"Now that you have entered, you must not give up just yet."

If ordinary people were to walk in such a harsh environment, they would not be able to hold on for long.

But both of them were good players among the younger generation, and soon passed through a cliff and reached a prominent stone peak.

Although the stone peak is not big, the sky is full of spiritual energy, and the wind blows through it. The stone peak has been soaked by the spiritual energy wind for a long time, and it is extremely smooth.

Standing on the stone peak was a small jade-like tree, about the thickness of a fist and about a foot high, with nine leaves on each side and a green and red fist-sized bead on the top.

It is the legendary Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit, which blooms once every thousand years and bears fruit once every thousand years. It is priceless and is the dream medicine of countless warrior monks.

I don't know how many people fought for it, causing a bloody mess.

"That's great. With this thing, on the road to breaking through the realm of real people, three points of difficulty can be reduced invisibly."

They were very excited. If this kind of thing appeared in the outside world, there would be no way for them to get involved.

Even the powerful people in the real world will come one after another, causing a sensation.

At this moment, there was a loud explosion.

There seemed to be a mysterious giant beast under the stone cliff below the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit. Sensing the two men approaching, the surrounding rocks kept shaking.

Then endless black ants came from the depths of the cliff, densely packed and uncountable, like a black torrent.

The two were horrified, thinking of the black ant disaster in the Immortal Barrier before.

But I was pleasantly surprised by the treasure's spirituality and was unwilling to give up.

At this time, Baigu Huadan sighed and said: "This Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit, when mature, its color is like cinnabar, and its sound is like a ring. This Tianxiang Fruit is not yet vermilion, so I am afraid it is not yet mature."

"Yes, this fruit ripens once every thousand years. This one is already 90% ripe. I'm afraid it will take several decades to reach its strongest medicinal properties."

The two people's eyes flickered. After spending a lot of effort to get in, they couldn't return with the treasure, and they couldn't help but feel a little gloomy in their hearts.

At this moment, Concubine White Lotus turned her eyes, looked at Baigu Huadan, and said: "This Nine-Leaf Tianxiang Fruit is extremely precious, and we absolutely cannot let it go."

"This thing is not mature yet, why don't you and I make an oath to come back in sixty years?"

In mid-air, Ye Yang couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw this scene.

This nine-leaf Tianxiang fruit is extremely precious. His original intention was for the mantis to catch the cicada, with the oriole behind, and used the Elephant Demon Fist to seize this treasure.

But now, following everyone and not getting any corresponding results, it is really depressing.

Suddenly hearing the two people's agreement, he couldn't help but have other thoughts. One of these two people was from a wealthy family in the demon kingdom on earth, and the other was a direct disciple of the old demon, Great Joyful Bodhisattva.

Both of them knew much more about the Immortality Barrier than he did.

What if the immortality barrier does not open sixty years later? But looking at how confident the two of them are, they must have something to rely on.

And these are what he lacks.

"Fortunately, I used my identity as the successor of Demon Elephant Fist to seize the Marrow Cleansing Spirit Fruit before, so I didn't have a big conflict with them. Otherwise, it would be difficult to deal with it next."

Ye Yang couldn't help but lament the benefit of having an extra vest. Anyway, it was the successor of Demon Elephant Fist who got scolded, but it was Ye Yang who benefited, and it had nothing to do with it.

With this thought, he shrunk the four-faced demon Buddha vajra, put it into his ear, and spoke loudly.

"If you come to pick it up at that time, you will be counted as one of Ye."

The two of them looked up and saw a giant turtle the size of the Table of Eight Immortals slowly flying down from the sky.

There stood a masculine and tough man with a sword on his back. Although he was not handsome, there was a touch of maturity and vicissitudes in the corners of his eyes, which gave him a unique charm.

"It's Ye Yang who has both swords and swords."

"It turned out to be this person! I had always said that I would not participate, but I never thought that he would suddenly appear here."

"But you want to be the oriole?"

The two couldn't help but think about it.

Ye Yang was a little embarrassed, but luckily he was thick-skinned enough and didn't take the two people's gaze seriously, so he hugged his fists.

"Two of you, I didn't mean to deceive you, but I have already arrived. I happened to be gathering medicine in this mountain and heard the noise before arriving here."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang waved a spiritual grass in his hand.

There was silence.

Ye Yang is extremely powerful with both swords and swords. If he helps out, the probability that the two of them can seize the Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit will undoubtedly increase.

As for Chang Sheng Lao, who was originally from the demon clan, Bai Gu Hua Dan knew the most about the Immortality Barrier, and she paused for a moment before speaking.

"Fellow Daoist Ye arrived just in time. The Nine-Leaf Tianxiang Fruit is not yet mature, and there are giant demons guarding it below. It may be difficult to take it by force."

"What Fellow Taoist Bai Lian said is true. There may be other changes sixty years from now. We don't know."

"That's it."

The three of them looked at each other, and an idea popped out at the same time.

"A single tree cannot make a forest, a single thread cannot make a thread, the road is difficult, and it is difficult for a person to walk alone. The three of us have similar interests, and we are not treacherous and evil. We are indifferent to right and wrong, so why not just marry Jinlan and make a decision The promise of Jiazi.”

"After Jiazi, everyone must have reached the late warrior stage. When the time comes to join forces to snatch this thing, the chance of winning will definitely increase."

Concubine Bai Lian proposed, but she never expected that another loud shout came from the sky at this time.

