As the Spring Festival approaches, the entire Panshan Group is organizing activities to welcome the Spring Festival.

In the minds of most people, New Year's Day is not the Spring Festival, but the Spring Festival is the real Spring Festival.

People can be seen hanging lanterns and pasting couplets everywhere.

Liu Tao is also preparing for the last party group meeting before the Spring Festival. This meeting is a link between the past and the future, a summary of the past, and a plan for the new year.

In the past year, Panshan Group has achieved brilliant results, but it has also exposed many problems. The brilliant results need to be affirmed, and the exposed problems must also be solved.

In the new year, the office has started two months ago.

February 10, 1983, the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, at 9 o'clock in the morning.

In the conference room, the Panshan Group Party Group meeting was held as scheduled.

Liu Tao, Zhao Guoping, Xue Yunpeng, Li Fuguo, Li Ming, Chen Chuan, Li Zhen, Zhang Chunjian, and Zhu Yusheng all attended the meeting.

Everyone made a comprehensive summary of the past year and reflected on the problems exposed in their respective jurisdictions.

Liu Tao did the same.

"Comrade Chen Chuan mentioned the corruption and power-for-sex issues just now. This phenomenon must be prevented." Liu Tao said in a deep voice.

"It's only been a few days since the good days, and you dare to reach out. It's simply unreasonable!" Liu Tao was also a little angry.

This is because the standards are set relatively loose. If the investigation is really carried out according to strict standards, I am afraid that more cadres will be dealt with.

Corruption is never a trivial matter.

A thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant hole!

The impact of these bugs is too destructive.

"The construction of cheap party and government is urgent! Let everyone understand that being a clean person, doing things cleanly, and being an upright cadre!" Liu Tao said in a deep voice.

The salary system implemented by Panshan Group is definitely at a high level in the mainland. Everyone gets a high income. In addition, they eat and live in the factory, and education is also borne by the factory. The same is true for medical care. Very few people really need to bear the burden of individuals. It is no exaggeration to say that every household has savings, and there are many households with a million yuan.

In this era, it is definitely envied by everyone.

At least every time Panshan Group recruits, everyone is scrambling for the job here.

In the past two years, I have successfully attracted a group of talents by giving speeches at universities.

However, even so, corruption and power-for-sex transactions are on the rise, which is simply intolerable to Liu Tao.

"Next, the construction of party style work must be strengthened." Liu Tao also realized that it is not enough to just have a relaxed environment, and it is not enough to have the sword of Damocles hanging over the head of the Discipline Inspection Group. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of ideological work.

Liu Tao felt sad that Zhang Weihong, a former Panshan Machinery Factory veteran, chose to fall.

This is also the highest-ranking cadre who was dealt with in the past year.

You know, he treated the old people of Panshan Machinery Factory very well. Those with ability will be promoted first, and those with insufficient ability will often receive corresponding treatment. At least they can live a comfortable life.

Zhang Weihong was finally assigned a villa, and I don't know how many people would envy her.

But Zhang Weihong actually wanted to engage in power-for-sex transactions, but was reported by a female college student who had just graduated, and he capsized in the gutter.

In the afternoon, it is about the planning for the new year.

Next, more factories will be put into use, which are all key tasks.

In addition, it is the further support and improvement of supporting factories.

"Starting this year, the "Trial Measures for the Profit-to-Tax Reform of State-owned Enterprises" formulated by the superiors will be implemented. Southwest Ordnance Industry will pay taxes at 10% of its turnover, and Southwest Industry will pay taxes at 20% of its turnover." Liu Tao added at the end.

The document "Trial Measures for the Profit-to-Tax Reform of State-owned Enterprises" is formulated to promote the establishment and improvement of the economic responsibility system in state-owned enterprises, further invigorate the economy, correctly handle the interests of the state, enterprises and employees, and ensure the stable growth of national fiscal revenue.

This document stipulates that all profitable state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises shall pay income tax at an interest rate of 55% based on the realized profits. After the enterprise pays income tax, part of the profit shall be handed over to the state, and part shall be left to the enterprise according to the retained profit level approved by the state. The part handed over to the state can be handed over in four ways according to the different situations of the enterprise: incremental lump sum, fixed ratio, payment of adjustment tax, and fixed quota lump sum.

Panshan Group is a reform pilot unit, which is not within the scope of regulations. However, the state and local governments need to have fiscal revenue. The leaders above personally found him, so there was this fixed interest rate, and taxes were paid directly according to the fixed interest rate of turnover.

After paying taxes, the funds are used for the development of Panshan Group itself.

In addition, Liu Tao emphasized a key project for next year, which is the construction of Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Company.

Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Company will invest 3 billion to renovate the shipyard so that the shipyard has the ability to build large ships.

This is the shipbuilding industry. The huge investment in a shipyard is simply shocking.

This can also be said to be the largest single investment since their establishment.

According to Liu Tao's plan, the shipyard after construction can build large warships and large merchant ships.

Like now in China, there is no shipyard that can build large warships of more than 5,000 tons or merchant ships of more than 10,000 tons.

The entire construction project will last about three years.

After completion, it will become the largest shipyard in China.

Liu Tao is not afraid that such a large investment will not be recovered. Whether it is building warships or merchant ships, the investment will be recovered in a few years.

After the meeting, it was already evening.

Liu Tao arranged for his secretary to ask the canteen to prepare a table of dishes for everyone to eat together.

Usually everyone is very busy at work, and they may not get together once a month.

That is, the party group meeting is the time when the most people are together.

Now it is the end of the year and the Spring Festival is coming. Liu Tao took this opportunity to have a meal with everyone, and even made an exception and put out two bottles of Moutai.

When he was working, Liu Tao almost never drank a drop of alcohol.

And this kind of leading by example also affected others. Even if other units or higher-ups came to inspect, they often would not hold a special banquet. They would arrange accommodation in the factory’s guesthouse and eat in the canteen like other workers.

As for what you want to buy, you can go to the mall and buy it with your own money.

Liu Tao poured a glass of wine for everyone, and then raised his glass first: "Comrades, thank you for your support over the past year, and I look forward to our joint efforts to create new glories!"


Everyone drank the glass of wine in their hands together.

Compared to the meeting, the atmosphere at this time has become much more relaxed.

Everyone can talk about whatever they want.

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