Fortunately, the golden haired monkey was already injured, and Wang Dong also took out a talisman and drew it around the purple electric silver peach tree, causing the ten-foot-tall sub-tree to shake.

"Bold! Come back to our clan's most precious treasure!"

Upon seeing this, the hairy monkey rushed towards Wang Dong. At this time, a bloody brilliance enveloped it, and the disciples of the Feitian Sect, controlling the formation, had arrived.

The golden-haired monkey wanted to jump up, but fortunately the blood-colored formation was so powerful that it firmly restrained its figure.

When Ye Yang and Wang Dong saw this, they didn't stop at all.

The two fled to the purple electric silver peach tree, quickly smashed the earth and rocks on the ground, and dug wildly into the ground. Fortunately, the soil was loose, and soon the tree revealed its white and crystal fairy roots.

At this moment, a bloody red sword rushed toward the two of them.

The blood is radiant, the blood is filled, and the blood is dressed in a red robe.

Then there was a figure with no distinction between yin and yang, resembling a man and a woman.

It is Die Wuhou.

He attacked Ye Yang with a Zhu Han sword.

"How brave! I've been waiting for you to come."

Ye Yang snorted coldly, and the sword in his right hand suddenly glowed. The ghost-headed seven-ring sword suddenly rushed out, slashed from the sky, and turned into a white giant sword.

Time goes by wrongly and wastefully, and most of all, time turns into foam.

If heaven has feelings, it will also grow old, and the right path in the world will undergo vicissitudes of life.

The Thirteen Knives of Time were shown to the world for the first time.

This giant white blade covered the sky, and instantly turned into thirteen blades, directly killing Die Wuhou.

Die Wuhou relied on his ghostly figure to dodge, but he found that the thirteen knives in front of him were unavoidable and impossible to hide from.

Then the thirteen knives struck him quickly. For a moment, he was suddenly shocked and felt that all the essence of his life was gone.

This knife was actually cutting away his time, elongating his figure and making him ten years older.

"Ah! Damn it, what kind of magic is this!"

Queen Die Wu was filled with fear and quickly retreated. Just now, his age had been directly increased by ten years, and his cultivation potential had been set back by ten years.

Especially for such special geniuses, this is something that is unbearable.

He was afraid that Ye Yang would strike again, so he didn't dare to stay any longer and quickly retreated.

After using this move, Ye Yang also took a breath of cold air and felt pain everywhere in his internal organs. This move was so powerful that it actually forced him to bleed a mouthful of blood.

"Retreat quickly!"

Ye Yang and Wang Dong looked at each other, but at this moment, it was raining all night.

The terrifying golden haired monkey forcibly tore apart the formation and rushed towards the two of them.

The power of this thing is truly terrifying.

The two of them were unable to escape for a while.

Just at this time.

The entire immortality barrier exuded an indescribable rich white light.

The shadows in the sky overlapped, and Ye Yang felt happy, knowing that the time for the longevity barrier to close was coming.

Once they escape outside, the golden-haired monkeys will no longer be in trouble.

He waved his hand, and the injured scaled demon elephant transformed into the size of a mouse and got into his left sleeve.

The golden haired monkey was already coming, and Ye Yang was so anxious that he could only flick his little finger.

Countless transparent needle points shot out from the heavy rain pear blossom fingertips on his fingertips, and all 999 bone-penetrating evil needles hit the golden haired monkey.

However, the bone-penetrating evil needle did not cause serious injuries to the divine monkey. It only broke through the defense of the fur, but that was enough.

The bone-penetrating evil needle is colorless and odorless. Once it enters the human body, it burrows into the bones and stings every day.

A heartbreaking pain came from the golden haired monkey's bones, and it couldn't help but roar.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Yang called for the Flying Turtle Chasing the Sun, carrying Wang Dong and the Purple Lightning Silver Peach, and gradually disappeared into the sky.

Outside the mountain gate of the Immortal Barrier, there is a sea of ​​people.

There is a demon who swallows up the sun and the moon and indulges in wanton sexual pleasure.