"Very good, very good. We have a sworn relationship with Jinlan, and you can count me among them."

As the voice fell, a sturdy monk wearing a Dharma king's hat, a yellow lama suit, and a string of huge beads hanging around his neck descended from the sky.

Seeing another person suddenly appear, Baigu Huadan and Bailian Mingfei looked at each other and couldn't help but change their expressions. They seemed to have underestimated this hero of the world.

The Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit is such a miraculous fruit, how could they be the only ones who got the news?

There are many people who want to rob it.

Ye Yang looked at this man playfully.

There was a person hidden in this dark place, and he didn't know anything about it.

"The poor monk is a Buddhist cast from Dharma King Temple in the Western Regions. I have met all of you fellow Taoists."

"Why did you, a monk, hide so secretly that you didn't show up just now?"

Buddha Zhu proved his innocence: "It's not that he hid here and didn't show up, but he just passed by here, sensed the devil's breath, and came here to help him. But he had never seen such a blessing, and he couldn't help but show up, often abruptly, and even Please excuse me."

The monk was so powerful that the three of them looked down on the depth and acquiesced.

Using Nine-leaf Tianxiang Fruit as the main medicine, three to five magic elixirs can be refined, which is just enough for four people.

"Since we want to form a sworn brotherhood, let's not do it in vain. We should first make an oath of inner demons and be sincere before we can trust each other."

After hearing this, the four of them couldn't help but show a look of satisfaction.

"Well, in that case, the four of us will make a contract and come together to get this treasure sixty years later. If the Chengdan is not enough, the remaining people will need to make additional compensation."

"Sixty years later, if someone dies, they can also choose a close relative to come with the token. In addition, there must be an additional item in the inner demon's oath - this matter must not be leaked!"

With this said, the four of them were even more satisfied.

After all, this thing is precious. If it is placed outside, even the strong ones in the realm of real people will fight for it.

The inner demon vow was made, and the four of them looked at each other and laughed. The previous unhappiness suddenly disappeared.

Those who can come here are all extraordinary people, and they have met each other before.

The road is difficult, and you can only cross it by yourself. One more friend is naturally better than one more enemy.

So the four of them made an agreement to come back and take it away sixty years later.

Among them, Baiguhuadan is the oldest, nearly fifty years old, and the four of them are temporarily respectfully called eldest brother.

It's just that his clan doesn't differentiate between genders. If he waits until he becomes a real person and his skin and flesh regenerate, he can freely choose between male and female, and maybe even change his title and call him eldest sister.

After Ye Yang broke through to the warrior realm, he has now passed his thirties.

He is the second in age, so he is ranked second.

The remaining Buddha statues came from the Dharma King Temple in the Western Regions. He is not very old, only twenty-five or six, and is ranked as the third oldest.

Concubine Bai Lian is the youngest and most talented, only in her early twenties.

Concubine Bai Lian smiled: "Then the little girl can only be the fourth child."

Ye Yang picked up a piece of dead wood next to him.

"The four of us brothers and sisters might as well leave a mark. Sixty years later, this thing can be used as a signal. If anyone is in trouble in the future, this thing can be used as a certificate to help."

The four of them were overjoyed and naturally nodded in agreement.

Bai Gu Hua Dan left a skull mark on the top.

Ye Yang left the scene of swords clashing.

The Buddha cast left a powerful Vajra palm print.

Concubine White Lotus imprinted a white lotus on it and wrote the three characters Yang Xiaoyan.

The four of them each divided a piece and kept it precious. Concubine Bailian said to everyone: Brothers, by the way, from now on I will change my name. There will no longer be the four characters "Concubine Bailian". From now on, Yang Xiaoyan will be my name. Number. "

Hearing the words Yang Xiaoyan, the remaining three people couldn't help laughing.

These three words are so vulgar. In this secular world, among ten thousand women, you can always find her among twelve or eight hundred.

Only the White Lotus Concubine said with a serious face: "This was given to me by an old man who is proficient in numerology. He said that the four characters "White Lotus Concubine" only contain the concubine's name but no concubine's body. If If you want to change your life, you have to change your name.”

She was extremely devout, and the three of them had nothing to say but could only express blessings.

Something happened here, and the four of them separated.

Ye Yang found the correct position and headed east, then went back to join the Feitianmen people.

Travel halfway.

Ye Yang frowned secretly, suddenly feeling that something was wrong with the situation in front of him. He had been walking for a long time, but the surrounding environment remained unchanged.

He clenched the sword in his hand and remained motionless, fully on guard, not knowing what the person hiding in the darkness was doing.

"What kind of friend is here, so sneaky? Do you dare to come out and see me?"

Ye Yang shouted loudly, but the man ignored him.

He snorted coldly, and countless sword qi erupted from his body. More than a hundred sword qi exploded and scattered in all directions, and a voice came.

"Oh my god, why are you so reckless? How could my excellent formation be ruined by you?"

Hearing this, Ye Yang said nothing, and quickly raised all his strength to one point, looking calmly ahead, ready to explode at any time.

A ripple flashed in the void ahead, and a person appeared slowly, wearing a Taoist robe and holding a fortune-telling white flag, looking sloppy and strange.

"It's that sloppy Taoist priest!"

Thanks to Fanchen Yifanren for the 500 starting coin reward.

Thanks to Sansheng Immortal Brother for the 100 starting coin reward.

Thank you!

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