable glow, blocking the thunder.

But the thunder was boundless and too powerful. After a while, a figure fell from the Flying Silver Spotted Manta Ray.

"It's Master Helian."

Everyone was shocked to find that Master Helian's neck seemed to have been cut by a sharp weapon, and his body was separated.

There was actually a sword light hidden in the thunder. After a while, another person was injured. It was Zhu Wen, the old guardian of Feitianmen.

He had been guarding the spiritual field in Feitianmen for many years and was quite prestigious. Although his heart was shattered by the sword light at this moment, he still held the formation flag and did not let go.

"Don't be afraid, boys and girls of Feitianmen, come together. We old guys are not afraid of death and will be your pioneers."

He was blurred with blood and tears, and forced to activate his magic power. The formation flag shone brightly, but the blood on his chest flowed faster under the intense exercise.

"Death is not scary, what is scary is the lack of spirit."

"We, the Feitian Sect, fought a great battle with a real strong man, so why should we fear death today!"

Someone shouted on the Feitian Silver Spotted Manta, and everyone pushed their own magic power harder, and the flags of the formation shone brightly, becoming more solid for a while.

"You deserve to die! A group of warriors dared to act presumptuously in front of me. The weak die and the strong live. This is the law of nature."

Seeing that his thunder sword light did not have a miraculous effect, the Lord of Qingming transformed the thunder behind him into a huge golden-winged eagle, covering the world!

With a loud bang, the world scorched by thunder exploded, but the people of Feitian Sect still resisted firmly.

Especially Gu Xuan, the Taoist and demonic aura spread behind him, with countless graves and corpses of ancestors, and he roared and tore a wing of the eagle.

Mo Niansheng roared, used the secret method, bleeding from all seven orifices, and the green fox behind him swelled to a size of dozens of feet.

Flying into the sky, he exchanged injuries for injuries and bit off a thigh of the Lord of Qingming.

But he was knocked off the cliff by the Lord of Qingming, and his life or death was unknown.

Everyone knew that this was a waste of potential. Using the secret method would definitely kill him. Even if he survived, his tendons and veins would be broken, and he would never be able to improve his cultivation.

"These people from Feitianmen are too strong."

"It's not that they are strong, but that they are not afraid of death. They actually confronted the Lord of Qingming head-on and did not lose."

"Is it worth it for just a purple lightning silver peach?"

Some people also had doubts.

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it, but that they have already offended the Lord of Qingming. If they don't show their fangs and lose this opportunity, they will only be slowly killed by the Lord of Qingming in the future."

Thinking of a terrifying real person who would be watching from the side all the time in the future, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Lord Qingming was bitten off one of his thighs and was seriously injured. The flying silver-spotted pack ray followed him closely.

Hundreds of people fought against one person, and the battle lasted for thousands of rounds. Lord Qing Ming spat out a drop of blood, and his whole body's magic power plummeted.

"damn it."

Qing Mingzhu has tried his best, but still has no way to defeat the opponent. On the contrary, the opponent has more people and strength, and he is passive everywhere.

Seeing that 70% of his mana had been consumed, he had no choice but to flee in the distance.

When everyone saw Lord Qing Ming actually avoiding the fight and running away, they couldn't help but feel horrified.

"This Feitian Sect is a little too powerful. People are about to run away, but they are still chasing me. They dare to catch Daxiu, a real-person realm, and chase him."

"It is said that the Xuantian Magic Code of Transforming Meridians passed down in his sect is quite special."

"Not only that, there is not only the Feitian Sect, but also the Frost Sword Art of Fengyu Tower, and the Void Wandering Dragon Sword Art of Taiyi Qingmen. There is strength in numbers."

"With the help of the flying silver-spotted pack ray, we can keep up with the wind in the air, and we are united as one, so we can win."

"Why didn't I see the Five Poison Sect take action?"

Some knowledgeable people carefully analyzed it and put forward their own opinions on the reasons behind it.

But whatever.

At this moment, in front of the world, Feitianmen, Fengyu Tower and Taiyi Qingmen all rose up with a special attitude.

Let everyone no longer dare to look down upon this small local sect.

Just as everyone was exclaiming, a beacon chain hundreds of feet long suddenly appeared in the sky.

The chain penetrated directly into Lord Qing Ming's heart and dug out a huge golden elixir from his lower abdomen.

"Old Fenghuo, you are so despicable."

Seeing this scene, Master Qingming was so frightened that his soul was torn apart, and he no longer cared about the golden elixir he had practiced for hundreds of years.

The soul quickly escaped and flew thousands of miles away. He abandoned his body and flew away. Even the average real-person realm powerhouse couldn't handle it.

But with all his magic power gone, his soul cannot survive between heaven and earth, and will dissipate within three days.

"Why did the Blood Demon Sect also take action?"

Ye Yang stood on top of the flying silver-spotted pack ray, watching Qing Ming Lord finally execute him, and couldn't help but let out a breath of turbidity.

Although it seemed that Feitianmen had the upper hand in the end, in the battle between the trapped beasts, they fought back to the death.

Facing a real person who is at the end of his rope, no one knows what cards the opponent has.

At this moment, it is the best result.

A voice came out from the flying silver-spotted pack ray.

"Thank you Uncle Fenghuo for your help. Gu Xuan would like to thank you."

"From now on, there will be no personal relationship between you and me."

A loud voice came out, and then a beacon figure disappeared into the sky.

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