New Year's Eve.

This year's New Year's Eve was very special for Liu Tao's family.

Because they spent it on New Year's Eve.

Zhu Lin gave birth just after the first day of the Lunar New Year.

This time, they gave birth to twins.

The boy was named 'Liu Qing'an', which was taken from Li Bai's 'Yi once fell nine crows, and the heaven and man were clear and peaceful', hoping that the children would grow up peacefully.

The girl was named 'Liu Yingqing'.

So far, the couple has two sons and two daughters, making up two 'good' characters!

Originally planned to take an eight-day vacation, because of the arrival of two children, Liu Tao took four more days off, a total of twelve days off.

After he returned to Panshan Machinery Factory, he took care of his work and went to Jiangcheng with his guards and materials.

Jiangcheng, 701 Institute.

701 Institute, also known as the 701 Research Institute, also known as the 'Huaxia Ship Research and Design Center', was founded in 1958 and has been established for more than 24 years. It is affiliated to the State Shipbuilding Corporation.

701 Institute is a key research institute of ship technology and marine engineering in my country. It is the only core scientific research unit that undertakes the overall research and design tasks of surface and underwater ships at the same time. It is also a national first-level confidentiality qualification unit.

701 Institute is a department-level unit, which is considered to be a very high level among research institutions.

"Comrade Liu Tao, you are finally here, everyone is waiting for you!" Chen Xinghua of the State Shipbuilding Corporation personally greeted him at the gate.

At the gate of 701 Institute, there were fully armed guards standing guard.

"Comrade Chen Xinghua!" Liu Tao nodded slightly. The two had the same administrative level, but Chen Xinghua was an old revolutionary and an old cadre who had worked in the shipbuilding industry for a lifetime.

This time, the State Shipbuilding Corporation mobilized technical backbone forces from 701, 702, 704, 708, 711, and 719 Institutes to gather at 701 Institute.

There is no way. It is really an advanced frigate, which has a huge milestone significance for China's shipbuilding industry.

And this new frigate will be handed over to Dalian Shipyard for construction.

All of these are under the jurisdiction of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation.

After Liu Tao proposed it, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation mobilized a large number of elite soldiers to participate in it and master the advanced technology.

This time, Liu Tao brought the design data and let the technical staff look at it first. If there is anything unclear, Liu Tao will explain it.

People of different majors will look at different parts of the data.

These people will participate in the construction of the entire new frigate, and Liu Tao will also participate in the entire construction process.

Chen Xinghua is responsible for organizing and coordinating affairs.

After all, Liu Tao belongs to the weapons industry system and is not familiar with the shipbuilding industry system. The China State Shipbuilding Corporation has to organize and coordinate.

The construction cost of the new frigate is also borne by Panshan Group.

The steel plates used in the new frigate are not the previous steel plates, nor the steel recycled from the previous warships. After all, the quality of those is average. This time, the steel is newly smelted, and the strength of the steel is much higher than that used in the previous Type 051 destroyer.

Of course, this kind of steel is only suitable for building frigates and destroyers, and cannot meet the requirements of building aircraft carriers. The steel required for building aircraft carriers is higher.

Half a month later.

Dalian Shipyard.

This is one of the important shipbuilding bases in China. The first ship of the Type 051 destroyer, the "Jinan", was built at the Dalian Shipyard.

Dalian Shipyard has an annual shipbuilding capacity of 50,000 tons, a ship repair capacity of 200,000 tons, and a production capacity of 1,500 to 2,000 tons of cast steel anchor chains. This is a capability that was acquired after the state invested 70.92 million yuan in the first technical transformation in 1957, which took 10 years.

At present, Dalian Shipyard has 3 75-ton overhead cranes, a 622-meter outfitting dock, a hull joint workshop, and workshops and workshops for machinery, electricians, engines, tools, etc., as well as oxygen stations, acetylene stations, 66 kV substations, etc.

After the first technical transformation, Dalian Shipyard was able to build 10,000-ton merchant ships. It also realized the transformation from ship repair to shipbuilding for the first time, and became an important shipbuilding industrial base in northern China.

Everyone walked onto the slipway.

At this time, there were already quite a few people below.

On the temporary stage, the naval leader walked to the microphone and gave a speech: "Comrades, I am very happy to be here on behalf of the navy to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the first Type 054 ship No. 541. For our navy, this is the beginning of a new era."

"A century of humiliation and the history of being invaded by the powers are still vivid. These facts tell us that backwardness will be beaten. We must have a strong navy, strong warships, and strong warships! The Type 054 frigate will be the sword-carrying guard of our navy. We look forward to No. 541 being launched and serving as soon as possible, and we also look forward to more warships entering the sequence of our navy!"

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause.

As the Navy leaders announced the official start of construction, the plasma cutting machine began to cut the first steel plate, and the construction of the first Type 054 frigate officially kicked off!

The sun in the east shines on the shipyard and the empty slipway. It won't be long before a brand new warship will appear here!

Liu Tao's eyes are full of determination. He believes that the Chinese Navy will definitely have powerful warships, and the Chinese Navy will also become stronger from weak. It only takes 20 to 30 years for the Chinese Navy to definitely make the world look at it and form a Great Wall to resist jackals and tigers at sea.

Now it is just a frigate, and there will be destroyers, cruisers, and even aircraft carriers when China's shipbuilding industry develops to a certain level and has more skilled workers and technical talents!

Of course, even if he makes advanced frigates, it is impossible to mass-produce them in one fell swoop.

According to estimates, the cost of a Type 054 frigate is 90 million yuan, and this is when he has solved all the technical problems, otherwise the cost will be even higher.

But even so, the construction period of the first Type 054 frigate 541 will take as long as one and a half years.

It can be seen from this that the construction cycle of large warships is long.

The entire Dalian Shipyard currently has the ability to start construction of only one ship, and it is not capable of starting construction of two ships at the same time.

Moreover, after the production of this frigate, it must undergo a series of tests and only deliver it to the navy after there are no problems.

After the navy uses it, it thinks it is possible and places an order, and then it will build more frigates of the same type.

Although the frigate is now paid for by Southwest Ordnance Industry, it is the Navy that pays for it in the end.

Of course, the cost of 90 million yuan is not expensive. The cost of the first Type 053 frigate was as high as 46 million yuan.

Originally, a total of 12 Type 053 frigates were planned to be built. Now, except for the second ship No. 534 under construction, all other plans have been temporarily stopped. The Navy wants to see the situation of the Type 054 frigate. If the Type 054 frigate is really advanced, the Navy will naturally not continue to build the Type 053 frigate.

After all, in terms of naval ships, performance is often more valued than quantity.

In naval battles, advanced warships can often exert better combat effectiveness, while backward warships often become targets.

The missile vertical launch system and anti-ship missiles equipped on the Type 054 frigate alone make the Navy full of expectations.

Anyway, the Navy has been under great pressure for more than one or two years, and the Navy does not mind waiting for an extra year and a half.

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