The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 133: How many people suffered from this mortal incident?

By the bonfire, Ye Yang carefully took out a storage bag.

The storage bag was embroidered with the shadow of a demon beast, roaring to the sky, and it looked like an octopus.

This thing was exactly the thing of the little monster in the northern border. He picked up the storage bag, and then a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

There were many treasures in this storage bag.

There were seven or eight bottles of Jingyun Dan used by the warriors in the early stage of practice.

At this time, Ye Yang seemed to have discovered something and took out a palm-sized jade bottle from the storage bag.

The jade bottle was white all over, like mutton-fat white jade, surrounded by dots of starlight, and there was a group of rotating evil spirits slowly flowing inside.

He slowly pulled out the cork, and a silky mist floated out of the jade bottle. He sniffed it gently, and a hint of excitement flashed in Ye Yang's eyes.

In the moment just now, he seemed to have experienced the world of mortals and the seven emotions and six desires.

This thing turned out to be a rare human evil.

There are three kinds of evil spirits, including the evil spirits of the clear sky and the strong wind, the evil spirits of the earth, the stone, the fire and the water, and naturally the evil spirits of the mortal world.

As the saying goes, a mortal world has brought suffering to so many people.

This thing is a bottle of mortal world evil spirits, called the Seven Emotions of Wrath, which absorbed the joy, anger, sorrow, happiness and suffering of tens of thousands of people, and just refined such a small bottle.

In addition to the Seven Emotions of Wrath, Ye Yang also found a jade slip from the storage bag of the northern border monster.

The whole body of the jade slip is like colored glaze. As soon as it was taken out, frost filled the surroundings. This jade slip was actually made of the extremely precious essence of ten thousand years of ice.

Not to mention the content recorded on it, the material of this jade slip itself is enough to be the main material of the magic weapon.

Immersing the divine consciousness in it, six big blood words appeared in Ye Yang's mind.

"The method of seeding the devil's thoughts."

However, this jade slip seems to have a special restriction, and Ye Yang can't open it anyway, so he can only give up.

At this time

Wang Dong on the side seemed to sense something, and the green and yellow gourd in his hand kept spinning.

His Listening to the Rain Fire Attack was best at sensing, and he reached Ye Yang's cave with his ears on one side.

Ye Yang put away the storage bag. Before he spoke, Wang Dong said, "Brother Ye, I don't know why, but I always feel that someone is watching me from all sides."

During this period of time, Wang Dong's injuries have gradually recovered.

But his eyes have lost a lot of youthfulness, and have a touch of vicissitudes.

Hearing what he said, Ye Yang said in surprise: "Maybe we can find out who it is."

Wang Dong and Ye Yang walked out of the cave.

He rolled up countless fire raindrops with his right hand and rushed forward. After waiting for half a minute, the raindrops seemed to have eyes and quickly returned from the front.

Wang Dong said with a hint of understanding.

"It seems to be the Blood and Bone Cult. Those people are carrying a strange white bone skull flag, and there seems to be someone from the Bai family among them."

"They seem to be chasing the Blood and Flesh God Fetus."

When the Blood and Flesh God Fetus came out, Ye Yang was shocked, and then laughed.

"Isn't this a treasure for us!"

The Blood and Flesh God Fetus can not only cure old diseases, but also can take over tendons. While saying this,

Ye Yang thought of a figure with slightly lame legs, which was Bai Zizhen.

The flesh is a treasure raft, and it is also a support for crossing the sea of ​​cultivation.

Once it is missing, if you want to make further breakthroughs, it will definitely be difficult.

Bai Zizhen's left leg has been broken for decades. If it is not repaired, the road will be difficult.

"This thing is precious. As long as you have it, it can be said that you have a second life."

The two glanced at each other, and neither of them planned to let it go. Whether it is presented to the sect or used for themselves, it is a good treasure.

Ye Yang spoke a little cautiously.

"Those Blood and Bone Cult members act strangely, but we can calculate their specific strength."

Wang Dong shook his head: "I haven't practiced the Tingyu Tianhuo Gong well enough. If my father were here, he would be able to see it.

"Those Blood and Bone Cult members seem to be heading towards us."

"Hide first, and then give them a fatal blow when necessary. "

Ye Yang and Wang Dong returned to the cave and quickly gathered everyone.

This place is densely covered with water, vines and white mist, which is just right for hiding.

Not far away, a group of people were running at full speed, chasing an object with purple light all over its body, similar to the Tai Sui meat ganoderma.

Feitianmen and a group of people hid in a hidden corner and observed carefully.

The leader was dressed in white, with a long sword on his waist and his hair tied with a hairpin.

This man was Bai Fang, a famous young man in the Bai family. Judging from his figure, he had broken through to the realm of warriors.

The other person was holding a soul-calling flag with blood and bones on it. I think he was the leader of the Blood and Bone Cult.

"Brother Bai, you ambush on the left, I am in the middle, and I will launch the Earth Blood Wuji Searching Method. I will definitely be able to capture this thing."

Bai Fang hurriedly agreed, and he was extremely respectful to the man holding the evil bone soul-calling flag.

"Brother Mu taught me, I will go to the left to surround it. "

After saying that, he quickly moved to the front left.

Seeing this scene, Senior Brother Mu nodded, and was very satisfied with the training of the dog of the Bai family.

Senior Brother Mu waved the white bone banner, and shot out countless blood-colored light nets, blocking the way of the blood-fleshed fetus in front.

The blood-colored Tai Sui figure was shaking and screaming, and even the sound of a baby crying could be heard.

