Ge Canhong flew down to the ground, looked at the two of them and then said.

"The sect sent you two here, presumably to give you a good training, but it's just right. The situation in Wangyue Mountain is complicated now, and the ruins of the Demon King will soon appear."

"You two have reached the realm of warriors, so you can take some of the pressure off of me."

After finishing speaking, Ge Canhong cast his gaze on the scaly demon elephant under Ye Yang's crotch.

"This thing is rare. If used properly, it can be regarded as a killing move."

After walking into the cave with Ge Canhong, Ye Yang realized that Wangyue Mountain was now at a fever pitch.

Various demons, demon clans, sects, and casual cultivators emerge in endlessly.

Today alone, Feitianmen encountered three or four test attacks.

However, they were all driven away by Ge Canhong with his amazing sword energy.

It is said that the Five Poison Sect is the worst.

The Five Poison Sect was originally the strongest among the nearby sects, but the great elder Wan Kuguo was tricked and killed by Ye Yang first.

The leader, Wu Mahan, was attacked by Gu Xuan's mountain-suppressing formation and the gold and silver elders of the Barbarian Dragon Clan. He was seriously injured and his whereabouts are unknown.

The sect's middle and high-level combatants lacked combat power, and only two old monks were left trying to maintain operations.

Because of this, the Five Poison Sect has almost become a soft persimmon appointed by some casual cultivators and demons. Every once in a while, they are used to establish their authority.

The spiritual energy in Shaoyang Cave is thin, and there was originally a scattered spiritual vein here.

But before Wang Sandao left, he used a secret method to extract the spiritual marrow beads. The spiritual veins were damaged and the mountain collapsed, turning it into a dead place.

There is no trace of spiritual energy in this place, so Ye Yang can only practice by holding the spirit stone in his hand and taking Jingyundan orally.

Ye Yang was practicing. At this moment, there was another loud explosion outside.

Then the entire mountain gate of Shaoyang Cave began to shake again.

Ye Yang was already used to this situation.

It has been three days since he came to Wangyue Mountain. During this time, at regular intervals, unruly demons and casual cultivators have come to Feitian Gate to find their presence.

Those with low cultivation levels were obliterated by Ge Canhong, while those with higher cultivation levels retreated calmly, and the Feitian Sect did not pursue them.

However, the people who attacked today had extraordinary skills and awe-inspiring demonic aura. They had been fighting outside for a full quarter of an hour without stopping.

Instead, there is a tendency to turn Shaoyang Cave over.

"You bastards of the Feitian Sect! Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of the Iron Corpse Old Man. What's wrong with you giving my body to Bodhisattva? How can you bully a weak female like her, what kind of heroic behavior?"

The Iron Corpse Old Man is an old demon from the Niu Mo River who is famous for his iron-smelting hands.

In order to maintain his immortal body, he killed thirty-six members of his family on a full moon night, watered his body with the blood of his closest relatives, and trained himself into a Yang-blooded iron corpse.

Not only is he not afraid of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, but his whole body is as hard as a magical weapon, which can be said to be a body of steel.

In the past few years, he was a guest in the show of the Great Joy Bodhisattva.

Coming here now is to raise an army to investigate.

Ge Canhong's black sun-drenched sword carried countless sword energy, and the attack on his body did not leave any traces. He was worthy of the name of the Iron Corpse.

The iron corpse old man continued to shout: "Ge Canhong? Just because you want to break through my defense, I'm afraid you are not qualified. Let Gu Xuan's crippled old Yin show up and give everyone an explanation."

"The Bodhisattva of Great Joy is a frail woman who is pure and pure. Her reputation is very important. How can she be easily tarnished by others and entangled in rumors?"

As soon as these words came out, many onlookers started talking about it.

"It's really pure and pure!"

"This old monster cultivates iron corpse, how can he cultivate his own head into an iron lump?"

"Is it possible that Gu Xuan really had an affair with the Great Joy Bodhisattva? I have never heard of this big news before!"

"This is because Gu Xuan broke an arm and treated Feitianmen as a soft persimmon. Old Man Iron Corpse is not stupid! He is quite capable."

"Shh! Someone is coming."

At this time, a voice came from the distance.

"Old Man Iron Corpse, I, Gu Xuan, have been honest and upright throughout my life. I have never conspired against others, let alone done anything so casual."

In the distant sky, a huge flying silver-spotted pack ray flew from the sky. After a while, it arrived

Above Shaoyang Cave, Gu Xuan stood on top of the silver ray.

"You are so presumptuous! You dare to come to my Feitian Sect and act wild. In that case, use your body of broken copper and iron to repair the foundation of my Feitian Sect!"


The old man with an iron corpse looked like a zombie, with a dark face and sharp claws. He saw Gu Xuan arriving at this moment.

He pulled out a bone sword from his back, like a hard stone, and hit Gu Xuan on the pack ray.

Gu Xuan snorted coldly. Although his body was thin and resembled Wu Dalang's, the Xuantian Magic Book of Transformation Meridians was activated. The Taoist energy surged behind him, corpses were lying around, and tombs appeared, which was extremely terrifying.

One of his hands was cut off in the Feitianmen battle, and with a pinch of his other hand, a red flame flying crow gourd appeared in his hand.

Rubbing it with his fingers and spinning it, the gourd unexpectedly expanded to a height of one foot.

Then the gourd plug was pulled out, and countless red lights were released from it, covering the old man with iron corpse and sucking the old man with iron corpse into the gourd.

"not good!"

The old man with the iron corpse roared angrily, and countless black iron energy emerged from his body, trying to resist the pull of the red flame flying crow gourd.

But the flames of the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd shone brightly, and Gu Xuan released his majestic Tao Qi from his empty sleeve, and the vast demonic Qi from his other hand.

As soon as the two gases were activated, the whole person burst into infinite light.

The Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd also grew larger and larger, and soon the Iron Corpse Old Man was included in it.

He closed the cork, and flames appeared all over the Red Flame Flying Crow Gourd, and miserable howling sounds could be heard from inside.

After a while, Gu Xuan opened the gourd stopper and poured out a pool of molten iron to the crowd watching the battle.

In addition, there are still some undigested remains of corpses.

"Taoist Iron Corpse Taoist has been completely destroyed today. If any fellow Taoist still wants to test the power of Feitianmen's sword, feel free to come over."

"One more thing, I am an upright Gu Xuan. Although the term "Gentleman's Sword" is a false name, it is not for nothing."

It's okay not to say this. After hearing the three words "Gentleman's Sword", everyone hid one after another.

"It's a gentleman but a bitch."

"Wu Mahan was seriously injured because of his alliance with the barbarians."

"The same goes for Wan Kuguo, the Great Elder of the Five Poison Sect."

"He used his power to suppress others at the Jiutian Auction House, and used tricks to prevent the cultivators of the Five Poison Sects from participating in the auction normally. Otherwise, the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray could fall into his hands?"

Everyone was horrified, Gu Xuan snorted coldly, and controlled the flying silver-spotted pack ray to land slowly.

The meeting hall.

Gu Xuan sits in the center, Ge Canhong is first on the left, and Wang Sandao is on the right.

Under the three, there are three more.

One is Ye Yang, the other is Wang Dong, and the other is an elderly protector named Chen Li.

All six of them are high-level warriors from the Feitian Sect. This is a small-scale meeting.

Gu Xuan cleared his throat: "Fifteen days later, the tide will come. At that time, the Blood Demon Sect, the Qinglian Mo Family, the real masters of the demon kingdom on the ground, and the demon king will jointly take action."

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