Either at the table or on the menu!

This is the nature of the world today. Every country is forced to choose a side.

There are very few countries that can have independent sovereignty like China!

When faced with the encirclement and interception of the two powerful forces, China showed its indomitable spirit, fought hard, and launched two bombs and one satellite.

With two bombs and one satellite, China has the confidence to say 'no'!

Just because China can do it, it doesn't mean that other countries can do it too.

"Mr. Osama, we have developed the world's leading pistols, automatic rifles, machine guns, and sniper rifles. I believe they are very suitable for you, and our prices are not expensive. They are definitely high quality and low price!" Liu Tao saw that the time was almost up. , “The most important thing is that we are a business, we pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the same hand, without any strings attached.”

"Your weapons are too backward, far behind Europe and the United States." Osama shook his head and said.

It's just free assistance. It doesn't cost money anyway, as long as it can be used.

But it's different when you need money to buy it. After all, no one's money comes from the strong wind.

If you want to buy weapons, naturally you should buy European and American weapons.

Liu Tao smiled lightly, "Actually, a few months ago, we negotiated an order worth US$25 million with another partner, and now we have completed the transaction."

"I dare not say anything about other weapons, but the firearms I am talking about this time are definitely advanced in performance, high quality and affordable. We can go to the shooting range and try it out, and we will know once we try it." Liu Tao is very confident. said.

Those guns of his are still in the Fifth Machinery Department.

He didn't believe that as long as a knowledgeable person tried it, he would reject it.

Osama frowned slightly.

"Mr. Osama, we can go to the shooting range to try it out first and give me a chance. Even if we can't cooperate this time, there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future." Liu Tao smiled.

Although he had already screened it before.

But in fact, this can be regarded as a kind of casting a wide net. It is naturally better to catch fish in the net. If there is no fish caught in the net, then just cast another net.

This time he came to the capital early not just to receive honors, but also to discuss business.

With the completion of the order in Iraq, arrangements are still being made, but they will all be piled in the warehouse.

Production capacity is gradually increasing, and if there are no buyers, they will have to sit in warehouses and gather dust.

Although he is very confident that if the Iran-Iraq war breaks out next year, he will not have to worry about selling these weapons and equipment.

But if you can sell early and sell more, that's the best.

Osama tapped his fingers on the table, looking thoughtful.

"It doesn't matter, we are friends, I will give you this opportunity." Osama said.

Liu Tao looked happy.

An hour later, there was a military camp in the suburbs.

Liu Tao took a jeep from the Fifth Machinery Department and brought Osama and others here.

At the shooting range, several boxes were placed on the ground.

Liu Tao opened them one by one.

"Mr. Osama, Major Hafiz, these guns are all developed by me. This heavy machine gun is very powerful, and this heavy sniper rifle has the best performance in the world. It is not even equipped by the US military!" Liu Tao introduced: "This automatic rifle is a standard weapon that has just been installed in our country's troops, and its performance has reached the world's leading level."

"What's more important is that these guns have been tested on the battlefield, and their performance is very good." Liu Tao knows that for soldiers, to evaluate whether a weapon is advanced or not, it is whether it has been tested in the fire of war. .

When many weapons were developed, the data were very advanced, but once they arrived on the battlefield, they failed to demonstrate their application power and were eventually eliminated.

Liu Tao picked up two Type 78 automatic rifles and handed them to Osama and Hafez.

Hafez's military attache came from the Egyptian Army.

Osama had been on the battlefield and was also a member of the Free Officers.

Under Liu Tao's explanation, the two began to test the gun.

After each fired two magazines, they had an idea of ​​the performance of this gun. It was indeed a very good gun, and its performance was much higher than that of the AK47.

They were all surprised. They didn't expect China to really develop such a good gun.

At this moment, they felt that this trip was not in vain.

They tried the pistol again, and then tried one weapon after another.

The power of heavy machine guns and heavy sniper rifles shocked both of them.

Looking at the shocked two people, Liu Tao smiled knowingly.

"Mr. Osama, Major Hafiz, the performance of this heavy sniper rifle is definitely the best in the world. Not long ago, a soldier used this heavy sniper rifle to kill a colonel 2,600 meters away." Liu Tao Smiling, "Think about it, with such a big killer, it means that it is no longer safe within 2,500 meters, and the commander dare not easily appear within 2,500 meters from the battle line."

The purpose of a sniper rifle is not to hunt ordinary soldiers, but to hunt officers, especially commanders.

"And such an advanced heavy sniper rifle in the world only costs 20,000 US dollars!" Liu Tao lamented: "Europe and the United States have not developed such an advanced heavy sniper rifle, and neither has the Soviet Union. Even if there is, they will not Will sell!”

"And this heavy machine gun, you can imagine how fierce fire support it will provide the troops." Liu Tao pointed to the heavy machine gun on the ground, "It can fire continuously for 15 minutes before it reaches the limit of the barrel! "

"Such a great guy only costs 6,000 US dollars!" Liu Tao said: "As far as I know, the US military's M2 machine gun costs 10,000 US dollars. Even if you pay this price, you may not be able to buy it."

The M2 machine gun is a famous heavy machine gun. About 400,000 were produced during World War II. The cost price at that time was about US$1,500. This machine gun was equipped in dozens of countries.

Over the past many years, the US dollar has also depreciated a lot, so the cost price will naturally not be the same.

Osama and Hafez couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Because on the black market, an M2 machine gun costs as much as $20,000!

Good quality and low price, really good quality and low price.

Everyone returned to No. 2 Ritan East Road, and Liu Tao also reported the price of each gun and bullet to them.

"Liu, this matter is not something we two can decide. We have to report it to the country. We will discuss it in three days. How about it?" Osama and Hafez exchanged words in Arabic in a low voice, and then faced Liu Tao. said.

Liu Tao smiled and said: "No problem, I will come back to you in three days. Of course, you can also contact the Fifth Machinery Department and I am waiting for your good news at any time!"

Liu Tao never thought that the two of them could make a decision directly.

After all, this kind of business cannot be decided by an individual.

He was willing to wait not to mention three days, even a month.

By the time Liu Tao left No. 2 Ritan East Road, it was already sunset.

As we enter late autumn, the length of the day is no longer as long as in the summer. It is the rush hour for commuting, and people can be seen riding bicycles everywhere. Only at this time can we deeply understand what the kingdom of bicycles is.

That kind of scene made Liu Tao feel spectacular on the bus and he was filled with admiration.

There is also no camera, otherwise if you take a photo, it will definitely become a very memorable photo in the future.

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