Senior Brother Mu's face was delighted, and he quickly retracted the blood net, but at this moment he suddenly heard a scream next to him.

Looking back, he realized that Bai Fang's body was scorched black and he was screaming as he was burned by the flames.

"He is really a waste. If he is not a direct descendant of my Blood and Bone Divine Cult, he will easily get into trouble."

Senior Brother Mu snorted coldly, and before he could react, he saw a sky-high sword slashing out from a distance and piercing his giant net.

Then a person rushed over quickly and quickly took away the flesh and blood Tai Sui in the blood net.

He opened his mouth to shout, but the sword light was already approaching, so he had to hide aside.

Shout out.

"The enemy is attacking, quickly set up your formation!"

Soon a ray of light quickly rose around him.

But it was too late.

Many disciples of Feitian Sect had already reacted and surrounded and killed him. There were only four or five of them.

The Feitian sect has a large number of people. Ye Yang holds a sword and wraps around Senior Brother Mu, while Bai Fang is suppressed and beaten by Wang Dong.

Wang Dong had astonishing fire skills, but he had encountered two powerful enemies before, so he was captured by the monsters from Northern Xinjiang. At this time, he was filled with hatred and vented all his dissatisfaction on Bai Fang.

After a while, Bai Fang was burned all over by the flames.

When Ye Yang saw that the opportunity was almost there, he flicked his fingers slightly and turned up a three-inch long baby elephant in his sleeve.

The baby elephant rolled to the ground, and then suddenly grew into a four-foot-long ferocious demon elephant. It roared, demonic energy surged, and two huge arms grabbed Senior Brother Mu.

His hands, like optimizing iron pillars, grabbed the side and tore it apart, and blood spurted out from the broken pieces.

Seeing this tragic scene, a group of people from the Blood and Bone Cult were frightened to death.

Especially the broken blood clots looked more like evil heretics than these people.

The demon elephant was completely unaware and bit into pieces of Senior Brother Mu's body like a bean, then devoured it together.

Soon the remaining people were also killed by everyone from Feitian Sect.

When Ye Yang saw the scene, he couldn't help but smile. As expected, there is strength in numbers.

If he alone wants to deal with these people quickly, it will take a lot of effort.

Now everyone was fighting each other, and the other party was quickly killed.

Bai Fang knelt down in front of several people, his eyes were crazy and bloody.

"Why did you rebel?"

"How can you losers know the greatness of the great Blood and Bone Religion? Being able to become the humble and humble slaves of the great Blood and Bone Religion is our greatest satisfaction."

"Kill your blood relatives, parents, babies and children, and use their heads to sacrifice to the evil god of blood and bones. This is what you call greatness."

"What do you know? The world is full of suffering, life is in ruins, and it is difficult to leave the world of mortals. If they had gone to the Western Paradise, they would have been liberated sooner."

"When the bloody calamity begins at the end of the world, my religion will prosper."

After he finished speaking, he roared loudly and actually bit his tongue and committed suicide.

Ye Yang shook his head and carefully looked at the flesh and blood divine fetus in his hand.

This object is an oval shape with flesh folds covering its body. There are two eyes in the middle. It looks at everyone with a flash of humanized fear.

I carefully put this thing away, and just at this moment, several white pigeons flew in from the thick fog.

As soon as the white dove fell into Yan Qingying's hand, she immediately shouted excitedly.

"Senior Brother Ye, Senior Brother Wang, and other people in the sect have replied to the letter. They are Senior Brother Zhang Xing and Junior Brother Li Bayuan of the Corpse Refining Clothes. They wrote in the letter that they are on their way here."

After hearing this, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Immortality Barrier was extremely dangerous, and it was good for all the brothers and sisters to get together after all.

After saying that, everyone divided the storage bags they had obtained.

As for the rather elegant Blood and Bone Flags formation flag, they were also put away by everyone and prepared to study it for use.

A group of people cleaned up the battlefield.

The mist in the sky dispersed in all directions, revealing a large vacuum in the middle.

After a while, an extremely tall servant actually fell from the sky.

He had a mysterious way of controlling air, and flew from the sky at a low altitude, holding a brass war spear in his hand.

"But Swordsman Shuangjue Ye Yang is in front of me. My master asked me to hand this letter to you. Please read it personally."

After he finished speaking, he threw over a letter with a rose mark. Ye Yang remembered that this person was the war servant of the White Bone Flower Dan of the demon kingdom on the ground.

I don't know what the other party is doing here.

As soon as Ye Yang read it, he understood what was going on, so he said, "I already know, please step back for now."

Ye Yang's letter was received in the storage bag, and a group of people were quietly waiting for the rest of the Feitian Sect to meet up.

It was not until late in the day, when the thick fog in the distance gradually dissipated, and the sunset gradually turned red and brilliant, that two groups of people slowly arrived.

There were three or five people in the group, one of whom had his white corpse clothes flying around, with only two eyes exposed outside.

It's Zhang Xing who made the corpse refining clothes

He suddenly emerged from the Feitian Sect's battle for the Feitian Seven Realms, and trained himself to become a poisonous zombie. He can be said to be a late bloomer with amazing perseverance.

Although he has not broken through to the warrior realm, he has already condensed the innate Qi in the ninth level of ventilation.

The other person is Li Bayuan, whose cultivation has not fallen behind in recent years.

He awakened the low-grade Xuan-level natal giant spirit warrior, and his cultivation speed was a little faster than the others. Now he is also at the ninth level of ventilation.

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