There are also righteous monks talking about mysteries and Taoism, with yellow clouds and white cranes, playing harps and swords.

A sword cultivator quietly wiped the sword in his hand, waiting for a shocking blow.

What's more, some are hovering quietly in the sky, riding monsters, or sitting in huge palace flying boats, constantly patrolling.

Gu Xuan and Ge Canhong stood on the head of the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray, looking at the exit of the Immortality Barrier with a trace of worry in their eyes.

This immortal barrier came and went strangely, and they escaped from the blood and bone cult's formation.

Unexpectedly, all the young disciples under the age of fifty would be sucked into the immortality barrier.

At this moment, there was a premonition that the Immortality Barrier was about to close. The senior officials in the sect were afraid of disputes, so they had already arrived here in advance.

In addition to Sword King Ge Canhong, Mo Niansheng who has resigned as the Great Elder, Second Elder Gu Qingshu, Fire King Xijing, Shaoyang Sword King Sandao and others have all arrived and are waiting quietly.

After a while, a mist rolled in.

From the huge green pine in front, a blood-red light and shadow stepped out, it was Die Wuhou.

Seeing such a huge battle ahead, Die Wuhou's eyes flashed slightly before heading towards the direction of Taiyi Qingmen.

But he never thought that at this moment, a pair of boundless hands grasped him firmly.

"Boy, what treasure did you get in this immortality barrier? To tell you the details, I just need to recruit a disciple, and then I will teach you the supreme law."

At this moment, two void swords flashed across the sky, directly cutting off the man's hands.

The man let out a scream and put down Die Wuhou.

"Old Demon Lu Ling, when will it be your turn to point out the affairs of our Taiyi Qingmen?"

The person who spoke was the newly promoted sect leader of Taiyi Qingmen, but the strength of Taiyi Qingmen itself was lower than that of Feitian Sect and Wudu Sect.

After the death of the sect leader, Chang Qingzi, the most advanced practitioners in the sect were only the black and white elders of the seventh level of martial arts.

However, the two of them have always faced the enemy together and taken action together, so they cannot be underestimated even if they join forces.

At this time, many figures in the sky were already walking down the green pine trees.

The old demon Lu Ling suffered a loss but did not dare to take action. He shouted coldly and let Die Wuhou go, his eyes constantly searching for the next target.

After a while, another disciple came over.

It's just that this is a casual cultivator, and there is no power behind it.

As soon as he came out, he was forcibly held in the hand by an old demon, who wanted to accept him as his disciple.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he wants the other party to gain something from the immortality barrier this time.

The disciple was also smart and quickly presented the storage bag of this harvest and worshiped under an old devil, which made the old devil laugh.

At this moment, a brilliant silver light came, and a young man slowly appeared with a piece of bluestone behind him.

On the bluestone board, there is a golden renzhi attached.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but be shocked. Could this be the legendary Purple Savage Zhi?

When he saw everyone outside the court staring at him blankly, he shouted: "Not good."

This purple sage could not be put into the storage bag, and he was terrified.

This thing can extend the life span for decades, and even a strong person in the real world will fight if he sees it.

Everyone wanted to fight for it, but they never thought that a big hand suddenly slapped down from the sky, and those who got close were slapped to death.

This is the Yitian Great Demon of the Demon Kingdom on Earth.

The Yitian Demon suddenly flashed its wings, covering up the clouds and the sun, and grabbed the disciple's hand in front of his eyes.

He didn't even talk about accepting a disciple. He just drank a demonic wind and the disciple's soul was destroyed in an instant.

Then he immediately swallowed the purple sage into his mouth and closed his eyes to refine it.

At this time, a disciple from the Feitian Sect walked out, wearing a white corpse suit, it was Zhang Xing, the corpse refining suit.

Fortunately, he didn't have any special treasures on him, and there were no shocking fluctuations in his storage bag, so he didn't attract the attention of real experts.

There was an old demon in the martial arts realm who wanted to blackmail him, but he was beaten to death by Gu Xuan in an instant with the energy of the Tao demon.

As soon as Zhang Xing came out, he immediately walked to Gu Xuan and whispered a few words in a low voice.

