The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 323 Set a goal, what if you achieve it?

Liu Tao gently drew a line on the map. The straight line was very straight.

To the north of the straight line, there are Dien Bien, Lai Chau, Lao Cai, Ha Giang, Yen Bai, Bac Kan, Cao Bang, Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Bac Giang, Phu Tho and Son La provinces. Almost 100,000 square kilometers.

Although most of it is covered with mountains and forests, the terrain is dangerous and the strategic position is extraordinary.

It can be beneficial to the construction of FCG City and BH City.

And it is said to be a land of mountains and forests, but it is actually much better than other places in Yun Province.

Except for a few mountains with an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, there are not too many mountains with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters.

The terrain of Annan is long and narrow, with the terrain high in the west and low in the east. Three-quarters of the territory is composed of mountains and plateaus. There are mountains and plateaus in the north and northwest. Fansipan Peak, the main peak of Hoang Lien Mountain, is 3,142 meters above sea level and is the highest peak in Annan; the west is located in the Truong Son Mountains, which is more than 1,000 kilometers long and runs from north to south. The west slope is gentle, forming the Taiyuan Plateau in Gia Lai-Kon Tum, Dak Lak and other provinces. . The central Changshan Mountains run from north to south and have some low and flat mountain passes. The eastern coast is a plain with low terrain and dense river network, with an altitude of about 3 meters.

Huanglian Mountain is located north of this line.

The entire line is almost 580 kilometers long, covering an area of ​​about 100,000 square kilometers. The line is very beautiful, but it is not easy to implement it.

Of course, it's not impossible.

After all, nothing is impossible on the battlefield.

What is obtained on the battlefield can only be obtained at the final negotiation table.

Li Fuguo and the others discussed this classic defensive counterattack until eleven o'clock.

And this is just the first day. They will continue to study this battle and learn from it.

Naturally, Liu Tao will not stay at the Malone training base forever.

Li Fuguo will stay at the Malone training base for a long time. As for Liu Tao and Zhao Guoping, they have a lot of things to do. Liu Tao may not go to the Malone training base once a month, and Zhao Guoping spends almost one-third of his time at the Malone training base. .

When Liu Tao and the others were having supper, Liu Tao took out the map and pointed to the line he drew.

Zhao Guoping couldn't laugh or cry and said: "This is very difficult to achieve. It's not the same as before."

Not many people will pay attention to such a small-scale war now.

Moreover, in the eyes of the two world hegemons, the Soviet Union and the United States, this was their proxy war.

But if it is such a big deal, it will be different and it will attract too many people's attention.

"It's difficult to achieve, but that doesn't mean it can't be achieved, right?" Liu Tao smiled lightly: "Sometimes, we have to learn from Third Brother."

In Sikkim and Bhutan, mercenaries are also active there, and there is always a need to stir up trouble.

"A lot of mountains and plateaus here are very complex. It's really not easy to do this." Li Fuguo looked at the line drawn by Liu Tao. Hanoi and Haiphong, the two most important cities in Annan, were far away from each other. Both are less than 20 kilometers.

Looking at the terrain again, it is very complex, with dense mountains, forests, rivers, etc.

"Now that the frontline is undergoing continuous military training, won't it continue to penetrate southward? This is good. If we fight for another ten or eight years, maybe the frontline will be here." Liu Tao said noncommittally.

Now Annan has the support of a polar bear, and his attitude is quite arrogant and very tough.

Peaceful negotiations on the border between the two sides could not be held because of the other side's arrogant and tough attitude.

But China's love for peace is visible to the world.

The fault lies not with China, but with Annan's ambition and arrogance.

"Now that the Vietnamese troops in Laos and Cambodia have been repulsed, they will inevitably leave some troops to garrison. The troops that can be truly transferred north are limited. Slowly grind and fight slowly. After another ten or eight years of fighting, they should be able to That's almost it." Liu Tao said.

For Huaxia, this level of fighting is not something that even in Kunshi, let alone other parts of China.

But it was different for Annan. It was the biggest matter in the country, a matter of life and death.

This is also up to now, even if the losses are heavy, Annan has to continue to send troops to attack.

"Let the special forces conduct infiltration reconnaissance southward and make preliminary preparations." Liu Tao said, "We are moving towards this goal. The goal is a bit bigger, but what if it is achieved?"

Once this goal is achieved, the benefits will be huge.

Not to mention the 100,000 square kilometers of land, just the two coastal cities of Fangchenggang and BH City can be safely and boldly constructed, which is of great significance.

"Okay, I will let the special forces continue to penetrate and conduct reconnaissance south." Li Fuguo nodded. Liu Tao has said so, and they must do what Liu Tao said.

And once it succeeds, it will expand its territory.

Which soldier doesn't want to expand his territory?

The expansion of territory has been a great military achievement since ancient times.

Li Fuguo said to Liu Tao: "Director, our three synthetic brigades now have a huge equipment gap. If we want to go to the front line to participate in the battle, we have to make up for this equipment."

"Now the officers and soldiers of the other two brigades have quite some opinions on this, saying that our personnel are full but the equipment is still very poor." Li Fuguo said.

Facing Li Fuguo's debt collection, Liu Tao also had a headache.

"Now the tank production base in the mountain city has been built. In the future, these equipment will be handed over to you as soon as possible. Don't rush me. I will definitely give it to you if it is available. If not, it will be useless to push." ​​Liu Tao said angrily: "Zhao Guoping Comrade is now in charge of the weapons industry, and he knows the equipment production best.”

Zhao Guoping said, "This matter is indeed not urgent. We are also trying to increase production capacity. We are now building a special tank gun foundry, engine production plant, artillery shell factory, etc. When these supporting factories are built and improved, the production capacity will be further improved."

The three combined brigades need too much heavy equipment.

Heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled howitzers, self-propelled mortars, self-propelled rocket launchers, etc.

Now Panshan Group is still mainly engaged in military trade, earning more profits for its own rapid development.

In this case, the three combined brigades can only be wronged.

Now among the three combined brigades, the heavy combined brigade will have more complete equipment, and the medium and light combined brigades still have a large gap.

But the delivery speed of equipment is increasing.

It is expected that by the end of next year or the middle of the year after, the required equipment can be completely delivered to the three combined brigades.

At that time, the combined brigades will be fully staffed with both manpower and equipment.

Besides, the export version of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns will also give the three combined brigades some training time, so in terms of training, it is still okay.

Liu Tao said: "Did you hear that? It's not that I, the factory director, don't want to equip you, but it takes time. Next time I go to Beijing, I will complain to the leader and give you a few more Black Hawk helicopters."

There are now a total of 4 Black Hawk helicopters equipped by the three combined brigades. This number is not large, but at the current level of the Chinese infantry division, it is definitely an extremely luxurious one.

Of course, the money for the import of these Black Hawk helicopters was paid by Panshan Group itself.

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