Wang Baoguo looked at Liu Tao with admiration, and the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became.

Young people like this who are willing to be down-to-earth and do facts are rare.

He was still a little hesitant at first, but now he can finally feel relieved.

Opening the drawer, Wang Baoguo took out two documents: "Originally, I had to give them to you in a few days, but now you are here, take a look first, but remember to keep it confidential."

Liu Tao was curious, what document?

Upon seeing it, Liu Tao was stunned.

These are two personnel appointment documents. One is the appointment of Wang Tiezhu as the director of the Yun Province National Defense Management Office. There are three places on it with red seals.

One was for the appointment of Liu Tao as the director of Panshan Machinery Factory and a senior official of the factory party, with two red stamps on it.

Wang Tiezhu was also stunned when he looked at the two documents.

"Director Wang, what's going on?" Liu Tao was confused.

Panshan Machinery Factory is only a small and medium-sized military factory, and its administrative level is at the county level. The administrative level of the Yun Province National Defense Management Office is department-level bureau, which is four or five levels behind.

Wang Tiezhu was directly promoted from Panshan Machinery Factory to director of Yun Province National Defense Management Office?

Moreover, Wang Baoguo is the director of the Yun Province National Defense Management Office. Wang Tiezhu was promoted to director. So where will Wang Baoguo go?

In terms of age, Wang Baoguo is two or three years younger than Wang Tiezhu. Is it possible that he will retire?

Besides, he graduated less than a year ago, and now he has risen to the administrative level of deputy county department like a rocket.

There are two deputy factory directors above him, so he was appointed as the factory director?

He is only 23 years old and not married yet. Normally speaking, this situation is a hairless mouth and weak work. How can he be allowed to stand alone.

"Yes, Comrade Baoguo, what happened?" Wang Tiezhu couldn't understand no matter how hard he thought about it.

He didn't care about the level. If he hadn't chosen to go to Panshan Machinery Factory, he would have been at the same level.

"This operation exposed many problems. Some soldiers did not die under the enemy's gunfire, but died when the guns and cannons exploded. Some soldiers were killed by the enemy when grenades were thrown but did not explode. After two shots, it jammed. He could only fight with the enemy with bayonets and was beaten to death. "Wang Baoguo shook his head. "The troops are very angry. The higher-ups have issued orders to hold relevant units and personnel accountable."

"This time in our Yun Province, your Panshan Machinery Factory performed brilliantly, and the superior leaders and troops praised it, so we were promoted." Wang Baoguo said: "As for me, I will go to the Fifth Machinery Department, which is considered retirement. Let’s use some of the remaining heat.”

Liu Tao sighed secretly in his heart.

Although the reports were all encouraging and encouraging, the problems exposed were shocking and the casualties were heavy.

In Yun Province alone, there are about 100,000 people from the 11th Army, 13th Army, 14th Army and the 149th Division of the 5th Army participating in front-line operations. It is simply impossible to replace all the automatic rifles produced by Panshan Machinery Factory.

"Old Wang, you are an old comrade. There is no problem in presiding over the work of the National Defense Management Office." Wang Baoguo said. Wang Tiezhu is an old revolutionary. When Panshan Machinery Factory was not established, Wang Tiezhu was a cadre at the same level as him. Panshan Machinery Factory was established. , Wang Tiezhu took the initiative to apply, there is no problem in terms of qualifications, and there is no problem in terms of prestige.

Wang Baoguo is very confident about this.

When his superiors asked Wang Baoguo for his opinion, Wang Baoguo recommended Wang Tiezhu without hesitation.

Wang Baoguo looked at Liu Tao: "Comrade Liu Tao, I was originally a little worried. I was worried that you were not stable enough to work in the mountains with peace of mind and would return to the capital. I am relieved to see you today."

"Leaders from the Fifth Machinery Department and the army will attend tomorrow's meeting, and you and Panshan Machinery Factory will be commended. You must be mentally prepared." Wang Baoguo warned.

Liu Tao's heart moved. He didn't expect that tomorrow's summary meeting would have such high standards.

Often such summary meetings are hosted by the Provincial Defense Management Office. As for higher-level meetings, Liu Tao is not eligible to participate.

Liu Tao secretly guessed that he might meet an acquaintance at the summary meeting tomorrow.

The next day, the summary meeting was held as scheduled.

Wang Baoguo personally presided over the meeting. At the meeting, Wang Baoguo introduced the performance of Yun Province's defense-related enterprises in the past period, the problems exposed, and conducted a deep self-examination.

The outstanding performance of Panshan Machinery Factory can only be regarded as a fig leaf, and it will not leave Yun Province without even a fig leaf.

"Comrades, Yun Province is the rear area and the focus of third-line construction. The problems exposed this time are very serious and deserve our attention and vigilance." In the past few months, the problems exposed in Yun Province have made Wang Baoguo very worried. Also very scared.

If a world war really breaks out, how can Yun Province shoulder the burden of the rear and produce substandard weapons and ammunition? It is simply murdering soldiers.

The heroic soldiers did not die under the enemy's gunfire, but died from the weapons and ammunition made by their own people. That is simply a great shame.

Wang Baoguo was quite polite in his words, but the military leaders were not polite at all and got angry on the spot.

The military was furious about the quality of weapons and equipment and even called it murder.

The words of the military leader were like a sharp knife piercing the hearts of the participants. It was pain, shame, and shame!

From the results of this operation, there is no doubt about the victory. It was also the second time after 1962 that rabbits showed their sharp teeth, telling the world that rabbits will bite when they are anxious.

But in terms of losses, it is also distressing, and the casualties are shocking.

The troops are not well trained enough, and the A divisions are better, after all, they are elites. However, the B divisions are exaggerated into A divisions, and their training is seriously insufficient. Moreover, everyone is used to being poor and reluctant to live with live ammunition. Before going to the battlefield, the soldiers even Not even 5 bullets fired.

And this is also a warning to the military. If a world-class war breaks out in this state, the troops will probably pay a heavy price in the early stage.

Training troops by war may seem like just four sentences, but it is the most helpless choice for a country, because training troops by war often means paying huge casualties.

Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while!

China has always emphasized normal troop training, sweating more in peacetime and bleeding less in wartime.

The Chinese people are simply unwilling to train their troops in battle unless they have to.

This summary involves all aspects. It is necessary to summarize all the shortcomings exposed in this operation so as to solve them in a direction.

Being good at summarizing has always been the magic weapon for our party and our army to win one victory after another.

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