One month is neither long nor short.

Maybe a month later, some people are still confused and don't know where the road ahead is.

But one month is enough to end the operation "Red Dragon's Roar".

The operation 'Roar of the Red Dragon' is over, but the problems exposed during the operation need to be summarized.

Being good at summarizing is an important magic weapon for our army and our party to achieve victory again and again. This fine tradition has never been abandoned.

Various departments are making summaries, and the military industry system is no exception.

Wang Tiezhu, Liu Tao and others took a jeep and finally arrived in Kunming after more than two hours to attend the summary meeting.

The summary meeting will be held early tomorrow morning. In order to attend the meeting in time, Liu Tao and the others came early and stayed in the guest house at night.

"Director, let's go visit Director Wang." Liu Tao whispered in Wang Tiezhu's ear.

Wang Tiezhu said: "Why are you going to visit Lao Wang? Lao Wang must be very busy during this time."

Liu Tao was speechless secretly. It was a rare trip to Kunming, so he had to visit his boss and go to the door to find out the news so that he could prepare.

In the past few months, Wang Baoguo has given great support to Panshan Machinery Factory, allocating five million for R\u0026D expenses and production lines alone.

All kinds of production materials, but Panshan Machinery Factory was fully protected, and Panshan Machinery Factory was not allowed to stop production due to insufficient production materials.

"Director, aren't I developing a light machine gun? Now that I'm here, let's go visit Director Wang and report to him." Liu Tao whispered.

Wang Tiezhu heard this and agreed.

Developing a light machine gun is not a trivial matter. It should be reported to the superiors so that they can be mentally prepared.

Afterwards, Wang Tiezhu took Liu Tao to Wang Baoguo's office.

Everyone was in the same system, and they lived in the guest house. Wang Tiezhu came here countless times, and he came to the office easily.

Although it was already night, the lights in the office were still on.

"Dong dong dong~~" Liu Tao knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A tired voice came from the office.

Liu Tao opened the door and walked in with Wang Tiezhu.

"Director Wang, it's so late and you haven't gotten off work yet." Wang Tiezhu's voice sounded loud.

During this period, he personally served as the commander of the militia battalion in the factory. Wang Tiezhu seemed to be ushering in the third spring of his life, and he did not look like an old man who was almost 70 years old at all.

Some people believe that Wang Tiezhu is not yet sixty years old.

Wearing an old military uniform and carrying a '78' pistol on his waist, he walked with great energy and his body was strong and strong.

"Hey, Lao Wang, Comrade Liu Tao, you came here tonight? I thought you would come here tomorrow morning!" Wang Baoguo heard the sound and raised his head, a little surprised.

Liu Tao smiled and said: "It takes almost two hours to get here from the factory. I'm afraid that if we leave tomorrow morning, something unexpected will delay the time. It's not good to be late for the meeting! We discussed it and it is better to come early."

"Has the guest house made arrangements? If it hasn't been arranged yet, I'll give the guest house a call." Wang Baoguo said: "You guys, don't call in advance when you come, so that I can make arrangements."

"Director Wang, we have already moved into the guest house." Liu Tao said, "I have been developing a light machine gun recently, and this happened to be here, so I came to sit here and report to you."

"Light machine gun?" Wang Baoguo said in surprise: "Comrade Liu Tao, are you developing it?"

Light machine guns are the most equipped of all types of machine guns. They are equipped to the squad and can provide fire support to the squad.

The most common one in the military now is the Type 56 squad machine gun.

"Well, I was thinking about my next scientific research project. After much deliberation, I decided to develop a light machine gun." Liu Tao said.

"Comrade Liu Tao, you are a firearms genius. A few days ago, several units wanted you to be the chief engineer, including firearms research institutes and large military factories, including those in the capital. Your alma mater also wanted you to return to school. "How about it?" Wang Baoguo said with a smile: "I remember Comrade Liu Tao, you are from the capital, do you want to go back to the capital?"

When educated youth return to their hometowns, most educated youth are unwilling to stay in the countryside and are trying their best to return to the city. After all, the countryside really cannot compare with the city in all aspects.

Since the birth of the "Type 78" pistol and the "Type 78" automatic rifle, Liu Tao has become famous in the field of Chinese firearms design. Firearms research institutes, military factories, and universities all want Liu Tao to join their units.

Firearms research institutes, there are so many firearms research institutes across the country, the firearms they have produced over the years are not as good as Liu Tao alone. This time, the "Type 63" automatic rifle has become the object of everyone's disgust, and the "Type 78" pistol , "Type 78" automatic rifle and "Type 78" heavy sniper rifle, but they shine brightly and are deeply loved by the army.

The "Type 78" pistol, automatic rifle, and sniper rifle were all developed by Liu Tao, and it is a certainty that they will be deployed into large numbers of troops.

Such a firearms genius is simply what every firearms research institute dreams of.

The military factory is even simpler. The various systems of Panshan Machinery Factory are already known. Besides, with Liu Tao in charge, the military factory has no worries about being unable to grow.

The purpose of the college is very simple. As long as Liu Tao is willing to go to college, then one person can support the firearms design major.

Although there are firearms design majors across the country, for now, it is not an exaggeration to say that they exist in name only.

Now that the college entrance examination is resumed, colleges and universities are in great demand for all kinds of talents, because only outstanding talents can train students to be successful.

Liu Tao was stunned. He didn't expect that he would be so popular in just a short time.

Wang Tiezhu was anxious: "Director Wang, this is not possible. Comrade Liu Tao is now the core of our Panshan Machinery Factory and is going to take over my shift. Now we are developing light machine guns under the leadership of Comrade Liu Tao. If he Come on, let’s do some research.”

Who is the most important in Panshan Machinery Factory?

Ask anyone at Panshan Machinery Factory and they will say without hesitation that Liu Tao is the most important.

Panshan Machinery Factory can do without his director Wang Tiezhu, but it absolutely cannot do without Liu Tao!

Liu Tao shook his head: "Director Wang, I just want to stay in Panshan Machinery Factory and not go anywhere."

If he is willing, he can easily stay in the capital when he graduates, whether he stays in the Fifth Machinery Department, goes to the Firearms Research Institute, or stays in school to teach.

But he chose to go to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Now that Panshan Machinery Factory is in a good situation and he has established his prestige, how could Liu Tao be willing to leave at this time.

The capital is good, but it is full of right and wrong and is not a good place.

If you want to achieve something in the capital, you don't just need skills. What you want to do doesn't just need to be right!

But here in Yun Province, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so it is much more convenient to do some things.

Wang Baoguo looked at Liu Tao in surprise, not expecting Liu Tao to refuse so decisively.

You know, compared with the capital, this place is a remote country.

Any fool knows that he should go to the capital.

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