Early morning.

It's just dawn.

The cargo ship leaves the dock.

Liu Tao looked at the east. Gradually, the orange-yellow color appeared slightly on the eastern horizon. As time went by, the orange-yellow color continued to spread and became thicker and thicker. The sun slowly rose from the sea, and everything around him was dyed. golden.

"Watching the sunrise at the beach is indeed a kind of enjoyment, it's so beautiful!" Liu Tao praised.

The depth of the sea and the brilliance of the sun intertwine into a beautiful prelude in the morning, surrounding the sky above the sea.

Liu Zhenbang was smoking a cigarette, and the smoke was swirling around.

Liu Zhenbang said with a smile: "Only young people like you can appreciate the beauty of the sunrise. We older people have only known our destiny for fifty years. How can we have such thoughts to watch the sunrise."

In fact, speaking of it, Liu Zhenbang is only 51 years old now, and he is still in the prime of life. He needs experience, experience, and connections. This is the best time in life.

It's just that he may have experienced too much, and Liu Zhenbang appears to be more mature than Liu Tao's impression of a fifty-year-old middle-aged man.

At least in terms of enjoying life, Liu Tao felt that Liu Zhenbang didn't know how to enjoy life.

Liu Zhenbang usually smokes cigarettes, drinks a few drinks, and then plays chess with the uncles in the park.

As for other hobbies, such as singing or practicing calligraphy, there are none.

Liu Zhenbang even complained more than once that his life goal is to work steadily until retirement, and then enjoy retirement life, play chess with others every morning and evening, drink and brag, instead of being as busy as he is now.

Even with the same salary, I didn’t get more, but I did a lot more things.

It is true that the foreign trade working group handles big business, and there will also be business trip subsidies, bonuses, etc. every month, but the big business money handled by the foreign trade working group does not belong to individuals, but belongs to the country.

Liu Tao sometimes jokes that Liu Zhenbang's ideological awareness is not enough!

Of course, Liu Zhenbang would not do it if Liu Zhenbang was asked to engage in favoritism or reach out for money that he should not take. He has strong principles. Otherwise, Liu Hongying would not have been allowed to stay in Beidahuang for more than ten years and Liu Honglei would not have been allowed to stay in Beidahuang for more than ten years. Yun Province for more than ten years.

"If you have time in the future, you can also take my mother to the beach to watch the sunrise and take a walk on the beach." Liu Tao smiled.

Liu Zhenbang said: "It's still early to retire. Maybe I will have to devote my whole life to the party and the country."

At this time, the cadre retirement system has not yet been introduced, and cadres can work until the day they die.

However, Liu Tao knew that the retirement of cadres would be launched soon.

After breakfast, Liu Zhenbang sent someone to take Al to the airport to fly back to the capital, while Liu Tao and Liu Zhenbang stayed at the dock.

Because next, the first batch of goods will be delivered to Saudi Arabia.

Yesterday, people from Saudi Arabia actually arrived in Yangcheng and were accommodated in a hotel by the foreign trade working group.

In the afternoon, the staff of the foreign trade working group will bring the Saudi people to the dock.

Liu Tao and Liu Zhenbang both had lunch at the pier. This pier now belongs to Panshan Machinery Factory, and there are people working here for a long time.

Moreover, this terminal is under closed management, and there are armed security guards standing guard.

The food here is not bad, Liu Tao and Liu Zhenbang ate with gusto.

At this time, Feng Defeng also came to the dock.

At this time, Feng Defeng was already the deputy director of Panshan Machinery Factory, responsible for all the affairs of Panshan Machinery Factory in Guangdong Province. Feng Defeng was responsible for the construction of a large warehouse.

After eating, Feng Defeng reported to Liu Tao alone.

Feng Defeng carefully reported on his work in Guangdong Province during this period. Since taking charge of the work in Guangdong Province, Feng Defeng has been here in Guangdong Province for a long time and does not necessarily return to Panshan Machinery Factory once a year.

Liu Tao listened to Feng Defeng's work report and wrote in his notes with a pen from time to time.

After Feng Defeng finished his report, Liu Tao asked: "How did the cadres who went to study in Xiangjiang perform?"

As early as two months ago, Panshan Machinery Factory sent a group of cadres to Xiangjiang to study.

Feng Defeng is in charge of this matter. After all, he has been in Guangdong Province for a long time and is the deputy general manager of King Long Computer. He has the most contact with the Huo Group and other businessmen in Xiangjiang.

"The current situation is not bad, but everyone has been hit hard and their faith can't help but be shaken." Feng Defeng hesitated.

Liu Tao was not surprised, it was normal to be shocked.

At this time, Xiangjiang was already the first of the Four Asian Tigers. Last year's GDP reached 28.862 billion U.S. dollars, and the per capita GDP was 5,700 U.S. dollars. It can be said to be quite prosperous, and its economic development far exceeds that of the mainland.

It's a capital society, and everything is money-oriented.

At this time, the average monthly salary for middle-level workers in Xiangjiang has reached 3,000 US dollars, while the average salary in China is about 30 to 40 yuan, a difference of 115 times.

With such a huge gap, coupled with the high-rise buildings and busy traffic in Xiangjiang, one can imagine the mental impact caused by the visual impact.

"Director, should you let this group of cadres come back and stop sending cadres to Xiangjiang in the future?" Feng Defeng hesitated and suggested.

Liu Tao waved his hand and said: "According to the original training plan, let this group of cadres stay for half a year to see more, listen more, and learn more about other people's advanced concepts."

"The second batch of cadres will arrive in Pengcheng in a few days, and a company in Xiangjiang will also be established, using Xiangjiang as a bridgehead to sell our products to Xiangjiang, Europe and the United States!" Liu Tao said, and he has never wavered on this point. .

"For cadres who go to work in Xiangjiang, their wages can be raised a little, and food and accommodation are included, but they must be established early." Whether it is the TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, radios, motorcycles, and cars that will be produced next, relying solely on the mainland The market cannot develop because everyone is still very poor and has limited spending power. These items are still mainly exported.

Although it was a pleasure to cooperate with Huo Group on Golden Dragon Computer, and even Huo Group took this opportunity to make a lot of money in shipping, it did not mean that Liu Tao put all his hopes on Huo Yingdong's cooperation.

Eggs cannot be put in the same basket. Panshan Machinery Factory also needs to go out, work outside, constantly improve various abilities, and make progress in the market competition.

This is also an important reason why groups of cadres were sent to Xiangjiang.

"Understood, I will do this as soon as possible!" Feng Defeng said solemnly. He served as the deputy general manager of King Long Computer, and he was actually learning from the management of Xiangjiang.

After all, this kind of operation is very different from before.

In the past half year, Feng Defeng has been to Xiangjiang five times. He has also suffered a great impact. After all, his salary level at Panshan Machinery Factory is already very high, but his annual income is not as good as Xiangjiang. A white-collar worker's monthly income.

It is no exaggeration to say that the poor people in Xiangjiang become rich and wealthy people who are envied by everyone when they reach the mainland.

Liu Tao is the director of the factory. Now that the decision has been made, Feng Defeng will continue to implement it.

He believed in Liu Tao because Liu Tao was good at creating miracles and it was Liu Tao who developed and expanded Panshan Machinery Factory.

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