this day.

Liu Tao went to the Capital Hotel.

The participants of this meeting were all arranged in the Beijing Hotel, and the treatment was quite good. After all, this was the top three hotel in the entire capital.

Tomorrow is the award ceremony, and everyone has been registered and arranged uniformly. Even if the winner has a home in the capital, he must arrive here today, otherwise if something goes wrong tomorrow, no one will be able to live with it.

In the evening, we organized a dinner party for everyone. The thirty-three winners plus some leaders made up just four tables.

There are mathematicians, biologists, entomologists, water conservancy workers, and people in the medical field.

Liu Tao took a look and saw that he was the youngest in the audience. Among the crowd of people in their forties and fifties, he seemed so outstanding.

Of the thirty-three winners, only four are women, the others are all men!

Liu Tao only knew three people.

Yuan Longping, now almost 50 years old, is an expert in hybrid rice breeding in China and the founder of hybrid rice research and development in China. He is known as the ‘Father of Hybrid Rice in the World’.

Hua Luogeng, nearly 70 years old, is a nationally famous mathematician.

Wu Wenjun, also nearly 60 years old, is a nationally renowned mathematician. Like Hua Luogeng, he is a member (academician) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

As for the other people, Liu Tao didn't know them, and he had almost never heard of their deeds. They were unknown and selfless people.

In the past ten years, this award has not been awarded again.

So much so that these three nationally famous scientists were awarded this honor.

We can also see from this how fierce the competition is and how valuable it is to select the ‘National Advanced Science and Technology Workers’.

"Young man, which unit do you work in?" asked a middle-aged woman.

The leader next to him smiled and introduced: "This man was recommended by the Fifth Machinery Department. He comes from the weapons industry system. He has developed the world's leading firearms so that our soldiers can be equipped with advanced firearms to defend the motherland."

Others looked at Liu Tao with surprise on their faces.

Nowadays, news is mainly disseminated through newspapers, television, and radio. The ways for everyone to understand news are limited.

Even though there have been reports about Liu Tao before, many people still don't know about Liu Tao.

"Young man is really young and promising. He is indeed a hero from a young age!" the elder sister praised.

Mr. Hua, who was at the same table, said with a smile: "Didn't the great man say that this world is ours and yours? In the final analysis, it is still yours! The emergence of young talents in large numbers shows that there are successors to the development of the motherland."

"Hua Lao, you are ridiculous!" Liu Tao looked panicked. After all, he was still young, and Hua Lao was already a world-famous mathematician.

As we gathered for dinner, everyone started chatting and gradually learned about the fields in which other people worked.

Almost one-third are from universities, one-third are from major scientific research institutions, and the remaining one-third are from the production field.

As for the weapons industry, there is only Liu Tao.

That night, they stayed at the Jingcheng Hotel, and each of them was assigned a room.

Early the next morning, everyone had breakfast together. Everyone was neatly dressed, but the clothes of this era were like that. They couldn't be said to be pretty, they were all very simple.

After breakfast, under the arrangement of the staff, everyone got in the car and set off to the meeting location.

The award ceremony was held in the General Assembly Hall.

At this time, the Great Hall was filled with sacredness and music was playing.

"Click, click!"

Liu Tao took the certificate from the leader, and reporters frantically took photos.

The award ceremonies at this time were relatively traditional. There were no fancy venue interviews, and not many media were allowed in.

Only at the end, a reporter from Renren Daily made a casual interview: "Comrade Liu Tao, what do you want to say to the people of the country about this award?"

Liu Tao smiled and said: "Thank you XXX, thank you XXX. I will continue to work hard in the future to strive for greater scientific research results and contribute to the prosperity of the motherland."

Pretty good, everyone is the same.

A state banquet was held at noon, which was very classical and solemn in an oriental style.

This is also the first time Liu Tao has seen a full Man-Han banquet in the true sense.

There are all kinds of colors, and each cuisine is divided into categories. Each dish has its own specialties and characteristics. All eight major cuisines are available, with all colors, flavors and flavors.

The wine is Moutai.

At this time, a bottle of Maotai wine costs 7 yuan!

Liu Tao tasted it slowly. Even though he didn't drink much, he still thought the wine was delicious.

In terms of wine, Moutai is indeed unique and will be widely loved by Chinese people even in the next few decades.

"A bottle of wine only costs 7 yuan now, should I buy some and keep it for myself?" Liu Tao muttered to himself.

Hidden for thirty or forty years, it would be worth at least four to fifty thousand yuan, which would increase the value six thousand times!

What's more important is that you won't have to buy it even if you have the money.

If you take out a bottle to drink at a critical moment, it will save your face.

When he returned home in the evening, he couldn't wait to ride his bicycle to the supply and marketing cooperative and bought a hundred bottles.

He doesn't need to check it. There will definitely be no problem with fake wine at this time.

"Why did you buy so much wine? You can't finish it!" Chen Fang said angrily.

Liu Tao said: "Hide it, you can't drink this, I will hide it for thirty or forty years!"

"It's been hidden for thirty or forty years, and it's still not all broken!" Chen Fang rolled her eyes at Liu Tao.

"Mom, this liquor is not afraid of hiding. The longer it is hidden, the more fragrant it will be!" Liu Tao said, "Remember not to let my dad drink the liquor. If you want to drink it, buy it yourself."

"I know, come back with a certificate and stop doing serious things! If you have time, quickly find a partner and let me and your dad have a grandchild as soon as possible." Chen Fang urged, "You can't do things well if you don't have a hairy mouth, and you don't listen to the old man's words. The consequences are imminent.”

Liu Tao couldn't help but have a headache when he heard about the urge to get married.

Every time I come back, I can't help but be urged by my mother to find a partner, as if if I don't find him, I will become an older leftover man.

But the problem is that he is only 24 years old and has just worked for a year.

"Mom, it's not like you don't know that my workplace has more wolves than meat. The ratio of men to women is an exaggerated 7:3. I'm having a headache looking for other workplaces to socialize with." Liu Tao rubbed his head, "Don't stop If you urge me, I won’t dare to come back next time.”

"The singles in your unit must be dealt with, and you, the leader, must also be dealt with!" Chen Fang glared at Liu Tao, "Revolution cannot be completed in one generation, and there must be successors."

"As a leader, you haven't solved the lifelong issues. How can you solve other people's problems? You should have stayed in the capital. Now your school wants to hire you as a teacher. You'd better take this opportunity to come back." Chen Fang's eyes turned red as she spoke, and tears fell one by one: "Your eldest sister went to Beidahuang, and your second sister ran to Yun Province and didn't come back for ten years. You are also in Yun Province, and you can come back several times a year. "

When Liu Tao saw his mother like this, he had to get up and give his mother a hug.

How can a mother not worry when her son is away from home?

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