Wang Dong casually picked up a knife next to him, rushed to the torn limbs of the northern monster, and chopped his limbs into pieces.

He grew up in the favor of his father since he was a child, and he was very high-spirited.

Even if he is committing murder and smuggling goods outside, he still has his father's endorsement. Now that he has just broken through to the warrior realm, he wants to show off his skills and come out on top.

But he never expected to be seriously injured by Die Wuhou, and then captured by this little monster from Northern Xinjiang, and even made him kneel on one knee. This humiliation was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

When Ye Yang saw Wang Dong like this, he didn't stop him, but let him vent his anger. Knowing that the other party was so angry, he would not become obsessed.

Later, Ye Yang counted the number of people in the Feitian Sect. Two of them were killed by the monsters from Northern Xinjiang, and there were still seven or eight people left.

There were two people, Yan Qingying and Wang Huan, who were all injured.

However, his life is not in danger for the time being, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ye."

"Thank you, Protector Ye."

These people are extremely grateful to Ye Yang. After all, the grace of saving his life is far greater than heaven. They can be said to be reborn parents.

Ye Yang moved his hands and transferred the life essence to several people. Their injuries immediately improved, and he quickly expressed his thanks.

At this time, Wang Dong also vented his anger, took back his gourd magic weapon, and expressed his gratitude to Ye Yang.

"Thank you Senior Brother Ye for your life-saving grace. I have no way of repaying you for the two rescues. As long as Senior Brother sends you, I will definitely climb the mountain of swords, descend into the sea of ​​fire, hold grass in your hand and tie a ring to repay you."

"Junior brother Wang, you're welcome. We are all Feitian sect members and should help each other. What's more, junior brother has superb cultivation. If he hadn't been seriously injured by Die Wuhou's sneak attack, the little monster from Northern Xinjiang might not be his opponent."

Wang Dong smiled bitterly, knowing that Ye Yang was trying to comfort him by not wanting him to feel uncomfortable, so he stopped talking.

Ye Yang looked at Wang Dong and felt that Wang Dong seemed to have matured a lot after going through this ordeal. He was no longer the arrogant and domineering person who looked down on the world and always felt that he was the best in the world.

"Quickly get in touch with the other disciples of the Feitian Sect. In this vast world, the sooner we join together, the less dangerous we will be."

Ye Yang ordered, and Yan Qingying ignored the blood and sweat on her body and walked to the items captured by the monsters in Northern Xinjiang to find a white pigeon.

The white dove was so swift that it quickly broke through the clouds and flew out.

Some of the people watching also spoke.

"Protector Ye and I are disciples of Taiyi Qingmen. We have always admired Protector Ye's name. I wonder if we can also participate in it."

Ye Yang looked back and saw that there were three or five people from the Taiyi Qingmen. These people didn't look to be in a good condition, with scars all over their bodies.

There is only one master in the Taiyi Qingmen, Die Wuhou, but Die Wuhou has a surly character and treats everyone as a burden and abandons them all.

At this moment, he was afraid that Ye Yang would not take them with him, so he hurriedly said: "We are all sects located thousands of miles away. Although we had enmity in the past, we should unite together now and not let outside monks look down upon us."

Ye Yang shook his head and refused. He was not the nanny of these people, so how could he lead them forward? Considering how Taiyi Qingmen had done to Feitian Clan in the past, he was too broad-minded not to kill them.

Seeing Ye Yang's refusal, these people knew they were in the wrong and stopped talking.

In a barren mountain, a gorgeous eight-carrying sedan was flying through the snow, with red curtains hanging to the ground. Suddenly, the sedan stopped.

There was an attendant next to him. He respectfully walked outside the curtain and whispered a few words in a low voice to Bai Gu Hua Dan inside. A trace of surprise flashed in Bai Gu Hua Dan's empty eyes.

"So, that little monster from Northern Xinjiang is already dead. He has the power of demonic thoughts and has dozens of slaves around him to provide him with endless power, but he can't even compete with Ye Yang."

At this time, the man whispered a few more words.

"You mean he was torn to pieces by Ye Yang's demonic elephant on the spot."

The man bent down and said respectfully: "From the news coming from the scene, it looks like this."

"I didn't expect Ye Yang, the double sword master, to be so powerful. In this way, I will write a handwritten letter and you hand it to him personally, saying that we have important matters to discuss."

After he finished speaking, a red rose came out of his mouth.

The roses fell on the paper, and soon a secret letter was formed. The secret letter was handed over to the war servant, and the remaining eight people slowly disappeared into the snow carrying the sedan chair.

On the top of another cliff, sword shadows crisscrossed the area.

Three or four thin figures, holding the Green Lotus Sword, bent down and plucked three or four spiritual herbs from the cliff, which looked like dragons and snakes.

One of them had sword-shaped eyebrows and star-shaped eyes, holding a slender white snake sword without grids. He carefully stuffed the Dragon Snake Spirit Grass into his bag and said excitedly.

"This dragon snake grass is masculine and warm, and can neutralize the messy sword energy in the body. It is a treasure for sword cultivators like us."

At this moment, a figure from a distance flew over quickly with a flying sword.

"Lord Jianzi, it's not good, the little monster from Northern Xinjiang is dead."

"Oh? That little monster in Northern Xinjiang is extremely ferocious, and he has the seeds of demonic thoughts to generate great power. Who can kill him? Will he die in the siege or die in the mouth of a monster?"

"No, he is a protector of Feitian Clan, his name is Ye Yang."

