The rise of nanometers

Chapter 623 Offshore Balance

The skinny villagers stared intently at the pickup truck. If it weren't for the threat of the machine gun, these people might have swarmed over it.

Although Latte was used to it, he was very distressed in his heart. This was not the result he wanted, but it accelerated the appearance of starvation everywhere.

Unfortunately, there are only a few small ports in the territory of the Tigers, and they are very far away from Rat's control area. In fact, his control area is only about 53 kilometers away from the nearest coastline.

But the area around the coastline is controlled by the Andhra Army. He only controls the city of Rajimbed and 16 towns in the surrounding areas, with a strength of 3,700 troops and an additional 5,000 militiamen.

If other regiments of the Tiger Corps had not shared part of the pressure, he would have been annihilated by the Andhra Army.

The dilapidation and agricultural decline in the controlled area are actually not entirely due to the harassment of the rival Andhra Army, but also to the careful thinking of the top management of the Tiger Army.

As edge buffer zones, even if these areas are built, they may still be used as wedding dresses for others, and it can easily lead to the expansion of the legions in the edge zone.

Therefore, the Tigers used the method of erecting walls to clear out the wilderness and expel opposition people in the marginal buffer zone to ensure security and control.

Just like the Rat Group, although he secretly secured a granary, to maintain the food supply for the 270,000 people in the control area, with more than 30,000 tons of food, it was basically a drop in the bucket.

Unless local agricultural production is restored, he will have to expel the population to ensure food supply.

at the same time.

In a coastal city controlled by the Andhra Army, a cargo ship coming from Hongsawady was slowly docking.

Captain Maung Mingsheng was not too surprised when he looked at the poor port conditions. He has made more than a dozen trips here this year.

This seaport can only berth ships of up to 20,000 tons. His cargo ship is 12,000 tons, which can just berth in this port.

The coast patrol boat at the port immediately released the cargo ship after seeing the flag flying on it.

Mao Mingsheng and the crew also seemed very calm. Anyone who dared to attack or rob their cargo ship would definitely suffer a terrible end.

You must know that there are three squadrons in the Ceylon Ocean Fleet, stationed in Meng Bay, Ceylon Island, and Gwadar Port.

There is also an escort fleet, in the name of Suiren Security Company, which often attacks those who dare to reach out.

Naturally, the Andhra Army does not dare to offend Greater China. At the same time, they also need to obtain the food and materials they need through trade.

Mao Mingsheng’s employer is Anfeng Trading Company in Hongsawady, which specializes in grain trade. This company is one of the registered members of the Grain Alliance.

In fact, there is no agricultural-related enterprise in Greater China that is not a registered member of the Food Alliance.

Only members of the Grain Alliance can gain a firm foothold in the turbulent international market. Otherwise, a price fluctuation can destroy such a small trading company.

The food trade with the Andhra Army is not casual. Everything must comply with the arrangements and quotas of the Food Alliance.

Balancing the power between various forces through the input of food and materials, and the purchase of minerals and agricultural products is one of the core tasks of the Food Alliance.

The offshore balancing strategy is the specialty of the former world hegemon, the troublemaker, and South Asia has always been buried with a lot of nails by Britain.

Conceptually speaking, Tianzhu is just a geographical term, not a country in the true sense. There are too many contradictions and differences within it, and it only needs a trigger to break it apart at any time.

How can you allow others to snore and sleep under the so-called couch?

Asia is too small to accommodate two big forces. A divided Tianzhu is a good Tianzhu.

As the core executive department of the offshore balancing strategy, the Grain Alliance will naturally not allow one company to dominate.

On the berth of the port.

Guderian, a businessman supported by the Andhra Army, and Mao Mingsheng were discussing the purchase of the next batch of grain.

"Maung, can you buy an extra batch of grain?"

Maung Ming-sheng did not fully agree to this and asked: "How much more is needed?"

"Within half a year, we will add 1.5 million tons of rice on the basis of the previous one." Guderian tried.

Mao Mingsheng glanced at the other party silently, and shook his head: "I can report to the headquarters, but there is nothing I can do about whether it can be done."

"Maung, I can pay in gold."

Mao Mingsheng sneered: "Haha, Golden Goode, are you sure?"

Guderian, knowing that he had suffered a big loss, gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes, I plan to use gold to buy this batch of grain."

Although the global economy is in a downturn, the price of gold has not increased. The main reason is that the value of the Chinese yuan is too stable and it is not fully tied to gold, which has greatly reduced the risk-aversion of gold.

Moreover, the gold produced by the Mining Alliance continues to hit new highs. Last year, a total of 1,036 tons of gold was mined, and this year, 1,842 tons of gold have been mined. The annual output is expected to be close to 2,000 tons.

In addition, the gold reserves in stock of the Mining Alliance and the Central Bank have reached a cumulative total of 5,317 tons. Adding in the gold from affiliated forces and private individuals, the total amount of gold in the entire Greater China region is expected to reach about 12,000 tons.

This situation has led to a decline in gold prices year after year. The current international quotation of gold is 183 to 185 Chinese yuan per gram.

If he sells at this price, Guderian will indeed lose a lot.

The precious metals trading group under the Mining Alliance sells hundreds of tons of gold every year, but it is mainly for industrial use.

If it weren't for the increasing use of gold, platinum groups, and silver in industrial production, it is estimated that the current price of gold would be even lower.

After all, to a certain extent, the currency value guarantee of the Hua Yuan is actually industrial products + agricultural products + minerals + energy. The monetary attributes of gold have long been stripped away and classified into minerals.

In the future, gold will no longer assume monetary attributes, but will transform into an industrial raw material. Therefore, the current gold price is obviously artificially high.

After all, rhenium, which is scarcer than gold, has a wholesale market price of only 8 to 12 Chinese yuan per gram.

The ideal price of gold should be around 1 to 3 Chinese yuan per gram. This price is conducive to reducing raw material costs.

Especially the Mining Alliance, due to its efficient element refining technology, can produce thousands of tons of gold a year if it goes all out, which can crush the gold market at any time.

Guderian looked unmoved by Mingsheng's situation, and became a little anxious. The drought situation in the area under their control this year has not improved, but has become more serious.

This is related to global cooling. The Deccan Plateau has obvious dry and wet seasons. The climate is similar to that of northern Australia, and it is a special tropical climate.

Things like climate are sometimes very extreme.

For example, the Ganges River Basin, which had abundant rainfall in previous years, has seen heavier rainfall, causing the Ganges to overflow. However, the Deccan Plateau has experienced drought conditions, but rainfall has become scarcer.

After more than a year of civil strife, agricultural production in the areas controlled by the Andhra Army has been severely damaged. The combination of natural and man-made disasters has created a huge food gap.

In order to obtain enough food, Guderian could only increase the stakes again: "Maung, I wonder if you are interested in acquiring Andhra's Vanga Telecommunications Company."

"Oh? If the price is right, I can submit it to you." Mao Mingsheng showed a smile.

This telecommunications company, one of the two large local telecommunications companies, was previously controlled by the Andhra Army.

Guderian stuffed another heavy box of things: "Maung, if the contract is successfully signed, I will not forget your help."

Weighing it with his hands, Mao Mingsheng knew it was a 500-gram gold bar, and he accepted it with a smile.

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