Beijing Hotel.

Al personally hosted Liu Tao for dinner.

After three rounds of drinks, the atmosphere was harmonious.

Liu Tao was shocked. He did not expect that the troops led by Rashid shot down 6 F15s and 8 F16s of the Israeli Air Force. Moreover, Rashid was promoted to colonel based on this military exploit. The troops were also expanded into an armored division and belonged to the Iraqi Republican Guard, becoming Saddam's trusted general.

This is also because the media is not well developed now. Otherwise, once the publicity is released, the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft machine guns, and "Vanguard" air defense missiles will become famous, and there is no need to worry about no orders.

Of course, he thinks this is pretty good, making money in a low-key manner without being targeted.

Liu Tao is a little afraid of the internationally famous "Mossad". Who knows if these lunatics will do something crazy.

Now they are not on the stage, but off the stage.

Anyway, he is an arms dealer. Iraq can buy, and Israel can buy it too!

"400 Type 80 tanks, 200 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and corresponding 5 basic shells, 2,000 portable air defense missiles." Al said: "According to the previous price, the total contract is 3.8 billion US dollars. Our condition is that at least 150 Type 80 tanks, 70 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and corresponding basic shells and 1,000 portable air defense missiles must be provided to us next year."

Liu Tao frowned.

This dog rich man is throwing money at him.

A 3.8 billion US dollar contract, this is a big contract, which makes Liu Tao's heart beat.

But the conditions are a bit harsh, after all, the quantity of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and tanks required to be delivered is really too large.

Next year, not only part of the order of Iraq must be delivered, but also part of the order of Saudi Arabia and Libya must be delivered.

If all of this is delivered to Iraq, what will Saudi Arabia and Libya do?

What's more, according to the production capacity plan, the output for the whole year of next year may not be enough to deliver to Iraq.

Give up! ?

Giving up making money has never been Liu Tao's personality.

With this order, just these foreign exchange can help the country a lot.

Liu Tao tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and after a moment of hesitation, he said: "I can agree to this condition, but I can't follow the previous price. You know, the US dollar is depreciating now, and the total contract is 4.5 billion US dollars!"

"After this year, maybe next year, it will cost 5 billion US dollars or even 6 billion US dollars!" Liu Tao said calmly.

Previously, the US inflation rate reached 13.5%, and the US Treasury bond interest rate was also as high as 11%. It can even be said that such a high Treasury bond interest rate still cannot keep up with the inflation level.

The depreciation of the US dollar is visible to the naked eye, and everyone can feel it.

This is why American weapons and equipment are getting more and more expensive.

Al frowned slightly, and then he was relieved.

After the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War, whenever Iraq bought weapons from Europe, the United States or the Soviet Union, the price would rise sharply without exception, and it was not uncommon for the price to double.

Liu Tao only increased by about 18.4%, which is already a completely conscience price.

It can even be said that it is not as good as the depreciation of the US dollar since this year.

"No problem!" Al nodded and agreed to Liu Tao's conditions.

Both parties were very efficient and signed the contract in less than a day.

Even the deposit was paid in less than two days. Liu Tao was surprised by the rich and inhumane.

But then he thought that although the Iran-Iraq War broke out, Iraq's oil exports were not affected at all. In fact, due to the increase in oil prices, the oil revenue was higher than before the war.

Although the current oil price is not as high as $40 per barrel as it was at the beginning of the war, the price of crude oil is still maintained at a high level of $36.8 per barrel because the oil in Persia can hardly be exported.

You can easily make money by mining oil, so you don't feel bad about spending money.

Although Liu Tao's order is large, he knows that both Iran and Iraq have purchased a large amount of weapons and ammunition during this period, and even the Persians have purchased J-5, J-6, and J-7.

As long as you can fly a plane, you can fly it to fight, even if you never come back.

On the battlefield, although the Persians have stabilized their front, the overall situation is still not favorable to Persia. No matter which way it is displayed, Iraq still has the upper hand.

If it weren't for Persia's large foreign exchange reserves and the continuous purchase of weapons and ammunition from outside, it would probably collapse now.

On Monday morning, Liu Tao went to the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building and reported to the leaders.

"During this period, we have developed the Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle. This infantry fighting vehicle has reached the world's first-class level, has good defense capabilities and firepower, and can help infantry improve their mobile combat capabilities." Liu Tao reported on the Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle. Although he had reported to Wang Baoguo on the phone before, it was not as detailed as a face-to-face report.

A group of leaders wrote in their notes that not long ago, China obtained a BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle from Egypt. The Fifth Ministry of Machine Building is planning to organize an expert team to conduct research on infantry fighting vehicles, so as to develop infantry fighting vehicles belonging to China.

For infantry fighting vehicles, leaders all know its role.

Infantry fighting vehicles are mainly used to cooperate with tanks in combat. Their mission is to quickly maneuver infantry units and destroy enemy light armored vehicles, infantry anti-tank fire points, manpower and low-flying targets.

It can be said that infantry fighting vehicles occupy a very important position in mechanized forces such as the Soviet Army and the US Army. It is precisely because of a large number of infantry fighting vehicles that the Soviet Army and the US Army have built mechanized forces.

Unexpectedly, just when an expert team was about to be organized to develop infantry fighting vehicles, Liu Tao sent the latest news that he had developed advanced infantry fighting vehicles.

No one doubted Liu Tao.

Liu Tao has long established his position in the field of Chinese firearms and armored vehicles by developing one weapon after another. He is undoubtedly the first person and the most authoritative expert.

Liu Tao is even the first person in the field of artillery.

Whether it is the anti-aircraft gun of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun or the tank gun, what Liu Tao developed is far ahead of the anti-aircraft guns and tank guns in China before.

"The Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle has 3 crew members and 7 passengers." Liu Tao said, "At present, our Panshan Machinery Factory is already in trial production. The infantry fighting vehicles produced are equipped with the synthetic brigade and tested by the synthetic brigade."

"Comrade Liu Tao, how much does the Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle cost?" A leader asked, obviously worried that the cost is too high and the troops can't afford it.

Liu Tao developed the Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle, which is a good thing. It can solve the problem of whether my country has infantry fighting vehicles and fill the gap in China's military industry in infantry fighting vehicles.

However, the more advanced the weapon, the higher the cost.

Sometimes even if Panshan Machinery Factory gives the cost price and does not make money, the troops still think it is expensive and cannot afford it!

Just like the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and the Type 80 tank, the performance is naturally extremely advanced and has reached the world's leading level. The troops are very jealous, but they did not purchase in large quantities because they think it is too expensive!

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