Hearing this, the swordsman frowned slightly.

"Ye Yang? Why haven't you heard of this name?"

"He is a member of the Feitian Sect."

"It's not easy for such a ruthless person to appear in such a third-rate sect. He can kill the monsters in Northern Xinjiang. You'd better not provoke him."

On a chariot made of white lotuses, several vajra warriors were carrying the chariot slowly. The chariot was filled with gauze, and a snow-white naked body was resting on a pillow with one hand and flipping through something with the other.

"Senior Sister Bailian, the little monster from Northern Xinjiang is dead.

"Why did you die?"

"He was beaten to death by Ye Yang from Feitian Sect!"

"That demonic elephant is really so ferocious that not even the monsters from Northern Xinjiang can escape."

"No, this time to kill the little monster from Northern Xinjiang, the demon elephant made the last move. With his sword skills, Ye Yang forcefully forced the little monster from Northern Xinjiang into danger, and even cut off the opponent's right hand. "

"What? I don't believe it. That little monster from Northern Xinjiang fought with me several times and always gained the upper hand. Then he died like that."

"There are disciples here who have already taken photos. Senior Sister Bailian, please take a look."

Bai Lian raised her slender white hands, took the jade slip, and watched actively for a long time before she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The little monster from Northern Xinjiang died unjustly."

At this moment, an old Taoist priest came slowly from a distance humming a song.

"It's not enough, all living beings have a humble life."

"Looking back, the Geng Geng River is about to dawn."

"The hexagrams are calculated directly. If the calculation is not accurate, no penny will be collected."

Concubine Bai Lian quickly lifted the curtain and said, "Taoist Priest, please come here."

The valley was filled with mist, and slowly, a group of people walked out of the foggy path.

The humid weather caused a layer of fine beads of sweat to condense on their faces. There was rain and mist all around, mostly lakes and rivers in the valleys.

In the spacious lake, a python with one horn suddenly appeared.

"Senior Brother Ye, there is a one-horned python there."

It was everyone from the Feitian Sect.

Yan Qingying raised the long sword in her hand, pointed at the python galloping in the lake in the distance, and said.

"That dragon python has dragon bloodline, which is a great supplement for Qi disciples. This dragon python will never appear alone. If it does appear, it will be in a group. Your opportunity has come."

Looking at the python in the river in front of him, Ye Yang smiled.

He had been sitting upright on the sun-chasing flying turtle. The flying turtle was traveling low in the sky, and he swung out a swift and fierce sword energy.

The water surged, and more than a dozen silver pythons were forced out of the lake by the sword's energy.

Wang Dong, who was behind him, threw the green and yellow gourd into the sky, muttered something in his mouth, made a magic formula, and dropped it into the lake, wrapped in infinite flames.

The fog rose, and a layer of the already small lake was evaporated. Frightened by this, the dozen pythons rushed out and attacked everyone.

Yan Qingying and others also reacted, and hurriedly held swords or fired fireballs and other spells to quickly restrain the group of pythons.

There is great strength in numbers, and soon these dozen pythons were killed together by everyone.

Ye Yang swung his long knife, took out a heart and put it into Zhuri Feigui's mouth.

Zhuri Feigui immediately started to devour it with great excitement.

The other disciples also quickly took out their blades, skinned and cramped the pythons, boiled the spiritual soup, and started a gluttonous feast.

After a group of people ate the python, they also swallowed its heart blood and refined it carefully. They suddenly felt the aura flickering all over their bodies. It was even more effective than eating a pill.

A burst of golden light burst out from Yan Qingying's eyes, and the next moment, she slowly let out a breath of cold air.

She actually managed to break through to the ninth level of ventilation with the help of the body of the dragon python.

Seeing Yan Qingying's breakthrough, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel a flash of joy and relief in his heart. He had always seen Yan Qingying's diligent practice.

You must know that three years ago, when he had not yet broken through to the warrior realm, Yan Qingying was already at the seventh level of ventilation.

In the past three years, Yan Qingying has already reached the eighth level of ventilation, but she still has not been able to break through. After accumulating for a long time, she was induced by the python's energy and she actually broke through to the ninth level of ventilation in one fell swoop.

"Congratulations to Junior Sister Yan."

Everyone opened their mouths to congratulate.

A hint of excitement flashed in Yan Qingying's eyes, and then she spoke modestly: "Compared to Senior Brother Ye and Senior Brother Wang, my achievements are really nothing."

After finishing speaking, she showed a hint of envy. Only by breaking through to the warrior realm can one truly enter the door of a monk.

After hearing this, everyone was comforted again.

One of these two people is the son of a high-ranking member of the sect, and he has an outstanding appearance and has opened the middle-grade Xuan-level destiny.

The other man was skilled in swordsmanship, practiced diligently, and was a famous scroll king. How could they compare with him.

There are still three or four python bodies left.

A group of people were about to leave. Ye Yang waved his hand, and something one finger long came out of his sleeve.

The thing the size of a white mouse rolled on the spot and swelled in the wind, transforming into a huge and ferocious demonic elephant.

Opening his mouth to swallow, he swallowed these pythons in his mouth, chewed them randomly and then swallowed them.

The demonic elephant was so powerful that it quickly devoured many pythons. It roared to the sky and was extremely excited. Then it turned back into the size of an inch-long mouse and got into his sleeve.

After cleaning up the place, it was night time.

Everyone found a stone wall and prepared to rest and wait until tomorrow to explore the treasure.

Ye Yang lit a bonfire and illuminated the surrounding area.

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