The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 322: Introduction to combat learning (please subscribe)

Malong Joint Tactical Training Base.

The medium-sized combined brigade is conducting shooting training.

The 81-type medium tanks are lined up and are shooting at the target.

The scene is very spectacular.

Aim and shoot!


The tank guns keep roaring, and the targets in the distance keep exploding.

Liu Tao is watching with a telescope.

If we really go to the battlefield and carry out such a round of artillery fire on the enemy's defensive positions, I am afraid that many enemies will be killed.

However, firing artillery and firing accurately are two completely different things.

It is a different matter whether you can fire accurately on the battlefield or not.

The cadres and soldiers of the three combined brigades are very young, and about one-third of them have been on the battlefield.

Of course, being on the battlefield does not mean killing people, which is a different matter.

"How are the soldiers learning?" Liu Tao asked.

Zhao Guoping said: "Now we usually hold study classes to teach soldiers all kinds of knowledge, but many soldiers have a poor foundation and have not mastered the knowledge well."

You can join the army after graduating from junior high school, but in fact, this is very empty, because the knowledge and cultural level of junior high school students in this era is not high.

Thirty or forty years later, there will always be people complaining that the college entrance examination in the 1980s and 1990s is more valuable, which is actually wrong. In the 1980s and 1990s, the educational conditions were limited and the difficulty of the college entrance examination was relatively low.

In general, the overall education level of the country is constantly rising.

"You should work harder and go to technical secondary schools, high schools, and even colleges and undergraduate colleges to recruit." Liu Tao said in a deep voice.

Junior high school education is okay for infantry.

But tank commanders, self-propelled anti-aircraft gun commanders, etc., are not enough.

Because these commanders need to learn and master a lot of knowledge, commanding the entire armored vehicle, this requires soldiers with higher education, because they have stronger learning ability and can master related technologies.

Similarly, the informationized forces are the same, and they also need higher education.

There are also radar soldiers, etc., these technical arms are not enough to rely on junior high school education alone.

In other words, the training cycle will be longer.

Liu Tao seemed to think of something and asked, "How is the implementation of the training of military cadres in military academies?"

Low-level cadres go to low-level military academies, middle-level cadres go to middle-level military academies, and senior cadres go to senior military academies.

This kind of study, general training takes nine months to two years, while the key training to go to the upper military academy for training, is to receive three years of training.

"Now it is the second batch of training, and the third batch will be sent to study in the second half of the year." Zhao Guoping said.

Liu Tao nodded slightly.

This is also the policy support given to the three combined brigades by the upper level, so that more cadres can receive systematic military education and training.

Speaking of which, the cadre team of the three combined brigades is luxurious in China in this era.

There are both teams from the original combined battalion and generals and heroes supported by the upper level.

Among the cadres, those with high education are probably the most in the entire PLA's brigade-level combat units.

It's just that Liu Tao has high expectations and requirements for the combined brigade.

He wishes that all technical soldiers have university degrees.

Liu Tao didn't know how to train soldiers, which was the job of Li Fuguo, Zhao Guoping and others.

What he could do was to prepare sufficient food and ammunition for them, as well as various weapons and ammunition.

Whatever the combined brigade lacked, he would help them solve as much as possible.

He walked around the three combined brigades at the Malu training base and learned about the situation of the three combined brigades.

In the evening, after dinner, at seven o'clock, the ground command center of the heavy combined brigade.

The projector shone on the wall, and the military notebook was connected to the projector.

Li Fuguo was introducing the situation on the front line.

Although the Malong training base was far away from the front line, they kept an eye on the battle on the front line at any time.

Although they did not participate in the battle, the special forces took turns to go to Nanyang to participate in various battles, not only to understand the terrain and military strength, but also to accumulate their own combat effectiveness.

At present, the special forces have been expanded to 144 people, with 12 people in each team, and a total of 12 teams have been established, that is, a special squadron.

The entire special forces are the only combat unit in the three combined brigades that have all been on the battlefield and killed people, and they are also the most combat-effective.

Because it is in the south, the combat style of the special forces is very obvious, that is, they are good at fighting in the mountains and forests.

The command center has a series of sand tables, which show the current situation on the front line.

The combat on the front line is not a large-scale combat, but a small-scale combat.

Our army is on the defensive side, occupying the terrain, with a division of troops. The enemy is on the offensive side, with three divisions of troops.

The battle is mainly infantry and artillery combat. Both sides of the air force have a tacit understanding, and aircraft rarely appear on the battlefield.

In addition, there are tanks and armored troops.

Li Fuguo introduced the situation on the front line, and also provided photos taken by the special forces.

On the front line, our army has built a complete defensive fortification, using the defensive fortification to continuously kill the enemy.

Laoshan, Zheyinshan, Koulinshan, Balihe East Mountain, Luojiaping Mountain, etc., the battle line is very long, either fighting in regiments or battalions.

Sometimes, the troops will also conduct infiltration operations to the south, but they often do not go too deep.

However, on the battlefield, there are also cases where isolated troops go deep and are annihilated.

Each division rotates for two months. When the two months are up, the division that arrives at the battlefield will replace the original defenders.

Some commanders fight conservatively and rely on the defense line to resist the enemy's attack to ensure that the front line is not lost. Some commanders will attack, and the best defense is to attack, and take the initiative to fight to the south, and then the offensive and defensive positions of both sides will change.

Some troops have achieved dazzling results. For example, there was a classic defensive counterattack at Laoshan. With the strength of a regiment, the enemy's 28 attacks were repelled. In the end, a company went around and attacked the enemy's headquarters, capturing a large number of commanders of the enemy's divisional headquarters alive.

This time, Li Fuguo was introducing this defensive counterattack.

There are prepared flags on the sand table. The two-color flags represent the enemy and us. The red flag is our army, and the blue flag is the enemy.

Li Fuguo's introduction includes both changes on the sand table and photos or video materials projected by the projector.

Perhaps influenced by the previous synthetic battalion, our army has maintained a photography team on the front line to shoot the situation on the front line. These will be recorded images and will also be important and precious materials for our army to study operations.

For example, this time, like Li Fuguo, these images will be used.

The cadres at the command center this time are all battalion and company level cadres. They are also learning and improving their command and combat capabilities in this way.

Being good at summarizing and learning has always been a fine tradition of our army.

Learn war from war, adapt to war, and win war!

Since the start of the rotation war, one unit after another has been baptized on the battlefield, completed sublimation, and trained the troops.

And there will also be a group of commanders and fighters at all levels who will be baptized, perform well, and stand out.

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