This batch of goods from Saudi Arabia was shipped out smoothly.

The next morning, Liu Tao set out on his return journey.

In November, Liu Tao accompanied the provincial leaders to the Chaishitan Reservoir.

At present, the Chaishitan Reservoir has not been fully built, but it has begun to supply water to the irrigation area for the first time during the dry season.

The two irrigation areas of Yiliang and Shilin have reached an astonishing 378,100 mu, which is definitely a huge help for the local area. With this reservoir, it means that these places are not afraid of drought again.

Looking at the water flowing out through the water culvert through the channel, Liu Tao couldn't help but feel shocked. The water conservancy project really benefits a place. No wonder it will become a major political achievement. The construction of such a reservoir can ensure that nearly 380,000 mu of land has sufficient water for irrigation, and it also has a significant flood control effect. It can supply water to the surrounding areas and generate a lot of electricity every year.

Although it will take about half a year for Chaishitan to be truly completed and generate a lot of electricity, it has already made Liu Tao fantasize.

To be honest, Liu Tao has seen the support of Yunnan Province for Panshan Machinery Factory.

Water and electricity are used by Panshan Machinery Factory first.

Many rural areas, towns and even county towns may not have electricity for one hour a day, and all the electricity is delivered to the factories of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Similarly, there was enough drinking water before, but now the water is cut off from time to time, and the water is delivered to the factories of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Prioritizing the production of Panshan Machinery Factory has been proposed many times by the province.

With the completion of these large reservoir hydropower stations and medium-sized reservoir hydropower stations, the shortage of water and electricity can be solved.

But Liu Tao knows that with the development of society, the demand for water and electricity will increase significantly, and the construction of reservoirs and hydropower stations will increase more and more.

Water, electricity and roads are the three most powerful pillars behind industrialization.

Liu Tao has a deep understanding of this.

Without sufficient water and electricity, there is no industrialization at all.

It is precisely because of this practical experience that each production base in Guangxi, Guizhou, and Sichuan is equipped with at least two large reservoir hydropower stations and four medium-sized reservoir hydropower stations.

This is to ensure that even if there is a problem with one line, the other lines can be guaranteed, and at the same time reserve space for future development.

Yunnan Province does not have the financial resources to build reservoir hydropower stations, and the same is true for other provinces.

Even because there are not so many state-owned factories that need financial investment, the situation in Yunnan Province is still good, while the situation in the other three provinces is quite bad.

State-owned factories, especially those related to military industry, are all hungry and have to rely on financial investment to operate.

These reservoir hydropower stations and even roads have to be invested by Panshan Machinery Factory itself.

Liu Tao accompanied the leaders to inspect the construction site, including the Chaishitan Reservoir and the irrigation area.

Seeing the leaders chatting kindly with workers and ordinary people, Liu Tao was very touched. This is a real Communist Party member. They are practicing the great man’s words "serve the people" and are truly serving the people.

Who can imagine that in the future, with the development of the economy, a township cadre will still have attended university.

At least Liu Tao has not seen such a cadre so far.

In this era, no one dares to be too arrogant.

But what about the future.

At lunch, the leaders, like everyone else, used the same bowls and ate the same rice, and they ate with relish. There were only some simple dishes, with very little meat, and even no oil.

Liu Tao was not calm.

He had contact with many leaders, but it was rare for him to see the leaders at this moment.

He believed that there were many such leaders, because they all came from that era, they knew how easy it was to establish the Republic, and now the Republic is hard-won. They also deeply remembered the great man's earnest advice and kept in mind the purpose of "serving the people".

"Comrade Liu Tao, did you encounter any problems in the restructuring of your Panshan Machinery Factory? Do you need help from the province? Will the funds be tight?" The leader suddenly asked Liu Tao.

Liu Tao was a little surprised.

You know, because Panshan Machinery Factory is now directly under the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building, the provincial leaders will hardly ask about Panshan Machinery Factory.

Even this time, the province never asked about the restructuring of Panshan Machinery Factory.

This is a matter within the jurisdiction.

Liu Tao hurriedly said: "Leader, the restructuring of our Panshan Machinery Factory is going smoothly now. Although it is a matter of feeling our way forward, we have been preparing in advance, and the employees also support our restructuring work."

"Funds are not a problem. We have enough funds now." Liu Tao said, "Even for college graduates in the province, we hope that the province will allocate more college students to us at that time. We are now eager for college students."

"Haha, this is no problem. We will give you a proper preference for the first batch of undergraduate graduates next year and allocate more college students to you." The leader laughed, "But this batch of college students are all precious, and all departments and units are eyeing them. The number is still too limited, and we can't give you too much."

Next July will be the time for the first batch of undergraduate college students to graduate after the resumption of the college entrance examination.

In the first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination, a total of 270,000 people were admitted nationwide, with an admission rate as low as 4.74%!

And the 270,000 people are not all undergraduate college students, but the total number of undergraduate colleges and junior colleges admitted.

The number of students admitted to undergraduate universities is even smaller, and each one of them can be said to be a treasure.

The state not only provides subsidies for college students, but also allows them to almost never ask for money from their families. If they save money, they can even send money home, and they can be assigned jobs after graduation.

The college students of this era are undoubtedly the happiest. They can be said to have the least worries. They don't have to worry about work after graduation. They have plenty of time to recite poems and pursue romance.

"As many as you can assign, thirty or fifty is not too much, and three or five is not too little." Liu Tao smiled and said.

He also coveted this batch of undergraduate students. Not only in the four southwestern provinces, but also in the five machine-building departments.

And after the Chinese New Year, he will take everyone to Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University and other universities to recruit in person, instead of waiting for others to assign them to the factory, which is too passive.

The leader laughed, but he still agreed.

The size of Panshan Machinery Factory can be said to be the largest in the entire Yunnan Province.

Perhaps in less than three years, the entire Panshan Machinery Factory will have more than 150,000 employees in Yunnan Province, plus their families, more than 600,000 people are guaranteed.

Moreover, there are also many enterprises related to Panshan Machinery Factory, which are definitely those that Yunnan Province needs to protect.

Not to mention that the leaders above mentioned Panshan Machinery Factory more than once, which further shows the importance of Panshan Machinery Factory.

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