It was because of Liu Tao's relationship that he was able to get the order from Jinlong Computer.

And it was the technicians of Jinlong Computer who came to him to teach the workers how to produce screws.

But in less than a year, he had already made more than 200,000 yuan in Pengcheng.

Now everyone would be shocked by the 10,000 yuan households. 10,000 yuan households are already incredible. He made 200,000 yuan in less than a year.

And before the Chinese New Year, Jinlong Computer gave an order for the new year. Qian Huaqiang calculated that according to that order, he could make a full 500,000 yuan!

In less than a year in Pengcheng, Qian Huaqiang felt an unprecedented impact.

He found that it was so easy to make more money.

"Brother, Huaqiang said that Jinlong Computer exported 10 billion US dollars last year. Is it true?" Liu Hongying couldn't help asking.

When she heard it, she was shocked beyond words.

After all, a factory can actually export 10 billion US dollars. This is incredible.

Liu Tao nodded: "Yes, there are so many, and there will be more in the new year!"

At this time, personal computers are absolutely high-end products. Jinlong computers are very popular in Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States. Even if the price is not low, they are in short supply.

For such a high export, Liu Tao is honestly not surprised at all, because the performance of Jinlong computers has reached the leading level of personal computers in the world.

"My goodness!" Liu Hongying was amazed.

Liu Honglei said, "I am also learning about computers, but I still can't figure out why those foreigners spend so much money to buy a computer?"

Under the influence of Liu Tao, Liu Honglei has already learned how to use computers.

In the past year, two groups of 200 people have been able to use computers for office work, including technical departments, logistics departments, and office staff.

There are a total of 200 computers, which are used for office work.

"I have applied for a self-employed business now, so I am a legal practitioner. I am just afraid that there will be some reversals." Qian Huaqiang said: "The output of these people now is not enough to complete the orders." According to the latest regulations, whether it is a self-employed business depends on the number of employees. Normally, it should not be less than 6 people, and it is relaxed to 8 people for those with technical content. This regulation is like a red line, which makes people dare not cross it. Because everyone is afraid that after crossing this red line, they will eat peanuts. Liu Tao smiled and said: "This is not simple. You can register another self-employed business and hire a few more people at that time. Can't this be avoided!" "Can it be operated like this?" Qian Huaqiang was a little dumbfounded. Liu Tao asked back: "Is there a regulation that it is not allowed?" Qian Huaqiang shook his head. There is no regulation that one person can only open one self-employed business. "But this is just a temporary helpless move. When the country relaxes restrictions, we will register a company and pay taxes." Liu Tao said, "You may not know that the country is strengthening tax rectification. Last year, it began to implement individual income tax payment and related industrial and commercial taxes and resource taxes on a trial basis."

1981 was definitely a milestone for China's tax law.

First of all, it is individual income tax. If the monthly income exceeds 800 yuan, then you have to pay individual income tax.

A monthly salary of 800 yuan almost means that most people do not have to pay individual income tax, because most people's monthly salary is 30 to 40 yuan, 40 to 50 yuan.

Only those foreign companies and Hong Kong and Taiwan companies will offer such high salaries.

For the current individual income tax, most people have no feeling.

Even Liu Tao, whose monthly income has exceeded 1,000 yuan, is not eligible to pay individual income tax because his basic salary is 217 yuan!

And this is already an absolutely high salary!

His bonuses are mostly from scientific and technological achievements, as well as the above rewards, which are all exempt from individual income tax.

In addition to individual income tax, there is unit tax.

From January 16 to 27 last year, the Ministry of Finance held a national taxation work conference and a symposium on corporate financial work in Beijing. The main content of the conference was to implement the spirit of the above work conference, focus on adjusting and stabilizing the economy, and discuss and deploy the taxation work in 1981 with this as the center. This includes piloting value-added tax in the machinery and agricultural industries in some areas with conditions; and preparing to pilot resource tax in the oil industry.

This is also the first time that the country has proposed to use taxation instead of profit payment as the direction of reform.

Last year, Panshan Machinery Factory was restructured. Huaxia Panshan Group Corporation and Huaxia Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation belong to military factories and bear heavy responsibilities, so they naturally do not need to pay taxes.

However, Huaxia Southwest Industrial Group Corporation and its subordinate companies in various civilian fields have paid taxes.

This is also the "profit-to-tax"!

For example, Jinlong Group exported US$1 billion in the first year, and paid US$170 million at a tax rate of 17%. Of course, due to the mandatory settlement policy, 70% of them were settled in RMB, that is, RMB 1.7796 billion, of which RMB 302.5 million was taxed.

There are other aspects. In just two months, we also paid tens of millions in taxes.

This is because some products are exempt from taxes, otherwise we would have paid more.

"Brother-in-law, you must remember to pay taxes on time. The most important thing for us in this business is not to leave any handles." Liu Tao said to Qian Huaqiang, "Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will not be worth it."

"Brother, it's not as serious as you say. Last year, there were several times when the tax collectors went to collect taxes, but they were beaten and couldn't collect taxes at all." Liu Hongying said.

Liu Tao didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this.

It was announced on September 10, 1980. The collection period was only three months that year, and 160,000 yuan of personal income tax was collected. This year, the total personal income tax collected was only 5 million yuan.

Last year, the higher-ups were very angry, and even Renren Daily published an article entitled "Supporting the Taxation Department to Collect Taxes in Accordance with the Law", which emphasized that governments at all levels should attach importance to taxation work and support the taxation department to rectify and strictly enforce tax discipline.

"For tax matters, we must support the government and pay taxes in time. We must pay as much as we should, and we must not leave any handles." Liu Tao said.

The higher-ups even talked to him personally, asking him to take the lead and set a good example. All supporting factories must pay taxes on time. As a result, I don't know how many people scolded him.

Liu Tao didn't reject this. On the contrary, he was very supportive, because this was the general trend. Without taxes, the higher-ups would have to starve, let alone development.

If he refuses, maybe a document from above will require him to hand over the profits, which will be even worse.

He doesn't want his relatives to fall into this trap.

It will be more trouble than gain.

"Yes, all of this is paid. We require 2,000 yuan per month." Qian Huaqiang said.

Liu Tao nodded slightly. Although it is now required to pay according to individual income tax, in fact, the number is given, and you just need to pay it.

There are only about 200,000 tax officials in the country now, and this is because the authorities approved an increase of 80,000 tax officials last year.

It is impossible for 200,000 people to cover everything.

Even the national tax system itself is a mess now. It has not been sorted out clearly internally. Most tax officials don't even know which taxes to collect and how to collect them.

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