The rise of nanometers

Chapter 622 Blood and Tears

Da da……

After a burst of shabby streets and a burst of gunfire, the city returned to deathly silence.

More than a dozen bodies fell down on the muddy dirt road. In front of modern firearms, the human body was as fragile as a glass bottle.

The shooters were five armed men wearing camouflage uniforms. Behind them was a small granary that stored more than 60,000 tons of rice, corn and flour.

After a while, a Nissan pickup truck with welded steel plates drove over from a distance. The truck bed was transformed into a machine gun shooting tower, and three armed men were on the truck bed.

One of them had a golden badge pinned to his coat pocket. The pattern of the badge was a tiger's head. He seemed to be a manager. He was observing the surroundings with a telescope.

The environment around the granary is between a farmland and a mango forest. The farmland is to the northwest and the terrain is relatively gentle; the mango forest is to the southeast and belongs to the edge of the mountain. It continues to the southeast and connects to a large mountainous tropical jungle.

The pickup truck staggered to the defense sentry point of the warehouse. The captain of the sentry hurriedly came over: "Captain Rat, everything is safe in the warehouse."

The middle-aged man who jumped out of the pickup truck, the one with the golden tiger badge, glanced at the body more than 20 meters away, with a trace of disgust and worry in his eyes:

"How many times has this happened this month?"

The squad leader replied helplessly: "The eighth time."

"Arrange for people to burn the corpses as soon as possible to avoid causing a plague." Latte waved his hand and ordered.

"Yes." The team leader saluted back.

Latter immediately walked into the granary, where two companies under his command were stationed, with a total of 137 soldiers.

Two company commanders also rushed out to welcome Latte's arrival.

A man with brown skin and a big beard appeared in front of him. After the two saluted him, the big beard took the lead in reporting the inventory situation.

"Captain, we don't have much food in stock. We only have about 32,000 tons left."

Rath also frowned at this. They are part of the Tiger Legion and are currently entrenched in Andhra Pradesh in the central Deccan Plateau.

This granary was formerly the property of a large local grain merchant. After the Tigers developed, they quickly seized granaries and factories in nearby towns to expand their own power.

Latte was also a platoon leader in the regular army. If he had not been forced to do so, he would not have chosen this path today.

He inspected the situation of the granary, then went to the watchtower set up on the side of the granary, and observed the surroundings with a telescope.

On the northwest side, the farmland that should have been planted with rice was now overgrown with weeds, which made him worried.

Latte said with an ugly face: "Agricultural production must be resumed as soon as possible, otherwise our food will be exhausted soon."

The bearded man on the side shook his head: "Captain, as long as the Andhra Skitarii in the north still exist, there is no way for us to resume farming in this area."

"Damn it! These cultists should all be burned to death." Rat cursed angrily.

The internal chaos in Tianzhu has reached a very serious level. All states are in chaos, and all kinds of monsters and monsters have taken advantage of the situation.

The independent armed forces currently entrenched in various parts of Tianzhu can be roughly divided into seven groups, including the Tiger Legion, the Tamil United, the Andhra Natural Religion, the Northeast United, the Deccan Army, the Ganges Self-Protection Merchant Group, and the Forward Front.

Moreover, among these seven forces, there are also many hills inside, and their respective territories are still intertwined.

Coupled with the existing regular army, the eight forces launched a cruel and fierce competition in this closed land.

Latte looked at the overgrown rice fields in front of him and the devastated villages and towns in the distance, feeling very painful in his heart.

Tianzhu's economy has been impacted by the continuous economic crisis around the world, and there was an economic collapse a year ago.

Tianzhu's agriculture is the first to bear the brunt. As the world's largest rice exporting region, they export about 9 to 12 million tons of rice every year.

In the overall downturn of the global economy, ABCD is cutting prices and promoting sales while reducing production scale in an attempt to raise international grain prices.

It is a pity that Greater China has completed the construction of the internal circulation system of grains. The world's largest grain importing regions - China, Japan, and Korea, have very low grain prices.

Southeast Asia and Oceania are food export regions; Central Asia can be self-sufficient and can even export some of its food to West Asia.

While southern Africa cannot afford it, America is also a food export region. The Western Continental Union has Lucia and a large number of economic colonies to supply food.

Originally, West Asia and North Africa would need a large amount of food. The problem is that these two regions are now in a mess. There is not much money to buy food, or they can choose low-priced food from ABCD and the Food Alliance.

The international rice price has not been higher than 450 Chinese yuan per ton since mid-2014.

At this price, even ABCD loses all its money. The Grain Alliance can only survive by relying on the overall industrial chain and internal circulation system.

Originally, for Tianzhu, a country with a population of more than one billion, their total local grain production could not even meet their own needs.

But this place is too magical. Highly capitalized agriculture has made it one of the world's top food export regions.

Those big businessmen and landowners ignored the fact that local people died of starvation and went their own way and exported large quantities of rice and other food.

Due to the overall downturn in international grain prices, the prices of rice, wheat, corn and barley are all very low.

This situation finally severely damaged Tianzhu’s grain export industry.

The Grain Alliance deliberately raised the purchase prices of cotton, flax, and fruits, causing farmers in Tianzhu to switch their wheat and rice fields to cotton, flax, fruits and other cash crops.

This action actually started on a small scale in 2011 and reached its peak in 2014.

Beginning in August 2014, major floods broke out in the Ganges River in Tianzhu, submerging nearly 23 million acres of farmland. Subsequently, continuous droughts occurred in the Deccan Plateau and Tianzhu River Plain.

With the continuous natural disasters and the collapse of its own economy, the Food Alliance took the opportunity to raise food prices, and instantly there was a huge gap in Tianzhu's food demand.

ABCD has been reducing production capacity in the past two years. Although there are tens of millions of tons of grain reserves in warehouses, they will not sell them cheaply, which has also raised grain prices.

In addition, Tianzhu itself had little money to buy food, and the great famine swept across Tianzhu instantly.

It was against this background that Latte faced the plight of his family starving to death. Under the instigation of thoughtful people, he took up arms and robbed the granaries of big landowners and businessmen.

This kind of behavior was only sporadic at first.

But as time went by, the famine did not ease, but intensified, and finally reached the point of being out of control.

Many people believe that if the food gap reaches 1%, food prices will increase by about 2 to 3%, but in reality, food prices will increase by more than 100%.

This is bloody capital.

The grain gap within Tianzhu has reached 17-20%, but merchants with large amounts of grain in their hands continue to raise prices, sell little by little, and even deliberately hoard.

Larter once again left the granary in a pickup truck. The dozen or so emaciated corpses had been cleared away.

The pickup truck drove onto a dilapidated road, followed immediately by two modified pickup trucks, and the soldiers scanned the road.

Passing by a small village, there were more than 20 shabby mud houses, and many villagers who looked like walking zombies, staring at the convoy with numb and hateful eyes.

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