The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 115: The Bodhisattva of Great Joy gives alms in the flesh

It is rainy in late autumn, and the green mountains are filled with white mist, as if they are covered with a layer of gauze.

There have long been fiery red tallow trees on the rocky cliffs of the mountain road. Their withered yellow leaves and green leaves that have not yet turned yellow complement each other and bloom everywhere, forming a colorful autumn flavor.

A huge scaly demon elephant shook its trunk and walked from a distance. It looked clumsy and huge, but in fact it was extremely fast.

Next to the demon elephant, there was a skinny, red horse with horns on its forehead. There was a red-scale centipede lying on the horse's forehead. It galloped and walked on the cliff, without any slowness.

"Senior Brother Ye, after climbing over this mountain and walking a hundred miles, we will reach the boundary of Wangyue Mountain."

Wang Dong's whole body was shining with fire, and he was playing with the green and yellow gourd in his hand. He was full of dignity and arrogance. He glanced enviously at the demon elephant where Ye Yang sat down.

This demonic elephant can not only serve as a mount, but also carry out combat power. Its strength is unparalleled, which can be described as remarkable.

Before, he knew that Ye Yang was poor and lacked training resources. He had tried every means to regain Ye Yang for his own use, but he never thought that Ye Yang had other means and entered the realm of martial arts a few years earlier than he did.

Since I was too embarrassed to mention old things from the past, I found a way to talk about them.

"During this period, Wangyue Mountain was in chaos. Fortunately, the four sects jointly occupied a corner of Wangyue Mountain, so outsiders did not dare to look down upon it."

Ye Yang stretched out his hand and patted the sun-chasing turtle flying on the left side of the demon elephant. The flying turtle was naughty and stretched out its head to bite his finger.

During this time, Wangyue Mountain was crowded with external forces and demons were everywhere.

Feitianmen, Wudumen, Fengyulou and Taiyiqingmen, the four local snakes, jointly opened up a corner of the Wangyue Mountain.

I want to get a share of that eternal ruins.

Wang Dong just took the martial arts elixir a week ago and broke through to the warrior realm.

The matter fell on them. As for the other disciples in the ventilation realm, some of them had already arrived at Wangyue Mountain first.

This golden elixir of martial arts was obtained by his father, Wang Xijing, at a great expense of favors and financial resources. It does not belong to the Feitian Sect.

Although Wang Dong was defeated by Dugu Qiang with two shots in the battle for the Feitian Seven Realms a few years ago, he did not obtain the inner elixir of the ancient alien six-winged fire centipede.

But after breaking through to the warrior realm, he used the Red Flame Lihuo Iron to condense his own fire skills again.

His black hair turned completely red, and his triangular eyes would emit fire from time to time, which was extremely shocking.

Sweeping away the decadent air of being defeated by two moves when everything went wrong before.

It can be said that I am in high spirits, the spring breeze is proud of me, my horses are hoofed, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.

Ye Yang sat cross-legged on the demon elephant, took a Jingyun Dan in his mouth, and secretly refined it.

This Jingyun Pill was a pill that he had helped Zhang Bai, the elder of the Zhang family, and collected from Commander Liu of the Universiade Dynasty. It was specially designed for early warrior practitioners.

A pill entered his throat, and the surrounding essence was absorbed into his body, causing the magic power he had cultivated with the Eight Transformations of Tian Chan to circulate rapidly.

The further you reach the advanced stages of spiritual practice, the slower your progress will be.

It has been several years since I broke through to the martial arts realm, but there is still a long way to go before I can break through.

Two people, one is riding on the demon elephant, the other is riding on the fire centipede, and they are very fast.

At this moment, thick smoke billowed from the front. The two passed by a mountain village, only to see war burning inside and corpses scattered everywhere.

What was strange was that all the heads of these villagers were cut off and their bodies were piled up into a small building.

There is also a strange altar in front of the building.

"Damn it! It's the Blood and Bone Cult again."

When Ye Yang saw this, he frowned slightly, showing a trace of resentment.

This blood-and-bone cult is even more evil than the Red Lantern Society. It kills people wantonly, uses human heads as sacrifices, and behaves insidiously.

The previous rebellion of the Bai family had a huge relationship with them. Later, according to Feitian Sect's investigation, it was said that a young disciple named Bai Guyue was bewitched by the Blood and Bone Cult.

He used a trick to kill all 368 direct relatives of his family, used the blood of his closest relatives to worship the evil god of blood and bones, and practiced the Shifang Abi Blood Hell Kung Fu.

It's just that Feitianmen, after searching for a long time, couldn't find the other party's lair, so it had no choice but to give up.

Along the way, remote mountain villages or small towns are everywhere.

Most of the people had their heads cut off by these people of the Blood and Bone Cult and used them as sacrifices.

Wang Dong waved his hand and sent out a stream of flames, burning all the corpses and heads.

"In this way, I can be considered as helping them to transcend."

The two of them continued to walk to Wangyue Mountain with heavy hearts.

After walking for more than a hundred miles, we saw the peak of Wangyue Mountain.

Wangyue Mountain is inexplicably high, reaching straight to the top of the sky. The snow never melts all year round. It is a mountain stream made of iron and a valley made of water.

But there is a thousand-year-old pine on the top of the mountain. It survives wind and snow, frost and rain, and is more than five thousand feet high, reaching directly into the sky.

Along the way, the two of them attracted the attention of countless people. After all, the demon elephant was huge and the fire centipede looked weird.

"That man is really clever. He actually used the Elephant Demon as a mount."

