The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 136 The General Outline of the Inheritance of the Thirteen Swords of Time

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

This person was one of the few people whom he could not discern. He first used a compass to calculate the fate of the monsters in Northern Xinjiang. As a result, the monsters in Northern Xinjiang were quickly killed by him.

Then he took out unexplainable things from the bodies of the monks and left calmly.

Even according to what Concubine Bai Lian said, he was the one who helped Concubine Bai Lian change her name to Yang Xiaoyan.

He is an extraordinary person.

It seems that there is a special way of numerology.

Seeing that Ye Yang was silent, his hands were full of energy, and he was on full alert, the old Taoist priest held a white flag, looked quite satisfied, and laughed.

"That's right, that's right. Caution can travel thousands of miles, but recklessness can't move even an inch. No one in this world can trust it, let alone me, a stranger. You are very good, no wonder you can practice the Thirteen Swordsman of Time to this extent."

"Fellow Taoist is joking. What I practice is the Fengshuang Sword Technique, not the Thirteen Swordsmanship of Time."

Ye Yang didn't know how this person saw that he was practicing Kung Fu, but he still didn't want to be exposed and spoke cautiously.

"You are too cautious. Who doesn't know that the Wind and Frost Blade Technique is the precursor to the Thirteen Swordsmanship of Time?"

He picked his nose, then flicked it towards the ground, and said casually: "You don't have to pretend in front of me. You don't know how to use the lucky red knife, and you can't hide it with its aura."

"This man seems to know everything."

Ye Yang frowned slightly. The red knife he got from the Lucky Dragon Jiao had never been seen outside. Who was this person? How could he know everything about him.

"Please give me some advice, senior."

"Don't take it seriously. I came here just to make friends. I have no other intention. I see that your hall is dark, and I am afraid that you will die soon."

Ye Yang didn't take his words to heart. How could he believe this motto when he was living well.

Then he turned around and headed towards another direction.

But he never thought that the old Taoist priest was so fast that he would jump in front of him one step ahead of him, twitching his nose and sniffing his scent carefully.

"It smells weird, you used a weird thing!"

Ye Yang always kept a safe distance from him, but the old Taoist priest was in front of him in an instant, took out a red fruit the size of a fist, and waved it in front of him.

"This is the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit. Do you want it?"

Looking at the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit in the opponent's hand, Ye Yang's throat went dry. Countless warrior monks were thinking about the magic treasure. It was right in front of them. It was impossible not to be tempted.


"You're an old-fashioned, uptight, and really boring guy. Even if you want it, I won't give it to you."

After he finished speaking, he opened his mouth, raised his head, and swallowed the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit in his hand. After chewing it for a few times, it entered his stomach.

Ye Yang was stunned for a while.

The Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit that countless people wanted was swallowed like this!

"Bah, it doesn't taste good at all. It's so painful."

He spat and scratched the space between his teeth with his fingernails.

"I came to you with a business to do."

He said: "Did you kill the little monster in Northern Xinjiang?"

Ye Yang nodded, admitting it.

"I told him that he looked short-lived, but he still didn't believe it. So, does that mean that the magic of demonic thoughts is also in your hands?"

This method is extremely powerful. It can tame human slaves and supply their vitality to their own needs. It is the long-famous magic method of Beihai Shenni.

Although Ye Yang received the inheritance, he could not open the restriction and use it.

"Here is this thing for you. You can give me the inheritance of the Demonic Thought Seed Dharma."

The old Taoist priest waved his hand and threw to Ye Yang a piece of mottled tree bark. There were mysterious words on the bark, which looked like dragons, chapters, and phoenixes, but they couldn't be seen clearly.

But the bark of the tree is old and worn, exuding an indescribable smell of time and vicissitudes of life.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang felt his heart beating loudly, and a great attraction came from the bark of the tree.

He said in disbelief: "Is this the general outline of the inheritance of the Thirteen Swordsmen of Time?"

The old Taoist priest patted the bark in his hand and showed a playful look.

"Hey, you have good vision. Didn't you just say that you didn't practice? Why did your flaws show up in an instant?"

Ye Yang did not expect that the general outline of the inheritance of the Thirteen Knives of Time that he had been pursuing would be obtained by the other party.

This method of seeding demonic thoughts is indeed powerful, but the Thirteen Swords of Time are the foundation of his enlightenment, and he is naturally not prepared to let it go.

"It can be exchanged, but my demonic thought seeding method is very famous. It is a treasure method and a basic method for practice. It is far beyond what an ordinary spiritual technique can match."

Ye Yang suppressed the greed in his heart and forced himself to speak calmly, hoping to exchange for greater benefits.

"You are really good at bargaining. You only have half of the magic thought seeding method in your hand, and the remaining half is still in the hands of Beihai Shenni. Don't let the lion open his mouth!"

After a pause, the old Taoist priest frowned, looking a little impatient.

"Let's do this. I'll make another prediction for you."

Ye Yang naturally refused again and again. Who knows what evil methods this old Taoist priest has.

He said: "You seem to know a lot about the lucky red sword. Do you have a secret method to activate it?"

The old Taoist priest smiled: "So that's what you had in mind."

He said: "This item is one of the good fortune time suits. It is the most rigid, the most upright, the most sunny, and can effectively resist all kinds of disasters and misfortunes."

Ye Yang's whole body was shocked. He could withstand all kinds of negative disasters and ominousness. Doesn't that mean that he could effectively alleviate the negative impact of the Red Wedding Dress?

"This is the secret method of using the Lucky Red Sword, and it is also given to you. Boy, please give me the method of seeding evil thoughts quickly."

He looked urging, as if he couldn't wait.

Both of them were quite satisfied with the result of this transaction and quickly exchanged things.

When Ye Yang held the thing in his hand and was about to leave, the old Taoist priest said again: "I will give you another thing. This is the essence of my body, which is difficult for ordinary people to see."

After he finished speaking, he threw a cloth bag over.

The transaction was completed and Ye Yang didn't want it. The old Taoist priest said, "Are you sure you don't want to take a look? Maybe there is something amazing hidden inside and you will fall in love with him, hahaha."

After he finished speaking, he quickly disappeared with the white flag on his shoulders, leaving only an extremely proud and strange smile.

After hearing what this man said so mysteriously, Ye Yang slowly opened the bag and found that there was a black booger inside.

Piece by piece, the particles are distinct, and it’s unknown how long they have been accumulated.

No wonder this person said this thing was the essence of his body. Thinking of the way the other person was picking his nose all the time while talking to him just now, Ye Yang almost retched and quickly threw the bag down.

Shaking his head, Ye Yang happily put the outline of the inheritance of the Thirteen Knives of Time and another jade slip into his storage bag.

He piloted the Sun Flying Turtle and continued to fly back to the place where everyone from the Feitian Sect lived.

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