The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 271 The ball is round, and everything is possible!

The UK is no longer the world hegemon of the ‘Empire on which the sun never sets’.

After World War II, the UK’s national power declined greatly, and its military strength also declined greatly.

The total strength of the British army is now 327,600, with 163,100 regular troops, 900 army tanks, 467 military aircraft, 27 conventional attack submarines, 60 surface warships, 3 aircraft carriers, 6 attack nuclear submarines, and 4 ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

Argentina is a big country in South America, and its military strength is second only to Brazil. Argentina's air force is equipped with 17 Mirage 3 interceptors, 37 Short Arrow fighter-bombers purchased from Israel, 45 A-4B/C Skyhawk attack aircraft, 10 Canberra Mk.62 light bombers, 35 IA-58 Placa light attack aircraft, 7 C-130 transport aircraft and 2 KC-130 tankers, 2 P-2 Neptune anti-submarine patrol aircraft, and several helicopters.

Argentina's navy has a total of 36,000 people and 13 missile destroyers, including 2 British-built Type 42 missile destroyers, 4 Admiral Brown-class destroyers, 4 domestically produced MEKO140 frigates and 3 French-built A-69 light frigates. The submarine force has 3 modern conventional submarines, as well as the aircraft carrier "May 25".

It seems that the British army is still stronger than the Argentine army, but you have to know that the polar bear is eyeing them now. Even if there is a war, the British army cannot invest so many troops.

Liu Tao's face is normal. He has met many foreigners and knows their attitude towards Chinese weapons and equipment. At the beginning, they were full of contempt.

Everyone's first choice is Soviet-made equipment and American-made equipment, and the second choice is equipment from traditional European powers such as Britain and France.

As for Chinese weapons and equipment, everyone will only consider it when it is given for free.

Once they ask for money, everyone shakes their heads faster than anyone else.

"At least our country can produce weapons and equipment by itself. I wonder if Argentina can do it?" Liu Tao smiled lightly.

Martino's face changed.

Because this is a naked slap in the face.

Argentina has borrowed a large amount of foreign debt to promote development, resulting in a high debt. Now it is even unable to repay the interest on the foreign debt and is in a debt crisis. However, Argentina has not been able to transform from an agricultural country to an industrial country. In terms of military industry, it is far from comparable to China.

Many of Argentina's weapons, equipment and ammunition have to be imported.

Liu Tao looked at Martino and said, "According to the information I received, the British are preparing for war. Once you are about to land on the Falkland Islands, I am afraid that the British will not hesitate to start a war to retake the Falkland Islands."

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Martino said firmly. He did not believe that the British would fight Argentina across 130 million kilometers for a broken island.

"The ball is round, everything is possible!" Liu Tao smiled lightly, "Of course, if the war breaks out, please contact me."

Then, Liu Tao left a contact information and left.

He knew that South America, as a former colony of Europe, had a natural admiration for those suzerain countries.

In such a matter, there would be such a naive idea. It was simply a fantasy to want them to buy weapons and equipment.

But he believed that once the war broke out, Martino would definitely contact him.

Because at that time, Argentina could no longer obtain weapons and ammunition from overseas, and even because the French gave the data of the "Flying Fish" to the British, the "Flying Fish" never destroyed British warships again.

But before that, he had to be prepared.

Martino frowned and wanted to tear off the paper.

But reason stopped him, and Martino casually put the paper into the drawer.

"Damn it, there are evil arms dealers in this land, and they are so blatant." Martino cursed in a low voice.

This simply subverted his understanding of China.

"But how did he know that we are about to attack the Falkland Islands and take back the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands!?" Martino frowned slightly, and was quite puzzled.

You should know that the two sides are still in the stage of verbal war.

But the outside world does not think that the two sides will really fight, because the British economy is in a mess now, and life is not easy.

After leaving, Liu Tao went to visit a few old friends.

After all, these are all customers, parents who provide food and clothing.

After visiting a circle, he got some small orders, which was considered a New Year's gift.

Liu Tao was not unhappy because of the small orders, and his face was full of smiles. No matter how small the mosquito meat is, it is meat.

A dozen orders accumulated, that is also an order of more than one billion US dollars.

Liu Tao did not raise the price of Type 56 semi-automatic rifles and bullets, and still negotiated at the previous price. Only some advanced weapons and equipment will have their prices increased appropriately.

Some friends in Africa do not have high requirements for weapons. The only requirement is not to end with foreign exchange, but to jointly develop resources. Liu Tao also agreed to all of these.

Jointly developing minerals is a win-win cooperation, and there is no reason not to do it.

He also did this in Nanyang.

It’s just that some Chinese families in Nanyang are rich, have foreign exchange or gold, and can use this to get more favorable prices.

But at the same time, he is also working with some families and forces in Nanyang to jointly develop mineral resources or do wood business.

And these minerals are often transported to Yun Province, and then transported to steel mills for refining.

When Liu Tao returned to the courtyard, Liu Hongying and Liu Honglei were eating melon seeds and chatting there, and the children were playing in the yard.

His two brothers-in-law were making tea there.

Qian Huaqiang went to Pengcheng to start a business. Relying on the start-up capital given by Liu Tao and the orders from Jinlong Computer, his business was going smoothly. This time when he returned to Beijing, he paid back 100,000 yuan.

"Pengcheng is really different from Beijing. It is developing very fast, and many places are construction sites." Qian Huaqiang was introducing the changes in Pengcheng.

With the national policy tilt and a lot of investment, Pengcheng has developed very fast, and many places have been turned into construction sites and are under construction.

"Weimin, why don't you go to the sea too? Go to Pengcheng, and you will definitely be able to develop by then." Qian Huaqiang said.

Chen Weimin shook his head and said, "No, I'm doing well in the factory. We are forging swords for the country and building national defense."

"Brother-in-law, everyone has their own ambitions, don't force it." Liu Tao smiled, "What my second brother-in-law is doing now may not be worse than you in the future."

"Yes, yes, you are the one!" Qian Huaqiang gave Liu Tao a thumbs up. He went to Pengcheng and realized Liu Tao's powerful influence.

Jinlong Computer is already the largest enterprise in Pengcheng. The huge factory area and continuous recruitment are jaw-dropping.

Even he relies on Jinlong Computer to make a living.

Feng Defeng, who is a big shot in Pengcheng and talks and laughs with the big bosses in Hong Kong, can see Feng Defeng at any time because of his relationship with Liu Tao.

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