"Legend has it that thousands of years ago, the Buddhist Reincarnation Temple used Buddhism as a lure to capture hundreds of demons, but the demons were kicked out of the mountain gate and disappeared into ashes. I never thought that today we can still see ferocious beasts practicing this method!"

"The Elephant Demon is ferocious, infinitely powerful, and can fight against the heavens and the earth. Most of this person's strength is often inferior to that of this Elephant Demon."

Along the way, everyone pointed and talked, making Ye Yang frown.

However, this also had a good thing. Seeing that the demon elephant was ferocious, the ordinary people took the initiative to give way and did not dare to provoke it.

So the road was smooth.

After asking around, the two finally found the Feitianmen's base. They saw a huge cave on the hillside in front of them. Outside the cave, there was a torch-shaped boulder.

On a steep cliff next to the boulder, the words "Feitianmen" were written crookedly.

This cave was the Shaoyang Cave that was abandoned by Shaoyang Sword King Sandao before.

After being moved in by the Feitianmen, it was renovated and used as a temporary location.

As soon as Ye Yang and the others arrived outside the cave, they heard bursts of suona sounds behind them.

Then there were gongs and drums, Zen chants, and stringed instruments.

The mixed sounds of various instruments continued for a long time and got closer and closer.

On the cliff, a group of teams actually came in the air.

All the men had their right breasts exposed, with strong muscles and solemn appearance, dressed as Vajra warriors.

The women had graceful figures, long sleeves flying, shoulders and lower abdomen exposed, dressed as goddesses, holding small drums and gently beating them.

The male Vajra and the beautiful goddesses were on both sides, scattering flowers and beating drums along the way, slowly coming.

In the center of this group of people, there was an eight-lifted sedan chair carved with purple copper lotus.

The sedan chair was covered with gauze, with bursts of incense, and inside it lay a seductive and graceful body lazily.

The Buddha's light shone, and the body touched the forehead with its hands, with a full bun on the head, wearing a gauze, and charming to the bone.

Everyone was attracted by this huge battle and looked up.

A goddess and a warrior gently pushed aside the graceful gauze, revealing a seductive, snow-white, and... fat body inside.

The whole body was snow-white, extremely fat and strong, and tall and big.

Her tall figure was filled with piles of fat, like a meat mountain.

A pair of legs, short and fat, like elephant legs.

But she has a solemn appearance, bright red lips, a green gauze on her body, and necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other things on her hands. When she gently touches her face, her voice is rough, like a man.

"Gu Xuan, I see you, you old yin, you dirty, heartless man! You haven't come to see me for such a long time."

"It's the Great Joy Flesh-body Donation Bodhisattva."

Ye Yang and Wang Dong looked at each other. This Great Joy Flesh-body Donation Bodhisattva is a well-known demon.

The two of them did not dare to make any unusual movements. At this time, the Great Joy Flesh-body Donation Bodhisattva saw that no one paid attention to him, so he turned his eyes to Ye Yang and Wang Dong.

"Good trick! Good trick! I don't know where you got this transformed elephant demon from. Little monk, you are so cruel. You put chains through it and ride on it with your body."

"Why not let my sister pull the cart with this elephant demon? I will reward you with a night of spring, and I guarantee that you will linger and die of ecstasy."

The strong men and the goddesses immediately waved their instruments, and the gongs and drums sounded, the trumpets rang, and the bronze drums rang.

"Bodhisattva, heavenly fairy, has boundless magic power."

"Bodhisattva, heavenly fairy, has boundless magic power."


The Great Joyful Flesh-body Donation Bodhisattva is a well-known demon who is good at taking yang to replenish yin. I don't know how many male monks have been sucked out of their bodies and souls by her, and their marrow and bones have dried up.

This person set his eyes on Ye Yang, and Ye Yang immediately felt a great pressure.

At this moment, a loud and furious shout came from Shaoyang Cave.

"The Great Joyful Flesh-body Donation Bodhisattva, you will fart! How can you touch the head of my Feitian Sect at will!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge black sword slowly rose from the Shaoyang Cave.

The sword energy rushed to the sky, and a man held the Black Sun Sword, the sword light split, the clothes fluttered, and came with the wind.

He stood beside Ye Yang and others, and with a wave of his sleeves, countless black sky-high sword energy shot directly at the group of Vajra and goddesses.

It was the Sword Vajra - Ge Changhong

The Great Joyful Flesh-body Donation Bodhisattva opened his bloody mouth, wiped it on his fat face, and laughed.

"Brother Ge, your hand skills haven't improved much, but your mouth is much sharper."

The fat body of the Great Joyful Flesh-body Donation Bodhisattva trembled layer by layer.

She shook the ground, and suddenly jumped out of the purple lotus chariot, running to the air.

The flesh was surging, and the white fat on his body was layered. After a trembling, he actually swallowed up all the black sword energy shot by Ge Canhong.

"Smart or not! You will know what will happen next."

Ge Canhong roared, not daring to relax. The Black Sun Sword in his hand suddenly burst into infinite light, and the black sword energy rushed into the sky.

Practice the sword into silk!

The surrounding area was actually filled with black sword silk.

"Hmph! As expected of the Sword King Kong, let's go. Elder Ge, if you have time, you might as well come and sit here with me. I will definitely welcome you and have tea together."

The eldest elder Mo Niansheng is now guarding Taohuawu alone, and he has automatically resigned from the identity of the eldest elder.

Ge Canhong was replaced as the third elder.

It was just the name of Sword King Kong, and since many people called it, no one would easily change it.


The Tongyue Sword Body is at the end of the previous chapter. Friends who haven't seen it can go and take a look.

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