Gu Xuan looked shocked: "What, is this true?"

Zhang Xing, who was refining the corpse clothes, nodded quickly: "In the end, we snatched away the purple electric silver peach tree. This thing is not in the hands of Protector Ye, but in the hands of Protector Wang Dong Wang."

Gu Xuan's face was heavy, that purple electric silver peach was related to Feitian Sect's future.

No matter what, it cannot be robbed.

He quickly called Mo Niansheng, and the two quickly discussed countermeasures.

Although Mo Niansheng was at the eighth level of martial arts cultivation, his destiny was very strong and extraordinary.

Mo Niansheng thought for a while and said: "Today you are holding the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd and Transforming Pulse Xuantian Magic Book. You are good at attacking. If I risk my life, I will not be inferior to a monk who has entered the ninth level of warrior."

"Coupled with the four or five elders and king kongs of the seventh level of martial arts in the sect, relying on the speed of the flying pack ray and combined with the formation, even ordinary real people can fight."

Gu Xuan's face showed a trace of reluctance: "If you continue to use the secret method, I'm afraid your life will be short."

Mo Niansheng smiled: "How many days do you think I have to live? I have been dead since twenty years ago. It is better to die on the road to the sect's revival than to lie in the cemetery with a useless body and be bitten by insects and rats. bite"

Gu Xuan shook his head: "Even so, we can only remain undefeated and it is difficult to win. It is better to form an alliance with Fengyu Tower and take action together."

Feitian Sect is worried, and other sects are also worried.

Thinking of this, he quickly sent a secret message to Fengyu Tower and other sects.

Unexpectedly, before Fengyulou responded, Taiyi Qingmen and Wudumen were the first to send similar requests.

Especially Taiyi Qingmen, although they have a lot of hatred with Feitianmen.

But they are the weakest at the moment, and they can't wait to be the first to join forces.

The flying silver-spotted pack ray is very large. After several sects discussed it, people from Taiyi Qingmen, Wudu Sect and Fengyu Tower quickly gathered on the silver-spotted pack ray.

After a while, the beautiful lady with white bones in the green pine sat in an eight-carriage sedan, carried by a group of servants, and flew out slowly.

There seemed to be an incredible treasure in his hand. Although it was placed in the storage bag, it was noticed by everyone.

"This is the breath of the Tianyuan Divine Embryo."

Although this thing is not well known by everyone, it is famous among real people, and many strong people are restless.

There are real people who want to take action.

"Uncle Yitian."

Bai Gu Hua Dan yelled, a huge hand reaching into the sky grabbed him and put him on her back

Yi Tian Da Yao and he were acquaintances, and no one dared to act presumptuously.

Time flies so fast, many disciples have walked out of the immortality barrier.

At this moment, there was a fluctuation in the distance.

"Why haven't Ye Yang and Wang Dong shown up yet?"

Gu Xuan was very anxious and walked around.

"Come out, come out."

"What is that? A whole purple electric silver peach."

"My God, this is the dream treasure of countless monks in the ventilation realm."

Everyone present was excited. Apart from the purple savage mushroom and the unknown purpose of the Tianyuan Divine Embryo, this object could be ranked among the top five among the many treasures that appeared.

Especially for big forces, this fruit can cleanse the physical body, absorb the power of thunder and lightning to produce spiritual fruit, and can also help the realm of ventilation to break through the martial arts.

It can be said that with this item, it is like having a small martial arts elixir that can be continuously produced.

Ye Yang and Wang Dong carried the purple electric silver peach tree and looked at the coveting eyes around them, and couldn't help but feel wary.

"You two come quickly, don't be afraid, my Feitian Sect is here, and whoever dares to attack will have his teeth broken."

"What about me? My back garden is in need of this rare treasure. How about giving it to me?"

A real person suddenly appeared, with a torch-like light in his eyes. He was very powerful and took a fancy to the Purple Lightning Silver Peach.

"It's Lord Qingming."

"He had several disciples sitting down and wanted to establish a force, so he happened to take a fancy to the potential of the Purple Lightning Silver Peach."

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